MTL - Capture the Jade-Chapter 45 (1)

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Lin Chengyou raised his head and thought for a while, although Teng Yuyi has a big temper and loves to hold grudges, but his knowledge and skills are not bad.

Then why didn't she pay it back?

Maybe he didn't make it clear enough when he gave her the things that day, and made her mistakenly think that the bell was given to her.

But even if Teng Yuyi doesn't know Taoism, he should be able to see that Xuanyinling is a rare magic weapon in the world. He is not related to her, so how could he give her a rare treasure for no reason.

Maybe she was stuck on something, but it was all day and night. Even if she couldn't find time, she could always send someone below to deliver things.

He pondered and pondered, and his curiosity could not be suppressed. It was a pity that he could not leave the palace today, otherwise he could ask her to understand in person.

Forget it, let's talk about it when we leave the palace tomorrow. But then, he had to meet her again. Hey, it's a bit annoying, I thought I would never meet her again, but I had to go to Teng Mansion.

Xiao Gongren didn't hear Lin Chengyou speak for a long time, and asked cautiously, "His Royal Highness?"

"Understood, let Kuan slave not have to worry about it, I care about it myself."

After he finished speaking, he turned around, but someone behind him called him: "Da."

Lin Chengyou turned his head to look over, there was a man at the end of the corridor, with a decent appearance and a gentle demeanor, it was the Crown Prince.


The prince's concerned expression was exactly the same as that of the saint: "Did Grandpa show you, is the wound serious?"

Lin Chengyou smiled and said, "I have seen it, the wound is very shallow, and my uncle's medicinal powder was wasted in vain."

The prince made a gesture to punch Lin Chengyou lightly: "I don't know you yet, it seems like nothing is happening when the sky falls, and I can't find you in the first few days. For the sake of your injury, I will let you go for the time being."

Lin Chengyou sideways dodged the prince's boxing style, raised his eyebrows and said, "Prince has learned a new trick? It hasn't been played yet, how do you know who will let who will be at the mercy of the time?"

"What a mad boy, you are not honest when you are injured. You don't have to provoke me. I will never do anything with you today."

The palace people pursed their lips and snickered. The prince was usually the most generous and steady, but when he saw the prince, he would inevitably fight and quarrel. This is not surprising. There are not many children in this generation in the palace. The queen gave birth to two princes, A Qi and A Lin, and the Cheng Wang couple gave birth to two brothers, A Da and A Shuang.

Among the four brothers, A Qi, who had just been canonized as the crown prince, and Prince Cheng were the most similar in age. The brothers grew up together since they were children, and they have never been separated for food, clothing, housing, and transportation. But two moves are called strange.

There were palace servants over there already telling the emperor, Chang Yi and Azhi happily ran out from the corner of the corridor: "Brother Prince."

The evening banquet was held in Daming Palace, where the Queen lived on weekdays. Queen Liu Bingyu was in charge of the recipes, and the Shang Food Bureau was in charge of cooking. When the dishes came to the table, everything was novel and interesting. The desserts were all smooth and creamy, as was the soup. White as jade. The juniors were excited and sweating profusely.

After the meal, the queen claimed that she had eaten too much to digest food, and brought Azhi and Changyi to feed the fish in front of Bibo Pond. The prince and Lin Chengyou played chess in the Yingcui Pavilion. The emperor sat silently beside, drinking tea and watching chess.

The gentle night wind accompanied by the fragrance of flowers gently flicked the yellow silk yarn around the water pavilion. The queen stood under the bright moonlight, bending over and handing the fish food in her hands to the two children.

Suddenly hearing a burst of hearty laughter broke out in the Yingcui Pavilion, the queen got up and looked over. It turned out that Lin Chengyou deliberately wanted to regret the chess game. The first one laughed, and his smile made Lin Chengyou and the Crown Prince throw away their pawns and laugh.

The queen looked at her husband's smile and felt very happy. Chengyou probably saw that the uncle of the emperor was worried about political affairs, and wanted to make his uncle happy. This child was the best at explaining things with witty words. I'm back.

She laughed loudly and said, "The saint and I would love to hold a family banquet every day, but the children are getting older every day, so how can we be happy all day long. Last year, Jingyi married the concubine, and the palace was already deserted. A lot of you, the four of you brothers took turns to go to the military for training. Ah Qi and Ah Da have just returned not long ago. This year, it is Ah Lin’s turn. Although Ah Shuang is not old enough to practice with the army, he went out to play with his grandfather and mother the first year. Now, I think I figured it out, and my daughter is caring, Aqi, Ada, you give me good attention to my sister, in the future, Azhi and Changyi will have to choose a concubine a few years later."

