MTL - Black Iron’s Glory-Chapter 568 There are packs of wolves outside and three inside

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Chapter 668 There are packs of wolves outside, there are three strong

The reply from the Duke of Red Dragons and the Marquis of Griffins soon reached Claude's hands, but Claude felt a deep tiredness in the reply of the Duke of Red Dragons. The old man tossed in the letter and said a lot of good things for the noble coalition, and finally admitted that when he captured the fourth local county, due to the enemy's strong walls and clear retreats, the noble coalition did not obtain a satisfactory return after paying a large casualty . At this time, when they encountered slave traders from the seven countries in the central mainland, they sold all their captives to make up for the losses.

The old man acknowledged that it was against his own supervision that the aristocratic coalition forces had done such a thing that violated the moral and kingdom laws, but he said that he was old and ill and could no longer continue to lead the army to continue fighting. Position, returning to the clan territory will nourish the body. So he apologized to Claude, because the task he had received from Claude to wipe out the ten counties in the West of the Hicks Kingdom seemed impossible to complete ...

Compared with the dead old man Duke Red Dragon in the clouds and fog, the truth is false and half mixed, the Griffin Marquis' reply is much more straightforward. In his letter, he bluntly told Claude that the noble coalition had lost the most basic military discipline constraints. They were no longer an army, but a very large-scale criminal gang and the most shameless bandit bandit organization. He is ashamed of his position as deputy commander in such an army!

Since the nobility coalition entered the three counties in the west, he has seen a variety of crimes without a moral bottom line, especially most of the crimes are led by the personable and honest kingdom aristocrats. They have completely lost the cultivation and style of a kingdom aristocracy in these occupied areas, leaving only the light of gold coins in their eyes. In order to obtain a golden tooth, they will brutally cut off the head of a 70-year-old man. In order to force the businessman to hand over the last gold coin, they will kill the baby who is still in the bed on the wall ...

The Griffin Marquis described the crimes committed by the aristocratic coalition forces. If they were shot completely, they would definitely be wronged. One hundred thousand horses, including many who are clean and good. But after one shot, most of the remaining ones were full of evil. Noble coalitions, no military discipline, nobles of large and small territories, each formed a gang of different sizes, their sole purpose was to plunder folk property, so they could make peace with the slave traders and violate the kingdom's ban and Legal provisions for slave trade.

In the letter, the Griffin Marquis reminded Claude that he should no longer have any hope for the immediate combat power of the noble coalition. These territories aristocrats who had hauled large sums of money had no intention of continuing to fight. What they wanted now was to withdraw their troops and go back to their respective family territories to enjoy the plundered property. Both the nobleman above and the soldiers below worry about losing his life here. Because of the bad deeds they have committed, as well as the resistance and guerrilla forces everywhere in the four occupied counties, a small team will probably only escape three or four people ...

The most terrifying thing is that there is no sense of security in the heavily guarded military camp. The Hicks once sent the dead to drive into the military camp in the name of vegetables with a gunpowder cart filled with gunpowder, causing a big explosion of nearly 100 people. There were even Hicks who mixed into the barracks and poisoned, almost paralyzing a battalion, and more than 100 people poisoned and died. The current aristocratic coalition forces, without a squadron or more, dare not patrol the camp ...

All the nobles of the territories were frightened by the spontaneous resistance of the civilians, and they demanded retreat. They did not dare to continue to sweep other local counties, and no one was willing to continue the offensive. Now they are worried about whether they can retreat safely. go back. The Griffin Marquis told Claude in the letter that perhaps when he was reading this letter, the aristocratic coalition had already embarked on a troop withdrawal ...

Claude regretted that he should not covet the strength of the 100,000 horses of the aristocratic coalition. He thought that they could be a powerful supplementary aid to the autonomous command zone, and promised them to participate in the Hicks Kingdom Raiders plan together. Now, they are not only pig teammates, but also a group of uncles. They want to slip away after they have picked up one, leaving a mess for the autonomous region to clean up. Claude had to send an urgent letter to Avitelle I of the Kingdom of Breot, asking him to improve his readiness and alertness, so as to prevent the noble coalition from making any moths when it evacuated past the Kingdom of Breot.

It ’s okay to leave, the aristocratic coalition is a group of plague gods, and everyone is happy to relax. However, Crowd had to let the Stormwind Corps draw a division to the western ten-county border. One was to monitor the withdrawal of the aristocratic coalition forces. The other was to wipe them out, so that the resistance forces formed by the western local counties would not enter the areas controlled by the autonomous region. area......

In late May 6605 of the Holy Light, the ocean transport fleet returned to the port of Patkara under the **** of the Iron Armored Fleet, which meant that the families of the officers and soldiers of the Hicks Return Home Division gathered in Wang Jing's Saint Hiprian City With relatives, there are another group who can board the ship and go to overseas dominions as immigrants. Over the past two months, as several local counties were raided by the Thunder Corps, Wang Jingsheng Hiprian City once again gathered more than 600,000 troops.

