MTL - Capture the Jade-Chapter 38 (1)

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Teng Yu expected that Lin Chengyou would not teach her swordsmanship. Hearing this, he was not surprised at all. He only said coldly, "Masters, if you continue to linger, it will be dark."

Wu Dao had already seen that Lin Chengyou was not easy to manipulate. Unless he wanted to, no one would want to instruct him, and Teng Yuyi was not easy to mess with. Just playing tricks would definitely offend the two of them. Based on the temperament of these two people, it is not a good thing to offend anyone, see Tian snorted embarrassingly, and waved to Jianle and Jianxi behind him: "Teach, teach."

Jian Le and Jian Xi hummed and drew their swords: "Young Master Wang, you can see the third move clearly!"

Seeing Tian stay where he was, he smiled at Lin Chengyou and said, "The yamen said earlier that even we would be grounded, which surprised the poor man. Fortunately, the prince had other arrangements."

Lin Chengyou: "I said there are other arrangements, not to say that the seniors don't have to be confined in the room, but to give you another place to be confined."

Wudao exploded all of a sudden: "What do you mean, Shizi? Do you suspect that we are murderers? Don't forget that we were temporarily caught by you to hunt demons!"

Lin Chengyou rubbed his ears, and it was so loud that he always disliked Jue Sheng and Abandoned Wisdom for being noisy.

He calmly said: "Can you let someone finish the story first? Everyone in the building last night was suspicious. The move of banning is not only to find out the clues as soon as possible, but also to protect the Taoist priests.

Five doubts: "Protect us?"

Lin Chengyou glanced at Teng Yuyi who was not far away: "Isn't Wang Gongzi's analysis right now, the murderer may still kill people in the building, if everyone in the building is not restricted, the murderer can move around freely in the building, such as No one can stop, no one knows who will be killed next."

Wudao thought of Yao Huang's death, and couldn't help shuddering: "We have no grievances with the murderer in the past and no enmity in recent days. There must be a reason for killing people."

Lin Chengyou stretched his voice: "It's the two days of foot restraint, and tomorrow evening at the latest, I will send people from Caifenglou to Beitian Rehabilitation Center in Dayin Temple, and Yan Sizhi will specially lead people to take care of them. , when there are only a few of us in the Caifeng Building, we can naturally move around at will, and when the monsters are collected here, I will order them to move back."

Jue Sheng and Qi Zhi were surprised: "Senior brother, why is this?"

See Tiandao: "I think Caifenglou will be in chaos soon. Once your brothers are busy catching monsters, they can't be distracted and pay attention to the strange actions of the people in the building. The prostitutes send them out first."

"Then why don't you send Wang Gongzi and the others away? There are only three preys of Zhexie, but there are hundreds of people in Caifenglou, so we can just remove all three of them, we just need to go together to protect each other."

Lin Chengyou raised his head to study the sky: "An array has been set up inside and outside the Caifeng Building, and even the eye for suppressing the two monsters is ready-made. Last night, Juesheng and Qizhi have already cleaned it up, where can I find such a good monster hunter? The place? Anyway, General Teng and the Du family are also taking refuge in Dayin Temple, so why don't we send the prostitutes from Caifenglou there, and the monks from Dayin Temple will take care of them together, so as to save us both from being distracted."

"Let the prostitutes move in tomorrow evening? Would it be too urgent?"

"If it weren't for the fact that the accommodation for hundreds of people was hard to find for a while, I wish they would move their place tonight." Lin Chengyou pointed to the sky above his head, "Seniors, look up at the sky."

Wu Dao looked up, his face stiffened immediately, Teng Yuyi was curious, and also cast his eyes. It should have been daytime, but at this time, there was a lone star rising in the sky, the haze was thick and stretched for thousands of miles, and there was no end in sight. . Although she did not understand astronomical phenomena, she also felt that the lone star appeared suddenly, and the dark clouds were surrounded by scorching gold borders, inch by inch toward the lone star.

Seeing Xian staring at the sky: "Look at that cloud, does it look like—"

Lin Chengyou: "That's right, it's Jiu San Yao."

A flustered look flashed across Wudao's faces: "Nine three lines? This line is a yang line but is surrounded by shadows, which is a great omen (note). Oh, Lao Dao understands, where is the Lone Star? It's clearly a demon, but it's good, where is the big demon?"

