MTL - Celestial Immortal-Chapter 22 One Scroll of Earth, Mountains and Rivers

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  Chapter 22 The Book of the Earth, Mountains and Rivers

  Chu Chen had already cultivated the magic [Blowing Hair for Tiger], but he hadn’t mastered it yet.

  As a result, it is very difficult to draw [Huahu Talisman], and it is difficult to do it at the level of his introduction to drawing talisman.

  Secondly, it takes a series of rituals and altar rituals to practice the spell [Blowing Hair as a Tiger]. At his level, it takes at least one month of rituals.

  At the moment, Xinmiao showed the [Blowing Hair as Tiger] method, he can easily master this spell, and learn the essence of [Huahu Talisman].

  The most important thing is that it can save a lot of effort and no need to practice forty-two days.

  This made Chu Chen feel very comfortable.

  A talisman spell can be mastered in all aspects from the drawing of amulet, ritual refining, incantation, stepping, etc., then it is truly mastered.

  No longer has to worry about your hands and feet when you use it, always worry about wasting magic charms, pick and search, always want to save it for the critical moment.

  For example, the spell "clouds on the bottom of the feet".

  This is a good spell, but it's a pity that Chu Chen hasn't mastered it completely at the moment, so he can only rely on the master to help it, and it won't be so cool to use.

   "This time handling the case, there is always something to gain."

   Lying in the spacious and bright prison of the ghosts and gods, Chu Chen appeared quite calm, he even held the Taoist scriptures and chanted with interest.

  The Taoist Sutra is called "Tai Shang Lao Jun Said Chang Qing Jing Jing".

  One volume of Dadishanhe Sutra, the topic is very clear.

   Talking about mountains, flowers and weeds, listen carefully to the stupid movement.

  It is the "Qing Jing Jing".

  This sutra is a classic of Taoism and contains the principles of Taoism. It is one of the Taoism that Taoist priests must learn.

  The brothers guarding the cell are extremely polite. They ask for everything to be satisfied, and they want to send everything in. In addition to the limitation of personal freedom, the three are also at ease.

"The old gentleman said: The avenue is invisible, giving birth to the world; the avenue is ruthless, running the sun and the moon; the avenue is nameless, and it grows all things; I don't know its name, but the strong name is the Tao. Husband and Taoist: there is cleanness and muddy, there is movement and stillness; sky The earth is turbid, the sky is moving and the earth is quiet. The men are pure and the women are turbid, and the men are moving and the women are still.

  Huang Fugui and Zhang Xiucai listened to Chu Chen reciting the "Qing Jing Jing" in their ears.

  The first time, the two of them were still a little irritable.

  It can be heard the second time, and the third time, the two people's moods slowly calmed down.

  The chanting of the Taoist scriptures seems to have a magical power in the dark, the rhyme of Taoism is around the ears, unknowingly, people are all troubled, and the mind is as calm as water, clean and dust-free.

   "Brother Chu is worthy of being a disciple of Taoism, this state of mind, this cultivation level, is far inferior."

  Zhang Xiucai slowly exhaled a suffocating breath, and gestured to Chu Chen.

  This statement is definitely from the bottom of the heart.

  Deeply in such a big trouble, this will be able to recite the "Qing Jing Jing" with no distraction, which perfectly fits the true meaning of "Quiet and No Action". He is ashamed of this effort to cultivate qi.

   Huang Fugui also touched his head and said:

  "Brother Chu, it’s really good to hear you chant the sutras, and the restlessness is gone, but you are really not worried?"

  Chu Chen put down the Taoism first, took a sip of tea, and said calmly:

"There's nothing to worry about. If you are wronged, you have a debt, and the county town **** finds Deng Tiejian's dead soul, and the truth can be revealed. If Deng Tiejian's dead soul enters the Nether Central Underworld, our manslaughter of officials will not be washed away, no matter where the result goes, Neither of us can lead, so why bother to think about it."

   "Oh, it's true, it's useless to think about it."

  Zhang Xiucai and Huang Fugui nodded, praying for good luck in their hearts.

