MTL - C-class Hybrids Forced To Slay Dragons-v5 Chapter 56 puzzle

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"The **** the dragon's back is a student of the academy?"

"Zero, two grades lower than me, excellent A grade."

Luo Yin and Susie rendezvous with Elizabeth on a scooter. They covered the unhealed wounds with long trench coats, but they couldn't hide their weakness after exhaustion.

It was normal for Elizabeth to recognize Zero, and prominent students in the academy usually got the attention of the trustees.

"Zero is a clear card in this game. The people behind her need a medium to cooperate with the academy, and the principal and others will tacitly ignore her problems."

"She seems to be very close to Lu Mingfei."

"If you're interested, you can test the principal. But he won't tell me a word."

Although he has already guessed almost, there are only a few key pieces of information.

Elizabeth nodded slightly and didn't ask any more questions.

After the incident in City 23, there will be more intelligence sharing between the two of them, and the cooperation will be more tacit.

She wouldn't ask Luo Yin how the evolutionary rocket exploded into pieces. It is enough for Luo Yin to stand on the side of the academy at the critical moment.

The Laurent family's personal armed forces arrived here in five minutes, but Luo Yin declined the invitation of his peers. He has other arrangements.

"The evolutionary support is also coming. Don't be in a hurry to deal with them, pay attention to the time."

"Have a nice trip."

After Elizabeth boarded the return helicopter, Susie asked hesitantly:

"At that time, why were you sure that those two must be clones?"

Because the number behind their name can be seen in the system interface.

Luo Yin thought about it for a while before answering:

"I can't say for sure. But whether they are or not is really not the point.

Do you remember the clone machine we found in another shelter? "

Susie nodded, it was equivalent to a clone factory.

"In the time since the Laurent couple's plane crash, it has been very difficult to create clones of similar age and appearance. Even at the technological level of the evolutionary school.

Second, the memories of clones are forged through dreams through alchemy technology, and the material for dreams needs a source.

Moreover, the top secretaries of the secret party generally attach great importance to protecting their own genetic information, especially it is impossible to leak stem cells that can be used for cloning. "

The meaning of Luo Yin's words couldn't be clearer. Whether the two are real or not, the Laurent couple must be unclean.

The Laurent family's stance was not as firm as Elizabeth thought, and they at least once had a private collaboration with the Evolutionists.

Susie didn't regret asking the question. Impure truth is better than good ignorance.

"So, the focus is on Elizabeth's choice. She can make a quick decision when she finds out that her family is not clean.

So she remains a trusted ally when dealing with the evolutionary faction. "

"No one is completely clean, everyone has little secrets that don't shine. But in this war, we have to trust some people."

Luo Yin yawned hugely, but unfortunately he can't make up for it yet. The two got out of the car and walked to the ruins of City No. 23.

[Items related to the main quest detected]

If it wasn't for the system uncle suddenly cheating on the corpse, and the reminder popped up repeatedly, he couldn't get it off. Luo Yin had already retreated on the corpse guard.

After starting the main mission in Takamurahara in the Japan Trench, that is, to find the fragments of the ice-sea copper column, he provided all support except help for completing the "main mission".

The release of the main quest means that the crumb system may have its own purpose. This is a highly uncontrollable factor.

So even if Luo Yin knew that there were many fragments in the hands of the secret party, most of which had not been deciphered, he had not taken any action.

But based on the current situation, it may be time to make a decision.

"Wait a minute, I'll go down and find something."

Luo Yin jumped into the ruined shelter, and some steel frames still had the flames of black snakes remaining.

Susie thought his expression was a little tricky, but didn't ask much.

Luo Yin prepared for the worst. Lord Bie's stubborn system, there is a high probability that he will not be killed.

But if the Godhead Grimace system disappeared, he would probably be sad too.

Luo Yin walked through the extremely cold ruins, and the rotten metal debris kept shattering and falling. He found the corridor hidden in the deformed wall, and opened the door with his sword.

The system created a temporary resonance between him and a collection of the Evolutionary faction. The original security device in the corridor was damaged, and Luo Yin easily found the evolutionary faction's treasure trove.

On the transparent quartz base, more than a dozen bronze fragments are spliced ​​and inlaid into incomplete cylinders, and the dragon inscriptions on the surface are largely mutilated and worn.

They are carefully kept by Evolutionists in sterile tempered glass rooms, filled with inert gas to maintain low temperature and proper humidity.

There were a few unfortunate corpses frozen beside the workbench. They should be recovering and deciphering the text on the copper According to the degree of damage to the copper column table, Luo Yin felt that their chances of success were very slim.

He split open the door and went straight to the debris. The breath of the black snake caused all the mechanisms and alarm devices here to fail.

Luo Yin can assert that the spirits in these fragments have long since dissipated, let alone complete vitality. There are also no alchemical realms that can be activated.

Deciphering the information on these fragments is completely a fantasy, and they are much more damaged than the fragments in the high sky.

Unless he has an almost complete dragon library.

Luo Yin savagely slashed at himself, making his already weak body even worse.

The extremely high-purity dragon blood flows in the gully on the surface of the copper pillar, drawing a picture of prosperous blood.

[Mainline quest props detected...

Begin to compare dragon and text...]

Just be happy.

Luo Yin sensed that his blood was seeping into the copper pillar, trying to fill in the missing part of Long Wen.

As a three-dimensional text, paper is not a suitable carrier for dragon writing, and copper pillars are much more convenient.

His blood is an excellent pure natural alchemy material. If the original dragon inscription on the copper column table can be recovered, some useful information may be obtained.

Luo Yin calmly watched his blood flow, and the system uncle compared the dragon text on the copper pillar sentence by sentence.

"Mom, I'm almost anemic!"

[Remaining time to complete the task: 30 seconds]

Immediately afterwards, the countdown was stuck.

IMHO, WIndowsxp is not so shameful.

Until Luo Yin was about to be drained, the long-lost spirit vision finally arrived.

------off topic-----

The state is very poor these days, and I will start to be a man again tomorrow (definitely).