MTL - Beast Control Starts From Zero Points-Chapter 3 Change house

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Chapter 3 Changing Houses

“Mom, why are you slapping me on the back of the head?”

Ye Xiangting gritted her teeth, "It's a success if you wake up successfully. Why are you sighing when you come out!"

"The sister who examined me said that my brain fluctuates greatly and I should have a good rest, but the high school entrance examination is only 20 days away. Isn't this delaying my study." Qiao Sang looked innocent.

 Ye Xiangting: “…”

 “Mom, what are you doing!”

"What are you doing!"


 Where is the strong woman you promised!

 At the place where he originally stood, only the Qiao Liguo that came out with Qiao Sang was left messy in the wind.


Chasing and making noise is prohibited at the Animal Control Center!



As soon as he got home, Qiao Sang locked himself in the room and turned on the computer.

 I followed my mother's request to go to the Hangang Pet Base in the afternoon to select pets, but Qiao Sang refused.

As the mainstream beast masters in this world, it is naturally very important what kind of pet they choose, because it is very likely that a person can only contract one pet beast in his lifetime.

 The levels of the beastmaster range from low to high, starting from F and ending at SSS.

Level F beast masters are the simplest. As long as you awaken the beast master and contract a pet beast at the age of 15, you can go to the beast master center for certification.

 But to become an E-level beast master, you must first develop your brain to 10%, so that the beast master can contract a second pet beast.

 Then you have to cultivate two evolved pet beasts, that is, intermediate pet beasts.

 Then the notary of the Beast Control Alliance will conduct a 1V1 battle.

 Only after winning can the information be changed to E-level beast master.

 In order to cultivate intermediate pet beasts as early as possible, some people will choose insect-type extraordinary creatures with a short evolution cycle as contract partners.

But the insect-type pets that have just evolved are too weak after all. Only the beast masters with strong combat command can use them to win the game, and no one else can win the game.

 As a low-level student, the original person’s knowledge reserve was really insufficient, and the extraordinary creatures he remembered were all just good-looking ones.

 What's the use of being good-looking? Can you win a fight?

 How can she become a higher-level beastmaster if she can't win?

 When choosing pet beasts, of course, you should choose those with high potential and strong combat effectiveness.

If she goes to the Hanggang Pet Beast Base in the afternoon, she won’t even be able to recognize the names, attributes, and evolutions of those beasts. How can she choose?

Qiao Sang felt that there was no need to rush into this kind of thing, and he had to do his homework first.

 She opened the forum and logged in to her account "Genius but also stupid".

This ID fully proves that every bad student has a dream of counterattack.

 Qiao Sang did not choose to post a new post. The concept of beast masters in this world has been very mature, and there are thousands of new beast masters who have just awakened every year.

 Just browse through their various posts.

 Qiao Sang browsed the forum and saw at a glance all the content related to pet beasts.

  【I have been poisoned by the little scorpion! 】

  【Am I the only one who thinks the cotton worm's new form is ugly? 】

  【B-level beast master teaches you online how to get admitted to Nansheng Beast Control University. 】

  【The new beast-manager would like to ask if it is okay to contract the first pet beast, the little dragon? 】

Her eyes stayed on the last post.

 There is no humanity.

 The first pet beast was thinking about contracting the dragon type, and even posted a message asking others if it was possible?

 Everyone knows how powerful dragon pets are.

Excluding some extremely rare beasts, dragon-type pets are definitely the most expensive among all pets in terms of attributes alone.

 Those who don’t have mines at home will definitely not be able to afford it.

Even if someone bites the bullet and buys it, he or she will not be able to keep it. Dragon-type pets have a long evolution cycle, and even if they are delicious and delicious, they may not be able to evolve into an intermediate-level pet even if they are fed and fed for several years.

 If Qiao Sang wants to answer, of course it is not possible.

 Absolutely not!

 But there really needs to be a dragon pet beast placed in front of Qiao Sang waiting for her to make a contract.

That’s actually not so absolute…

Qiao Sang looked down and no longer paid attention to the post that made her heartbroken.

  【The new beast master recommends the sand dog! 】

 There are different voices in the comment area.

“I’m afraid the author didn’t let the sandhog sleep at night. Warm reminder, it will grind its teeth!”

“Why don’t you remind the owner upstairs what he will use to grind his teeth?”

 “I, Bai Shahu, express my dissatisfaction.”

 “The dark-haired turtle asks for a fight.”


With the development of beast-controlling civilization, people have long concluded that beasts suitable for new beastmasters to be pets.

 Little fat dove, white sand fox, short-tailed snake, sand dog, dark-haired turtle.

These five pet animals are moderately priced and can be afforded by most families, and they have a gentle temperament.

If cultivated properly, there will be absolutely no problem in evolving into a general-level pet by the third stage.

Most of the pet beasts that Qiao Sang saw posted by new beastmasters and asked about were these five types.

 The first pet animal in the mother's contract is the little fat dove, and the fat house dove is its evolved form.

As a flying pet, it basically flies slower than other flying beasts due to its fat body.

 It can become the first choice pet for new beastmasters simply because it can evolve into a powerful flying owl and become a general-level pet.

The White Sand Fox has strong attack power but weak defense power. Once it is hit, it will not last long.

Sandhogs are naturally good at digging holes and like to avoid, and generally don't like to be aggressive.

Although the dark-haired turtle cannot swim like normal turtles, its defense is still strong.

White sand fox, sand dog and dark-haired tortoise are all earth-type pets, so these three kinds of pets are often compared by people.

 But the white sand fox’s appearance surpasses the other two types, and it is basically the first choice for new female beast masters.

