MTL - Becoming Stronger Through Touching Treasures, not Women!-Chapter 39 guerrilla

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  Chapter 39 Guerrilla

  How to guerrilla?

   Zhou Chuanxiong, Zhou Tianba, Zhou Qingling, and Li Hanmei began to think.

  After thinking about it, Zhou Qingling said: "Qingshan, I think we should first inspect the warehouse and the surrounding terrain."

   "Then observe how many supernatural beings there are."

   "Finally, come to strategize."

Know thyself, ever-victorious.

  So, Zhou Qingling thinks that it is necessary to investigate first, and then come to formulate a strategy.

  She thought in her heart that it was wrong to mention 'guerrilla' at the beginning.

  However, Zhou Qingling didn't say anything.

   Zhou Tian overbearingly said: "Qing Ling makes sense. However, little teacher Qingshan, I want to hear you talk about the strategy of 'guerrilla'."

  Li Qingshan nodded and said: "Qing Ling's words are indeed reasonable."

   "However, the guerrilla I'm talking about is the best way to take down this warehouse!"

   "Qingshan, tell me!" Zhou Qingling said with burning eyes.

  She would like to hear what good strategies this Qingshan can come up with!

   Zhou Qingling's character is actually a bit strong.

  Sometimes, she has her own ideas very much, and she doesn't blindly listen to other people's ideas.

  Zhou Qingling is a sharp-edged person with her own personality.

   For this point, Li Qingshan is not disgusted, and even very supportive.

  Although I have been a human being in two lives, I know many secrets of chance.

   But people are not sages, who can be without fault?

  Li Qingshan can't guarantee that he will not make mistakes all the time, so he doesn't engage in the so-called "one-word teaching"!

  Zhou Qingling, Li Hanmei, Zhou Tianba, and Zhou Chuanxiong all set their eyes on Li Qingshan, waiting for him to speak.

  Li Qingshan said: "Uncle, Auntie, Qingling, Brother Tianba!"

   "We only have five people, and our overall combat effectiveness is definitely not as good as a whole warehouse of supernatural beings."

   "However, we have strong individual combat capabilities, especially at this stage. Uncle and Brother Tianba are very powerful in combat, and can defeat multiple supernatural beings by one person."

   "We went to the warehouse to make trouble, and from time to time we caused damage to them, and from time to time we wounded a few supernatural beings."

   "Fire a shot, fire a cannon, and immediately move, and continue the guerrilla attack, which makes the warehouse's ruler feel a headache."

   "Let them feel that our fists are hard, and when we are difficult."

  "We are leaving notes for them to negotiate, coercing and luring. Tell them, give us some food, and we will stop making trouble."

   "Otherwise, we will not only make trouble, but also shake out the things in the warehouse."

   "At that time, everyone will know about this warehouse. They won't be able to keep it!"


  Li Qingshan told his plan.

  His strategy is quite practical after drawing on the experience of his ancestors in war.

  Zhou Chuanxiong nodded, and said: "Little teacher Qingshan, your idea is good. As long as there are no such strong supernatural beings in this warehouse, we can indeed fight guerrillas with them, consume them, and torture them."

  Zhou Tianba was gearing up and said, "Hey, I just wanted to see how my current combat power is. This guerrilla warfare is the best test of my strength!"

  Zhou Qingling nodded, and said: "This guerrilla strategy is fine. Let's try it out first, and after confirming that there is no problem, we will follow Qingshan's instructions and ask the other party to give us supplies."

  Li Hanmei listened carefully to the lecture, and nodded repeatedly to express her agreement.

  She also felt that Li Qingshan's strategy was good.

  However, Li Hanmei was still a little worried, and said, "If you encounter danger, everyone must run away as soon as possible!"

   "It's a troubled time now, there are no hospitals or clinics anymore. Everyone must try not to get hurt, come back intact and reunite!"

   "Life is more important than materials!"

  After hearing the words, everyone nodded, repeatedly saying that they would pay attention to their lives and not be rash!

  Zhou Chuanxiong asked: "Qingshan, when shall we set off to touch this warehouse?"

  Li Qingshan said: "Today. We will go there today."

   "If all goes well, we can get supplies today!"

   "Okay!" Zhou Chuanxiong nodded in agreement.

  The supplies at home are almost exhausted.

  If they don't get supplies as soon as possible, not only will they not be able to fill their stomachs, but they will not be able to continue to practice.

   Zhou Tianba also said: "Okay, just today. I'll drive and we'll get the supplies early."

  Zhou Qingling and Li Hanmei also expressed no objection.

   "Then let's go now!" Li Qingshan said.

  This outskirts warehouse is huge, and every point must be guarded by supernatural beings.

   But these people with supernatural powers are not strong. The supernatural powers of Li Qingshan and his party are relatively powerful and can be dealt with completely.

   At that time, as long as you break through a random point, you can get a lot of food and supplies.

   "Now, let's all go change some clothes and bring some suitable clothes, water, food."

   Then, Li Qingshan said.


  The family began to get busy.

  Everyone bring water, and the food is some compressed biscuits, bread and other grains.

  The purpose of carrying clothes is to prevent them from running out of clothes after using their abilities.

  Everyone quickly finished their preparations, and they were united as one, saying that they must take down the supplies from the warehouse in the suburbs today!

  Before leaving, Zhou Qingling found Li Qingshan and said to him: "Qingshan, do you want someone to guard this house?"

   "Otherwise, after we leave, if other people with supernatural powers break into this house, it will be bad."

   "When we come back, everything in the house may be looted!"

  Li Qingshan frowned slightly after hearing the words.

  He has some concerns about this.

  If the whole family goes to the outskirts of the warehouse, the villa is empty and may be invaded by other supernatural beings.

   If someone is kept in guard, who is the right one to keep?

  Do you want Li Hanmei to be guarded? What if she was unable to win with two fists and was unable to win, and was even injured?

  According to Zhou Qingling's original intention, she thought about staying with her mother to guard the house, so as not to be stolen by the sixth child with supernatural powers.

  After careful consideration, Li Qingshan refused.

  He said: "There are only some daily necessities at home, and there are no supplies."

   "If other supernatural beings invade, they won't get anything."

   "If they want to occupy our home, when we return, let these invaders pay a heavy price."

   "Moreover, when we come, we will bring back a batch of supplies, enough for us to continue living!"

   Zhou Qingling felt that it was reasonable, so he agreed: "Okay, Qingshan, I will listen to you."


   Zhou Tianba was the driver, and everyone took their seats.

  A family of five, neat and tidy, took the van and started on the road!

  ps: Today is an update, everyone should rest early! something today!

  (end of this chapter)