MTL - Capture the Jade-Chapter 8

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The lady in charge was crying fiercely, and a woman interrupted her coldly: "It happened suddenly, Mrs. Teng must have her reasons for this arrangement. Prince Cheng is the disciple and grandson of Taoist priest Qingxu, and he is there, and he is afraid of saving him. Can't you be my wife? Where is Lady Teng now? She is still young, she must be frightened when something like this happens, take us in quickly, I have to see her with my own eyes to be relieved. "

Duan Wenyin's remarks were accurate, and she cared for the Teng family on the face, but in fact reminded her younger brother not to lose his temper because of Dong Erniang.

Duan Ningyuan really restrained, and immediately changed the subject: "Sir, are all the injured in the house?"

Mrs. Du was originally puzzled, but she was relieved to hear this.

Lin Chengyou responded and asked the palace servant, "How is the house arranged?"

"According to the prince's instructions, the five wounded females have been placed on a Hu bed, with a thick curtain in front of the bed, only the bottom of the ladle is exposed for identification."

"Mrs. An Guogong doesn't have to be with other injured people. She has been possessed by monsters for so long. It is not known whether she can survive tonight. There is a hot soup in the room and a calf in front of her. One dose of decoction will immediately send Mrs. Anguo to Qingyunguan."


Teng Yu was expecting someone from outside to come in, so she got up with her aunt. The power fence on her head had never been removed, so there was no need to avoid suspicion.

There were a lot of people, in addition to Lin Chengyou and the people from the Zhenguo Gongfu, there were also a lot of ladies in cloud-necked costumes.

Duan Wenyin was the first to enter the room.

Recently, women in Chang'an have been wearing Hu people's men's clothing, and Duan Wenyin is also keen on this. Although she is going to a banquet today, she does not wear a skirt but wears Hu people's clothing. She wears a golden brocade hat on her head and black-colored gold tight-fitting boots. , She is tall and straight, this dress is not abrupt, but has a kind of heroic bearing.

Duan Wenyin looked left and right after entering the room, and strode towards Madam Du and Teng Yuyi: "Forgive us for being late, His Royal Highness Qiantou County was busy evacuating the crowd, and the few of us refused to leave. We must come over to take a look before you can rest assured, Madam. Haven’t you been frightened? Is Yu’er still okay? How are the injured people in the house now?”

Mrs. Du led Teng Yuyi to greet him, and said with a smile, "Mrs. Lao is concerned, everything is fine now."

Teng Yuyi showed a sweet smile, and bowed politely.

Duan Wenyin grabbed Teng Yuyi and looked up and down, the goose-yellow half arm, the monofilament Biluo cage skirt, and the soap gauze of the power fence could block the peeping from a distance, but could not block the close-up scrutiny. The child's eyes are like clear pools, and the complexion is as white as frost. She is truly a beautiful beauty.

"I haven't seen each other for three or four years. The last time the two families got married, Yu'er was a little baby, but now she has grown so tall. I heard that Yu'er was coming a few days ago, and I happened to be in Chang'an. In the past few days, I have invited you to Ximing Temple to enjoy the flowers, but I didn’t know that something like this happened when I first came here. Fortunately, our aunt is also there, otherwise I would be scared.”

Mrs. Du said enthusiastically: "This child has a strong temperament, but he was never afraid. It's just that the monster is too terrifying, and it's better to turn around and cover it up."

After saying that, Mrs. Du brought Teng Yu to meet other wives, including the in-laws of the Duke of Zhenguo, as well as the family members of colleagues who had friendship with Teng Shao.

While speaking, Mrs. Du looked behind Duan Wenyin and saw a young gentleman standing at the door, dressed in brocade and jade crown, with a pine-like figure, it was General Duan.

Mrs. Du's eyes burst into laughter, this family has a good relationship, and this child is getting better and better.

General Duan was quite polite. After entering the room, he lowered his eyes and cupped his hands: "This junior has seen Madam."

Mrs. Du smiled and nodded: "Okay, you have a heart."