Chang Yi raised her pink and round face: "Auntie, why did you and Grandpa suddenly want to open Yunyin Academy?"

Last night, she heard her grandfather and grandmother chatting, and she learned that Yunyin Academy is a women's academy on the surface, but in fact it is hidden for the clan's children to choose a concubine. Wife, let alone take her to play with Azhi.

The queen handed the fish food to the palace maid behind her, took her daughter and Azhi's hands and walked on the winding veranda: "This is not something that A-Niang did on a whim, it was discussed with your aunt and the others in the first year. Founded by Empress Mu, who opened the dynasty, it aims to cultivate outstanding talents in the show. The teachings in the academy are not like 'women's training' and 'women's commandments', but the same as what men learn, with the essence of teaching and reading the history of the scriptures. Later generations have repeatedly interrupted running schools for various reasons, but over the years, they have also cultivated a lot of husbands. The daughters of senior officials and the daughters of officials from other places are also included."

The Queen's voice drifted into the pavilion intermittently through the gauze curtain, Lin Chengyou was still absent-minded at first, but stopped when he heard "official officials".

Aw, did my uncle agree to reopen the academy for this reason? All officials of this dynasty who do not know the origin of Yunyin Academy, if they can recruit academy students to keep the daughters of Jiedu envoys to study in Beijing, and then choose a few high-level marriages for them at the right time, For several strong fans, it is undoubtedly a kind of check and balance.

The prince also asked: "Grandpa plans to take advantage of this time when the officials are in Beijing to report on their work?"

The emperor's expression became solemn, and he waved his hand to retreat to the palace servants in the pavilion: "I have already ordered the Ministry of Zhongshu to discuss it with a few old officials tonight. When you went to the memorial hall at noon, which festivals did you see? envoy?"

The prince replied: "My son saw Teng Shao of Huainan Road and Peng Sishun of Huaixi Road. Teng Shao led an army to transport 100,000 Shijiang rice to Beijing, just in time to relieve the urgent need for military supplies in the four towns of Guanzhong. Peng Sishun's body is not very good. Now, the head boy's teeth are open, and he can't go in and out without Jianyu, according to my son, I'm afraid I won't survive this year."

"It's hard for him." The emperor sighed, "Since Peng Sishun took over the Huaixi Road, he has never let down the court's expectations for him. Over the years, he has been ministering outside the Li Shu, inspecting the army internally, and managing the huge Huaixi Road in a peaceful and orderly manner. Not only Grandpa, but all civil and military officials are very satisfied with him, yesterday he requested an order to transfer military power to the eldest son Peng Zhen, Grandpa has already approved."

Lin Chengyou stroked his chin, seemingly surprised.

The emperor looked at Lin Chengyou, and every time he talked about the government, the child never interjected randomly. This is where the imperial power hurts others. Even his close relatives are shackled by it. You Qi didn't want the children to be restrained in front of him, so he sighed: "There is something to be taboo in front of my uncle, just say whatever you want."

Lin Chengyou thought for a while and said, "Peng Sishun is very good at governing the army. Huaixi Road now dominates one side, and the neighbors are afraid of it. If the Peng family takes over the military power again, I am afraid that it will raise carbuncles and cause problems, and wait for the power of the Peng family to infiltrate from generation to generation. In the Central Plains, it would be difficult for the imperial court to regain military power. Why didn't my uncle wait for Peng Sishun to pass away, and then transfer his eldest son Peng Zhen back to Beijing, entrusting him with an official position and a generous salary, so that he could not only comfort his loyal ministers, but also prevent the Peng family from dissension. ."

The emperor's eyes showed approval: "This is easy to say, but it is very difficult to do. Let me first say that Peng Sishun has never asked the court for food and wages for many years. , What do you eat on weekdays?

Lin Chengyou said: "This nephew knows that, as the saying goes, 'If you are in a hurry, you will be a soldier, and if you are idle, you will cultivate the land.'

"Exactly. In addition, in order to stabilize the military's morale, Peng Sishun also intends to order the sergeants to form marriages with local tyrants and people. After many years, the loyal and righteous army has been intertwined in Huaixi Road, and it has long been a family of military and civilians. If the court arbitrarily transfers the descendants of the Peng family away. , which general can successfully take over such an army? If the new commander cannot subdue the local generals, it will be a matter of time for a mutiny."