Lin Chengyou's expression became a little more solemn: "The reason why there was no incident inside and outside Chang'an a few days ago was because the two monsters were in retreat to recover from their injuries, but now that they are out of the customs, the sky is naturally different, and the two monsters have been training for the past few days. To be able to go straight to Xiao Han, it can be seen that Young Master Jin Yi's skill has increased a lot."

Seeing the immortal trembling with fear, he said, "That's not right, it's just that the corpse is immortal, and the bird demon has no such ability. will be exhausted.”

Jianxi tugged at his beard in dismay: "It means that we guessed correctly before, the two monsters are practicing some kind of secret technique together. The golden-clothed son can borrow the evil power of the corpse, and the corpse also relies on the golden-clothed son. , so after the young master in golden clothes was seriously injured, the demon power did not weaken, but instead skyrocketed a lot."

Lin Chengyou glanced left and right: "Seniors now understand? Now I don't have time to let you drink and have fun. Previously, I was only useless as a young man in golden clothes. When I set up the formation, I took dealing with corpses as my main task. Now it seems that nine days The Demon Suppression Formation is far from enough, because this Formation controls evil but does not control demons."

Hearing that, the Taoists had already thrown away the teaching of Teng Yuyi's swordsmanship, and they hurriedly surrounded Lin Chengyou, discussing the way.

Teng Yuyi didn't see that she could not learn, so she had to go back to the pavilion and wait patiently. She thought that Lin Chengyou was already winning, but she didn't know there was a change. She poured herself a glass of wine and waited for the result of the five quarrels, but the more she went. Listen, the heart is more confused. As long as she thinks that the corpse sees her as its prey, she can't stay out of it.

Wudao has always been unreliable, is it Lin Chengyou? Teng Yuyi admits that his ability to catch demons is top-notch, but this time he doesn't know why he has been slow to speak up. She is Teng Yuyi.

She silently observed the crowd through the top of the cup rim. Although her mouth was not open, her eyes were shining brightly. At the end, she blinked her long eyelashes, put down the wine cup and said, "I understand now, the current formation can only be Trapped the corpse evil, but can't prevent the golden-clothed son's pair of wings. If so, why not divide them and rule them?"

Zhongdao turned their gazes in unison: "Divide and rule?"

Teng Yuyi said sternly: "Although the two monsters are in conflict, their harmful nature does not change. When they encounter what they want, the two monsters will inevitably be distracted. Their own hobbies. That being the case, why not use their prey to lure them away before they enter the Caifeng Tower. If you can get rid of one monster first, the other monster will be much easier to deal with."

Seeing Tiansi nodded and said: "Although the words are correct, there is a drawback to this method, that is, it has to divide the manpower into two groups, one to trap the corpse evil, and the other to besiege the golden-clothed son. But once it is divided into several groups , the Dao Strength will be correspondingly insufficient, let alone defeating the two monsters separately, we will only die faster."

Jue Sheng Qi Zhi hurriedly asked, "Senior brother, can you recruit some more people from other Taoist temples?"

Lin Chengyou said: "I can't do it, in order to prevent the two monsters from harming the people, the Taoist priests of various Taoist temples and the monks of Dayin Temple have been patrolling the streets day and night recently, but they only care about going inside the city, but not outside the city. If some more people are dispatched, the city will be even more overwhelmed."

It seems that this method will not work, but Teng Yuyi said again: "I haven't finished my words yet. If you want to divide and conquer, you don't necessarily have to divide it into two groups. You forget that although the corpse evil has boundless evil power, it also has a fatal effect. Weakness. As long as we use this weakness to trap the corpse first, will we be able to free up our hands and concentrate on dealing with the young master in golden clothes?"

Only then did Lin Chengyou look up at Teng Yuyi.

He smiled and asked, "According to the prince's opinion, how to trap the corpse evil?"

Teng Yuyi said: "Several Venerable Masters said last time that the corpse evil likes to destroy people and their souls together, and it often makes the prey feel unbearable when it gouges out its heart. When it confuses Juanerli, it pretends to be Juanerli's deceased father. When dealing with me, it pretended to be my mother again... Now there are three prey, and when it breaks into the Caifeng Tower, even it can't predict which one it will encounter first, but it will not give up this torture Man's trick, guess how it will do?"

