MTL - C-class Hybrids Forced To Slay Dragons-v4 Chapter 70 The path of evolution

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Stout vines of blood red and turquoise ran down the cathedral's columns from the aging vault.

The green and strong branches and leaves cracked the walls, countless fibrous roots pierced the holy pool on the high platform, and the ground was covered with reddish water.

The left side of the church presents a kind of twisted prosperity, while the right side is decayed and decayed. The vines were gray and yellow, withered, the murals on the walls faded and peeled off, and ashes of unknown composition accumulated on the ground in a thick layer.

And in the arms of those fibrous roots, there are thirteen oval white cocoons that are more than two meters high. The fibrous roots of life and death connect those cocoons, and it is difficult to judge whether it is a blood vessel that delivers nutrients or a needle that **** life.

Ye Sheng, Aji, and Raymond faced such a scene, their muscles became stiff, and their minds seemed to be frozen into ice cubes.

Aki's gaze moved subconsciously to the hilt of the dagger, the silver-hot emblem, the half-rotten World Tree.

Their feeling at the moment is like SpongeBob accompany the star to catch the jellyfish, but accidentally found Lalaiye, the big octopus in the deep sea is slowly opening its eyes.

Raymond had a bunch of high-level words starting with f, s, and d in his heart, but when he stared at the giant tree that was gradually taking shape, he lost all language ability.

It was only at this time that they noticed that the statue inside the church was not the Virgin and Child, but a faceless humanoid dragon. His draped wings were crossed on his chest, forming a changing cross.

The mural depicts not a classic biblical story, but a blood-stained battlefield of the dragon race, a **** throne made of swords and dry bones.

"what is that?"

Ye Sheng gritted his teeth hard, dispelling the illusions that emerged in his brain, and continued to restrict Neva's actions.

"You already know the answer, don't you? No need to ask questions, use your soul to listen to the inspiration of your ancestors."

The dragon's blood was boiling hot, urging them to throw into the arms of the giant tree, to become one with him, to become his nourishment or to obtain his gift.

"This kind of thing shouldn't exist...why did you bring us here?"

Neva knelt on the ground halfway, not caring about the dagger that Aki touched her vitals. She looked back at the three graduates of Kassel College, her eyes full of sincerity.

"You are compatriots! Although you have embarked on the wrong path, your blood will eventually lead you back to the shadow of your ancestors.

Moreover, the members of the secret party who betrayed their own blood are the most perfect witnesses of this ceremony! "

The three showed disgust. There are many believers of various origins among Kassel's students, but they will never believe in dragons.

There was a rustling sound from the giant cocoon under the tree. Small cracks appeared on the outer wall of the cocoon, and the cocoon body began to shake slightly.

In the dull low roar, the two giant cocoons on the left were violently torn apart, and the blue dragon claws tore the cocoon shell. The newly born dragons stretched their bodies wantonly, and their broken membrane wings spread out behind them like feather fans.

The red-golden blazing light made the hearts of the three of them beat wildly, and the incomparably skilled speech spirit power gradually collapsed under the suppression.

Two pure-blooded dragons are in big trouble.

"Blessings for your new life."

Neva smiled and congratulated the two members of Tingtian.

There is not much human element in them. The blue-black shield-shaped dragon scales covered every inch of skin, the limbs turned into sharp dragon claws, and the whole body was pierced.

The dragons with beautiful curves and clear eyes are their priest, Veronica.

The aging "cleaner" Oberto also got rid of his decaying body and hatched into a near-perfect dragon body.

Veronica put on a black priest's robe and walked towards Neva with light steps. The trio were facing a formidable enemy, and they couldn't tell what kind of creature was in front of them.

She moved forward step by step, and the blue-black dragon scales gradually faded and shrunk, turning into fine scales the size of rice grains, which were not significantly different from the appearance of human skin.

When all the dragon signs subsided, Veronica turned back into a safe and gentle priest. But her bloodline has undergone an irreversible change.

"The process of evolution was smooth. Following the tree's guidance was like a long dream.

All previous wounds disappeared along with the human body. Your eyes can be healed too, soon. "

The priest's fingertips lightly touched Neva's blind right eye. These injuries will disappear with the age of mankind, and they will become the first generation of the elect of the new God.