After a few words of greeting, Mrs. Du casually looked outside the house. If it weren't for Prince Cheng's son Zhuyu, the brilliance of the whole room would have moved to Ning Yuan. It's strange to say that Prince Cheng's son is obviously cynical. His appearance is more eye-catching than that of General Duan.

Lin Chengyou refused to come in. While they were talking, he sat crooked on the Hu chair outside, tapping his fingers on the handle carelessly. When the palace servants brought the tea, he put a talisman on the tea bowl and asked them to give it quickly. Mrs. Anguo took it.

The lady in charge of the Dong family has been following Lin Chengyou after entering the house. Seeing that he was done with his work, she hurriedly knelt in front of Lin Chengyou: "Sir, it is important to save people. Please give the old slave another pill for the life-saving medicine."

"No more." Lin Chengyou answered succinctly.

There was silence in the room, and everyone's eyes turned away.

After Duan Ningyuan bowed to Madam Du, he stood still, his face was calm and self-controlled, but he couldn't hide the fear in his eyes. Hearing this, he forced a smile and said: "The prince loves to joke. , don't say it's just a bottle of medicinal herbs, and the technique of bringing back the dead is not a problem. Take it out and reward this servant girl, so as not to be annoying and crying."

Lin Chengyou said unhurriedly, "That medicinal pill is called Liuyuan Pill, and the medicinal materials are not easy to come by. Shizun spent a lot of time refining this bottle of medicinal pill, and he was reluctant to take it himself, so he gave it to me for self-defense, head first. Once it’s used up, you can get another bottle, just wait a few years.”

Duan Wenyin and Mrs. Du were stunned. It turned out to be the famous Liuyuan Dan. I heard that this medicine can also be taken by ordinary people.

But refining this medicine pays attention to chance, and it may not be possible to get a bottle in ten years, because it is not easy to obtain, it is comparable to Wuhua Tianbao.

There are many people in Chang'an who have heard of Liuyuan Pill, all of them are greedy, and if they put it on others, they may have caused disasters long ago, but because it was Lin Chengyou's thing, no one dared to make an idea.

The lady in charge was stunned for a long time, and couldn't help crying: "How many years? Isn't my lady helpless? The poor lady only got her first birthday last month.

She fell to the ground while crying: "When the master arrives, he will definitely be heartbroken. Madam is in bed, and if she hears the bad news of the lady, I am afraid it will not happen. It is all to blame for the stupidity of the old slave, and there are three in General Teng's family. The servants are all saved, but my wife can only wait to die in vain."

These words sounded bleak, but they were accusing Teng Yuyi of being selfish and ruthless.

Duan Wenyin's expression was a little uncomfortable, and Mrs. Du subconsciously protected Teng Yuyi behind her.

Yuyi, this child, never acts right or wrong, and is most protective of her shortcomings. Duanfu has been by Yuyi's side for many years, and has always been loyal. Even if the incident happened a hundred times, Yuyi would only do the same thing.

Of course, you can't blame Yuyi for this, but Dong Erniang is at a flower-like age after all. It would be a pity if she lost her life. Right now, I can only hope that there are other ways to become the prince, otherwise—

Everyone's mind was drawn by the wife's cry, but Teng Yuyi secretly paid attention to the curtain in front of Hu's bed. Just when Duan Ningyuan was talking to Lin Chengyou, the curtain moved slightly, and the amplitude was so small that you might not be able to notice it if you were not careful. She knew it in her heart, and calmly retracted her gaze.

Lin Chengyou was also paying attention to the bed curtain, saw the tiny ripples in front of the bed, and there was a hint of irony on his lips, when he was about to get up, Duan Ningyuan discussed with him again: "Sir, there are other ways besides Liuyuan Pill. ?"

Lin Chengyou glanced at the room, and simply sat down again: "No. This monster is grass-born, Muxin, today is in time for the Lunar New Year, it is the day when it becomes a demon, its magic power is comparable to that of ordinary monsters, and the closer it is, the more evil it is. Yuesheng, if someone hadn't cut off the monster's arm ahead of time and hurt its vitality, the six yuan pill might not have saved the injured person's life. Dong Erniang failed to take the medicine, and I couldn't help it."

