MTL - Capture the Jade-Chapter 21

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Calyx Ji carried the lantern and led the way: "Daoist priest, Ge Jin's sleeping place is right in front, it is a waterside pavilion called Yicuixuan, that place is quiet and elegant, which is suitable for her to recover, but unfortunately she is disheartened after the accident. , stay out of the house all day long."

Teng Yuyi looked around. Although the first-class tricksters of Caifenglou all lived in the same place, their rank was different. Gejin, the leader of the flowers, had a different bed than others.

The wing rooms are divided into two sides, east and west facing each other, winding like snakes, and there are thirty rooms in each row.

Ge Jin lives in the largest room on the east side, with the front window facing the peony bushes in the garden, and the back window facing the water, so you can enjoy flowers in spring and snow in winter. It is quite ingenious to say, worthy of Ge Jin's identity known to Caifenglou.

The actors stayed in the front building, the corridors of the waterside pavilion in the back garden were quieter than usual, and the light and shadow of the lanterns under the eaves were dim and miserable, far less than the bright moon above their heads.

Calyx Ji held up the lantern and looked forward, and when she saw Ge Jin's door was closed, she immediately felt relieved: "The door is still closed, and the talisman paper given by the Taoist priest is pasted everywhere in the building, as long as Ge Jin does not open the door without authorization. , I don't think anything will happen."

When everyone arrived at the door, Jue Sheng and Qi Zhi stood on tiptoe and looked at them: "Senior brother, the talisman paper is well attached."

Lin Chengyou kicked open the door without saying a word, and everyone looked in. There was only the cold moonlight in the room, and there was no shadow of Ge Jin.

"Damn it, where have people gone?"

Lin Chengyou had already approached the window, and jumped out: "I haven't gone far, hurry up."

Jue Sheng and Qi Zhi jumped up the window without saying a word.

The one who jumped first was Juesheng, only to hear a plop, and Juesheng screamed from below: "Ouch, senior brother, why didn't you tell us that there is a pool outside."

Lin Chengyou's voice came from a distance: "Is this still worth teaching? Don't you look at yourself before jumping down? Abandoned wisdom's hand is injured, don't go into the water, first draw a pure golden statue in the room, and then Go to the shore to meet Abandoned Wisdom."

Qizhi hung his head down on the window, at least he didn't plunge into the water like Jue Sheng did, but his hands were scribbling in vain, and he looked so embarrassed.

He called weakly, "Your Highness, please help me."

Teng Yuyi ran over and dragged Qizhi back: "Tsk, I think I know why your brothers scold you all day long."

Speaking of looking down from the window, this window drawer is different from other places. It is very wide and can accommodate two people. If people in the room are interested, they can sit on the edge of the window and enjoy the moon and drink.

The Absolute Sage thumped in the pond in embarrassment, silver waves surging under the moonlight, Teng Yuyi glanced at it, and suddenly remembered the night when he was dying in his previous life, his face changed in an instant.

Qizhi stood up and looked at Teng Yuyi strangely: "Wang Gongzi, are you afraid of water?"

Teng Yuyi pretended to be fine: "Jesong is fine, do you want to fish him out?"

"He knows water, it's alright, I'll find him after I draw the line." Qizhi ran back to the room.

He Mingsheng leaned weakly against the door frame, his legs trembling uncontrollably: "I was frightened to death, and then I rescued Juan Erli, and Ge Jin disappeared again. This place is so creepy, can the little priest send me quickly? Back to the front building?"

Qizhi was stunned: "There is no time now, the life and death of Lady Gejin is uncertain, and the poor must help senior brother to save people first."

He Mingsheng wiped the sweat beads on his fat face: "It won't take long to send us back, the trail is long and good, just take a trip and come back."

Qi Zhi quickly drew up the formation: "With the formation to protect, the room is now the safest, the four of you stay in the room and don't walk around."

Said and ran away.

He Mingsheng stomped his feet angrily, no matter how reluctant he was, he could only slowly move into the room.

