MTL - C-class Hybrids Forced To Slay Dragons-v5 Chapter 28 voyage

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The spacious living room is filled with light golden light, the light color comes from the gold powder added in the crystal chandelier. Magnificent natural lines spread freely on the marble floor with a deep luster, and the smell of spirits and perfumes blended in the heating.

Da-da, da-da...

The heavy fur coat was pressed against the bony, decaying body of the old man, who was beating the rhythm on the long table with the music with his knuckles like dry chicken paws.

"AmRhein, amRheis..."

Vincent reveled in the melody of "Watching the Rhine" until it was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Rebalco, do we have a new guest?"

Off the Greenland Sea, the YAMAL icebreaker is like a giant steel shark, biting the ice layer by bit.

"Captain, I'm afraid so."

The strong Russian looked serious. In the past, this giant ship was their private kingdom, but now there are some uninvited guests in their kingdom.

Vincent laboriously opened his eyes and scanned the guests in the casino lobby through the camera.

"Table 1, Table 7... Fresh faces."

The two red-haired girls at table 7 who seemed to be twins were very attractive, but what attracted Vincent more was the silver-haired old man at table 1. The black suit is cut just right, and the tall and straight figure looks like a champion athlete in his twenties and thirties.

I'm so envious. In a few years, I may be too old to get off the boat, but that person seems to be forever young. But when he reaches his age, it probably won't be much better.

Vincent waved his hand and lowered his eyelids again. Nothing notable.

"It's not just them. Something's wrong with the bodyguards of the guests..."

Rebalko pointed to a bodyguard in the corner of the shadows. Asian, with a loose black coat to hide his extremely burly figure, but his face is very young and somewhat delicate.

"Last year, Mr. Farris' three bodyguards did not have this person. There is also this one, this one at the bar, the waiter serving the wine...I have no impression of it."

Instead, when he was still in service, Rebalco had already started. But now he is only the first mate of this sea casino, and the mysterious old Vincent is the master of the kingdom.

Vincent woke up all of a sudden, like an old squirrel in the winter being stared at by the sparrows on the stored pine cones.

He was Lieutenant Vincent von Andres, and he still had a job to do. He guards the huge wealth left by Nazi, and finding the island of immortality is the lifelong mission entrusted to him by the Führer. Could it be that his identity has been dug up, how is it possible?


On the deck on the first floor of the YAMAL, Caesar dressed as a waiter wiped the wine glass with a square towel with a subtle expression.

The academy tracked down the clues from Bocklin's "Island of the Dead", and finally locked the YAMAL, or the hidden owner of the ship.

But the key clue actually came from the Gattuso family, to be precise, from his stud daddy.

Old Vincent was an extremely cautious man, using only cash or gold for large transactions, using hundreds of pseudonyms. He won't show up at all unless there is news about the Dead Island.

This invisible man that even Norma could not lock, the family could not only confirm his existence, but also shake out his true identity, crew identity, and sailing records.


"Family heritage, family heritage."

Caesar turned off the communication, and no one knew how much his father was still hiding.

Pompeii, thousands of kilometers away, didn't care. The secrecy technology of the 1930s and 1940s was not much different from those of paper paste in the face of words such as sickle itachi, Mingzhao, and hypnosis. As a famous Italian family, most of the secrets of the "allies" were transparent to the family at that time.

News from Chu Zihang: The operation to seize the ship has begun.

From the moment the academy locked the YAMAL number, old Vincent had no chance of fluttering. The imaginary enemy of the Avalon plan is Odin, and the next generation and below can only be regarded as relatively ferocious wild animals in front of the top team of the academy, similar to polar bears.

On the top of the icebreaker, Rebalco, who was issuing deployment instructions to the security team, suddenly lost his communication ability. Just three seconds later, there was a muffled sound from the bottom of the icebreaker that made the heart stop.

"Iceberg! We hit an iceberg! Run away!"

Most of the passengers who had bet on him hadn't realized what had happened yet. Lu Mingfei was so angry that he let the word "iceberg" spread all over the hall.

To intensify the effect, he roared twice more in English and plastic Japanese, then ran all the way to the stern.

The crew in charge of security reacted at the first time, this is pure nonsense. The nuclear-powered icebreaker is not a big and delicate toy like the Titanic. The YAMAL has no such concerns. It should be the iceberg who is afraid of this ship.