Duan Ningyuan's Adam's apple rolled, and he said word by word, "Is there really no cure?"

"There is no cure."

Juesheng and Qizhi couldn't help but say: "General Duan, our senior brother was injured himself. If there is still a six-yuan pill, why didn't he take it for himself?"

Only then did everyone see that Lin Chengyou's robe was still stained with blood, and his complexion was much worse than before.

The palace people were so frightened that they didn't care to pay attention to Lin Chengyou's clothes. When they saw this, they were immediately frightened and rushed up, busy serving Jin Zhi: "Prince, I want this old slave to send someone to the Shang Pharmacy to Xuan Yu. Feng Yu?"

Lin Chengyou raised his arm impatiently to avoid it: "Don't make a fuss."

The lady in charge was still weeping and weeping: "It's really a disaster, the lady is ill, and the second mother is serving at the bedside all day. "

Duan Ningyuan stood stiffly like a wooden carving, full of grief and nowhere to vent, thinking of what happened just now, he glared at Teng Yuyi in anger.

Is this his fiancee? She couldn't see her face with the veil on, but this woman was undoubtedly the most hideous person he had ever seen.

"When I came, there was still talk and laughter on the way, so it was gone." The steward's wife cried out of breath, "My Erniang has a heart like a bodhisattva, and she is reluctant to waste flowers and plants on weekdays, what kind of evil is this! Why is it the second mother..."

The lines on Duan Ningyuan's cheeks were looming, and he was clearly clenching his teeth. He was finally stabbed in the heart by these words, and said coldly, "Miss Teng, since the medicine is in your hands, I don't ask you to be unselfish, but there are four pills in total. , why does the Teng family have all they can, and don't even give a grain to others?"

His voice was hoarse, apparently losing his mind in anger.

Duan Wenyin shouted, "Ning Yuan!"

Mrs. Du said: "General Duan, when Yu'er distributed the medicine to Mingzhu and the others, she didn't know that there were only four medicines in the bottle. If she knew in advance that it was not enough, she would never have arranged it like this."

"I should have known the last grain? I still gave it to my servant. It can be seen that she only has herself in her eyes, and other people's lives are as light as grass to her. Sister, you see clearly, how could such a selfish and domineering woman be? Is it a good match for the Duan family?"

The ladies were dumbfounded. Lin Chengyou raised his head and looked at Duan Ningyuan with a look of surprise in his eyes.

Duan Wenyin was stunned for a moment, then she said angrily, "What nonsense are you talking about!"

Teng Yuyi saluted and looked at Duan Wenyin indifferently: "Madam heard that, General Duan wants to retire from the Teng family because I saved the servants of the Teng family."

Duan Wenyin gave her younger brother a stern look, and softly reassured Teng Yuyi: "Ning Yuan drank a lot of alcohol on the banquet, so he was confused before he spoke nonsense. Yuer, you should be more concerned. Don't take these drunken words to heart."

Teng Yuyi nodded: "General Duan made a blunder after drinking and asked others to take more care. Who should we ask to take more care when we encounter a monster in the forest?"

Duan Ningyuan choked.

"We finally escaped from the forest, and the monsters chased after the Ziyun Tower. At that time, the Lanxia Pavilion was in chaos, and my cousin and the others were in critical condition. I was afraid that the good opportunity to save people would be delayed. Only then did I know that there is only one left, General Duan, what would you do instead?"

Duan Ningyuan said angrily, "Since the Teng family has already got three pills, for the sake of fairness, the last one should be given to others."

"But Duanfu is not just a servant of the Teng family." Teng Yuyi's tone was cold, "If it hadn't been for Duanfu to resist for a while, we would all have died in the forest. Now he is dying, and I can't save him after getting the medicine. An ungrateful person?"