Qi Zhi was stunned: "It will temporarily change its appearance?"

Teng Yuyi shook his head slowly: "Last time, it went to the room to steal my aunt's clothes in order to harm me. It can be seen that it cannot change its appearance. It only disturbs the mind of the prey. Need to make some changes in dress. Maybe because of this, it stole several clothes from my mother."

Seeing the joy, his face lit up: "Young Master Wang, I understand what you mean, if the corpse evil is not prepared enough, it will not be able to use the illusion to torture the prey to the point of being distracted, and this is absolutely unbearable. So this time it is for the If you want to be realistic, maybe you will bring these stolen clothes with you."

Teng Yuyi snorted: "I guess it will be dressed up beforehand in order to be able to get a hit. As for who is the first victim of it, you can tell from the way the corpse is dressed when it shows up. If it is a barbarian, most likely The first key to kill Juan Erli, if she pretends to be my mother, she will come after me—"

Lin Chengyou listened attentively, but Teng Yuyi was not always willing to come up with ideas on weekdays, but today he changed his normal behavior because he was afraid that he would not be able to deal with the two monsters. Oh, is there a monster in this world that he can't conquer?

Jianxi rubbed his hands excitedly: "Young Master Wang is right, it's easy to know who it is the first to kill, we have a 'great blessing', just let that person wait in the array in advance and put the corpse It is not difficult to introduce the evil into it, and once the corpse evil is trapped, you can concentrate on dealing with the golden-clothed young master, and then the battle will be resolved quickly, and there will be no chance for the two monsters to join forces."

Qizhi scratched his head: "But that's not right, how fast the corpse moves, even if you can see its clothes, you can't deliver the news in time, and if you are a little bit later, you won't be able to bring the first prey to the corpse. I wish the corpse evil was hooked."

Lin Chengyou took out a few arrow-like objects from his bosom: "The two arrows have different sounds. If there is only one sound, it means that the corpse is wearing the clothes of the barbarians. Don't delay, bring the curling pear to the yoke immediately. Go to the center of the Xie Dazhu array. If it rings twice, it means Zhexie is wearing Mrs. Teng's clothes that she stole from the Teng Mansion last time, so you should lead Madam Teng to the Xiexie Dazhu. Just bring Zhexie in. Go, this formation is enough for you to delay for a while, and I will deal with the young master in golden clothes."

Zhongdao grabbed the firecrackers: "Oh, it turns out that the prince has a plan for a long time, why didn't you say it earlier?"

Lin Chengyou was not ashamed: "Something went wrong last night, and the original plan also changed, let's not mention this, there are more than ten golden nets buried inside and outside the wall, this thing can't trap the corpse evil, but it can be called it. The skin is open and the flesh is ripped apart. In order not to suffer any pain, the corpse will definitely avoid the place where the gold net is buried.

Lin Chengyou pointed forward, Teng Yuyi followed and looked over, it was the locust tree where Lin Chengyou lay when she was practicing the exercises last night. It seems that he sneaked the cat in the tree last night, not just to follow Ge Jin.

Lin Chengyou walked under the tree and looked up, the pale golden spring light fell from the leaves, casting a soft glow on his face: "The corpse evil will definitely break into the Caifeng Tower from here, I will advance in advance. Waiting in the tree, as soon as the corpse appears, release the arrow immediately."

Qizhi has always been attentive. Seeing that there are only two firecrackers, he couldn't help but say, "Senior brother, did you miss a firecracker? Lady Gejin, did it sound three times?"

The stinky boy has grown a bit, and he knows that he has missed one. Lin Chengyou touched Qizhi's head to express his encouragement, and then took out a firecracker from his arms and said to Wudao: "This is what I said about the change. Originally, the three voices were referring to Gejin, but now it can't work anymore. , if you hear three beeps, don't move Ge Jin, and bring Juan Erli and Lady Teng together to the Great Blessing of Evil."

Absolute Saint wondered: "Why is this?"

