MTL - Blue Sky Sword-v2 Chapter 305 Time to part [2 in 1]

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After talking for a while, Feng Yin became more and more fond of this Hu Qianyang, Senior Hu.

This kind of character is really hard to give birth to the slightest resentment.

In other words, from the perspective of a strong man, what Hu Qianyang has done is very insufficient and too passive.

Didn't even say anything.

But this character, this way of dealing with people, and this temper made Fengyin very envious.

If this kind of character is placed in the earth society...

The couple had been reunited with Fengying for three days, and they were still not satisfied, but they were determined not to delay any longer.

Hu Qianyang hugged his daughter, kissed and kissed again, and when he parted, his eye circles were red, and he acted more sad than the cat emperor.

It turned out that the cat emperor kept comforting him...

Fengyin felt that if it was him, he might not be so hopeless.

Although it is said that the daughter is the father's little padded jacket, but... who is my Feng Lang?

I gave birth to a bunch of sons and married girls from other people's families, so I didn't have to endure the pain of parting from my daughters—it's so smart!

In the next few days, Fengyin walked all over the Yuezhou City, and seized the time to enlighten all the ancient trees twice.

It even gave Tie Xintang in the yard two complete spiritual gathering enlightenments.

After all, with Tie Xintang's current level, the full version of Juling's enlightenment is more suitable.

Then, given the opportunity face to face, he ordered Tie Xintang to pretend to be a posture, and countless branches and leaves fell down with a click, trying to make a broken branch and leaf, but "with a broken body and a strong mind", trying to survive endlessly.

All in all, the current situation of the two Tie Xin Tangs is the kind that makes those who hear it sad and see it cry, and whoever sees it will have the feeling of taking good care of these two big trees that are struggling to survive!

It's really not easy!

Half dry and half prosperous, also dry and prosperous, what it should look like, it is probably a condensed description of the current situation of the two Tie Xintangs—

Half of it is withered, but the other half is full of vitality, and the branches and leaves are verdant, striving to grow towards the sun.

Such a strange and incomplete beauty is naturally formed, and it grows like this, like two natural landscapes, large-scale bonsai.

The efforts of the two Tiexintangs to pretend to be ugly made them appear in the eyes of the world with an ugly image in their own eyes, but in the eyes of human beings, this ugliness is synonymous with "very beautiful, full of meaning in life" .

This situation made the two Tie Xintangs a little speechless.

But they also understand that Fengyin's actions and methods are for their own benefit, and...and the effect is remarkable.

Naturally, he readily accepted it and worked hard to maintain the status quo.

Not only that, but the two Tie Xintangs also used their roots to send similar news to all the ancient trees in Yuezhou.

"Work hard to be ugly! But at the same time, we must show the tenacity of survival, use our own efforts to survive, and express hope!"

The old trees didn't understand, so they manipulated the capillary roots to see the appearance of the bosses, and then went to many big families to watch the so-called "bonsai" bonsai.

It gave birth to the feeling of spiritual understanding and wonderful intentions.

Overnight, the ancient trees all over the city showed signs of withering, and countless branches broke.

The originally tall and straight tree trunks have become crooked, twisted and twisted, and the roots are intertwined. In short, they are full of the vicissitudes of time and the tenacious beauty of life.

There are a few ancient trees among them. In order to create this feeling, he lit a fire inside his body, which was ruthless.

At that moment, thick smoke billowed and flames ignited, finally forming a predetermined hollow, which was then tenaciously wrapped by the bark on the other side.

With the knotted branches and graceful crown, it suddenly transformed into the purest giant bonsai tree.

In this way, it will definitely not work if you want to chop it up to make furniture, and only ornamental purposes are left.

As for the real essence, it is underground, and ordinary practitioners will definitely not be able to detect it.

Time, Yuezhou

All the ancient trees have been rebuilt together, and the safety has been greatly improved. Because of the collective change, people in Yuezhou consciously or unconsciously have a perception that the trees in Yuezhou have tenacious vitality, but they are not suitable for casting and building materials.. .....

On this day, as soon as the people of Yuezhou went out, they found that there were many rare sights in front of their house.

Although the war is cloudy and everyone's heart is heavy, but...these scenes make everyone feel much better when they come out.

After all, everyone has a love for beauty. Faced with such a novel and huge landscape, they stopped to watch and admired it.

Someone even raised it all at once: "Hey, these trees were originally tall and straight, but after the last war, it was these trees that withstood most of the blows and protected the people of Yuezhou, but they But he was smashed like this, and the damage is hard to recover...... It's really pitiful.

This kind of speech, more and more popular, popular.

Naturally, the gratitude of Yuezhou people to these trees, which had already faded, returned.

Especially seeing these trees become like this, still struggling to survive, I feel even more heartbroken, grateful, and protect them even better...  

It has gradually become a habit, a custom, a practice that is exclusive to Yuezhou and cherishes trees and plants!

Well, this section is for later, so I won’t mention gossip.


After all, Fengyin accepted Why Bigo's invitation.

After all, we are about to leave soon, so we still need to meet up with old friends.

And the matter of the Golden Emperor, if it can be resolved as soon as possible, the better, dragging it on is not a good thing!

Although I wasn't in Yuezhou City at the time, but based on my bond with Yuezhou, and the bond between Golden Emperor and Yuezhou, it's better to have this cause and effect earlier.

With a decision and no hesitation in Feng Yin, Yi Rong came to the rest room of Bao Lao in Qiankun Building.

The Golden Emperor was very excited about this. Although he didn't show any signs of it, it could still be seen from his eyes that he spoke in an extremely polite manner when facing this beast master, and he couldn't tell at all that he was in Yue The sky above Zhoucheng shouted "I want to massacre the city" with a domineering appearance.