  After the death of human beings in the world, most of the dead souls hook into the central underworld of the netherworld, and then reincarnate, and will not stay in the world for long.

  The dead souls left in the world are called "ghosts", and they are under the jurisdiction of the land of the gods of the cities and mountains.

  Generally speaking, people who are practicing, and those who have great grievances and evil spirits in front of them are easy to turn into wandering souls and wander in the world.

  Deng Tiejian restrains the evil spirits of dragons and tigers, and has martial arts cultivation. After his death, the dead souls have a high probability of being left behind in the world and turning into ghosts.

  As long as the dead soul of Deng Tiejian is found in the county town’s God’s Mansion, and after some inquiries, things will come to light.

  The three stayed in the cell and waited for news. What they were waiting for was news about Deng Tiejian’s dead soul.

  After a conversation, the three fell silent.

  Chu Chen smiled, and then picked up the Taoist scriptures on the table.

  After entering the Taoist door, he fell in love with chanting the Taoist scriptures.

  Every time he recites, his mind is calm, the annoyance disappears, and the whole person wanders in a wonderful realm, often with sentiment and understanding.

  "The avenue is invisible, the fertility world"

  "The avenue is ruthless, running the sun and the moon"

  "The avenue is unnamed, and all things are cultivated forever"

  In the cell, Chu Chen's chanting is not hurried or slow, not high or low, like clear spring water, sweet and ethereal, with reverberations around the ears.

  The impatient Zhang Xiucai and Huang Fugui were immersed in it, and gradually calmed down.

  Wealthy brother is even more down-to-earth slumbering, really quiet, and all his troubles are eliminated.

  Rao was the prison guard who was guarding the cell and was immersed in the Taoism one by one, and his temper turned out to be better than before.

  Until the arrival of a group of people broke the cleanliness of the cell.

   "The little one pays homage to you masters."

  The two prison guards salute respectfully and fearfully.

   "No need to be polite!"

  Awesomely the four are the magistrate Xu, Taoist Xu Ping, Zen Master Liao Kong, and Huang Mei.

  "The real way, the enlightened person is content"

  "Those who have attained enlightenment will always be quiet and quiet"

  The four of them are all highly cultivated, and they have heard the chanting of sutras as early as outside the cell.

"Brother Xu, your apprentice really has a good temperament. After getting into such a big trouble, he can still chant sutras without a second thought, enter tranquility and tranquility. This kind of effort, not to mention a young man who has just entered the Tao, even if you are my age, can It is very rare to achieve this step."

  Xu county magistrate was quite moved and admired again and again.

   Huang Mei also had a good impression of Chu Chen, and he was very courageous: "The young man is really good, Xu Duguan has accepted a good apprentice."

   Taoist Xu Ping listened to Xu County magistrate, Huang Mei and others complimenting his apprentices. Although his expression did not change much, he was quite happy in his heart.

  Firstly, he gained face in front of his colleagues, and secondly, his apprentice's performance made him very gratified.

As the county magistrate Xu and Deputy Huang Mei said, in the case of "manslaughter of court officials", they can calm down and recite the "Qingjing Jing" and enter the tranquility. This performance is very important to Taoist practitioners. In terms of it is extremely precious.

  Sometimes, it is more important than root qualifications, and it is not an exaggeration to call it "wisdom roots".

  The Zen Master Kong turned the Buddha beads in his hand:

  "Amitabha Buddha~The poor monk felt a little quietness and inaction from the sound of chanting the scriptures. The mood of constant silence and true silence is indeed a good seedling, and it is destined to my Buddha."


  Xu Pingdao coughed again and again.

  Good fellow, everything is related to the Buddha, is it easy for me to find an apprentice?

  Not to mention such a discerning apprentice.

   "Everyone, let's go in first."

  Taoist Xu Ping quickly turned off the topic and interrupted Master Kong's words.

   County magistrate Xu and Huang Mei laughed:

   "Go in, some guys are waiting in a hurry, and pay them back sooner."

  (End of this chapter)