Teng Yuyi and Huo Qiuli looked at him curiously by the window. Calyx Ji probably thought he was too embarrassing as the master, and his face was uncomfortable.

He Mingsheng didn't care, he sat in front of Ge Jin's dressing table, and kept wiping the sweat on his head: "A lot of things happened in just a few days, this is to close the door of Caifeng Building. what!"

Teng Yuyi slowly walked back to the low couch, and also sat down with her robes up: "I heard that the storekeeper He is from Luoyang? What kind of business did you do in the past?"

"Rice in bridles, silk colors and pearls, I have done all kinds of business." He Mingsheng said in a succinct manner. All the family wealth is on the Caifeng Building. If the monsters in the building cannot be cleaned up, He is afraid that he will lose half his life."

Calyx Ji flattered: "The main family is a famous big boss in Luoyang, a small Caifeng Building, why is it hurting the bones?"

He Mingsheng stared: "Listen, this is really a woman's opinion, Caifeng Tower is no better than the other side, you need to invest a lot of money every day, if the business is good, this place is like a spring, constantly feeding the whole situation. If the business is bleak, the foundation will be shaken within three months. I only hope that tonight's incident will not be spread, otherwise the business will plummet, and I don't know how much I will lose in the future."

Teng Yuyi said with a smile, "I heard that Ge Jin is the oiran of your Caifeng Tower, she was injured by a ghost, why didn't the owner find someone to remove the trouble, so I'm not afraid In the future, will there still be tricksters in your building?"

He Mingsheng cried and said with a sad face: "Why don't you find someone to get rid of the trouble? It was just a small fight before, and it didn't cause too much trouble. When Ge Jin was injured a few days ago, I immediately set off to Luoyang to find that expert. Zhi searched around the city for a long time, but he couldn't find the shadow of a master. I guess he was either a liar or went out for a wander. I planned to go to Qingyunguan for help in the next two days, but who knew that something would happen tonight. ."

He was talking so much that he suddenly felt that something was wrong. The window was originally full of moonlight, but it suddenly became dark. He turned his eyes to look at it, and was suddenly slumped on the ground in fright. The moonlight outside blocked most of it.

Calyx Ji screamed in horror, and Teng Yuyi quickly drew out her jade sword: "You you, you, who are you?"

The man raised his head with difficulty: "It's me."

He Mingsheng and Qi Ji seemed to think the voice was familiar, and looked at each other in surprise: "Ge Jin?!"

"Master's house..." Ge Jin said weakly, "Aunt Calyx... quickly pull me in."

He Mingsheng raised the lampstand tremblingly, the woman's hair was half-fallen, dripping wetly, her eyes were charming, it was a rare beauty. It's a pity that there are scars on his face, and most of his beauty has been damaged.

"It really is Gejin." He Mingsheng shivered, "Why are you here? Didn't you get kidnapped by monsters?"

Ge Jin struggled to cling to the edge of the window: "It's my fault that I opened the door without permission and accidentally caught the monster's way. Fortunately, the Taoist priest of Qingyun Temple rescued me, but they were busy chasing the monster, and they didn't have time to send me to the house. inside."

She said and coughed: "Master, you finally came back from Luoyang, did you invite that stranger?"

He Mingsheng and Caly Ji didn't dare to move at first, but they were suddenly stunned when they heard this sentence. He Mingsheng went to Luoyang to ask for an expert, only a few of the most honorable prostitutes have always known.

It seems that this is Ge Jin undoubtedly.

"The main family... Aunt Calyx..." Ge Jin's breath was weak, "Come and help."

The two were hesitating when Teng Yuyi suddenly said, "Miss Gejin, which Taoist priest put you here?"

"It's not the Taoist priest, it's a young master." Ge Jin sighed, "After saving the slave family, this person thinks the slave family is cumbersome, so he left the slave family and left without saying a word."

The doubts of the people in the room disappeared, this was indeed something Lin Chengyou could do.