Fortunately, the Earl of Muredes J. Crest has taken over the five coastal counties in the south and five central counties, so that the frontline command of the autonomous region need not worry about its flank security. At the same time, it can draw out the Thunder Division to implement the originally planned strategy to capture the four local counties in the eastern part of the neighboring Hicks Kingdom for the Kingdom of Breot.

At this time, the tributaries around the Hicks Kingdom finally reacted. The Hicks Kingdom now is like a tender piece of fat in front of the younger brothers, and the self-conceived vassals that are eligible to take a share Li Bing struck his horse, ready to bite off his own piece from the fat. News from all over the place kept coming to Claude, who was sitting in the town of King Hiprian, King Jing ...

"Hello Marshal, this is an urgent letter from Avitre I." Lieutenant Captain Fahselin placed a letter of the hawk he had just received in front of Claude.

Claude took a quick look, but it was a tributary around the Hicks Kingdom, the Principality of Santa Cruz, the Kingdom of Castro, the Kingdom of Monadiro, the Principality of Tumaco and the Kingdom of Isabella. Five countries sent special envoys to the Kingdom of Breot. They wanted to visit Marshal Claude, the chief commander of the autonomous region, through the relationship of Avitre I, so Avitre I sent a letter telling Claude.

Claude stood up and looked at the map of the countries in the northern part of Valeria on the wall, and soon found that the five countries mentioned by Avitre I in the letter were all on the eastern and western borders of the Kingdom of Hicks. Neighboring tributaries. Obviously, these five countries sent special envoys to get the idea of ​​Hicks Kingdom. They are all like the Kingdom of Breot, once more or less ceded and occupied by the Hicks Kingdom ...

"Let their special envoy come, and tell Avitelle I." Claude ordered.

Captain Fahselin promised and went out to send a message from the hawk.

Claude looked at the map and wondered. The five nations on the east and west borders, plus the Kingdom of Breot, all six nations are all together. However, the five bordering countries on the northern border have nothing to do. The three northernmost are highland barbarian tribes. You can ignore them, but the two countries below are not really responding. strange. Eleven local counties in the north of the Hicks Kingdom, but three local counties were forcibly seized from the territory of these two kingdoms. For this reason, they also fought a border war for four years ...

Colonel Bokal pushed in the door and found the bottle of fruit wine unceremoniously, opened it, took a cup and drank it. Claude looked at him, and he didn't know where he had just returned from: "Where have you been?"

"Port Patkala." Colonel Bokal replied: "This time there are four more armored transport ships, which can carry some more people and supplies back. In addition, General Scribe in the North Bay asked us to transport him 30,000 young prisoners first. To go to labor, where a large number of laborers are needed for infrastructure construction. At the same time, three million infrastructural funds are needed, and the Dominion Council requires funding from our proceeds ... "

Claude laughed, and the excessive gains in the Hicks Kingdom made the Dominion Council jealous. Now even the construction funds of Beibu Gulf must be allocated by the Dominion District: "It's okay, send 50,000 young prisoners first." As for the funds, he also sent General Scribe's property worth 10 million kronor, as long as he had a good account. Anyway, the Dominion Council that spends now will slowly repay it, and they are not afraid of not recognizing it. "

"It's just a trivial matter," said Bokal. "Yesterday I received a report from the MIA agent, the defender of the Count Muredes J. Kleist in Scandinavia, the capital of Skvia County. He held a local congress and gave a speech at the meeting. The general idea is that the Hicks Kingdom is currently in the most critical moment. The reason why the defending army bears humiliation and reached a peace agreement with the invaders from the overseas autonomous territory is only to restore. Kingdom strength and national salvation.

He said at the meeting that the occupying forces in our autonomous command zone are sharp and that no army in the Hicks Kingdom can be our opponent. Therefore, the defending army will be injustice, dealing with the invaders is to restore the social order and the law and order environment of the harassed place, resume production as soon as possible to accelerate the accumulation of power, until one day can drive the invaders out of the Hicks Kingdom .

At the meeting, some people accused Earl Murides J. Kleist of betraying us as a traitor and betrayal of the great kingdom of Hicks. If you are willing to serve the country, you should send your troops to Duke Pilar H. Ferriot, the Grand Duke of the North. It is said that the Northland Group gathered 300,000 troops justly and was heading to the west ten counties under the banner of restoring the Hicks Kingdom ...

The questioning representative was then refuted by Earl Muredes J. Kleist. The Earl said that he was now following a curve to save the country, and it was understandable to be scolded. But what he wants to say is that if the defending army goes to the Grand Duke of the North, then who can be sure that the forces of the Grand Duke of the North will be able to defeat the fierce invaders? If it fails, the Hicks Kingdom is really dead, and there is no longer a reliable army to protect the innocent people.