Lin Chengyou knocked on the head of Jue Sheng: "Think about it, no matter what Ge Jin's previous demon was, after this incident last night, it was already replaced by the two sisters Yao Huang and Qingzhi who disfigured her. , Zie Xie hasn't seen Ge Jin for a long time, and he didn't know this when he came here, but with its ability to spy on people's hearts, as soon as you meet Ge Jin, you will know that the original illusion will not work, unless it temporarily pretends to be Ge Jin hates Yao Huang or Qingzhi the most, but it is easy to miss if you are not well prepared, and it is far easier to change the target directly."

Seeing Tian's brows twitched: "Then will it attack Madam Teng instead, or will it go to Juanerli instead?"

"I can't guess this, just bring the two into the battle together."

Wu Dao was stunned: "Two together? Zombie Xie knew that we were setting up a situation at a glance, and would not go into the formation at all."

Lin Chengyou answered firmly: "No, the corpse evil will definitely be fooled."

Jue Sheng and Qi Zhi were full of surprise: "Why?"

"You've dealt with Zhexie several times, don't you know the habits of this thing? It likes to play with people's hearts and likes to control everything. It didn't expect Gejin's change this time, and it will be very annoyed. As long as it is really angry. , it will be difficult to concentrate on using evil power."

"I understand." Jianxi turned his head to look at his fellow apprentices, "It can't spy on people's hearts when its evil power is low, and then Madam Teng and Juan'erli pretend to be panic and run into the battle. If we can’t see the truth, we can only be fooled, we start the formation while its evil power has not recovered, are we afraid that it can escape?”

The frustration on everyone's faces was swept away: "This is a way of repaying itself."

While speaking, Wu Dao was completely convinced by the arrogant young man in front of him, and unconsciously formed a tight circle with Lin Chengyou as the center.

Teng Yuyi pouted secretly, Lin Chengyou didn't bother to say a word before, why did he suddenly stop talking?

But she had to admit that after listening to this arrangement, she felt a lot more at ease. Although Lin Chengyou always had a face of "I'm number one in the world", an inadvertent moment would make people feel that he could lift the sky The illusion of a sea.

Seeing the sky was happy for a while, and then suddenly said: "Sir, after talking for a long time, I only talked about how to draw the corpse away from the golden-clothed young master, so what about the golden-clothed young master?"

Lin Chengyou smiled when he heard the words: "It? It doesn't need to be too much trouble, just roast this bird."


"The bird monster is metal, fire beats metal, its wings are not afraid of anything else, but the most afraid of fire.

Seeing the sky, he suddenly realized: "Is the prince to do the nine-day ignition ring to burn the golden-clothed son?"

Jianxi and the others looked at each other in dismay. The nine-day fire ring is not a formation, but a ritual to invite the God of Huo Lian for a samadhi true fire talisman. When setting up the altar, it requires the cooperation of Taoist priests with high mana. Hours are enough, bad luck, at least seven or eight hours.

No wonder Lin Chengyou said that he would be banned in another place. He originally meant the garden. The two people who set up the altar had to stay here all the time.

Wu Dao was stunned for a while, and suddenly remembered the matter of teaching Teng Yuyi swordsmanship. He removed two of them at once. Wouldn't the remaining three be exhausted?

"Your Highness, that, look..."

Unexpectedly, Teng Yuyi counted with his fingers: "After two passes, there are only three masters left to teach me swordsmanship, alas, this is even more difficult, I only learned two moves, and there are still thirty-four moves left to learn. After drinking Huoyu Linggen Soup, I am not afraid of getting tired, but I am afraid that the three Taoist priests will not be able to endure it."

Speaking of this, Wu Dao couldn't hold back a word, because the heat and shame were more in their throats, and they blocked their sentences.

All of them are not bad in martial arts, but Teng Yuyi has not learned kung fu for a day. They can take turns to rest, but Teng Yuyi needs to learn from the beginning to the end alone. Even Teng Yuyi was not too tired, but because they were too tired to do it, did they admit that they were incompetent, or did they admit that they went back on their word?

Seeing that Tian was the senior brother among the five, he took the lead in raising his face: "What are you talking about, Young Master Wang? Isn't it just a set of brown sword techniques, let's watch, don't say three people are here to teach you, even if only One person can teach you."

Teng Yuyi nodded with a smile, it's not too bad.

