MTL - Black Iron’s Glory-Chapter 40 Dividend money

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Chapter 40 is divided into money

Since Mr. Morssan went out, Albert naturally followed, but Claude felt a little strange. What did Albert seem to be doing, and some were avoiding what he meant, how was the goods? What? Was the head kicked by the scorpion?

Claude didn't have time to take care of the goods, he was really hungry. When I came back in the morning, I slept on the boat for more than two hours and missed lunch. After returning to the town, I went to sleep with the insects. When I went home, I slept until the evening, and I felt like I was hungry.

After quickly sweeping away the rest of the food on the table, Crowder had a feeling of fullness. At this time, he remembered that the jade scorpion of the Landers Master brought back in his backpack had not looked carefully. The heart suddenly seemed to be scratched by the cat. He hurriedly packed the table and sent the tableware to the kitchen for the sister to clean. He touched his sister's head and did not notice the expression on his sister's face. He hurried back to his attic.

Pull the backpack out of the bed and untie the tether.

"Hey, hey..." Claude squeezed his nose and took the smudged clothes trousers that had rolled through the mud while fighting the big python. He took it out of the backpack and threw it on the floor, then carefully from the backpack. At the bottom, the white jade scorpion was pulled out.

What surprised Crowder was that the surface of this jade scorpion was still smooth and white, and the dirty clothes trousers on it did not leave any stain on its appearance. But think about this as a magician's thing, Crowder would not agree. Probably this jade scorpion should also be a magic item.

However, as a passerby, this jade scorpion is really what he saw most like the previous jade. As a Chinese, he knows the meaning of the word jade. But after crossing this different world and trying to learn new words, the passers-by were surprised to find that there is no jade in the Hebrew language. Like the jade that is mined in the rock, there is a special term in this world, called stone essence.

In the Faurea continent, these stone essences extracted from the stone are called the essence of the earth, and are precious magic materials. But since the evil wizards were driven out of the mainland hundreds of years ago, these stone essences have become precious gems, carved into various jewelry and jewelry, and become the beloved of ladies and gentlemen.

This should be a good white fat white jade... Claude is playing with this jade, oh, Shi Jingzi, the past life under the leadership of the boss, also have a certain understanding of these jade, because picking up girls also need to show their talents And insight. Shi Jing, this name is really ugly, there is no jade so elegant...

The name of Shijing was spit out, and Claude opened the blind again.

Two diaries, which have been written for many years, a diary is as thick as a dictionary, and the paper is as thin as a flap, translucent, and filled with small characters. Fortunately, although it is still the ancient Hertz language, but at the very least does not hide the diary like the recipe, otherwise Claude is worried about whether he will exhaust the spirit to become an idiot because of copying the diary...

There is also a book that is said to be a magic note. This is what Claude needs most. He hopes to learn the mystery of magic on this magic note, and even learn magic...

This magic note is as big as two diaries, but not as thick as a diary. It is only about thirty or forty pages. It is also the thin, thin paper of the diary. It is translucent, some like a film, and some are pulled. Resilience is not easy to tear.

The rest of the scorpion is the brown-yellow buckskin purse, which contains thirty Sullivan coins. A closer look at Claude's one, unfortunately, did not find the dark yellow magic Sullivan gold coin, the original master Landers Master mixed a bit miserable, even the magic Sullivan gold coins are not, all this Kind of road goods.

Claude is irresponsible and he has forgotten that Master Landers is just a four-ring low-level rune mage. It is very difficult to save the thirty-five Sullivan coins. Wherever he came from, he was in a good position.

Only these thirty Sullivans are worthless in the hands of Claude, because he has no way to realize the present, so now the thirty gold coins can only be used as a reward item in his hands, and they have to be discovered. I want to stay and only stay for a few more years to see if there is a chance.

The two diaries, which are generally thick in the dictionary, are translated lazy immediately without the mentality of Claude. People always do this, and they don’t get the thought of hanging in front of them. After they get it, they feel boring. Claude is now the same. After experiencing the treasure-seeking journey of life and death, he has not had such a big curiosity about these two diaries. He wants to write about the bits and pieces of the life of Master Rands, and he does not want to Write a biography to the Master of Landers, do you translate the diary...

Just did not want to translate the two diaries, Claude found himself suddenly lost interest in the magic note. Just flipped over, there are some very simple patterns, next to a large section of text, the pattern is also marked with a lot of strange symbols that Claude does not know. Looking closely at the patterns, you can identify what is probably the drawing of the object or object.

Lying grass, this pattern is too abstract. If it wasn’t for the two days that I had just touched the arquebus, Claude would definitely think that the drawing was a cannon. What gun's barrel will be painted as thick and short as a cannon? If it is not the fire hammer hammer, the fire rope clamping handle, the fire rope casing, the hammer spring, the medicine box, the disk cover, the bottom fire door and the trigger, then Claude may have misunderstood the Master Landers. Making cannons...

I think that the diary hidden in the magic recipe records that Master Landers has improved the arquebus. Then the magical note on this magical instrument is the improvement of the arquebus. After all, there should be The game, Claude, has already seen it on Verizro's old-fashioned volleyball gun of the Gary type III, which is roughly the same. Five or six hundred years later, this fire rope gun is still a fire rope gun, and nothing grows...

