MTL - Become The Guard AI Of The Lost Civilization After Transmigration-Chapter 14 was targeted

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  Chapter 14 is targeted

   "Very good, no one was injured or injured, and the spaceship is also in my hands. I can't leave this planet in the future, so it's up to you."

  Li Wenyuan in the virtual world was very happy. Under his control, these alien visitors successfully escaped from the spacecraft and had to make an emergency landing on the surface.

   It’s not about the technology of the spaceship. After scanning, the scientific research division believes that there is no need to keep this spaceship, but it can provide a new concept of ship type.

  Therefore, there is an additional technology in the technology tree that has been developed: the scientific research ship.

  He sent people from the country that attracted these aliens to prevent the possible "crash signal" after the crash of the spaceship to search for their traces.

  After taking full control of the spaceship, he will arrange for the spaceship to go to different galaxies to create the illusion that "everything is normal on the spaceship" until the fuel is exhausted.

  As for why the lives of these aliens should be left behind...

   "After all, I am not a murderer. As long as there is no threat to me and the coordinates here are not exposed, it is not impossible to save their lives, but of course it is not free..."

  Li Wenyuan's eyes were bright, and he controlled the synthetic man to follow the aliens from a distance, as if he wanted to discover something by following them.

   "The information on the spacecraft shows that this group of people is an archaeological team, led by a professor with several students, trying to excavate ancient ruins on planets with traces of civilization..."

   "I really lack roles like experts here, and I can't systematically and efficiently excavate large ruins on the planet. If these people really have that ability, then it is not impossible to hire them to work for me..."

  There are a large number of damaged facilities and lost relics on this planet. Those damaged facilities are okay, and they are marked in the system.

   But Li Wenyuan has nothing to do with those lost relics. He is not a professional in archaeology, and the database does not tell him how to reasonably excavate those relics.

  He tried to control several synthetic humans to dig violently, but he was instantly killed by a self-defense device that even he couldn't understand, and he had to stop the excavation work.

  However, with this group of people now, even if they are sparsely staffed, the problem of insufficient archaeological manpower can be made up for if there are synthetic people on the side to assist them.

   And Li Wenyuan didn't have many other things, but he synthesized a lot of people.

   "But first we have to see if they are just people trying to catch fame... If I remember correctly, there is a ruins nearby. If they can really find something, then it's not a bad idea to meet them..."

  After thinking about it, Li Wenyuan turned his attention to himself.

  After the full operation of the industrial division, the strengthening alloy needed to repair the "Dimensional Manufacturing Machine" has been produced. For this reason, he does not know how many days of rummaging through garbage to gather enough raw materials.

   And Lilian did not lose the output of Zello. Since that day, she has taken a period of time every day to pray devoutly.

  Li Wenyuan also secretly observed Lilian's prayers, and found that she was really just kneeling on the ground, clasping her hands together, meditating inexplicable words such as God, salvation, end, etc. in her heart.

   Then Zelo was diffused into the surrounding air by her breathing.

  The X-ray scan of the synth showed that Zello appeared directly in Lilian's body, rather than being produced from an organ.

  This kind of thing that subverted the cognition of physics shocked Li Wenyuan at first, but he soon stopped caring about it.

  He himself traveled through time, is there anything more miraculous than this?

   Moreover, Lilian now praises "Lord Guardian" every time she prays, which gives Li Wenyuan rare spiritual comfort after work.

  Although the body is already a program, his consciousness is still not much different from the human period.

  Before, he was so busy with many chores that he didn't have time to think, but occasionally he calmed down, and he still inevitably felt a little lonely.

   Now he is accompanied by the mascot Lilian, he feels pretty good.

   "Okay, I have to command the synthetic man to move the bricks... After the repair of the 'dimensional manufacturing machine' is completed, the resources will be abundant, and the 'construction robot' on the technology tree can also be put into production!"

   "Everyone be active! The planet needs you! Only when the planet is better, can you have a better working environment and create more value!"

  Facing the empty virtual space, Li Wenyuan murmured inspirational words like chicken soup for the soul, and then continued to control a large number of synthesizers, and began to move the reinforced alloy to the "dimension manufacturing machine" that needed to be repaired.

   Just as he controlled the synthetic man to start working in full swing, the professor led his four students in an artificial forest, and they were trekking through it.

  Because they entered the escape cabin too hastily and lost control of the spacecraft, they failed to bring many equipments down together.

   Now, their goal has long since changed from "discovering ancient ruins" to "finding a way to leave".

  After all, no one could have imagined that such an accident would happen.

  While advancing, Cowper suddenly asked:

   "...professor, what do you think is going on with our ship? Has it been hacked?"

  His question is also the doubt of everyone.

  No one will believe that an artificial intelligence that was fine one minute will lose its response inexplicably the next moment.

  As Cowper said, everyone thought it was a hacker.

   "Your idea is not unreasonable, but... what is the reason? What is the source? We need a complete chain to form a possible result. What is your idea?" The professor said while pushing aside the bushes in front of him.

   Cowper thought for a while, and expressed his opinion:

  "We conducted a rough scan before approaching the planet. We don't say that the accuracy rate is 100%, but at least we confirmed that there are no traces of a large number of living things still active."

   "There are a lot of space junk and abandoned space stations floating in this galaxy, and there are also relic buildings visible to the naked eye on the surface, indicating that they were once an interstellar civilization, but they have declined for some reason."

   "According to past experience, the relics of these civilizations usually have some degree of self-defense means, even after millions of years, they can remain a threat."

   "I think our spaceship has been indiscriminately electronically hacked."

  The professor on the move nodded and said: "Indeed, there may be an uncontrolled electronic network on this planet. As soon as our spaceship approaches its range of influence, it will be attacked."

   "But now a more serious problem is coming. Even if the protection level of my scientific research ship is second to none among adventurers, in fact we didn't receive any alarms, and the spacecraft has lost control."

  "There is generally only one possibility in this situation, and that is that the opponent's technological level is too much higher than ours, and it is easy to crack the defense of the spaceship."

   "What I mean, do you understand?"

  Professor's words caused everyone to fall into silence. After a while, the fat man in the team said with difficulty:

   "Meaning the danger we face...could be very scary?"

The professor nodded expressionlessly and said: "This is a possibility. The more advanced the technology, the more things that are beyond our understanding. Any robot pet that is out of control here may tear us all apart." into pieces. But..."

"—But this also means that we may have extremely rich harvests, which may be lost technologies, rare resources, or even powerful lost warships." Cowper took the professor's words, which attracted applause look.

  The young man in the team who had been at loggerheads with Cowper shouted in surprise: "Are you crazy? Are you going to touch those horrible ruins? Shouldn't we find a way to leave first?"

   "I think the way to leave is in those ruins!" Cowper's eyes were burning with persistence, as if nothing could stop his thoughts.

   "There are so many ruins on this planet, it is impossible not to have what we need. As long as we find the right way to enter, we will be able to leave here sooner or later!"

   "You are crazy! I think you are for your father's illusory ideal! I will never enter those ruins!"

  Seeing that the two were about to start arguing again, the professor stepped forward in time.

   "Okay, calm down! Whether it's bypassing the ruins or exploring the ruins, today's time is not enough! We have to hurry up and find a place to camp!"

   The team fell silent again. At this time, the fat man at the back suddenly felt cold, as if he was being followed by something.

   Looking back, he was frightened and froze in place.

  In the gap in the forest, a huge black figure slowly raised its body, its bright red eyes fixed on the fat man, as if seeing a piece of delicious fat.

  (end of this chapter)