The prince frowned slightly: "What if the loyal troops are pulled away from Huaixi Road?"

Lin Chengyou held the chess pieces and thought to himself, this would not work. If the camp was forcibly pulled out, not only would the loyalists not be able to continue to cultivate and be self-sufficient, but they would also have hundreds of thousands more mouths to eat.

Emperor: "If you move to another place, a large number of wives and wives of soldiers and soldiers will also accompany them. It is not easy for the court to fill the rations of hundreds of thousands of loyal soldiers. The extra soldiers and wives and wives need a lot of rations."

"That's why my uncle thought of reopening the academy? Then... Peng Sishun would like to send his granddaughter to Yunyin Academy to study?"

The emperor said with relief: "When my uncle asked the courtiers' opinions, Peng Sishun was the first to express his position. It happened that Peng Zhen's wife and daughter were on their way to Chang'an, and Peng Zhen also strongly expressed his approval."

The prince and Lin Chengyou looked at each other, and the Peng family took the initiative to keep their wives and daughters under the eyes of the court, which was also a gesture of loyalty to the court. In the future, when the court suggested marriage to the daughter of the Peng family and the children of the high family, the Peng family would have no objection if they wanted to come, and they did it. No wonder Grandpa agreed to Peng Zhen's takeover of military power so quickly.

"As for Teng Shao..." The emperor said again, "It happened that Cheng Shou'an of Jiangnan West Road resigned from his office. Grandpa plans to hand over Jiangnan West Road to Teng Shao."

Lin Chengyou was a little surprised. He had long known that his uncle trusted Teng Shao, but he didn't expect it to be so important. Huainan Road not only controls the taxation of Jianghuai, but also Shouzhou within its jurisdiction. This state is connected to Chenying Waterway in the north and Luzhou in the south.

Moreover, Shouzhou is rich and prosperous, and there is a large amount of tea tax revenue every year. In this state alone, the town navy who supports Teng Shao will have no trouble.

If the Jiangnan West Road was again assigned to Teng Shao's jurisdiction, even the Jiangxia junction would be handed over. This place guarded the Hanshui Transportation Road, which was a top priority.

The emperor asked Lin Chengyou: "Tell me why my uncle arranged this way."

Lin Chengyou said with a smile: "Uncle's arrangement is the most appropriate. The Jiangxia junction is under the jurisdiction of one person, and Teng Shao can use the water transport of Xiakou to prevent Huaixi. In the future, before every action of the Peng family, first of all, we need to take care of our neighbors. The township of the Navy, the two sides restrained each other, which brought more advantages and disadvantages to the imperial court. It’s just that my nephew heard that the Wuning Army of Jiangnan West Road had not obeyed the control since Li Changqing’s death. In just three years, Cheng Shouan suddenly fell ill. He resigned because he was unable to convince the public when he was in office, and if General Teng took over the army rashly, I don’t know what would happen.”

The prince said warmly: "It might cause nuisance when you hand it over to others, but Teng Shao has nothing to worry about. You have never had a close relationship with General Teng, but I have seen Teng Shao govern the army with my own eyes. There is no admiration for him.”

Lin Chengyou nodded. He had forgotten that the prince had gone to Teng Shao's army to train in the army last year. Seriously, Teng Shao was half of the prince's teacher. Every time the crown prince mentioned Teng Shao, he always seemed to agree.

Emperor: "This is only one of them. Grandpa let Teng Shao also take charge of the Wuning Army, and because several veterans of the Wuning Army served in the army under the command of Teng Shao's father Teng Yuanhao in the early years, these people met Teng Shao and called him respectfully first. A word of 'San Lang', no matter how tough and tough you are, you wouldn't dare to trouble Teng Shao. You two should have heard about Teng Yuanhao."

The prince and Lin Chengyou said sternly: "Of course I have heard of it, this gentleman is really a hero."

The emperor nodded: "In those days, the Hu rebellion plotted against the country, if Teng Yuanhao led the army to defend Nanyang and Suiyang, the food transportation of Jianghuai would never have been preserved. The son defended the city for several months. After more than 200 battles, large and small, nearly 100,000 enemies were killed. In the end, the city was destroyed due to exhaustion, and the father and son died at the hands of Hu Rei.