Duan Ningyuan gritted her teeth, she was clearly arguing, but because too many people were present, he couldn't refute it openly.

"In your eyes, Duanfu is just a humble servant, but why is he not our savior? If a person doesn't even care about his own benefactor, what can he do to rescue a stranger he doesn't know? I want to ask Duan Xiao General, do you regard me as an enemy, do you blame me for saving your savior, or do you blame me for not being able to save Dong Erniang? If I gave Dong Erniang the medicine but ignored Duanfu, would you still scold me for being unfair?!"

Duan Ningyuan froze, as if someone had slapped him in the face, and his face was burning with embarrassment.

All the ladies came here, looking at the thick curtain in front of Hu's bed and at the lady in charge, and slowly came back to it.

As early as in the courtyard, the palace servants had said that Dong Erniang could enter the Ziyun Tower and entrusted Mrs. Yong'an Hou to take care of her. General Duan came in a hurry, but asked the servants of the Teng family to oppose Teng Yuyi's accusations, which was like coming for the Teng family. , it seems to be directed at Dong Erniang.

The more Madam Du thought about it, the colder she became, and she glared at Duan Ningyuan: "Yu'er was frightened several times tonight, so it's just that General Duan was indifferent, how can you blame Yu'er without understanding the situation at the time? Small, she can still be calm and self-sufficient in an accident, and she can save so many people, and Yu'er takes half of the credit. If it was another child, let alone giving medicine to save people, she would have been scared and fainted several times.

"Young general Duan, as long as he still has the heart, after a little thought, he will understand. It's not Yu'er's fault that the medicine is not enough. We Yu'er can't bear the words of 'selfish and domineering', 'a good match' is not a 'good match', Duan The little general has no right to say such a bastard!"

Duan Ningyuan's face was full of shame. He had just been in a state of chaos and angered others. Now that he has calmed down, he knows that he has done too much.

Teng Yuyi sneered in her heart, at this stage, how could she be willing to give him a chance to defend herself, she wept a blessing, and said again, "General Duan is a man who stands above the ground, and there is no reason to take back what he said, since Duan Xiao The general himself said that he wanted to break off the marriage, and he also asked the ladies to be witnesses."

Duan Wenyin's face changed greatly, Teng Yuyi's words made it clear that she was going to turn against the generals. She should have expected that the Teng family's children were very determined and would never be wronged and not fight back. She hurriedly said, "Yu'er misunderstood, The lady in charge of the Dong family was crying and making a lot of noise, which made her uncomfortable. When Ning Yuan asked those words, she just wanted to ask the confused woman to figure out the reason for herself. Her original intention was to resolve the misunderstanding, and she never questioned herself. What people mean. Ning Yuan, I said earlier that you were too upright, but it was a good intention. The drunken words you said would only cause Yu’er to misunderstand. You must have regrets in your heart now. What are you still doing? Quickly apologize to Yu’er and his wife. !"

Teng Yuyi shook his head "sadly": "General Duan is drunk or sad, I can't tell the difference. I will write to Aye tomorrow and ask him to make up his mind. Ladies have a lot of experience and understand things. Tonight Please help make a judgment."

The ladies didn't want to get involved in the right and wrong between the two, but when they heard that Teng Yu insisted on telling Teng Shao about the matter, it could be seen that this child would not let the Duan family fool him. Heartbroken, they didn't want to pretend to be confused any longer, and said: "Poor, I have encountered so many things when we first arrived in Chang'an. We all know in our hearts that Yu'er has been wronged."

Duan Ningyuan's face turned blue and red for a while, Duan Wenyin was annoyed and helpless, Yuyi, this child looked ignorant of world affairs, but her temper was so decisive that in just a few words, the divorce was settled.

What's the best way to do this? Ning Yuan was confused in front of so many people, so people couldn't hide it if they wanted to, and it was so troublesome that he broke off the marriage. The fault could be entirely on his younger brother. Going out of Ziyun Tower tonight, rumors and rumors will spread all over Chang'an tomorrow.