Claude only felt embarrassed and suddenly didn't want to read this magic note. Standing up, a few laps in the attic, the pile of old clothes thrown on the ground caught his attention. By the way, I haven’t taken a shower to clean my body. But before you go downstairs, you must first put the jade, oh no, it is the stone fine scorpion and the bag of Sullivan gold coins. As for the two diaries and magic notes on the table, they can be placed in a generous manner, and no one in the family is interested in the Guhz language.

After thinking for a long time, Claude decided to hide the gold coins and stone fine scorpions in the innermost part under the bed. There is really no place to put them. It doesn't feel much insurance. This will lead Claude to find that there is such a shortcoming in the loft. The excavation of the treasure can not be done. The bottom is the wooden floor. It is impossible to dig it. The top is the roof, and there is no hidden item, which is hidden under the bed. It is. However, in my loft, there will be no other people coming up. Even my sister and younger brother will not come up when they are not there...

First downstairs, soak the clothes in the big tub, tell the mother tomorrow, let her find a laundry lady to wash it, do not need to spend much money to clean the suit, two or three Sunar is enough. Then I went to the second floor and accidentally discovered that Albert was out of this product, and I didn’t know if I ran to drink again. Not better, Claude took a shower with a whistle and then returned to the attic.

The mood was a bit boring, and I didn’t know what it was for. Crowder simply climbed to the roof and bathed in silvery moonlight. Since the time spent on copying the diary in the recipe, Crowder has developed the habit of drying the moonlight. Only in the moonlight, he will feel quiet and comfortable...

I don't know how long I stayed on the roof, and finally I was sleepy. Claude climbed back to the attic, cleaned up the table, and fell to sleep on the bed.

In the morning, the bell of the Temple of War was ringing to let Claude get up from his sleep. As usual, I went downstairs to have breakfast. Albert was already in the restaurant, but he was very hasty and he was in a hurry. The father said that Sir Fox had already returned from the county, so he had to go to the Fox side early and follow the instructions.

I will go to class as usual, and I have to take my schoolbag to school. When I walked out of the house, I saw that all three partners were waiting in the opposite fruit shop, and one person took a boiled apple.

"One more boiled apple." Bocker said to Claude: "Your."

Claude took the boiled apple and watched Bok Al pay for Sanfeni. The four men went to school while licking the apple.

"I heard that you had the limelight at the dock yesterday afternoon?" Claude said.

"How do you know?" asked Bok Al.

"My father told me last night." Claude replied.

"Do you know how many people were watching yesterday afternoon? Almost everyone in the town came..." Eriksson said that the afternoon of the afternoon was a breeze. Obviously, he enjoyed the kind of glory that is very eye-catching: "We take you The skin of the big python that was killed was placed on the dock. The people watching were screaming, and several children were scared and cried..."

"Don't worry, Claude, we told those people what you said. This big python was discovered when we were hunting the mountain antelope. The stomach was full and unable to move, and we were killed by a shot in our head. The gun hole on the snake's head has proved our claim. No one knows that you are killing this big python on the underground level of the site." Verricko whispered aside.

"Well, thank you, it's better not to let people know that we went to the site." Claude sighed. He didn't want to make waves at home. Mr. Morssan knew that he and his friends were going to the magic tower site of Egret Island. The adventure will definitely stink him, and even punish him for not going out to play with his friends, instead of letting him go as gently as he did last night.

"No, I told those people that it was on the other side of the lake and the mud on the shore of the lake. It is normal to have a python in the mud, but we are too big," Verricko said.

"Is everything sold?" Claude looked at Bokal.

"All sold, a total of seventeen silver tale eightyria."

"How can I sell so much?" Claude was shocked.

"Oh, I am on-site auction, those people have raised their prices, so they sold a good price." Bocker is very proud, if you don't see the price of the shopkeepers asking for the price, this is the only way to decide on-site auction, etc. After two days, the python skin and the mountain deer skin will be sold to the store and will be sold by these shopkeepers.

"The python skin sold six silver Talley Sanriasuo, bought by the Hans, the owner of the weapons store..."

"I am going, Dahans buys python skins? What kind of fun does he make?" Klein sneaked.

"You don't know, Big Hans said that this python skin is the best choice for making a sword skin sheath. He is preparing to make a number of high-grade swords, so he has made a high price, and he has a silver tower higher than the price of the Gilpo store. Le," Eriksson said.

"The glutinous rib was taken by Wakuri. He had three silver tales and four riasso. Two mountain antelopes were also packaged at the price of the six riasso. He paid a total of four silver. Tale. The mountain buckskin was bought by the sister of the tailoring shop, Mira, at the price of two silver tale seven riasso. The Gilpo store did not catch anything and lost a big face."

This is also the case, as the largest fur purchaser in the town, did not buy python skin and mountain deer skin, even the damaged mountain antelope sheep skin did not get one, so many people are onlookers, the news spread to Gilpo goods The store is really not qualified to call Bailu Town's first leather goods purchaser.

"There was also the black tiger fish bought by the chef of the pub, Pied, who had two silver taels. The eyes and snakes of the python were also given by the pharmacy at the price of two silver towers. I took them, I asked them to take a bottle of antidote, just to fill the bottle and drink it."

Bocker's handling of finances is really very organized: "I calculated it, each of us can be divided into four Silver Tale four Rialasso plus five Sunar..."

"That's it, deduct one of the three rias that I owe, and give it to me." Claude thought about it: "At noon we don't eat at school, go to town to eat." I treat you. After I finish eating, I will accompany me to the bookstore to buy a few books."