MTL - Charm King Poison Queen-Chapter 1286 【V150】Take away the phoenix seal

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  Chapter 1286 [V150] Taking away the Phoenix Seal

   There was a shocking sound in the audience.

  Knowing that Hai Dongqing is cruel, but he didn't expect it to be so cruel that even the Queen's clothes were torn off.


   But that's not even the most shocking—

   Until many years later, whenever someone recalled this scene, they would still show a surprised and frightened expression.

   What surprised me was that the woman who was nearly forty years old had such a charming and beautiful figure, and what shocked me was that a piece of skin suddenly fell off her face!

   is cheeky.

  The timid daughter fainted on the spot.

  The wives all leaned back and hugged their daughters together. This scene was like seeing a ghost, and it was much more terrifying than Hai Dongqing.

  Nanjiang King turned around, his heart skipping a beat, he was so frightened that he was going to teach Hai Dongqing a lesson: "Queen, you..."

Empress Geng touched her face, and said nervously, "The concubine has some rashes on her face, so she wore a mask for fear of affecting her appearance." As she spoke, she raised her head, and the one she was wearing was indeed her own. It's just that there are a lot of little red spots on the face

  The king of Nanjiang heaved a sigh of relief secretly, he was afraid that someone would unknowingly change the queen under his nose!

   "If you have a rash, you will have a rash, and don't get anything in the future." It's weird. The king of Nanjiang felt terrified. Considering that he was his queen after all, he hurriedly took off his outer robe and put it on her shoulders. But after all, he had already made a fool of himself in front of everyone, and the king of Nanjiang's face was not very good-looking.

A hint of suspicion flashed across Ning Yue's eyes. The moment Empress Geng's face fell off, she thought she would see her own face, but she didn't expect it to be Empress Geng's face. Could it be that, as Empress Geng said, she was afraid of affecting her own face? Grooming only wearing a mask? still is-

   On this side, before Ning Yue could figure out why, on the other side, a lady yelled, "She has a mole on her stomach!"

   Everyone looked at her abdomen in a flash!

  Empress Geng hurriedly wrapped her body tightly with clothes!

   "It's a light brown mole about an inch above the navel."

   "Are you sure? See clearly?"

   "I can see very clearly."

   "Is it a coincidence?"

"I do not know."

  At the banquet, there was a whisper.

  In the past, they would not have cared about what grew on someone's stomach, but today, rumors about stomachs and moles are raging, and it's hard for everyone to be insensitive.

At first, the king of Nanjiang thought that everyone was making a fool of himself by ridiculing the queen. After listening to the content, he realized that everyone was discussing the mole on the queen's stomach. To be honest, he really didn't know if there was a mole on the queen's stomach. Hearing that the queen has a mole on her stomach, his first reaction was: Is that so? A mole is a mole, what's so strange? But when he saw the strange look in everyone's eyes, he couldn't help but ask Xiao Dezi beside him.

   "Xiao Dezi, what's going on?"

  Xiao Dezi cleared his throat, with a look of embarrassment: "You... it's better not to know."

   "What are these words?" The king of Nanjiang shouted.

   Hai Dongqing seemed to feel the anger of the King of Nanjiang, spread his wings, and roared at Xiao Dezi.

Thinking of the good deeds this guy has done, Xiao Dezi shrank back and said in a low voice: "Well... there are rumors that the princess of the county was defiled by someone, and the murderer escaped, showing off his 'success' everywhere, and It is said that there is a mole on the stomach of the princess of the county." After a pause, "It is just above the belly button, one inch away."

  It's in the same place as the queen's mole, he added in his heart.

   But the last sentence, he didn't dare to say it clearly, if His Majesty knew that he couldn't help taking a sneak peek at the Empress's jade body just now, His Majesty might have his eyes gouged out.

  The face of the king of Nanjiang was completely dark, and he glared at Hai Dongqing first, "Go back and deal with you," and then shouted to Xiao Dezi: "Who spread the rumors?"

  Xiao Dezi lowered his eyes: "I don't know."

   know, but can not say.

  The queen has not completely fallen out of favor, so if you can not offend her, it is best not to offend her, and even if you go all out and tell your majesty the truth, will your majesty believe it?

   His little Dezi would not do things that he was not sure about.

   After more than ten years in the palace, I have learned this experience.

   "Miss, why does the empress have a mole on her stomach like yours?" Dongmei asked with a puzzled expression.

Ning Yue is also puzzled, they say that there are no two identical leaves in the world, naturally it is impossible to have two identical people, although Xuanyin and Sikong Shuo's faces look alike, but after taking off their clothes, the details on their bodies is different. Empress Geng was not related to her, but she had the same mole in the same place.

  Light brown moles are rare, and they all grow about an inch above the navel. Is it too coincidental?

   "Maybe it's a coincidence, maybe she did it on purpose."

   "Did you spot it?" Dongmei automatically ignored the first possibility, her eyes widened and said, "Why did she have a mole?"

   "Who knows." Ning Yue stared, seeing the exact same mole, she was a little upset.