Speaking of this, the emperor sighed: "To be more specific, the court owes the Teng family a lot. After Teng Yuanhao and his eldest son and second son died, only Teng Shao was left in the Teng family. Teng Shao was only three years old at the time and could not go to the battlefield. , Teng Yuanhao scribbled his resignation form on the eve of his death, admonishing his youngest son to observe the festival with loyalty and filial piety. Teng Shao did not live up to the expectations of his father and brother when he became an adult. In his early years, he led the army to guard the border, and in recent years he was stationed in Jianghuai. Now Jianghuai people are safe in Wufu. The post of coach is empty, and I can't find a more suitable candidate than Teng Shao."

Lin Chengyou thought to himself that there were nearly 200,000 sergeants under Teng Shao's command at the meeting of the Zhenhai Navy and Wuning Army. Even if his uncle trusted Teng Shao again, he would take some precautionary measures under the advice of the courtiers. The reopening of Yunyin Academy is a good idea, but I don't know if Teng Shaoken would not send his daughter to the academy to study.

Suddenly, she thought of Teng Yuyi's sly and sly eyes. With her temperament, how could she be willing to let the court manipulate her marriage?

Guo listened to the Crown Prince asking, "Grandpa, how did General Teng respond to the reopening of Yunyin Academy?"

The emperor said: "Several Jiedu envoys have expressed their views one after another, but Teng Shao did not say anything. His daughter was engaged to Duan Ningyuan from the Zhenguo Gong's mansion since she was a child, but the Teng and Duan families have withdrawn from their relationship a few days ago. I think the reason why he hesitated was because he was unwilling to hand over his daughter's marriage to the royal family, but even though the imperial court had reopened Yunyin Academy, it was unwilling to force the marriage, so I called Teng Shao privately to have a good chat with him, and told me This is just an expedient measure for him, and when he understands the painstaking efforts of the court, he will not worry about it."

At this time, Chang Yi and Azhi ran in and dragged Lin Chengyou: "Brother A, come out quickly, that fish has been unwilling to take the bait, please help us take a look."

Lin Chengyou had no choice but to put down his chess pieces and get up, just as he walked to the door, the queen entered the waterside pavilion: "Speaking of the Wang sisters, I had a relationship with them back then, after my sister married the famous Du family, my sister married General Teng, It's just that I didn't expect Xiao Wang to leave so early. Today, I found out that General Teng has only one daughter under his knees... Has he not continued the string all these years?"

Lin Chengyou paused, and Chang Yi and Azhi were stunned.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?"

Lin Chengyou hissed like a toothache, and pointed to the wound on his arm: "It hurts."

Chang Yi and A Zhi suddenly panicked: "Yeah, I forgot that my brother's injury is still not healed." Surrounding Lin Chengyou to see his wound, how could he still remember going out fishing.

He heard the emperor say: "After the death of Xiao Wang, many people persuaded Teng Shao to renew the marriage or take a concubine, but Teng Shao was willing to hand over his daughter to his wife and sister to take care of him without renewing the marriage. It happened that his brother-in-law Du Yuzhi was relegated to Yangzhou. As a civil official, Teng Shao's daughter has been living in Yangzhou since then. A few years later, Teng Shao was finally transferred to Huainan Dao as Jiedu envoy. , but also get together less and leave more. Teng Shao lives in the hospital all the year round, and he is unwilling to continue the string, so naturally there is no way to add children and daughters."

The queen sighed, "I heard someone say the other day that General Teng was born prematurely when he was less than forty. I think he missed his deceased wife all these years."

The prince helped his mother to sit down: "By the way, the son saw a person in the entrance hall today. This person's name is Li Guangyuan. When the son went, this person was chatting with General Teng. When he heard about the reopening of Yunyin Academy, Teng The general refused to answer, but Li Guangyuan was full of glory, saying that if his daughter was fortunate enough to study in the academy, she would be able to be a classmate with General Teng's daughter. The son felt that this person was a stranger, and only after inquiring did he find out that he was the envoy of soldiers and horses in Eastern Zhejiang. ."

The emperor smiled and said, "It's not surprising that you don't know this person. Li Guangyuan was originally a lieutenant under Teng Shao. Teng Shaoba sent an army to pacify the chaos, led by Li Guangyuan. Li Guangyuan used his troops bravely to pacify the turmoil in eastern Zhejiang in just one month. In the floods in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, Li Guangyuan made extraordinary achievements again. The imperial court made him the military envoy of the capital of eastern Zhejiang, and later made him serve as the governor of Hangzhou. At that time, the world was suffering from drought and locusts, and only Li Guangyuan's Jiangdong was saved from the locust disaster. , After taking office for a few years, the silk and silk and docks in eastern Zhejiang have become more and more prosperous, and this time he went to Beijing to report his work, and the court will inevitably reward him."