But before they could make a sound to restore order, all of them fell into a syncope, and it looked like they all fainted from fright.

Angers sat at the gaming table as if he had never left. He waved goodbye to his fellow passengers with a peaceful, calm smile on his face.

"I've lived too long, maybe sinking into the sea of ​​pure ice with this old ship is a good way to die."

"are you crazy!"

Passengers ran for their lives under the watchful eye of Angers, scrambling for a vantage point on the lifeboat.

On the top of the icebreaker, Vincent certainly didn't believe in the nonsense of hitting an iceberg, but the Yamal's speed did slow down quickly after the loud noise. Heck, the other party was coming for him at all, and there might be a big hole in the hull of the ship at this time.

The only and correct way to deal with this madman is to run away!

Old Vincent's dry body burst out with vitality comparable to that of a big rooster. He even ran and jumped to the vault to clean up his belongings, such as "Island of the Dead", while dozens of famous paintings hanging on both sides of the corridor had been taken by him. Abandoned.

"Rebarco! Let Xie Miao lead someone to guard the eighth floor, and don't let anyone come up! Bring two elites, go start the helicopter, and bring the fuel tank full!"

Vincent, who was halfway through the run, thought of something, turned back and stretched out a wrinkled finger towards Rebalco.

"One million euros per person, I'll give you two million!"

Alexander Rebalko shrugged. He was born in the special forces, and his helicopter piloting skills are acceptable, but the risk of flying over the Greenland Sea is still quite high, but if he has enough money, there is nothing he dares to do.


Chu Zihang, in a black diving suit, climbed up the deck along the rope ladder, wiping away the icy sea water while commanding remotely.

The biggest advantage of having real power in the executive department is that he can make most of the action plans by himself, even if the plan sounds completely unreliable.

On the other hand, for the task report that he does not want to submit, he can directly waive it. Or create a new empty folder and then lock it by Norma, and file it in the top secret file of the Executive Department.

For example, the plan to seize the ship this time, on the surface, he arranged explosives, combined with the power of Jun Yan, the icebreaker lost part of its power. The actual operation is to let a certain dragon king give the Yamal two punches, and through the power transmission of metaphysics, it will destroy the turbine group just right. Not only is it efficient, but it is also convenient to repair afterwards.

After the mission is successful, the commissioners will be amazed that it is Minister Chu who has easily done what we couldn't do, but they don't know that Lord Ye has written a debt in his heart.

If it wasn't for love, plus something after what Luo promised, Xia Mi would definitely paddle the whole way instead of being a nanny for the academy. Avalon Project? Arctic luxury January tour that's all.

"The target is moving from the 11th floor to the roof, and two teams are blocking the exit on the 11th floor. Caesar, have you reached the roof?"

"I see the target."

Caesar thought that he had encountered too many monsters in the past two years. Wind King, Water King, Odin, Luo Yin or something. He almost forgot that routine actions should be as relaxing and pleasant as they are today.

While the gamblers fled in a panic, Caesar "ran" along the outer wall to the rooftop. Inherited from his mother Gulveig's word spirit, Frostfall, it can generate a strong local ice layer between the soles of his feet and the outer wall.

"Former Alpha Force Major, Alexander Rebalko, don't move. We know your past, we know your past."

Caesar's right hand turned translucent ice blue, and the frost covered and fixed Rebalco's hands in every inch.

When Old Vincent ran up to the rooftop with a tinkling sound, he saw the flamed helicopter and the elite bodyguards frozen on the ground at first sight.

Vincent gasped heavily, and immediately turned back, the dry hair on his forehead suddenly and neatly snapped. The air was densely covered with transparent blades, humming. He suddenly thought of whether he would go to see Satan or the Fuhrer after he died, or neither.

Caesar switched his speech spirit to a blood-sucking sickle, controlling Vincent's movements and not attacking.

"You are real! Real Aryans!"

"This ship doesn't belong to you now. Hope you can provide useful items and information next, and don't roar so loudly."

After knowing the details of Vincent, Caesar showed no mercy to him. The "poor" old man should have been on trial sixty years ago.


The swarming passengers boarded the "rescue boat" arranged in advance by the college, and experts from the equipment department began to repair the hull failure. Most of the passengers found anomalies after calming down, but they just wanted to get away from here as soon as possible.