  Dongmei asked: "When she spots moles, she just spots moles, right? Why did she spot the same spot as you? Is it a coincidence again? Or is it intentional?"

  Ning Yue shook her head: "I don't know."

  No matter how Empress Geng points out that she is the same as her, she no longer believes that it is a natural mole.

Dongmei didn't believe it either. Thinking of Empress Geng instigating her subordinates to spread rumors that the young lady was defiled, Dongmei's eyes flashed a cold light, she raised her head fearlessly, and said, "Your Majesty, the servant heard some rumors during the day, saying Last night, a murderer kidnapped a woman and defiled her. There was a light brown mole on the woman's stomach! Madam, have you ever heard of this?"

  This girl... is really not afraid of death. Can you ask such a question in front of so many people? And the question was so obvious, it was clear that the person defiled by the murderer was the queen!

   Turning their minds, everyone's eyes on Dongmei changed.

  Dongmei was not afraid of serious problems, and said with a smile: "It's ridiculous that some uninformed people still slander my lady. In fact, there is no mole on my lady's stomach at all. The one with moles is the queen!"

   "What? Is there no mole on Ma Ningyue's stomach? Is it true?"

   "Fake, right? The murderer clearly said it was Ma Ningyue..."

   "You haven't seen the murderer again... Have you seen a light brown mole? Have you seen two people grow in one place?"

"makes sense."

   "Some, my grandma and I have a mole behind the earlobe."

   "But such a coincidence is rare!"

  Everyone, you and I talked about it.

  Ning Yue didn't expect such a dramatic turn of events. Even if someone offered to have her stomach examined right now, she wouldn't be afraid. It's a big deal. She would cover up the mole with some tricks. Anyway, the initiative is in her hands. On the other hand, the queen who was suddenly "exposed" couldn't erase the fact that she had a mole.

   Want to imitate her, but bear the blame for her, that's great.

  Dongmei continued: "Empress, why didn't you speak? Where were you last night? Did you go out?"

   "Bold!" Empress Geng's eyes were cold, and she tried her best to restrain her emotions, not to let her expression collapse.

Dongmei went all out: "What's wrong with me being bold? It's obvious that you were insulted by others, and you still slandered me as my lady? Could it be that, just because my lady didn't return all night, should I be your scapegoat? My lady, I was with my uncle all night! I didn’t encounter any danger! But you, my lady, where did you... go last night?"

  Empress Geng's expression still didn't change a bit, her face seemed to be frozen, but the cold light in her eyes was enough to make one feel cold: "Where is this palace going, do I need to explain to you?"

"If you can't explain it, it means that you were the one who was defiled by the murderer last night! You are afraid that people will find out, so you deliberately blamed my lady! I have actually found out just now! The rumor that my lady was defiled is from your side Eunuch Qin spread it! When he met everyone, he said, "Oh, the murderer has seen it clearly. There is a light brown mole on the stomach of the princess of the county, three inches above the navel." Huh! It's obviously my own situation! But I have to settle in my house Miss!"

Dongmei said boldly, Empress Geng was so angry that she shook her body, Dongmei still didn't think it was enough, and said to everyone: "If you don't believe me, find a few girls' homes, come with us, and see my lady Is there any mole on the belly!"

   Yes, but my lady can cover it up! Make sure you can't see it!

  Xuanyin held Ning Yue's hand, and said softly: "You picked up a treasure, how did you find it?"

  Ning Yue bent the corners of her lips: "I picked her up when she was dying, why? Do you want to pick one up too?"

   Xuanyin said: "You are enough."

  Ning Yue blushed, isn't she fighting with Empress Geng? How is this guy talking about love? And so eloquently said.

The emotions of the young couple did not interrupt everyone's interest in "finding the truth". If it was true as Dongmei said, there was no mole on Ning Yue's stomach at all, and everything was a rumor spread by Queen Geng, then the person who was defiled by the murderer would be Most likely it was Queen Geng herself.

   "Ma Ningyue is really pitiful. She spent a good night with her sweetheart, but was maliciously speculated that she was defiled by a murderer."

   "But I heard that Ma Ningyue was taken away in the imperial concubine's yard."

   "So what if she was taken away? The eldest grandson of the emperor rescued her in time! I have never seen the two of them so affectionate? How does it look like she has been ruined by someone?"

  Public opinion has turned in another direction.

  Empress Geng's eyes became colder and colder, and there was a dark surge in them, as if an endless storm was hidden, and it would explode if you were not careful.

  Nanjiang King looked at Empress Geng heavily: "Where did you go last night? I announced that you came to sleep, but you excused yourself by saying that you were unwell—"

   Empress Geng's body froze, and said: "Your Majesty, these are all nonsense. The concubine has been recuperating in the room and has never left."

   "What's the matter with those rumors? Did this dog slave spread them?" Nanjiang King said, kicking Eunuch Qin.

  Eunuch Qin was still bleeding from one eye, and he was hit again at this time, and the pain was even more unbearable.