She glanced at Lin Chengyou and found that he was looking at her with a smirk. She looked back at Lin Chengyou inquiringly for a while, making sure that he didn't want to intervene before relaxing.

"See the joy, see the joy, you go to set up the ceremony." Seeing the sky draws the sword out of the scabbard, "Wang Gongzi, there is no time to teach the rest of the tricks slowly, you need to learn it once, the old way first two tricks, Wang Gongzi watch carefully Hey!"

Teng Yuyi answered in a loud voice, but just after learning half a trick, two yamen came over.

Cheng Bo walked up to chat with a smile, and returned after a while: "It is said that he was ordered by the prince to protect the people in the garden."

Seeing the joy, he said, "Did you see it? Did you see it? Lin Chengyou, this stinky boy, said he wanted to protect us, but he still had doubts in his heart. He was treating us as murderers!"

Seeing Tian waved his hand: "Actually, I can't blame him, and I would also be suspicious. On the day Qingzhi's body was found, something was obviously wrong around the well. Besides us, who else knows how to do it?"


Lin Chengyou did not go back directly to the front building, but went to Yiyuxuan and Hongxiangyuan for a turn. Seeing that the prostitutes and fake mothers in both places closed their doors, and there were also two yamen guards in the corridor, he went straight. Went to Qingzhi's room.

Qingzhi lived in a row of inconspicuous ear rooms on the west side of Yiyuxuan. There were four maids in one room. After Qingzhi's accident, the other three moved elsewhere.

Lin Chengyou asked Juesheng and Qizhi to wait outside the door, and entered the room by himself. In fact, he had come to search for several rounds before, and now he can tell the furnishings in the room with his eyes closed.

Apart from the four Hu beds, there are no other decent furnishings in the room. Qingzhi's bed was on the farthest south side, and the bed was separated by a thick gray cloth curtain. Because there was no window, the corner was a little dark.

Lin Chengyou squatted down and groped under the bed board. After fumbling for a while, he lit the fire switch and looked at the bed board by the firelight.

Jue Sheng looked curiously outside: "Senior brother, the last time you suddenly used Dendrobium to test the actors in the building because you saw that Qingzhi was killed by sorcery? made of puppets?"

Lin Chengyou's eyes moved under the bed, "I thought so, but the actors in the building have tried it all over, and no one has any sign of evil. Second, judging from Yao Huang's death, Qingzhi was deliberately attacked. Killed. This matter has nothing to do with corpse evil, the murderer is clearly a living person who understands sorcery."

Jue Sheng and Ji Zhi had chills on their backs.

Jue Sheng said with a white face, "Chizhi and I are willing to believe that the corpse evil manipulated the puppet to do it, and we do not want to believe that the murderer is someone from the Caifeng Building. Brother, we have lived here for some time now. The prostitutes and the temple visitors are all friendly, just from the way they get along on weekdays, it's really impossible to connect them with the murderers."

Lin Chengyou snorted: "Bad people can write on their own faces? You have been out for so long, and there are few people with good faces and evil hearts? Kindness and kindness are used in the wrong place, beware of mistaking others and yourself. Last night I asked you to I cleaned my eyes well, but what did I find?"

Qi Zhi sneered: "I have swept all the corners, the formation eye should have been carefully selected by the ancestor of Dongmingguan a hundred years ago, and even two niches have been dug at the bottom, but unfortunately the only Zaniluo building was last time. It was destroyed by the young master in golden clothes, and now there are no traces in the eyes of the formation, and I don’t know how the Taoist priest Dongyangzi finally got the two monsters into the eyes of the formation.”

Lin Chengyou said: "I know all this, I asked you to clean the array carefully, not only the underground, but also the lotus statue and the surrounding beams and pillars. After sweeping all night, they couldn't find it. anything else?"

Juesheng and Qizhi hurriedly said: "I was about to tell my senior brother, first, the vicinity of the statue and the incense table is very clean, and there should be people who often come to clean-"

Lin Chengyou's heart moved: "How clean is it?"

"Not even a layer of ash."

Lin Chengyou hesitated for a while. Judging from the pools in the garden, the servants in charge of cleaning were not diligent, otherwise the water would not be full of broken branches and leaves. The outside is so perfunctory, and the secluded small Buddhist hall will not be cleaned frequently.

