MTL - C-class Hybrids Forced To Slay Dragons-v5 Chapter 64 Apocalypse (3)

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"Sesame closes!"

Xia Mi squeezed her hands together, and the shadow of the black coffin in the iceberg suddenly became blurred, like ripples on the water.

Of course, the main force responsible for closing the door is Yemengade, who is working very hard to cooperate with her performance.

Xia Mi suddenly shuddered.

The contents of the black rock coffin seemed to glance at her.

The coffin lid moved at an extremely slow speed, as heavy as a cast iron mountain.

The door that had just started to close was pushed open bit by bit and irresistibly.

The knight of conquest shoots an arrow of judgment at Leviathan and draws up the big red bow.

His fierce blood-colored vertical pupils locked onto Yemengarde's location. The eight-legged Pegasus moved its legs like bronze pillars and charged towards the Nautilus with strong winds and electric lights.

Cang Lei dominates!

Passing through the low sky at subsonic speed, the conquering knight swung his claws and dropped sixteen blue-white thunders on those who resisted the locust swarm.

Several seniors of the Gattuso family immediately fell to the ground paralyzed, and black smoke from the carbonization of the flesh came out of the heavy armor.

The river water rushed to the sky in a vortex, and dozens of tons of water were condensed in four high-pressure water vortices.

Eri Yi changed the direction of the trial's destruction in time to avoid the water vortex bursting right above their heads, turning everyone into a shower.

Jun Yan!

Jun Yan!

Jun Yan's strong blast against the blast pushed Chu Zihang aside, and the conquering knight held his bow high, pulling the blood-colored bowstring.

In just a few seconds, three high-risk speech spirits of different natures were released in a row, which was easy for him, and successfully broke through the blockade.

Conquest is not the absolute master of the elements, but he has penetrated the mutual transformation of the five elements.

There are several interesting prey here...but nothing compares to Yermengard. Hela, must be destroyed.

On the taut bowstring, the shape of the arrow gradually appeared, like an illusion constructed by light and fog, but the powerful killing intent on the arrow was undoubtedly real.

The light on the spiral arrow is getting stronger and stronger, almost burning people's eyes, and the fanatical locust swarms are far away.

The invisible eye in the spiritual realm has locked onto Yemengarde, and she has nowhere to hide.

Give up closing the door, and the black coffin where the famine is located will enter here. Continue to block, and the arrow of judgment will pierce through her heart and penetrate the entire Nautilus.

The Conqueror Knight continued to increase the field, and the area of ​​several meters around him had turned into a dead place, covered with the indiscriminate concept of death.

The arrow of judgment is ready to be fired, and the sun and moon wheels hanging high in the sky seem to be real.

boom! boom!

The crimson bullet penetrated the field, and the fragmented warhead released a violent burning concept.

The turbine-shaped flames smashed through the defense behind the Conqueror Knight, and the second bullet passed through the scattered fire stream and shot at the weakest scale on the White Knight's back.

But He only moved his body slightly, and the Sage's Stone bullet smashed into pieces on the hard bone spur.

【Dodge! 】

Chu Zihang didn't have time to return to help, and he didn't have time to consider the consequences of the Nautilus being destroyed.

Once the arrow leaves the string, the time left for Xia Mi to dodge may be less than 0.1 second.

The white knight in the name of conquest and victory let go of the bowstring, and the radiance that erupted in an instant was like the wrath of a god, severing everything, no matter whether it was thorns, steel or enemies.

Chu Zihang's worries were unnecessary. Yemengarde resolutely gave up the confrontation with the famine, and while running wildly, twisted the steel for defense.

Almost at the same time, a black thunder burst out of the Nautilus's hatch and ejected from the surface of the submarine towards the unstoppable arrow.

When the unidentified black shadow moves, it is as fast as wind and thunder, and its terrifying momentum is like a furious sea.

The long black hair behind him was blown like a dark cloud by the strong wind, his face covered with dragon scales was as awe-inspiring as a rock, and his strong muscles were more solid than steel.

Every detail of that perfect body is showing four words, indestructible.

Tian Yu Yuzhan and Fudu Yusoul slashed at the invisible bow and arrow at the same time, the double alchemy domain and the law of judgment destroyed each other, releasing a dazzling arc in the air.

She vibrated her dragon wings twice, slashing continuously with violent power, and never retreated even though the power of the arrows cut several deep wounds on her body.

When she swung the sword, she never showed any expression or made a sound. Rock solid. new

The aftermath of the collision blasted vertical and horizontal ravines on the top of the rock and the ground, and sand, gravel and crushed ice splashed everywhere.

The dark shadows fell heavily on the dark river ice, and the cracked ice layer quickly froze and recovered, and it was thicker than before.