Oberto tried to sing the spirit of words, and instantly drained most of the nearby water vapor. Several tons of high-pressure water flow compresses and accelerates around him. When it explodes, it will turn into an indestructible water flow barrage.

Yan Ling · Vortex, the effect has increased several times with the evolution of blood. On a rainy day, the vortex can destroy an entire street.


"Yes. But we prefer another name, the new dragon."

Pastor Veronica sat down on the pews of the church, and gestured kindly for the three of them to relax, as if they didn't see that they were holding their companions hostage.

"As far as I know, the secret party came up with a concept, the critical blood limit, and wrote the stupid Abraham bloodline based on it."

"It seems that the educational conditions here are quite good."

Raymond muttered in a low voice.

"The reason why hybrids cannot break through the critical blood limit and evolve towards our ancestors is because you betrayed your own blood.

To cross the critical health limit, we just need the right key. And our God is restoring this key. "

Ye Sheng's pupils contracted. This is simply a fantasy, there is only a bottomless abyss after the critical blood limit, this is the belief that the secret party has insisted on for thousands of years.

And these dragon believers actually said that they easily crossed the critical blood limit. Is it that half-dead tree, what is it?

"The road to consecration?"

The topic of blood-breaking was once in a frenzy in the academy, and Ye Sheng heard Luo Yin mention this term. The original name of the blood burst technology, the road to conferring gods.

"That's right, the cut off road to conferring gods. Half-bloods are a race that wanders between heaven and hell, and the road to heaven has been cut off.

But the severance of the road to conferring gods is by no means irreversible. Our gods have a way to repair it. "

Veronica's gaze moved to the half-dead giant tree. It was a miracle they couldn't understand, a real miracle.

"What's the price? I don't believe that there is such a good thing in the world. Dragons will help hybrids to complete their evolution."

Ye Sheng shook his head. The scene in the church is full of strangeness, and there is something dirty in this "beautiful" evolution.

"The price? Those might be the price."

The priest pointed to the remaining cocoons that had yet to hatch.

The first giant cocoon burst, but the third evolutionary did not come out of it. A puddle of colorless and transparent solution flowed out of the cocoon.

Second, the solution. Third, the solution...

Until the seventh cocoon, the ferocious claws protruded out of the outer wall of the cocoon, but the creatures that drilled out did not have the beauty of dragons at all. It inherits only ferociousness and brutality.

Instead of the scaly wings of dragons, it has fan bones like those of giant birds. The bones are connected by exposed fascia, and there are no feathers.

The slender claw blade serves the killing, and the blood-red eyes are filled with a touch of gold. The thick joints make it look like a cross between a bird and a reptile, but the most abnormal place is its face, a human face.

This thing is a product that was thrown away in the middle of its evolution. It combines the characteristics of birds, dragons, and humans. There is only a violent desire to kill in the blank pupils.

"Human face and bird body, is it the legendary bird..."

The monsters hatched in the cocoon exude an extremely ominous aura that makes them want to wash their eyes.

"During thousands of years of reproduction, almost all organisms contain dragon genes, but the amount varies greatly. Moreover, the dragon genes of most individuals are recessive and not expressed.

The tree, he can judge the potential of the individual. Useless life is directly absorbed by the root system, and potential life is given the opportunity to evolve.

A small number of individuals who have successfully evolved will become His true subjects, and the rest will become nourishment, or such useful obedient soldiers. "

Veronica clapped her hands lightly, the newborn bird vibrated its black bone wings, and its claws clasped the pews of the church.

"Nutrition? You use humans as the nourishment for that tree?!"

"Don't be so excited. In his judgment, human beings are just a mistake, and now this world, this era, is the product of accidental mistakes.

Human beings are the objects he wants to clear, and there is only the position of the new dragon race in the future world constructed by the tree.

We probably cleaned out more than 4,000 sinners, all of which were used as food for the trees.

God told us that the tree is in a state of mutilation, and He needs a huge amount of nutrients to make it up. But execution plans always have to be gradual, right? "

Raymond listened to the priest's calm narration, and a strong feeling of vomiting occurred in his throat.

These people have completely abandoned their human identity, and have repeatedly trampled on the most basic sense of morality under their feet.

That half-rotten giant tree may hide the most evil alchemy ritual. It uses human beings as nourishment, and runs through the road of conferring gods by means of unknown principles.