However, there are often sneaky things in Caifeng Tower, and people in the building spontaneously go to clean it out of awe of the gods, which makes sense.

"In addition, we also found a mark on a floor tile under the incense table. This mark is very shallow and hidden behind the incense table. Not to mention brothers and sisters, you can't find it on weekdays. Even if we lie on the ground and look at it, we can't see it. When my eyes came out, I accidentally arched a corner of the felt blanket, maybe I missed it."

"What kind of mark?"

Jue Sheng took out a talisman paper from his arms: "The size of a pea, the shape is indescribable, a bit like a starburst, and a bit like a bead flower worn by women."

Lin Chengyou took a look and suddenly got up.

Jue Sheng and Qi Zhi looked at each other in surprise.

Lin Chengyou looked strange: "No wonder you don't know it, it's called the Seven Lights Guiding Road Seal, it's a very partial spiritualism, it detains people's souls, in addition to asking about the ghosts, there are often abuses. Destroying Yin virtue has always been despised by the righteous celebrities."

Qizhi shuddered: "Everyone is dead, even if there is a huge hatred, it should be gone, why do you still torture ghosts?"

Jue Sheng said "Ah": "I heard that since the death of the Tian couple from Caibohang, this building has always been haunted, no, since Tian Yunde's concubine was forced to death by Qi, it has not been peaceful. People know that there are a lot of sneaky people in the building, so aren't they afraid of attracting Li Gui? Li Gui has been abused so badly that it is very easy to turn back on the practitioner."

"Dare to use such a sorcery, of course you can be sure that you won't go wrong." Lin Chengyou sneered, "You found it under the blanket?"

The two nodded.

"It is estimated that it was accidentally burnt out during the practice, and there was no time to replace the floor tiles. Unfortunately, Taoist priest Dongmingguan and I were living in the small Buddha hall, and that person would not dare to act rashly." Lin Chengyou sneered twice.

It's getting more and more interesting. It turns out that people in Caifenglou were making waves long before the two murders.

Juesheng suddenly had a thought: "Senior brother, Qingzhi was also killed by sorcery. Could she be killed because of something discovered?"

Lin Chengyou didn't answer, buried his head and looked under the bed carefully, but found nothing, so he clapped the ash on his hands and got up.

After coming out, he still did not go to the front building, but turned to Hongxiang Garden. In front of Yao Huang's gate, there was a yamen guarding the door, Lin Chengyou nodded at the man, bypassed the yamen and entered the room.

Yao Huang's room has the same layout as Gejin's room, but the furnishings are slightly different. There is a six-curved landscape screen in front of the couch, and eight gold-plated and silver-plated bottles are placed on the lower table. At first glance, it looks dazzling, but the precious objects Not much.

There used to be a makeup box in front of the mirror, but it was taken to Dali Temple this morning.

The box, the bookshelf, the foot of the bed... all the hidden compartments that can hide things have been turned over, and I didn't expect to find new tricks, but Lin Chengyou was not looking at the things on the bright side, but the traces in the dark.

Any use of sorcery in the room will inevitably leave something, or nail marks, or branding, or nicks made by daggers. It is strange that Yao Huang and Qingzhi's rooms are clean. Yao Huang is okay to say, after all, she was poisoned by rotten heart grass and died, but Qingzhi began to have nightmares seven or eight days before her death. If someone used magic to deal with her, where would they do it.

Lin Chengyou turned around in his heart, turned his head to look at the moon hole window beside Hu's bed, saw the sparkling light outside the window, and his heart suddenly moved.

Opposite is Yiyuxuan where Ge Jin and others live, and between the two rows of houses is a green pond.

The sun began to move westward, and the orange light fell on the water, reflecting thousands of tiny shreds of light. The rays of light in all directions were astonishingly dazzling, and the brilliance was like a huge golden mirror, not to mention the knife marks, even the thickness of the dust. see you.

Lin Chengyou's eyes moved upstream along the grid, and there was nothing unusual inside or outside the window. He clinged to the edge of the window with both arms, leaned out half of his body to look up, touched the top of the window drawer, and found not even a single strand of hair. .

Lin Chengyou had no choice but to retract his body, his arm accidentally touched the edge of the window on the right, and made a very slight "click" sound. , as if the vermilion paint had faded and was repainted.

