MTL - Beast Control Starts From Zero Points-Chapter 646v3 we can cooperate

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Chapter 646 We can cooperate

 A number of tourists who wanted to see the volcano erupt gathered around the crater.

The scorching air is mixed with the choking smell of sulfur. Even before the eruption, you can still feel that this place is unusual.

 Everyone's attention was on the volcano, and it was already dark, so Qiao Sang's appearance out of thin air did not attract anyone's attention.


Yabao tilted his head, showing a puzzled expression.

"How should I put it? I don't think it is your opponent, but there are a lot of them. You still have to be cautious in the battle. I feel that they will fight in groups. I suggest you disperse them and deal with them one by one."

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Not to mention that there is still a wave of official people controlling it, as far as the temperature of the volcano is concerned, if all the eruption is blue magma, it is okay, you can just find a way to get one outside, but if it is only at the bottom of the volcano, That would be a bit difficult on its own...

 The last sentence is a bit redundant... The corner of Qiao Sang's mouth twitched. The two male voices behind him became quiet, and then footsteps sounded, getting farther and farther away.

Qiao Sang looked in the direction the other person pointed.

Where did it evolve?

Parents nowadays are so arrogant, not only letting their children hold their pet animals, but also letting them come here alone... The man complained inwardly when he saw this, said nothing more, and left on his pet bird.

“Little sister, you are too close to the crater and it is not safe. Move back 200 meters.” A deep male voice sounded.

 “Who are these people?”

“I’m the only one.” Qiao Sang turned around and left.

"I don't know, but they should be official people. I have been here seven or eight times, and they are always here at night. Think about it, if they really care about the safety of tourists, why don't they show up during the day when the volcano erupts? "

"As long as you attract the attention of some of them, I will have a way to get close to the Kotya volcano. When the time comes, I will get the strange fire slurry and give you a share."


 “How do you want to collaborate?”

 The middle-aged black man understood the meaning of his eyes and continued:

“You have a ghost-type pet, and you probably came here to get some strange fire slurry.”

Qiao Sang heard the conversation between two men not far behind him:

However, when a volcano erupts, it seems that it is indeed difficult to obtain the strange fire slurry by yourself.

"Fortunately, you have me. I am the only one who can clearly identify a guy so far away at night... Let me take a look... The sharp-billed firebird is a high-level fire pet beast. It lives in the crater all year round, so its body temperature is lower than The average fire-type pet beast is much higher."

He frowned slightly and asked, "Where are your parents? Are you the only one?"

At this moment, she heard the whistling sound of the wind. Immediately, a pet bird about three meters in size, with an orange body and a sharp and long beak appeared in the sky three meters away.

 “Is it just us? Is there anyone else?”

 The sound just now was made by him.

 Sharp-billed flamingo…

Look at what you are talking about... Qiao San suddenly looked at him with extremely complicated eyes.

How about using me to attack the east and the west... Qiao Sang asked:

 “Why choose me.”

 “I understand.” Qiao Sang nodded.

He also has a ghost-type pet, and he also knows about the strange fire slurry, and it seems that he also wants to get this thing...

How about waiting for this guy to get it and snatching it directly... Qiao Sang thought of this and asked with a smile:

 Qiao Sang glanced at it: "It's in the Super Pleiades."

Hearing this, Yabao suddenly became energetic and looked at the Kotja volcano not far away with bright eyes.

There are many people here, and there is a lot of noise. Almost everyone is discussing the upcoming volcanic eruption.

Little Treasure Hunt got curious and called out.

"Hello." The middle-aged black man walked over quickly: "I heard the sound just now."

 Meaning that if the strange fire slurry appears later, you won’t be able to get close? When Qiao Sang heard this, she raised her head and saw, as expected, dozens of pet birds that had just appeared in front of her hovering in the sky.

“I’ll just evolve with you...” Qiao Sang couldn’t help but laugh when he saw the little treasure hunter. He was about to talk about Yin Chaozhu.

 The scope is so large…

“Therefore, after being hit by raindrops, the steam will fill the air, and the body will be surrounded by thick fog.”

How could such a young child resist the temptation of the strange fire liquid? It was true that she was asked to attract attention, but she couldn't think about the strange fire liquid after it was done.

Qiao Sang looked up and saw a man wearing a black jacket sitting on top of the pet bird directly in front of him.

ˈ˜Qiao Sang: “…”

“Have you seen those official people? With them around, we can’t even get close to the Kotya volcano, but as the pet identifier just said, we can disperse them.”

Qiao Sang thought about it and asked without stopping:

Almost as soon as Qiao Sang was looking at the dozens of pet birds with sharp and long beaks, a voice with the same tone as Little Treasure Hunter came:

 It’s not because you are young that it’s easy to deceive... The middle-aged black man looked sincere:

“We are all beastmasters with ghost beasts, so we should help each other, right?”

 The middle-aged black man continued: "In other words, we can cooperate."

Qiao Sang turned around and saw that the person coming was a middle-aged black man, about forty years old.

Little Treasure Hunter has been invisible since the man in the jacket approached.

But why did you come to her?

Do these beast masters find people to cooperate with at random?

 Xiao Xunbao sighed.

This guy has good hearing. When she walked here just now, she clearly didn't see him around, but the other person could clearly hear the sound of the pet recognition device, indicating that he should be a beast master who has received feedback many times...

  Qiao Sang came to a safe area 200 meters behind.

Who is this? Why are you looking at me? It's not coming at me... Qiao Sang silently shifted his gaze, pretending that he hadn't looked at him just now.

Qiao Sang motioned him to continue speaking with his eyes, wanting to see what other outrageous things the other party could say.

When Qiao Sang heard this, his eyes suddenly changed: "How do you know I have a ghost beast?"

“The beast masters who contracted it have very good heat resistance. After all, most people can’t get close to the sharp-beaked firebird because its body temperature is too high.”

"Of course there is." The middle-aged black man heard the news and felt it was appropriate. He immediately pointed to a middle-aged white man ten meters away and said, "There is also him."

 “Looking for?”


 Where is this?

 “This is where you will evolve in the future.” Qiao Sang said.

Lu Bao quietly got out of his backpack, stared at the Kotja volcano for a while, and then got back in silence.

 “Do you think there will be strange fire slurry in this eruption?”

 What did you hear?

 The middle-aged black man lowered his voice and said:

 “If you want to do it, I can help you.”


The man was about to leave, but he saw the girl in front of him hugging the pet beast.

Suddenly, a steady sound of footsteps came from the left.

"It's possible. Have you seen a dozen guys riding sharp-billed firebirds above? They seem to be managing the safety and order of tourists, but in fact they are preventing us from getting closer after the appearance of the strange fire slurry."

 Qiao Sangxin said, I believe you, you big-headed ghost. The mysterious fire pulp is something that can be exchanged for SS-level Yin Chao beads. How could you give me one so easily...

 Middle-aged black man answered:

The middle-aged white man seemed to sense something and looked here with a friendly smile.

Those two people must have heard it!

  Absolutely heard it!

“Because I also have a ghost pet beast.” The middle-aged black man smiled and said: “And when the voice from your side came just now, I saw that the pet beast identifier was suspended.”

ˈ˜Qiao Sang: “???”

ˈ˜Qiao Sang: “…”

 Good guy, isn't this the beast master who originally traded the SS-level Yin Chao Pearl with her...

 (End of this chapter)