The queen suddenly said: "I said why this Li Guangyuan's name is so familiar. A few days ago, I heard that this person has a daughter who can predict disasters. Li Guangyuan has made great contributions to fighting disasters many times, thanks to his daughter reminding grandpa to take precautions in advance. "

The emperor was stunned: "These people have actually fiddled with you. I have seen a lot of talented people in the world over the years. Even if it is just to predict the rain this year, it will take a lot of effort. Li Guangyuan's daughter listened. He is only fifteen or sixteen years old, so how can he predict good or bad? Li Guangyuan is no better than Teng Shao and other meritorious children. He was originally from a grass-roots background. In recent years, because of his outstanding ability, he has risen faster than many people, and has attracted the envy of many people. These people are afraid He stayed in an important position in Chang'an and deliberately spread rumors in front of you."

The queen stuffed a huge candied apricot into her husband's mouth and said with a smile: "The last time I scolded them, and next time I dare to use these ghostly tricks in front of me, I will have them kicked out of the palace. "

The emperor ate with a smile, his soft eyes entangled with his wife.

Lin Chengyou lost interest when he heard about Li Guangyuan. At this time, he saw the state of the emperor and the empress through the Xuan window. He smiled and took two steps back. Then he turned his head and said to Azhi and Changyi, "Take you to Lin Fishing in the lotus pond outside the Hall of Virtue? The fish there are smarter and more interesting than the dumb fish here.”

"Can my brother move around? Your injury was so painful just now."

Lin Chengyou didn't change his face: "Fang is the talent, now is now, anyway, now my brother doesn't hurt anymore."

But the emperor said in the waterside hall: "You have a wound on your arm. Tonight, stay in front of your uncle and aunt, and you are not allowed to go anywhere. The day after tomorrow, the king's birthday, you can help your aunt come up with some ideas."


Early the next morning, Teng Yuyi asked someone to go to the Chengwang Mansion to post a post. In name, he wanted to pay homage to Lord Azhi, but in fact he wanted to tell Lin Chengyou about Xuanyinling, but unexpectedly neither Lin Chengyou nor Lord Azhi was in the mansion.

I went to Qingyun Temple to deliver a message, and the old monk and Taoist priest in the Guanli also said that the prince had not returned to the Guanli.

Teng Yuyi thought to herself that Lin Chengyou was either at Dali Temple or went to the palace, neither of which she could visit without permission, so she had to take a break for a while to find Lin Chengyou.

Seeing that it was still early, Teng Yuyi changed her clothes and was about to go to the West Market, but before she could go out, Xiao Ya crawled out and told her that it was best not to go out in the next few days. When it comes to evil, don't expect him to protect her.

Teng Yuyi only escaped the catastrophe, and of course he didn't dare to take any risks at will, so he simply stayed in the mansion and let Huo Qiu teach her to practice swordsmanship. For a while, I didn’t know that his internal strength was different from ordinary people, so I went to see him just now, his wound is almost healed, let him go to the banquet with me tomorrow.”

Cheng Bo hurriedly responded. In those days, the master sent Duanfu to the lady's side, not only because of Duanfu's outstanding skills, but also because he was a eunuch, and could follow the lady in and out of the inner courtyard when necessary, without having to worry about it like an ordinary guard.

Teng Yuyi said again: "By the way, you can inquire clearly. Is Lu Zhaoan among the invited guests this time for the birthday banquet?"

"Invited. Not only Lu Zhaoan, but this year's Jinshi will all go to the banquet."

Teng Yuyi was stunned for a moment: "Lu Zhaoan was unloaded by the corpse evil last time in the Chengwang Mansion. He recovered so quickly?"

Cheng Bo: "Last time, Prince Cheng specially invited Yu Fengyu from Shang Pharmacy to check on Lu Zhaoan. It is estimated that there is no serious problem. Even if his body is still a little weak, he must go when he invites him."

Teng Yuyi sneered and said: "What a fake and lofty genius. Although A-jie's letter was taken back, Lu Zhaoan's mouth still grows on him. This man's mentality is not right. If he is allowed to stay in Chang'an, disaster will happen sooner or later. "

Cheng Bo: "The lady wants to..."

Teng Yu thought for a while and said, "I didn't have time to pay attention to Lu Zhaoan a while ago. Uncle Cheng, please list all his whereabouts these days and show me."