He Mingsheng was accustomed to being timid, and still didn't dare to go there, so he only looked at the envoy Calyx Ji: " Calyx, you go and help Ge Jin."

Ge Jin smiled bitterly: "Master, you are so close, why do you need to send Aunt Calyx?"

Her tone and expression were the same as usual, no doubt in her heart, and she rolled up her sleeves to help: "That's it, I'll come."

Unexpectedly, as soon as he took a step, he was stopped by Teng Yuyi. Teng Yuyi shook something out of his sleeve and walked towards the window: "Miss Gejin, when the Taoist priest was asked to post a talisman tonight, he told everyone not to open the door without authorization. I don't know what method Yaoyi used to coax you into being fooled."

Ge Jin was stunned: "That thing pretended to be an acquaintance to deliver medicine to the slave family, and the slave family accidentally..."

"I see." Teng Yuyi nodded, "Hey, this monster is so clever that it's hard to guard against."

"Isn't it?" Ge Jin sighed, "It's all my fault for the slave family's confusion, son, the slave family can't hold it anymore, come and help.

She stretched out a slender white arm and looked at Teng Yuyi with hope.

"Here." Teng Yuyi stepped up and walked to the window, holding up the thing in her hand with a smile.

Ge Jin's face changed, only to see Teng Yuyi holding a bald pen in her hand, stabbed straight into her face.

Ge Jin didn't have time to dodge, her face changed in an instant, her complexion shone with the light of the moon, revealing a pale golden luster, she didn't move, there was a cold and strange smell in her voice: "Where did I show my legs? "

Teng Yuyi was lucky enough to get it, but she was terrified. She ducked back and said, "Why should I tell you?"

In fact, she became suspicious early in the morning. Ge Jin had just been kidnapped by a monster. Even if she was rescued in time, she would still be unconscious because of the poison. The demon poison passed out.

Lin Chengyou knew that this would be the case, no matter how inhumane he was, he would never leave a comatose person casually.

But this fake "Gejin" not only suddenly appeared out of the window, but also appeared unscathed.

The woman laughed lowly, her arms slowly lowered, and when she raised her arms again, the color of her arms had already changed. Looking closely, the top of her head was dense as a plant, plump like scales, and turned into a pair of golden wings in the blink of an eye. .

Half of the woman's face is still in the shape of Ge Jin, but the other half has fluffy hair, and her wide wings poked into the window, as if she wanted to come in, but every time she touched the edge of the window, it seemed to be blocked by something invisible.

Huo Qiu's face turned pale, and he hurriedly walked out to protect a few people: "Young master, go away, the villain is trying to hold him back. The Taoist priest should be nearby, and you can call for help after you go out."

Calyx Ji and He Mingsheng scrambled to run outside the house, but they were so frightened that they froze to the ground.

Teng Yuyi's heart was pounding: "Let's stay in the room, Daoist Abandoned Wisdom has drawn a line in the room, and if this monster can enter the room, there is no need to pretend to be a Gejin to trick us, I guess there are doors and windows installed. Formation, you see it can't get in."

Huo Qiu felt that this made sense, so he hurriedly carried He Mingsheng who had just climbed to the door and slipped back.

At this moment, the feathers on the face of the thing in the window became thicker and denser, and the figure became larger and larger, as if it had turned into a giant bird, blocking the window tightly, and carefully looked at it by the light in the room. , I saw its bright red claws on the edge of the window, screaming strangely in its mouth, suddenly raised its claws and pointed the sharp claws at Calyx Ji.

Calyx Ji's eyes were straight, and she walked towards the window, Teng Yuyi knew something was wrong: "Huoqiu, stop her!"

Huo Qiu hurried up, but Calyx Ji was so powerful that before Huo Qiu could come over, he waved his arm and threw him aside. Huo Qiu flew out and smashed the rope bed beside the table with a bang.

"Huoqiu!" Teng Yuyi cried out in frustration.

