MTL - Best of Hollywood-Chapter 390 Chaos DC Comics Video

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The North American film box office market is very mature. From the box office performance of a film on its first day, one can roughly predict the future box office trend of the film.

Of course, there will be exceptions to the length of time, such as the box office trend of "Titanic".

In addition, there are some films that sold well at the box office on the first day, but ushered in an avalanche-like decline the next day.

However, for a film like this, the general audience's reputation on the first day is not very good.

Based on the audience's reputation of "X-Men", even if the box office drops the next Saturday, the drop will not be too large.

In general, "X-Men" is already half successful, and as long as the box office is kept stable, there will be almost no major problems

What's more, for a film that sells well at the box office on the first day, theater companies are definitely willing to invest resources.

Even without the active request of Orion Pictures, many theater companies have already begun to increase the screening rate of "X-Men".

As Orion Films increased its investment in publicity, and theater companies increased their screening scale and screening rate, the box office of "X-Men" on Saturday not only did not decline, but rose a lot.

It earned a box office of 24.12 million US dollars in a single day.

The cumulative box office of the film in North America reached 47.68 million US dollars.

This is a pretty scary box office stat.

In addition, there is another very strange phenomenon. The main audience of "X-Men" has many middle-aged audiences, and many of them are over 25 years old.

Many of them chose to go to the cinema to watch movies with a nostalgic mood.

For them, every character in "X-Men" is a beautiful memory of childhood.

In addition, as the number of viewers increases, doubts will inevitably arise.

Most of them focus on Storm Girl and Halle-Berry. Many readers and fans of the original book feel that the role of Halle-Berry in the film is too small, which does not meet the setting of the vice-captain in the comics.

A large number of black audiences believed that Halle-Berry's complexion was too fair and should be played by a pure black actress instead of a mixed-race black actress.

The three days of the weekend passed quickly, and a new week came.

"Scream 3, produced by Dimensions Films and released by Miramax Films, has accumulated a box office of US$92.38 million in North America within ten days of its release. It is expected that the North American box office of the film will exceed 100 million US dollars dollar mark."

"X-Men, the Ryan Gosling-directed superhero flick that topped last week's box office charts, delivered a pretty stunning weekend.

It was screened for three days in the first weekend, earning a box office of 69.03 million U.S. dollars, and won the box office champion for the first week. In addition, the global box office of "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring", which has been released for more than two months, has reached..."

"Surprisingly, the above two films are both produced by Orion Films. It can be expected that Orion Films will become the biggest winner of this year's summer file."

"In the three days of the first weekend, "X-Men" earned a box office of 69.03 million US dollars, which is the best counterattack. Ryan Gosling did not fail."

"Facing the sudden rise of Marvel Comics and Marvel Pictures, DC Comics has made moves one after another. It is rumored that Twentieth Century Fox plans to prepare for the filming of "Raiders of the Sky", DreamWorks intends to film "Road to Perdition", and Warner Bros. Adapting "Catwoman", the above three films are all adapted from DC comics."

It can be said that with the box office hit of "X-Men", not only Warner Bros. and DC Comics can't sit still, but even 20th Century Fox and DreamWorks have set their sights on superhero movies.

For a while, superhero movies became one of the hottest topics in Hollywood.

Facts have once again proved that Orion Pictures' decision to acquire Marvel Comics is correct. Orion Pictures, which owns Marvel Comics, is bound to become a behemoth.

That's more than 2,000 superhero characters, and countless derivative character copyrights.

At the moment, it is enough to make any film company envious.

Reminiscent of "Spider-Man", which is being filmed, it is not difficult to find that the development focus of Orion Pictures has gradually placed on superhero films.

The success of "X-Men" has undoubtedly led to the "Spider-Man" being filmed by Ryan Gosling, which is absolutely full of expectations.

"Raiders of Heaven, Road to Perdition, Catwoman!"

Ryan put down the newspaper in his hand, showing a strange look, "DC comics!"

In fact, the shooting plan of the above three films, only "Catwoman" is a project, which is a test work for DC Comics and Warner Bros. to restart the superhero film.