The next day before dawn, Cheng Bo sent someone to urge Teng Yuyi to get up, saying that the master was already waiting in the middle hall, and Royal Suchuan was in the outskirts of Chang’an, and it took at least two hours for a car dealership. some departures.

Not long after, the Du family also came, and Teng Yuyi dressed up with sleepy eyes and got on the calf.

Du Yuzhi pulled Teng Shao to greet him, Mrs. Du took Teng Yuyi and Du Tinglan in the same car, Duan Fu sat outside the curtain and helped the driver drive the car.

In the car, Du Tinglan helped Teng Yuyi straighten the Biluo Guanzi on her head, and then looked down at the lotus seed, white smoke and cloud brocade skirt on her body: "I have seen other little ladies wear this color before, but Ayu looks good in it."

Mrs. Du squeezed Teng Yuyi's cheek gently: "The more expensive the clothes, the more attractive they are. This child's skin is as transparent as water, and he is not afraid of tricky colors. Just now, your grandfather told me that recently he I'm busy with government affairs. After celebrating my birthday today, I might rush back to Chang'an overnight. I also said that you rarely come out to play with us. I want you to stay and have fun for a few days...My dear boy, stop yawning. Sleep with your aunt for a while."

Teng Yuyi rubbed her eyes and put her head on Mrs. Du's shoulder. Who knew that with this movement, several things fell out of her sleeve pocket.

"What is this?" Du Tinglan picked up the items, "Ayu, it's okay to hide the medicine jar on your body, why are you hiding a bald pen?"

Teng Yuyi opened her eyes slightly, and quickly closed her eyes again: "That medicine pot is the Hu medicine that my grandfather gave me. It is said that it can stop bleeding and prevent poisoning. The bald pen was given by the Taoist priest of Dongmingguan. Don't look at its ugly appearance. In Caifeng Tower, I used it to block the bird monster. I was frightened by the corpse evil, and I will stay here for two nights when I return to Yusuchuan.

Du Tinglan's expression froze, and she hurriedly put the things back into Teng Yuyi's sleeves carefully: "How come there are so many evil spirits, and besides, there are so many people at the birthday banquet this time, even if there are evil things, they would not dare to come to offend them."

It took more than two hours for the car dealership to arrive at Royal Suchuan at noon. This place is surrounded by mountains and rivers, and has always been an excellent place for leisure and elegance. In addition to the Royal Forest Garden, there are many other businesses built by public officials and nobles. Look, you can see Qinglan towering beautifully in the distance, and you can hear the spring and stone cong near you.

Teng Yuyi embraced the scene in her arms, and gradually lost her sleepiness.

She heard that Liu Guozhang's Ledao Villa was originally a permanent property left by the ancestors of the Liu family. Although the villa occupies a large area, the furnishings are very poor. A few years ago, the sage sent the queen here to visit relatives. It was outrageous and ordered to be repaired. In order to please the sage and the queen, the craftsmen deliberately carved the Zhuangzi. After more than a year of repairs, this place has become a leader in other industries in the Royal Suchuan area.

Today, the Ledao Villa is very lively, there is an endless stream of fragrant cars and horses.

Teng Shao and Du Yuzhi and their son dismounted from the horse in front of the door, and another servant led the cart of the daughters of the Teng family in through the side door.

Going all the way in, I can see that Qumarsh is surrounded by beautiful scenery. In addition to the bamboo pavilion and the lotus pavilion, there are thousands of flowers and trees, which are scattered along with the mountains, or meandering with the water flow.

Mrs. Du shook the fan while admiring the scenery through the window, when she heard a voice not far away, she was surprised: "This voice sounds familiar."

Looking around, as if a little surprised, then turned around and looked at Teng Yuyi suspiciously.

Du Tinglan and Teng Yuyi asked curiously, "What's wrong?"

The two put their heads together and looked out, stunned for a while. Seeing a group of noble children walking by talking and laughing, Lin Chengyou and Prince Chun'an walked side by side, that beautiful voice was exactly what Lin Chengyou uttered.

Lin Chengyou wears a turquoise jade belt around his waist. He wears a pair of long red boots wrapped in ruyi cloud pattern and gold silk. The boots are bright red and eye-catching. Women have always worn them a lot, but wearing them on him does not harm Yingmai at all. He is tall and straight. , especially in the scorching sun.

