MTL - Becoming the Empress: Golden Finger Set Under My Bed-Chapter 415 Be saved

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The old man tilted his head and looked at her for a long while, as if he wanted to be familiar with every organ of her.

Then, he shook his head solemnly, and said with a smile: "Don't recognize me, the girl recognizes me?"

This is pretending to be stupid!

An Rushuang was very angry, but still squeezed a smile on her face.

"The doctor, don't lie to me. There are no outsiders here. If you don't recognize me, why do you help me?"

The old man stared at An Rushuang with a pair of small eyes, and said: "Girl, you can't talk nonsense! Old man, where can I help you? It is the host's request to help you get your pulse, not the old man's will. Ah, if your words are heard, the old man will not be able to eat it!"

An Rushuang looked at him silently:...

Why didn't he see his lips so slippery? I was afraid Zhang Liang would be so neat when he heard it!

Thinking about it this way, An Rushuang's eyebrows were bent, and an idea suddenly came into his mind.

She looked at the old man with a smile, and opened her mouth and asked, "My old man, what is your last name? You don't recognize me, or I don't know you!"

The old man shook his head again and again: "I haven't heard of you before, how can I recognize you?"

That being said, the doubt is a little bit more!

If a person is asked to risk a danger and save someone who has never heard of it before, if that person agrees, it is either a fool or a lunatic.

Either, it's working for people.

The person behind this old man is definitely not Zhang Liang.

Who can it be?

An Rushuang frowned and thought quickly, but she knew a lot of people, but none of them could have anything to do with this old man.

And, if it's someone she knows, what can't you say?

Seeing this old man's mouth so strict, he dare not mention the people behind him...

That means-An Rushuang is not familiar with the whole person.

Who is it?

She thought, a bold thought suddenly flashed across her head: "Did the girl with the surname Lu let you come?"

The old man laughed, "How could it be Lu Yato..."

As soon as these words came out, the old man was dumb for a while, and then he stammered: "Where do I know who Lu Yatou is? You have just given birth to a baby, and you need to take care of it. Don't think so much."

An Rushuang smiled back, and the matter was a little bit bright, even if it wasn't Lu Yatou, it should be someone related to Lu Yatou.

At least this old man is very familiar with the general's family.

Could it be Meng Gong and Mrs. Meng?

No, she has never been to Yanwang's Mansion. How did Meng Gong know about it?

Well, Lu Wanqing might reveal it...

The more chaos in An Rushuang's mind, she simply stopped thinking about these things. Anyway, with one more help, she would be able to relax.

Thinking about this, she looked at the little guy next to her, lay down and wanted to rest.

But at this moment, there was a knock on the door, softly, as if tentatively.

An Rushuang frowned, not wanting to answer.

But after a while, Zhang Liang's voice rang out.

"Shuang'er, I know that after this incident, you might have misunderstood me a bit, but as long as you can stay by your side, I would rather you hate me."


An Rushuang thought in his heart that he had done this more than once, and it didn't matter whether he hated it or not.

Outside, Zhang Liang paused and said, "Shuang'er, I want to see you. Since you left, I want to see you day and night."

An Rushuang sighed deeply in her heart, because of this person, she was almost unable to return to her body.

But at this moment, he still kept saying what **** missed!

An Rushuang knew that what he said might not be false, but when she thought of the scene of facing an exotic princess, she was indescribably disgusted.

"Shuang'er, I know what you mind. You have met her, but you don’t know. All her people died in a catastrophe. Now, only her own is left in their clan. She picked it up, Shuang'er, she is a lunatic, she is homeless."

He sighed softly, and then said: "You believe me once, only this time?"

Zhang Liang waited outside for a long time, but there was still no movement inside.

He looked at the closed door with a sigh, turned and left.

An Rushuang could not help but breathe a sigh of relief when he heard the sound of his further footsteps.

Since the first time she was forced to put on her wedding gown, she would no longer forgive this man.

At this moment, a small voice came from outside, like raindrops on the roof.

An Rushuang looked outside, but he had already pressed the crossbow bolt on his arm with one hand, and he was in a state of vigilance.

Could it be Zhang Liang again?

With the brilliance of the moonlight, she saw a machete sticking out of her closed window. The machete was like a crescent, and it pushed the window bolt open very neatly.

A slender person suddenly jumped into the room, holding a sharp machete in her hand and walking lightly.

Slowly walked over, his feet were stagnant, and then stopped in front of An Rushuang's tent, and whispered: "You robbed him, he should be mine..."

An Rushuang was vigilant, but after hearing the truthful confession, he could almost guess who this person was.

It was the barbarian princess who Zhang Liang called ‘crazy’.

Saying this scimitar without saying this passage is really recognizable!

An Rushuang sighed deeply in her heart, and her fingers were already on the buckle of the crossbow.

Given that Zhang Liang said this girl was so miserable, she didn't want to hurt this girl, but the heart of harm is not allowed, and the heart of defense is necessary!

If she dared to move, she would dare to let her not eat it!

Otherwise, is she the doctor for nothing?

Thinking like this, listening to the princess slowly approaching again, An Rushuang's body also tightened.

The tent was slowly opened, her breathing was close at hand, and she slowly raised the scimitar.

An Rushuang also pressed the secret button impressively!

But she heard a muffled grunt, and then she smelled a strong smell of blood.

An Rushuang opened his eyes suddenly, and the girl in front of her was holding a scimitar in her hand.

There is a silver needle nailed to her chest, but in her abdomen, there is a cold blade directly through it!

Blood slowly flowed from the place where the sword passed. She opened her mouth to speak, but what came out of her mouth was an unspoken tone.

She slowly fell to the ground, and the bald head standing behind the princess showed a smile.


An Rushuang looked at the corpse on the ground, his heart tumbling, and couldn't help feeling a little uncomfortable.

"Brother Yan? How did you find me?"

Yan Tie laughed and said, "General Meng brought us here!"

An Rushuang was startled slightly, and looked behind him, confirming that he was only carrying a group of bald scoops behind him, and couldn't help but cast a suspicious look.

Yan Tie scratched his head and smiled: "The general asked us to save you. He is going to clean up the culprit!"