Rebarco and other former special forces members were temporarily centrally managed after they were disarmed. The staff were appeased by the college after a brief chaos and continued to work as usual as if nothing had happened. The way to appease is, of course, throwing money at no disadvantage.

"You can't do this to me, not even an Aryan!

That one over there, let me take a look at your strength again, the Führer has never been able to find you in his life! "

In the luxurious living room on the top floor, the two long rows of Russian girls with red skirts and dazzling skin that Vincent hired on weekdays have avoided them. Only the old Vincent, who was tied to the chair by the five flowers, and a group of half-breeds who were eyeing him.

It is undoubtedly a good thing that the principal leads the team. When he was replaced by the vice-principal, his attention was completely lost on the part of the beautiful girl.

The commissioners found the "Dead Island" with the frame removed in Vincent's large suitcase. The content of the picture is different from the other published pictures, the colors are more depressed and depressed, and some details on the island reveal a chilling silence and solemnity.

As for the white human figure covered in the shroud on the canoe, just staring at him made people think of death and nightmares, and the fear of black sea water infiltrated his mind uncontrollably.

There are signs that they are on the right track.

"YAMAL sails the Arctic Circle year after year in search of this dead island?"

Chu Zihang quickly flipped through YAMAL's logbook. The ship's trajectory over the decades covered almost the entire Arctic Circle.

"No, its name should be the Island of Eternal Life, Avalon. If you want me to take you to find Avalon, then give it up, the secret of eternal life will eventually belong to the head of state!"

Lu Mingfei felt that Vincent desperately needed a brain break. But don't worry about your broken head of state. It's better to wish him a higher talent for painting in the next life than waiting for his resurrection.

Chu Zihang was noncommittal. If Vincent knew how Odin gave immortality, he would understand that the island of immortality does not conflict with the island of death.

"Our time is a little tight. Professor Masashi Toyama, please."

Masashi Toyama, who looked harmless to humans and animals, nodded, his squinted eyes like two crescent moons, and he put on glasses custom-made from the alchemy workshop that recorded the circuit of the dream tapir. Nightmare Tapir is the upper branch of hypnosis, and this pair of glasses can make his psychological counseling more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

"Vincent von Andres, relax, relax, I just want to chat with you casually, please forget about the troublesome things like Avalon and immortality for the time being.

Now, let's go back to the spring of 1935, when you were not enlisted in the army, and you were walking along the Rhine. Tell me what you saw and smelled..."

"Light... There are different lights on the water surface during the day, a touch of water vapor, and a fresh smell of plants."

Half an hour later, old Vincent burst into tears and spit out the information he had. She stayed with her mother for three words, and ripped off the Nazi armband on her arm and stomped on it repeatedly. Most of the people present subconsciously moved away from Masashi Toyama.

"A super icebreaker like YAMAL is essential to the propulsion plan, which is also Norma's opinion."

Chu Zihang sorted out the information from Masashi Toyama and said.

"Vincent has collected a wealth of folklore and marine data during his decades of voyages.

Among them are several key words, 'Aurora', 'Whales', and 'Christmas'.

In the past, Odin's actions were accompanied by storms, followed by aurora and and in some local Inuit legends, there is an island hidden at the end of the aurora.

Whale groups with particularly large populations are also worth noting. Some fishermen regard the leader of the group as the **** of the sea. "

Chu Zihang paused slightly. Professor Schneider's nightmare was a dragon in the Greenland Sea that looked like a baby whale, code-named "Leviathan". The failures and secrets of the academy ten years ago are now gradually no longer hidden from them.

"As for the special time of Christmas, because there is still a long time before Christmas, it is temporarily impossible to investigate and verify.

But the great aurora at Christmas, the disappearance of the ship, is a clue worth pursuing further. "

The clues that the academy can continue to pursue at present are the aurora phenomenon and a certain huge group of whales.

Angers on the side just listened, but did not speak. Chu Zihang did not appear overly aggressive or conservative because his enemy was Odin.

Angers always believed in Chu Zihang's potential and the ability to become a great dragon slayer. However, there were some changes in this young man that he could not be sure of, for better or for worse. But no matter what, it's time for young people to be on their own.

As for Caesar... What he wants to overcome is a completely different trial from Chu Zihang. What is rooted in his bloodline is glory and even curse.

"We first went to these Inuit villages to investigate, and Vincent collected most of the rumors from these villages."

Running around at sea trying to run into aurora and whales doesn't sound like a sensible solution.

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