The key point is that Lin Chengyou also wore a lotus, white smoke and cloud brocade round-neck robe today. Although there was a dark pattern of gold and silver threads embroidered on the front of the chest with a dragon holding a pearl, anyone could see that the color and fabric were exactly the same as Teng Yuyi's Ru skirt.

Mrs. Du and Du Tinglan were amazed: "This,'s a coincidence."

Lin Chengyou's five senses are extremely sensitive, he glanced from the corner of his eye, and turned his head to look at the Teng family's calf.

Teng Yuyi leaned back to avoid his sight. It was a coincidence, as if she had made an appointment with Lin Chengyou, but unfortunately the dress she brought was in the car behind, otherwise it would be better to change it immediately.

"Don't rush to change, the male guests and female relatives are separated. There are many people today, so no one will pay attention to this. After getting off the car, go back to the room and find a chance to change." Du Tinglan and Mrs. Du said.

"That's right." Teng Yuyi calmed down, and suddenly felt that the Xiaoya sword in her sleeve was hot, thinking that when she heard that Lin Chengyou was nearby, Xiaoya became restless in advance. She patted the hilt of the sword and signaled Xiaoya not to worry.

Madam Du saw the figure of Prince Chun'an, and said, "If it wasn't for the help of Prince Chun'an last time, Lan'er wouldn't have been able to enter Ziyun Tower so quickly to detoxify. A few days ago, Master brought Shao Tang to the door to thank him. Not only did he refuse to accept the gift, but he also served the master and Shaotang with wine. After the master said it, he was full of praise, saying that His Royal Highness, the prince of the county, had learned the words of Fuzhan, and his knowledge was no worse than that of Hongru from the Guozijian."

Teng Yuyi knew the name of His Royal Highness the Prince in a previous life. I heard that he was stern, but he had a good character. Even his father praised him for being light-hearted.

She asked curiously, "Has the Duke of Chun'an never made a marriage?"

Mrs. Du said vaguely: "Although Prince Chun'an and Prince Cheng are brothers, they were born to the successor. The successor passed away two years ago, and His Royal Highness the Prince did not propose a relative in order to keep his filial piety."

Teng Yuyi paused, and suddenly remembered that he had heard people talk behind his back once in a previous life. Cui, the biological mother of Chun'an County King, was a dozen years younger than Lan Wang. Although she was married to Lan Wang, her family had another lover. He framed Lin Xiao, the prince of Prince Lan at the time, and was caught by Prince Lan.

Prince Lan hated Cui Shi for being unfaithful and hated her for framing his eldest son. In a rage, he expelled Cui Shi from Prince Lan's mansion. However, in order to protect the face of the royal family, he only said that Cui Shi was seriously ill.

For the next few years, Mrs. Cui has been under house arrest in another hospital, not to mention raising her son herself, without even seeing his son's face. In the first few years, King Lan died of illness, and Mrs. Cui also died in depression.

With such a biological mother, Prince Chun'an's marriage will inevitably be more difficult.

Mrs. Du added: "His Royal Highness is not too young. Recently, many courtiers in Chang'an have come to the palace to ask for their relationship, and they intend to marry their daughters to His Royal Highness. His Royal Highness is pure and self-love, and his character is also precious, and I don't know who's daughter will have such a good fortune in the end."

Lin Chengyou looked at the Teng family's calf from a distance. Yesterday, he had something to do and didn't bother to ask Teng Yuyi for Xuanyinling. Today, all of her people are here, so he shouldn't delay it and not return it. I have been curious for two days, and I have to ask her face to face before I stop.

The Duke of Chun'an looked over and said strangely, "Da, what are you looking at?"

Lin Chengyou: "I'm looking for Gu Xian from Nanzhao Kingdom. This kid said he's coming to find me, but he's still not seen."

Suddenly, a few eyes fell on his face, and when he looked up, he saw that there were several other carts in front of the Teng family's cart. The window curtains of the carts were still swaying slightly, and it was obvious that someone had just put them down.

Lin Chengyou has been secretly looked at by the little lady through the window since she was a child. She saw that it was a few carriages belonging to women's family members.


Teng Yuyi really didn't have time to change her clothes, so she got out of the car with her aunt and cousin, and someone led them to meet the daughters and relatives.

The father of the country will only have his birthday tomorrow. Today is not a formal banquet. The lunch is more casual, and it is located in Qiulin Garden.

The seats for women's family members are divided into two groups, one is for the wives and the old wives of each prefecture, and the food table is set up in the spacious forest. The other group is the little ladies from various prefectures, and the food table is placed under the flower tree outside.