Short-tailed snake is a poisonous pet beast, its teeth are poisonous, and the needle on its tail is also a dangerous attack weapon. It has good combat effectiveness in the early stage.

It's just that the master who contracted it will have to go to the hospital if something goes wrong.

Without strong physical fitness, no new beast master would dare to contract with it. Qiao Sang looked at it for a long time and couldn't decide. Each of these five pet beasts has its shortcomings, but the advantages of being affordable and having a safe evolution plan are undeniable.

 At the end of the day, it’s still a matter of money.

Qiao Sang stood up and walked out of the room.

 Mother is sitting on the sofa watching TV.

Qiao Sang said: "Mom, does our family have 1 million? I want to buy a bubble bell."



 Qiao Sang returned to the room and continued to look at the forum.

 【Is it safe for D-class beast masters to go to Qipang Forest? 】

  【The second time I bet on the beast, I will get Green and Meow Meow. Come and breathe European energy! 】


 In fact, in addition to purchasing pet beasts at the pet base, you can also obtain pet beasts through the black market, animal gambling, wild and other ways.

The origin of the pet beasts obtained from the black market is unknown. As long as you can afford the money, they can try to get you any kind of pet beast.

Betting on animals depends on your character. If you accidentally lose all your money, you may lose your pants.

Going to the wild to find contracted beasts is something that only a D-level beast master can do.

 After all, the possibility of encountering danger in the wild is very high, and extraordinary creatures are wild and untamable, and even if they are contracted, they are not easy to cultivate and obey.

 None of these three ways is what she can do now.

Qiao Sang sighed. Although she had many ideas, she really didn't have many choices.



  8:26 pm.

 Qiao Sang closed the computer and looked at the time a little surprised.

At this point, her mother hasn’t asked her to eat yet, so she’s not really angry, right?

She was about to go to the living room to take a look. As soon as she got up, she felt uneasy after thinking about it, so she took a copy of "The History of Beast Control II" from the bookshelf in her hand.

 Opening the door, there was no light on in the living room, and it was pitch black.

Mother is not here.

 Qiao Sang thought for a moment and confirmed that his mother was not in the bedroom either.

She turned on the light in the living room, threw "Beast Taming Chronicles II" on the sofa nearby, and then took out a box of matcha ice cream from the refrigerator.

 Just turned on the TV and sat down cross-legged.


 The door is open.

 Qiao Sang turned his head and looked at each other.


 There was a brief silence in the air.

 “Come and eat.” Mother raised her eyebrows and put the food she bought on the dining table.

 It turned out that I went out to buy food...

“Here it comes.” Qiao Sang looked at the matcha ice cream in his hand that he had just taken a bite of, and took another bite based on the principle of not wasting it.

 “Mom, why are you going out to buy food today?” Qiao Sang came to the dinner table.

“I went out for something and didn’t have time to cook and bought some on the way.” Mother said.

Qiao Sang asked: "What's the matter?"

Mother was silent for a moment, "Sangsang, let's change houses."

Qiao Sang was stunned, stopped eating, and asked puzzledly: "Why change the house?"

Hanggang City, the capital city of Zhehai Province, has extremely expensive housing prices.

This house was originally bought for him by his father's family as a wedding house before housing prices were so expensive.

Although Qingcheng Jiayuan where they currently live is not a relatively expensive area in Hanggang City, it has a good location and is close to the nearby schools and subways. It still costs more than 50,000 per square meter.

The mother took a bite of the food, waited for it to be swallowed, and glanced at Qiao Sang. After a while, she said, "I just went out and asked the agent. Our house is 133 square meters. The current market price is about 53,000 yuan per square meter, and it can be sold for more than 7 million alliance coins." .”

“I’ve thought about it, we can buy a smaller house, pay a down payment first, and use the extra money to buy you a bubble bell, and there will still be a lot left over.”

“Besides, your mother and I can still make money, so we won’t have any changes other than moving to a smaller house.”

 Qiao Sang was dumbfounded.

 Just a few hours later, my mother made such a big decision in silence.

 “Mom…” She murmured, wanting to say something.

 Her mother interrupted her directly, "Although your grades are not good, you have awakened on your own and your talent is there."

“Although our family is not particularly wealthy, mom can still get whatever kind of pet you want for you.”

“As long as you promise me that you will not spend three days fishing and two days drying nets like you are studying, but you will cultivate it well.”

Ye Xiangting herself had no idea in this regard, but her daughter asked for a pet with super powers.

 The daughter herself is not very good at reading, so being able to awaken on her own shows that she really has a talent for controlling beasts.

 There has never been a child who awakened independently in their family.

 In this case, there is nothing wrong with buying a pet that is expensive but has good potential and that she also likes.

 This is what she should do as a mother.

Qiao Sang couldn't tell what she was feeling in her heart. She only knew that she wanted to take a bite of the unfinished matcha ice cream to calm the heat in her heart.

She looked into her mother's eyes and smiled: "Mom, you said that I awakened on my own. With my talent here, I can cultivate any kind of pet beast."

"I'm just saying, I don't want to sign a bubble bell contract. You must never sell the house."

Mother stood up and poured a glass of water. After a while, she said, "I know you want the bubble bell. You are free to..."

Qiao Sang didn't let her finish her words. She said seriously: "I studied it all afternoon and evening, and I think the Fire Tooth Dog is very good. I want it."

 The bubble bell attribute is a super power system, which is naturally very good.

There are also dragon-type pets, fairy-type pets, and ghost-type pets, which are all very good.

 But Qiao Sang just thinks that they are rare and powerful, and he does not necessarily need to own them.

Just like some people like to have fun and want a mythical beast at the beginning.

 Have a pet of your own within your own capabilities.

 This is what she wants.

 (End of this chapter)