Ye Sheng felt a strong sense of fear in his heart. He could not imagine how sinful the tree would bear if its existence were known to the whole world.

Why did Neva bring them here? Because she believes that even the secret party will eventually fall into the arms of the tree.

He believes in himself, in Aji, and in Raymond, who is neurotic, but Ye Sheng is not sure if human nature can withstand such a test.

Standing in their position now, it should be a peerless dragon slayer, who would spare no effort to completely cut off the tree that should not exist. But they are only investigators, and it is very difficult for weapons and words to deal with three or four generations.

"I love this land, it's so natural. The clear sky and sea, the gentle wind, the forests and mountain streams, the rising sun on the top of the mountain.

So what makes this place a bottomless abyss? War, colonization, drugs, human greed, endless cycles of national hatred...

Manpower alone cannot save it. Our ancestors and gods, the tree of miracles, will rebuild the world based on this city! "

Ye Sheng was not affected by the pastor's fanatical and distorted narrative at all, and he must always be vigilant against all possible dangers.


Ye Sheng and Aji twisted Neva's wrist, closed their eyes and pressed down.

The 4,000-lumen burst of blazing light made it impossible for attackers to target.

While Veronica preaches the path of evolution, the old killer Oberto wanders around them, looking for the right angle.

The pale red water vortex split and exploded, and the needle-shaped high-pressure water flow was like a salvo of bullets, making dense eye holes on the bench. Part of it is reflected on the wall, and the angle is more difficult to judge.

"Crawling back! The scope of the blazing sun is very large, let's retreat to the gate first."

Ye Sheng issued an order through the group of snakes in the group to let Raymond keep the blazing sun field still, and they retreated towards the edge of the field.

Raymond groaned, and a blood hole was punched by the vortex on his waist. When this word spirit erupts, the water becomes more dangerous than a hail of bullets.

Ye Sheng took out the goggles with one hand and observed the condition of the gate. But in the direction of the original gate, there is only one high white wall with no top visible.

He was stunned for a moment, and immediately released the snake group for detection and imaging. Brain pain, the realm of the snake is interfered with by a more powerful homogeneous realm.

But Ye Sheng could barely see that there was indeed a gate ahead.

"Illusionoid, we're under the influence of hallucinations! Stimulate with pain."

Outside the huge sphere of light, Oberto hovered above the blazing field, squinting. He hasn't released his words yet.

The priest recited the dragon text jerky, and she was lucky enough to obtain the second word spirit after breaking through the critical blood limit.

During the conversation just now, she continued to release Word Spirit Hypnosis. No strong psychological suggestion was given, but the perception of the three was gradually blunted, causing them to fall into the second word spirit unknowingly.

Yanling Senluo can create extremely realistic hallucinations, but it does not have the powerful lethality like the advanced Nightmare Tapir.

The trio bit the tip of their tongues and were slightly awake under the pain stimulation. Only then did Raymond realize that he was not injured, and that their hostage was talking loudly, but they couldn't hear it just now.

"Be careful! She is reporting coordinates!"

But it was too late. The high-pressure water flow in an array burst vertically, piercing the hands and feet of the three people. The water flow is very thin, but the piercing force is extremely strong, enough to make them lose their ability to fight back.

Neva retracted Kama Itachi, elbowed Ye Sheng in reverse, and then locked his joints.

"From the beginning, you couldn't have had a chance.

All adults are welcome. "

One tall shadow after another shrouded the defeated trio. The last race of the sky and the wind, one after another, arrived in the city of their king.

The overlapping Longwei put great pressure on the hearts of the three of them.

"Humans never need dragons to save you! The world you want to rebuild will only be a hundred times worse than the dragon era.

Dragons only see people as hard work, and they will not change after 'evolution'..."

"Stop. Do you think you know the whole picture of us? That's just a small part of what I told you.

Now, return to the embrace of the tree, and slowly reflect in His shade. Pray that you have the potential for evolution, otherwise it will become the nourishment of his complement. "

The communication was still interrupted, and they struggled hard, but couldn't think of a way to spread the information.

The fibrous roots touched the bodies of the three, and filaments like fungi grew, wrapping them around.

Ye Sheng and Aji clasped each other's hands tightly at the last moment, sealed in a giant cocoon, and fell into a long dream...