He Mingsheng's upper and lower teeth were chattering, and he kept looking around: "Where's the Taoist priest? Help! Help, Taoist priest!"

Before he finished speaking, the monster at the window suddenly screamed, and a large net was thrown under the moonlight, shining with golden light, as wide as a quilt, and tightly covering the monster.

"Do you understand?" Lin Chengyou's voice came from outside.

"I see, this is its body, and the previous Jin Jiao was just its incarnation."

"If you understand it, just accept the Internet cafe."

But I heard Jue Sheng shouting: "Senior brother, it's so strong, I can't hold it."

"Jump down if you can't pull it, and I'll pick you up below. Its feathers can't get wet, it's easy to do when it falls into the water."

Jue Sheng obviously did what he said, and with a thud, he jumped into the water again. Fortunately, this method worked, and he pulled the monster out of the window all at once.

Teng Yuyi raised her hand to wipe off the sweat, only to realize that she was sweating all over her body. Calyx Ji was swaying and almost fell to the ground, just as Huo Qiu got up from the ground and rushed over to help him.

Teng Yuyi reluctantly sat in front of the dressing table, her legs were still weak and weak, and she could only hear the sound of water outside, as if a rainstorm was approaching. Negative, every sound is terrifying.

During this period, He Mingsheng tried to flee several times, but was stopped by Teng Yuyi. Calyx Ji wanted to escape but didn't dare, so she could only hide behind Teng Yuyi.

I don't know how long it took, the outside slowly returned to silence, Teng Yuyi stared out the window, the picture outside was about to dawn, the stars were gradually disappearing, the sky and the earth were smudged a dark blue, after fighting for so long, I don't know whether Lin Chengyou caught the monster or not.

She was feeling up and down in her heart, when suddenly the window darkened, something rushed over again, the golden light flickered in the morning light, it was clearly the monster, and this time, for some unknown reason, the thing easily protruded into the edge of the window.

Teng Yuyi felt a chill on her neck. Could it be that the formation of abandoning wisdom lost its effectiveness? When it crawls in, everyone in the room will suffer, He Mingsheng and Calyji panic again, and Teng Yuyi ran to the window and stabbed with his sword.

"You still dare to come."

The thing outside the window was about to come in, but in surprise, he grabbed the edge of the window instead.

Only then did Teng Yuyi see clearly that the person who came was not a monster, but a person. This person was wearing a golden net of Qingyunguan, and at first glance, he was covered in golden light.

"It's you again?" Lin Chengyou gritted his teeth.

Teng Yuyi quickly withdrew his hand: "I thought it was a monster, but it turned out to be the Taoist priest."

But after a step too late, Lin Chengyou fell down in order to avoid Jian Feng, and with a plop, a big splash of water splashed.

Teng Yuyi climbed the eaves of the window and looked down. Lin Chengyou was good at water. He quickly leaned out of the water. He wiped his face, glared at the window, and swam to the shore.

At this moment, there was the sound of running on the corridor, Jue Sheng was soaking wet, and Qi Zhi also had a lot of water stains on his body. Together, the two carried a net into the house.

A person was wrapped in the net, heavy and motionless, dripping water dripping down the road.

"Senior brother." The two said as soon as they came in, "Hey, brother isn't there?"

Huo Qiu coughed: "Your brothers are still in the water."

Jue Sheng and Qi Zhi were stunned for a while, then bent down and put the person in the net on the ground. Once the net was loosened, the person inside rolled out. It turned out to be Ge Jin.

He Mingsheng and Qi Ji hugged each other in fright: "Monster."

Qizhi hurriedly said: "Don't be afraid, this is not Yaoyi, it's the real Lady Gejin, who was rescued by senior brother just now. Everyone was startled just now, that Yaoyi recruited his companions to deal with us, and wanted to enter the house to harm others. Fortunately, you are not fooled by it, otherwise it will inevitably be hurt by it."

He Mingsheng asked in a trembling voice, "Can you catch the monster?"

The two shook their heads angrily: "Let it run away."