The other two projects, "Raiders of Heaven" and "Road of Destruction", are not entirely from DC comics.

Raiders of the Sky is adapted from the comic of the same name produced by Alan Moore and Kevin O'Neill.

Alan Moore used to be a well-known comic editor under DC Comics, responsible for comics such as Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman.

When he created "Raiders of Heaven", he had already left DC Comics.

"Road to Perdition" is an adaptation of the comic of the same name by Max Allen Collins.

This original comic is published by DC Comics, and it can barely be classified as DC Comics.

But the core superheroes of DC Comics are Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern and so on.

It has never been a comic character in "Road to Destruction", and there are many random adaptations of DC comics in the past, "Road to Destruction" is just one of them.

Ryan was very impressed with "Catwoman", which is a well-known blockbuster film with a shooting budget of US$100 million and a global box office of only US$82.1 million.

Among them, the North American box office was 40.2 million US dollars, which caused Warner Bros. to vomit blood, and even the film's early promotional expenses could not be recovered.

In comparison, "Road to Perdition" did well at the box office, and "Raiders of the Sky" did well.

The original versions of both films were commercially successful.

I have to say, this is a dumbfounding thing.

The real son of Warner Bros. and DC Comics lost a lot of blood, but the godson made 20th Century Fox and DreamWorks a fortune.

In fact, "Catwoman" is not the worst superhero movie of Warner Bros. In another superhero movie "Green Lantern", Warner Bros. accompanied it even worse, investing 2.5 billion US dollars, but only reaped 21.9 billion global box office in US dollars.

If it weren't for Warner Bros. being one of the giants in Hollywood, otherwise it would be a second-tier film company that would have to go bankrupt.

Regarding the actions of Warner Bros. and DC Comics, Ryan did not intend to pay attention.

At least in terms of superhero movies, Orion Pictures, Marvel Pictures, Marvel Comics and Warner Bros., DC Comics have no competition.

Even, both parties hope to see superhero films become popular and become the mainstream film genre in North America.

The two share common interests.

Ryan checked the time and called Avi-Allard.

As soon as the phone was connected, Avi-Allard's voice sounded from inside, "I just got off the plane here."

The X-Men campaign was run by Avi Allard.

Right now, he has just followed the crew to Chicago to promote the next stop.

"Chicago!" Ryan smiled and said, "This is a very nice city."

After a brief chat, we started to talk about the business.

"Ignore Warner Bros. and DC Comics, they won't restart the "Superman" and "Batman" series of filming plans so quickly."

Ryan continued: "In addition, there is no need to stop Warner Bros. from contacting Halle-Berry."

First of all, neither Warner Bros. nor Orion Pictures will directly put the main superheroes on the screen, but will shoot one or two films to test the water first.

So for a long time, it is estimated that Warner Bros. will not prepare to shoot the "Superman" and "Batman" series of films.

As for the Warner Bros. approach to Halle-Berry!

Ryan wished that "Catwoman" would be the same as the original, starring Halle-Berry, which would make Warner Bros. vomit blood.

"Having Halle Berry play the role of a superhero in DC comics, I'm afraid it will have a bad impact on the next few "X-Men" series of films." Avi-Allard was somewhat worried.

The movie hit the street, so it's okay.

But once the film is released and sold well, Halle-Berry's role as a DC Comics superhero is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and it will definitely have a bad influence on her continuing to star in "

"It doesn't matter, Storm is not an indispensable character in "X-Men"."

Ryan said without any worries: "What's more, the success of Warner Bros. and DC Comics is also a good thing for us. What really needs to worry about is other Hollywood film companies."

In addition to Marvel Comics and DC Comics, although there are many comic companies in North America.

But among these comic companies, none of them can be as deeply rooted in the hearts of the people as Marvel Comics and DC Comics.

Once superhero films become the mainstream genre in North America, other Hollywood film companies will be in a very embarrassing situation. Even if they want to acquire another comic book company, they have no choice.

In addition, Warner Bros. and DC Comics can help Orion Pictures disperse the pressure from various aspects.

From the perspective of long-term development, the two film companies with common interests can be regarded as good alliance partners.

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