The Demon Emperor is also a demon, he knows about human affairs, and understands that the future of his children is in the hands of this person.

Even, if this person can solve the mess of those snake cubs, the future of the entire snake clan is in his hands!

"Master, please have some tea."

Golden Emperor reiterated his two requirements for this trip.

He knew why he had to go and would definitely explain the purpose of his trip to the other party, but he had to explain it in detail. On the one hand, he expressed his respect for the master, and at the same time, he also expressed how much he attached importance to this matter!

Fengyin pondered for a long time, and said: "These two questions..."

After a pause, he laughed again: "Comparing the two, the second problem is better to deal with."

The Golden Emperor did not give up and said: "Could it be that those four hundred little fellows can only kill each other to the end?"

Fengyin frowned and said, "It's not necessarily that extreme, as long as..."

"Just what?" Jin Huang asked.

"As long as they are separated and raised separately, it is understandable that the breaths of the strong snakes are entangled and they have a competitive heart, but this kind of entanglement has a scope. As long as they are separated a little far away, they will not see each other. Fighting naturally does not exist. When the snake cubs grow up to the young snake stage, they will naturally be able to tell right from wrong. From the moment they are a little sensible, instill in them the idea that the snake clan is facing a huge crisis, and they need the concerted efforts of all their brothers and sisters to overcome the difficulties... ..."

Feng Yin took a meaningful look at the Snake Emperor: "As long as they realize that a single thread does not form a thread, and a single tree does not form a forest. Even if they still fight each other because of their nature, they will not die."

The Snake Emperor was thoughtful.

Fengyin smiled faintly: "Of course, it depends on how you choose, Your Majesty. I will not comment on how to do it. What I can say is that if I only rely on emphasizing brotherhood, blood of the same family, and the same spirit Lianzhi Yunyun will not have any effect

of. I believe that His Majesty the Snake Emperor knows far better than we do that the monster clan's prey to the strong has already been branded into the soul and embedded in the bone marrow, how can it be changed by external forces. "

The Snake Emperor nodded and said gratefully: "Thank you Master for reminding me, I know what to do!"

Feng Yin nodded, and said: "Finally, I would like to add a word. The Snake Emperor also knows that this kind of genius is uniquely blessed. It is conceivable that his mind is filled with secrets. If a loophole is discovered, and he has a heart of prey, he will have another accident. Regarding this point, I believe His Majesty the Snake Emperor has his own thoughts."

The Snake Emperor nodded fiercely: "Understood, understood!"

The eyeballs rolled around, obviously already thinking about how to cry miserably to these little guys after returning home.

Not only to cry, but also to make their parents cry, to make the whole clan cry, and every snake clan to cry!

Miserable, the genocide is about to be exterminated......

How can I be the only one who is ashamed, this is the future of the entire snake clan, which snake shouldn't try its best? !

"Then my thirty-six children..."

The Snake Emperor felt that the first problem had been solved.

Now that the first problem has been solved, it is acceptable for the thirty-six sons and daughters to be trained and become talented.

Anyway, if there are too many lice and don’t bite people, there are more than 400 lice, what’s the difference of 36?

Not to mention that these thirty-six are all their own blood, their own children, and it would be better to treat them decently!

Anyway, as long as you control them and don't kill each other, everything else will be fine!

"Thirty-six sons and daughters of His Majesty..."

Feng Yin pondered for a while, and said: "I will tell you the truth, this number is a bit too much. Your Majesty the Snake Emperor, you already have more than 400 geniuses on hand... this number is actually too much Alright, let’s not talk about anything else, just say that your Majesty has endured the pressure during this period, can you bear it?”

The Snake Emperor suddenly felt like a close friend, and said with a wry smile: "It's really a bit overwhelming. The emperor gathers the snake clan to supply high-quality resources, and it still feels that it can't make ends meet, and feels overwhelmed."

"After all, more than 400 geniuses at one time."

Feng Yin said calmly: "Your Majesty the Snake Emperor, blame me for speaking bluntly. If these snake cubs are divided among the major sects in the entire continent according to the original channels, they will probably survive and live well. It is by no means an illusion to become a man. But if you take them all away at once, when these little guys really grow up, I am afraid that there will be a dozen or so left in the end. Very lucky."

"But even if there is only one... But other monster races, I'm afraid it's rare to have so many geniuses?"

Fengyin said meaningfully. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Hearing the words, the Snake Emperor was shocked, broke out in a cold sweat, his vertical pupils shrank, took a deep breath, and walked slowly.

Finally nodded, said: "It is indeed the case. The reason why I kept all the thousand cubs with me at the beginning was because I had ignored the external factors. I have a lot to guard against. It's not necessarily just crying for the little guys, but really miserable... "

Feng Yin said: "Then you still want those thirty-six... huh?"

Golden Emperor nodded heavily: "Of course!"

Wind Seal: "...!!!!"

It's a waste of saliva to co-author so many words!

"Master, please think, that is my direct bloodline!"

The Golden Emperor said with a rare heart and soul: "I certainly hope that the snake clan will get better and better, but it is not so great that I entrust the future king of the snake clan to other snake clans. The bloodline inheriting this glory is the future I would like to see the most!"

Fengyin understood that the Snake Emperor's stance was that he hoped that the snake clan would be strong, but he didn't want this great foundation to fall into the hands of those little snakes who had no blood relationship with him.

More than four hundred snake cubs are said to be geniuses, but they are not his direct blood.

There were no heirs before, according to the current group of children

The genius level of the guy, the Snake Emperor had children before, and he will be crushed by these snake geniuses in the future.

But the current situation is different. If his direct lineage can be trained by Master Ling and has the same talent and foundation as those little guys, then more resources will be poured into his blood heirs. .

This point of distance and closeness is unavoidable even for a family of emperors!

"I understand."