He leaned over to take a closer look, the place seemed to be integrated with the edge of the window, but the color changed slightly. If it was night or cloudy, he might not be able to detect it. It was no wonder that several groups of people searched last night and this morning did not find anything wrong with this place. .

The corner of Lin Chengyou's mouth revealed a bit of ridicule: "It's hidden deep enough." When he touched it with his hand, the wooden board could be pushed up and down. He took off the dagger on the jade belt and pried it. With a click, the wooden board fell on the windowsill.

There is a small dark niche hidden behind it. In the dark niche, there is a small colored basket. The surface is blocked by a wooden board, and no one can find any clues.

Lin Chengyou took out the colored basket and saw a few pieces of gold and some jewels and jade toys inside.

I heard that the prostitutes in Pingkangfang are quite controlled, and no matter what rewards they get on weekdays, they must be handed over to the masters like false mother and He Mingsheng. When making plans in the future, you must do something that goes against the grain.

It can be seen from this hidden niche that Yao Huang has known for the past few years that he has a lot of experience in the area of ​​private storage.

The toys in the colorful baskets are much more rare than those in the room, such as jade ruyi, coral strings, moon-beaded cups, and even numb love poems... everything.

Among the piles of jeweled objects, there is only one small brown object that is extremely inconspicuous.

Looking at the dazzling sunshine from the window, it is a walnut ornament, the size is only the size of a fist, and the back is an ordinary walnut shell, but when turned over, it is different. The side of the ship, the window rails, and the mast are all available, the sashes can be pushed open, and the long scull can be shaken, like a real ship shrunk.

On the shaft of the boat sat two young girls, one was slightly larger and the other was slightly smaller. The two wore identical clothes and leaned close together. Judging from their appearance and demeanor, they were like a pair of sisters.

Lin Chengyou stared at the villain's demeanor. Although he couldn't see his appearance clearly, his intimacy was alive and well.

It seems that not only Qingzhi misses her sister, Yao Huang also misses her own sister, and she doesn't know where she got the half walnut.

Lin Chengyou looked upside down and found a line of characters engraved at the bottom of the walnut.

I saw the words on it: Yuezhou, Ding Younian, Taozhi Ferry.

Lin Chengyou was startled, Yuezhou is the hometown of Yao Huang and Qingzhi, is this Taozhi Ferry also in Yuezhou?

While thinking about it, there was a yamen outside looking for it in a hurry: "Lin Pingshi, Yan Sizhi is back, saying that he has something important to look for, and asking where are you."

"Got it." Lin Chengyou put the walnut in his sleeve and walked out of the house.

When I arrived at the lobby, I saw that Yan Sizhi was drinking tea with great gulps. This person is usually polite and decent, and when he rarely drinks cows, he seems to be very tired in the afternoon.

"Yan Sizhi."

Yan Wangchun put down the tea cup and took a breath: "Sir, you are right, the lady in the palace is indeed a goddess."

Lin Chengyou coughed and motioned for Yan Sizhi to keep silent, then said loudly, "Let's talk outside."

Yan Wangchun calmed down, got up and followed Lin Chengyou outside the court, found a quieter corner, and spoke again: "Tuoniang saw the murderer's sachet and said it was the craftsmanship of the weaver from Yuezhou."

Lin Chengyou's smile narrowed.

It's Yuezhou again.

Is the murderer also related to Yuezhou?

"Can Tuo Niang recognize which embroidery workshop in Yuezhou is from?"

Yan Wangchun: "Tuo Niang said that Yuezhou produces mulberries, and there are many embroidered girls with excellent needles, but the embroidery method on the sachet is called Liuyun Gun Embroidery method, and the petals and leaves embroidered by this method are like flowing water waves. , the needle method can be said to be unique. However, this is not a unique skill, there are hundreds of embroiderers who are good at this method in Yuezhou, and with this sachet alone, Tuo Niang can't tell which embroidery workshop it is."

"What kind of embroidery workshops are there in Yuezhou? This mother should know."