The ladies sat in the banquet, and occasionally petals fell from the trees, either on the desserts or on the girls' buns. From a distance, there was a pink flower rain, which added a wild interest to the banquet. .

Mrs. Du brought two juniors to present gifts and was quickly invited to the ladies' table, while Teng Yuyi and Du Tinglan entered the forest together under the guidance of the servants.

The ladies were whispering, but they suddenly became quiet. After listening to the report, they realized that the gentle and beautiful woman on the left was the daughter of Dr. Du of the Imperial College Supervisor, and on the right was Teng Shao's daughter. , As soon as it came, Man Lin Chunse was suppressed.

The girls looked at Teng Yuyi curiously, seeing her icy muscles and bones, radiant and moving, they couldn't take their eyes away. When Teng Yuyi and Du Tinglan approached, the girls bowed and saluted on the table.

Among these girls, Teng Yuyi knew at most half of them, such as Deng Qingluan, the granddaughter of Deng Zhiyao, a member of Zhongshu She, who had met in a previous life, and Wu Qi, the second daughter of Wu Ruyun, the imperial censor.

However, for this banquet, she asked Cheng Bo to get a list of female dependents in advance, and immediately took the opportunity of returning the gift to secretly match the names and appearances of these people, and suddenly someone said with a smile: "Miss Teng, Madam Du, Come and sit."

Looking up, it was Zheng Shuangyin, the daughter of Zheng Pushe's family. The last time she and Tengdu met at the poetry meeting in Prince Cheng's mansion, they were quite familiar with each other.

Du Tinglan hesitated, but Teng Yuyi happily took her cousin to the table.

After the meal, the stewards came to arrange the sleeping quarters of the female relatives, some in Bailuxuan, and some in Yueminglou.

Mrs. Du took Teng Yuyi and Du Tinglan to live in a wing of Yueming Building. The adjacent rooms were all the daughters of officials.

Teng Yuyi watched from the porch, the mountains and rivers in the distance were graceful, and the flowers and trees nearby reflected the clear sky like fire clouds. Facing such a beautiful scenery, no matter how heavy and heavy things were temporarily forgotten, if it wasn't for her I have to make a bath for Xiaoya, I really want to put down all my worries and have fun for a few days.

Biluo found a purple ruffled skirt, and asked Teng Yuyi with a face full of regret: "Ma'am, this new lotus seed white skirt has only been worn for half a day, do you really want to change clothes?"

"Change." Teng Yuyi returned to the room and said, "Hey, where is my puppet?"

Biluo pursed her lips: "Chunrong has already been stuffed under the pillow for the lady."

"I'll go take a look."

Mrs. Du smiled and shook her head. After all, she was old, and after a day of riding in the car, she felt sore all over her body. When the people settled down, she would go to bed and take a nap.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door outside the room, but it was Mrs. Du's wife, Gui Er, who came back.

Mrs. Du asked in a warm voice, "Did you and the eldest son drink too much?"

Gui Erfuer said something to Madam Du, and Madam Du's expression changed: "This child!"

"Auntie, what happened?"

Madam Du waved off the servants in the room and said angrily, "Master took Shao Tang to settle in the wing, but found out that Shao Tang was secretly hiding a cloth bag in the luggage, and only after asking, Shao Tang heard that Lu Zhaoan was also coming and asked Looking for an opportunity to beat Lu Zhaoan up. Fortunately, the master found out in time. Today, people from all the prefectures are here, so what if this is going to be a riot. "

Du Tinglan bit his lip: "It's all because of me, I'll talk about Adi."

Teng Yuyi grabbed Du Tinglan and said, "Sister, Shaotang always has a childish temperament in front of you and your aunt. He may not hear some of the things you say, so let me tell you."


The wing of Du Shaotang and his son is placed in Yequanxuan, which is only one garden away from Yueminglou. Teng Yuyi took Biluo and Chunrong to the chamomile pavilion in the garden and waited for a while, and saw a thin young man in Chinese clothes rushing over from a distance.


Teng Yuyi motioned Chunrong and Biluo to step aside, and asked, "Where's the cloth bag, take it out and show it to me."

With tears in the corners of Du Shaotang's eyes, he sat down at the opposite table dully: "It was confiscated by Grandpa."

Teng Yuyi sighed secretly, still the same as in her previous life, she would only cry when something happened, she asked him, "Why don't you hide it? It's okay now, it will be confiscated before you start."

Du Shaotang raised his head in surprise