Therefore, others can go to the Grand Duke of the Northern Territory, but the National Guard can't go, they have to stay here to protect the people on this invaded territory from the humiliation of the invaders, but also silently accumulate Reserve strength and leave the last hope for the Hicks Kingdom. This is the most important duty of the National Guard ... "

Colonel Bokal said dryly and drank a glass of fruit wine. Then he gasped and said to Claude, "I think this Earl of Muredes J. Kleist is not very reliable. Shouldn't he be warned if he speaks words hostile to our autonomous territory? "

Claude waved with a smile: "It's normal. We are indeed occupying forces and invaders to them. Thousands of the five coastal counties and the five central counties were thrown to him because we have swept through the ten Local counties, these places have lost their effect and appeal to us. Our autonomous territory has supported the Count Muredes Jay Crest and the Patriotic Army, and we do not want these ten local counties to be against us. Those places resisted armed base camps.

Judging from the current situation, the Earl has done a very good job and is a perfect place defender. He can suppress the resistance, restore local production, and maintain social order, which is also very good for us. One is that it can conduct normal business transactions with his site, and can provide a continuous flow of daily supplies and necessities for our occupied area. The second is that we don't need to waste our nervous troops on the site he is responsible for.

Therefore, it is quite normal for him to say something against hostility to us, because the count also hopes to gather local people's hearts. Just don't you think his statement is ridiculous? The curve saves the country, secretly accumulates strength, and is sure to expel us. Oh, anyway, we don't want to occupy the territory of the Hicks Kingdom. Believe me, before this Earl's strength surpassed us, we had already left to return to our overseas autonomous territory ... "

Colonel Bokal suddenly realized, "Yeah, I forgot we are not here to care about him. One more thing, the aristocratic coalition has evacuated the Kingdom of Breot, and there were no surprises throughout the process. Accident. But their trip to the Hicks Kingdom was very profitable. There were nearly a thousand ox carts alone, and even some robbed furniture was tied to the ox carts and transported back ... "

Claude sighed: "This group of uncles is finally gone. This is really good news. At least we don't have to worry about this pig teammates messing up us. By the way, you said that the North Grand Duke Gathering Soldiers 3 Is the news of more than 100,000 entering the ten counties in the west true? "

Colonel Bokal shook his head: "We also cannot tell whether this news is true or false, because our agents have not been able to penetrate the northern Shiliu County. The news they sent was also obtained from the Hicks folk circulation. Some people The confession is true, some people say it is false, because the two standing legions who fled to the North Grand Duke have remained in Gloucestershire in the North, and the North Grand Duke has never appeared before the people. .

However, I personally think that the news may be true, otherwise the aristocratic coalition will not withdraw so quickly. They were the first to get the news, so they decided to withdraw. I calculated that the aristocratic coalition entered the ten counties of the west from the east, and the 300,000 horses of the North Grand Duke entered the ten counties of the west from the north. There was a 30 to 40-day journey between them. It should be the Grand Duke of the Northern Territory that as soon as he heard the news of the aristocratic coalition, he immediately turned around and retreated without notifying us ... "

Colonel Bokal was a little angry. He believed that the noble coalition had other sources but did not notify the Autonomous Military Command. It was obviously a mischief. If I knew this, I should design an aristocratic coalition to evacuate, and let them pay something ...

Claude got up and stood in front of the map for a long time, and finally shook his head: "Maybe this is just a coincidence. I am surprised that if the Grand Duke of the Northern Territory gathers more than 300,000 soldiers, he is fighting to restore the Hicks Kingdom. Flag, then it should attack the nine counties in the east. There is a place where our Thunder Corps is sacked. He should come and seek a decisive battle with us. But why is his 300,000 army entering the ten counties in the west? Except for a retreating noble coalition, there is no us The horses ...

Perhaps there is also a possibility that these 300,000 horses were not summoned by the Grand Duke of the North, but were another person. Entering the ten counties of the west is likely to want to occupy their own territory, so they avoided the east nine counties of the Thunder Army Raiders. This shows that the commander-in-chief of this team has a clear understanding of his own strength. It should be understood that they are not the opponents of the Thunder Corps. Send someone to check if this is the case. "

Colonel Bokal nodded: "I see. I will send someone."

"Well, there's one more thing to keep in mind. Are there people like the Earl of Muredes Jay Crest in the remaining places in the middle of the county?" Crowd pointed to the map. "Nine counties in the east, four local counties belong to the Breaux Kingdom. The remaining five local counties should not be maintained. The two neighboring countries, the former vassal brothers Santa Cruz Principality and Custer, Kingdom Luo is staring at these five places and wants to tear a piece of meat from Kingdom Hicks ...

The three kingdoms of the kingdom of Monadiro, the Principality of Tumaco and the Kingdom of Isabella, which are adjacent to the border of the ten counties in the west, are also eager to move, and they are ready to recapture their lands they have seized. Now the five counties in the south and the five counties in the middle have belonged to the National Guard. If there is one less circle in the east and west, the remaining Hicks territory is the eleven counties in the north and several counties in the west.

Therefore, we need a suitable candidate for the ten counties in the central region and the Wangjing area to be able to compete with the Grand Duke of the Northern Territory and the Guardian Army, so as to form a three-legged position in the Hicks Kingdom after the war. By then, we will have no worries about leaving the Hicks Kingdom. There are packs of wolves outside and three strong inside. Perhaps the kingdom of Hicks, the northern hegemon, will become a legend ... "