Yan Wangchun took out a roll of paper from his sleeve: "I have written it down, there are no less than twenty embroidery workshops in Yuezhou, large and small, and there are three most famous ones. The first one is called Xiaoshan Cui Embroidery Workshop, and the second one is Taozhi Embroidery Workshop. , the third one is called Lingberry Embroidery Workshop—"

Lin Chengyou was taken aback: "Wait, what's the second one called?"

"Peach Branch Embroidery Workshop."

Lin Chengyou quickly took the piece of paper from Yan Sizhi's hand, compared it with the "Peach Branch Ferry" on the walnut, and then raised his eyes suddenly: "Do you know where this second embroidery workshop is located in Yuezhou?"

Yan Wangchun was stunned: "Tuo Niang didn't tell me about it, and I forgot to ask just now."

"This is what I found in Yao Huang's room just now, look at this line of words."

Yan Wangchun took the walnut, squinted, and let out a sigh in surprise.

"It's too coincidental - they are all Yuezhou, and they all have the word 'peach branch'."

Lin Chengyou said coldly: "A coincidence? How can there be such a coincidence in the world. One is the murderer's sachet, the other is an object from seven years ago, but both the sisters died in the hands of the other."

Yan Wangchun's brows became tighter and tighter: "Could the murderer have known the sisters seven years ago? Last night, the murderer risked his life to hide this sachet, because he was afraid that we would find out that he/she is related to Yuezhou. No, seven years The former Yao Huang is ten years old, so he should have some impression of the murderer. My sister died suddenly, Yao Huang should have thought of something long ago."

Lin Chengyou said meaningfully, "Just check and find out what's going on."

As he spoke, he went to the hall.

Yan Sizhi was startled, and hurriedly pulled up his robe to keep up.

Lin Chengyou went to the hall and said to the yamen, "Tell He Mingsheng to immediately get everyone's deeds of prostitution in the building. There are also fake mothers and a group of temple visitors. Let them come over and I have something to ask."

The yamen hurriedly responded. This little prince always looked like he didn't care when the sky was falling. It was rare for him to be serious.

Not long after, He Mingsheng and others came one after another.

He Mingsheng was also ordered to be grounded, so he had to do everything by himself. In the past, he used to call and embrace wherever he went, but now he is holding the dragon sandalwood box himself. , with sweat all over his head.

Calyx, Voji, and the others probably just got up from the bed, tidying up their clothes as they walked.

These people did not dare to speak when they entered the hall, and their eyes peeped at Lin Chengyou anxiously.

Lin Chengyou sat down behind the table and looked at He Mingsheng first, He Mingsheng twitched his lips, smiled and offered the box: "Everyone's deeds and deeds are here, there are a total of 107 people, and Sir, please take a look."

Lin Chengyou smiled and nodded: "Okay, Yan Sizhi and I will take a look and return it to Boss He."

He Mingsheng dared to provoke Lin Chengyou: "Look at the prince, something like this happened in Caifenglou, Hemou also expects the prince and Yan Sizhi to find the murderer as soon as possible."

Lin Chengyou took over the conversation logically: "Then ask Boss He to help us arrange a wing room on the second floor. Yan Sizhi and I wanted to inquire about a few things, so-"

He casually pointed to Wo Ji in the crowd: "Let's start with Aunt Wo. The rest of the people wait in the hall for a while. After asking Aunt Wo, it will be your turn."

"There are private rooms on the second floor." He Mingsheng turned his head and waved at Wo Ji, "Wo Ji, take the prince and Yan Si straight upstairs."

Yan Wangchun ordered the two yamen to stay and look after everyone, and went upstairs with Lin Chengyou.

Walkie led the two to the front of a room, and after entering, they stood beside them.

Lin Chengyou and Yan Sizhi put Wo Ji aside, looking for everyone's betrayal deeds on their own, Wo Ji waited for a while and became more anxious, swallowed and said, "The slave family risked their lives to ask, I don't know if the prince wants to inquire with the slave family. what."

Lin Chengyou was indifferent, and quickly turned over the last contract of selling himself before he looked away from the table. Except for Yao Huang and Qingzhi, no one is from Yuezhou, but this is not surprising. Qingzhi's deed of sale also reads "Xingyang people", I think it was made up when Ren Yazi brought Qingzhi to Chang'an to sell .

Qingzhi's body deed can be faked, and other people's can also be faked.

"When you bought Qingzhi,