The boiling dragon's blood flowed under her long tail, and the arrow of judgment of the conquering knight cut four extremely deep wounds on her body, the closed keel was cut off, and the internal organs were cut open.

But she was not directly penetrated by the arrow, which means that her body strength is already on par with that of titanium alloys.


Whether it was Cassell's teachers and students, or the elite of the Gattuso family, it was difficult for them to understand Sombra's identity.

The Egyptian A-level freshman who has not yet entered the school has a strange constitution that easily vomits blood when discharged.

Because Imani had not undergone systematic combat training, Chu Zihang asked her to stay in the Nautilus on standby.

So, there are three dragon kings on the Nautilus?

If I had called Constantine again before, I would be able to play mahjong directly.

[She is Ego, the king of ocean and water! She is Leviathan's brother! 】

Chu Zihang was stunned for a moment, the amount of information was a bit large.

Yemengarde continued to try to prevent the famine from coming, and his face turned green.

Thinking back to the last time I saw Ego, they were still brothers. Can only sigh the vicissitudes of life.

[Leviathan is called Gulweig in Norse mythology, and is a goddess belonging to the Vaner gods.

Ego is the **** of the deep sea isolated from the two major gods...

Are the twins of the ocean and water in their own way? 】

[Ego is a lunatic! He abandoned the identity of the four monarchs and became the enemy of all dragon kings. 】

Yemengard recalled how many times he had met Ego along the way, and he couldn't help feeling a chill behind his back.

She just wanted to strangle Xia Mi. Before Xia Mi, because the serious Imani was a bit like the female version of Chu Zihang, she thought this junior sister was very fun, and played with this Dragon King traitor on the YAMAL for two whole days!

Unlike other first-generation species, Ego has no obvious flaws, and is far stronger than Norton, who has a balanced ability.

He was the only first-generation species that did not betray the Black King, so he was killed by them with a righteous siege. Ego has been hunting down his dear brothers and sisters since then, including his twin Leviathan.

According to Yemengarde's estimation, this lunatic's record in slaying dragons can stand up to half of the secret party.

If it weren't for the fact that the cocooning ability of the first-generation species was too incomprehensible, the four monarchs might only have half of them left now.

Ego hasn't been around for more than a century, and Yemengade guessed very maliciously that this **** was finally planted in the hands of an extraordinary dragon slayer.

But Ego actually reincarnated as a beautiful girl and sneaked into the secret party. Isn't this plagiarizing her, Lord, the check rate is 99%!

The knight of conquest in the sky is far away from Ego, who has a human head and a snake body on the glacier.

The dragon scales on his body are darker in color than Leviathan, almost pure black, and only a hint of dark blue luster can be noticed when carefully observed.

Ego, like Leviathan, draws nutrients from the water body, and the cut wound on the dragon's body ignores common sense and forcibly closes it to stop the bleeding.

The decree of death tore the wound open and closed it again under the influence of some supernatural force.

The flesh, bones, and internal organs were torn and healed repeatedly, and the severe pain did not make Ego change his expression.

He holds the concept of "regeneration". If this power goes further, it may be able to touch "life".

"Ego... haven't you given up yet?"

Leviathan asked in a low voice, with a complicated expression.

The blue-gray death knight temporarily put away the scythe in his hand, waiting for Ego's next move.

Because of Ego's very special position, the current situation is a bit delicate.

It was difficult for Yemengard to accurately describe the various emotions that Leviathan was showing at this moment.

Sad? anger? joy? Puzzled?

The first generation was tormented by the heaviest blood mourning, and could only rely on the twins for a little warmth.

Yemenga is hard to imagine, how Leviathan survived thousands of years of loneliness alone.

She lives alone in the uninhabited sea of ​​ice, accompanied by whales all day long, drifting in the long polar days and nights.

Leviathan never even invaded the human world. She only caught a glimpse of the prosperous and boring world of human beings on the occasional ship. The rest of the mission is only to guard the bones of the Black King.

Ye Mengjia suddenly felt that his silly brother was really good. I will never scold Fenrir casually again, even if he is addicted to games, he is still fooled around by shameless humans.

"Bechymos, I prefer this name."

Immortal Behemoth, the blade of God.


Three minutes ago.

Two knights of the apocalypse, death and conquest came one after another, and the golden locust swarm came like a storm.

The interior of the Nautilus was a mess, with panicked sailors scurrying around like headless flies.

On the hospital bed, the burly man ripped off the infusion tube and electrode patches on his body, and walked through the noisy corridor in a blue and white hospital gown.

During the battle with the black dragon, Lu Mingfei passively transformed into a dragon, blocking the black dragon's breath.

That time, Long Hua drained his physical strength, and he regained consciousness after a long rest.

But the side effects of dragonization are not only that. He subsequently developed drowsiness, muscle weakness, unstable blood pressure, heart rate and other problems, and had to undergo medical measures.



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