"Senior brother chased him all the way from Caifeng Tower, and chased halfway to Pingkangfang. He almost caught it, but he let it run away. It's almost dawn, and this thing will never come out again, unless Dig the entire Chang'an three feet into the ground, otherwise there will be no way to find it."

At this time, there were footsteps outside again, and Juesheng and Qizhi went out to take a look: "Senior brother."

Lin Chengyou was carrying the golden panluo net in his hand, from the crown to the boots, it was soaking wet.

After he came in, he looked directly for Teng Yuyi with his eyes, his face was mixed with joy and anger.

Juesheng and Qizhi were shocked: "Senior brother, didn't you come in directly from the window, why did you fall into the water?"

Teng Yuyi whispered to Huo Qiu, "Get the cart ready. If you find a chance, just slip away." Huo Qiu agreed and went down quietly to make arrangements.

Lin Chengyou glanced at Teng Yuyi and walked into the room: "Joke, will I fall into the water? I guessed that the monster left something in the water, so I went into the water to confirm it again."

Jue Sheng and Ji Zhi have no doubts about him: "So it is! Senior brother, did you find anything in the water?"

Lin Chengyou flicked the water on his sleeve: "Ge Jin has been killed by the demon poison in the near future. If you continue to talk about it, you will not be able to save people."

Jue Sheng and Qi Zhi recovered and hurriedly carried Ge Jin onto Hu's bed: "Senior brother, Madam Ge Jin's eyes are like lines, she looks like a poison, but her tongue is red, and it looks like she has been poisoned by fire. Whatever is good, the fire poison is nothing, if it is the poison, I am afraid it will be difficult to deal with."

Lin Chengyou asked, "Is there any marks on her neck?"


Lin Chengyou thought, "Look at her heart."


"It's not for you to see, isn't there a calyx lady here?"

However, after passing through the past few times, Caly Ji was already frightened. She grabbed Teng Yuyi's shoulder and shivered: "The slave family wants to move, but the slave family's arms and legs have turned into dough, and they can't move."

Everyone turned their attention to Teng Yuyi. Ge Jin was in a dire situation, and it was too late to find someone else. Since this prince was a woman disguised as a man, she should be the one to go.

"Your Highness." Juesheng and Qizhi looked at Teng Yuyi expectantly.

Teng Yuyi sighed inwardly. He wanted to leave countless times tonight, but was trapped in Caifeng Building again and again: "Okay, I'll take a look."

The group walked out of the house, Lin Chengyou suddenly said before closing the door: "I forgot to remind Wang Gongzi, the demon poison in this lady Gejin is different than others, it attacks the heart, maybe it will change, if she later If you open your eyes suddenly, you must be careful, this demon poison can control the mind, and people who are poisoned often take pleasure in biting their flesh, if the prince can't run, just shout in the room."

Teng Yuyi was surprised: "Wait."

"Don't be afraid, I'm right outside the door, and I'll come in when you call." Lin Chengyou closed the door with a smile, and then took out a few pieces of money from his arms to Juesheng and Qizhi Qizhi, "There is a clothing store next door. You changed your wet clothes, and by the way, dress me up too."

Jue Sheng and Qi Zhi glanced at each other. In fact, there is no way that the poisonous poison is as mysterious as the senior brother said. The poisoned person does look like a ghost when he attacks, but at most it will only bluff, and will not really bite.

But when the senior brother said this, Mrs. Teng probably couldn't escape the shock, because anyone would be worried that they would be bitten. As long as they were in the same room as Ge Jin, they would be extremely tormented.

Seeing this, the senior brother clearly wanted to push them away. They dawdled and didn't want to go, but the senior brother looked bad, and even his hair was dripping with water.

Once the two wounds on the arm that were pierced by Mrs. Teng were soaked in water, they began to ooze blood again. They entered the Qingyun Temple and had never seen Senior Brother in such a state of embarrassment.

The two decided to go and return quickly, so they ran away in a hurry.