  He hurriedly knelt on the ground: "Your Majesty..."

   "Say! Are you maliciously slandering the princess of the county?"

   "Your Majesty...not a slave..."

  The king of Nanjiang was furious: "It's not you? Well, I will investigate! I have ignored the harem for many years, and you all regard me as blind, don't you?"

  Ever since he was ill, he became a hands-off shopkeeper, and he trusted Empress Geng inside and out. Empress Geng handed over the internal affairs to Qin An, and he didn't say a word. It's not that he doesn't know about Qin An's domineering in the harem, but Qin An's behavior is still low-key, and he belongs to Empress Geng, so he didn't bother to care about it if he didn't make a big mistake. Now, Qin An has bullied his grandson-in-law! This makes him angry!

   "Xiao Dezi!"

  Xiao Dezi stepped forward: "Your Majesty."

   "I'll give you a few minutes to find out whoever is spreading rumors!"

  Eunuch Qin's face suddenly turned pale.

  Xiao Dezi went there with dedication. Since His Majesty asked him to do it this time, he had nothing to fear. After a while, Xiao Dezi returned to the scene with a few court ladies and eunuchs.

  They all confessed that it was Eunuch Qin who gave them money to discuss the matter of someone being defiled last night in a crowded place. Since only Ma Ningyue was missing last night, they thought it was her.

  They also said that they didn't know that Ma Ningyue was the eldest grandson concubine. If they knew, they wouldn't dare to chew her tongue even if they had a hundred guts.

  The Southern Border King was furious: "Qin An! What else do you have to say?!"

Of course, Qin An has nothing to say. There are all the witnesses and material evidence, including the mole on Empress Geng's stomach. Even if he jumped into the Yellow River, he would not be able to wash it away. Now that things have happened, it is impossible to keep himself, he cried. : "Since Your Majesty has found out everything, the slave has nothing to argue with. Yes, the slave did something wrong and let the concubine Changsun take the blame. I'm sorry, but the slave didn't intend to slander the concubine Changsun at the beginning. The slave just It is said that someone has not returned all night and was defiled, and did not specify that it is the eldest grandson concubine, but unfortunately, the eldest grandson concubine also disappeared, so... was misunderstood as the protagonist of the story."

  Ning Yue looked at Dongmei.

  Dongmei laughed twice: "That's right."

  Ning Yue: "Then he is cunning."

  Qin An cried again: "The servant really wants to talk about the queen! There is that mole on the queen's stomach!"

Empress Geng scolded: "Qin An! Why are you treating me like this? I have taken you by my side since you were married, trusted you, valued you, promoted you, and tolerated you even when you did something wrong. Did I ever have the slightest bit of love for you?" I'm sorry for you?"

  Qin An showed a wry smile: "Trust me, promote me, and tolerate me? Empress, don't you feel guilty when you say these words? Do you mean to separate me from my sweetheart by what you call trust, respect, and promotion?"


   Underneath, there was another whisper.

  Empress Geng seemed uneasy, her eyes flickered slightly.

Qin An smiled bitterly and said, "I fell into the water when I was ten years old and nearly died. Thanks to your timely appearance, I survived. At that moment, I told myself that no matter what I give up in the future, I must not give up on you. Before you get married, find I came to my mansion and told me that you need my talents and help you in the harem. I agreed, gave up my family's marriage and future, and resolutely entered the palace as a eunuch. I think I have the right to repay you. Your life saving grace. After all these years, I have done everything I can and I have a clear conscience.

   But queen, I also get tired sometimes.

  I have been with you for twenty years, how many open and hidden arrows have been blocked for you, I should pay it back, and I have already paid it off.

  I am a eunuch, I cannot be humane, but my heart is not made of stone! I also have someone I want to protect, but why... why did you sell her into a brothel for your own selfish desires? ! Do you know how much I hated you at that moment? ! "

The corners of Empress Geng's mouth trembled, and she tried her best to bear it: "Just for this? Are you going to slander me like this? For a woman, did you break the relationship of master and servant with me for twenty years? Do you know I know why Ben Gong sold her into a brothel? It's not because Ben Gong is reluctant to let you go, but because she doesn't deserve it at all! She kept saying that she doesn't dislike you as a eunuch, and she doesn't **** for love between men and women, but once you leave, She took your money and went out to find her little boy! Ben Gong warned her more than once! But she responded on the surface, turned around and went to someone else's bed! How can you let Ben Gong ignore this?"

  Eunuch Qin's expression changed suddenly: "You... what you said is true?"

   "After the palace is a country, do you need to make up such a lie to deceive you?"

   "Why didn't you tell me?"

   "I am afraid that you will be sad. I would rather you resent me than erase the last trace of cleanliness in your heart."

Eunuch Qin laughed maniacally: "I'm stupid... I'm so stupid... Your Majesty has done so much for me, but I also drugged your Majesty, made your Majesty fall ill, and dismissed the palace staff, so that no one can do anything for your Majesty yesterday." Late's whereabouts to testify... and then spread rumors that are not good for the empress... I am really unforgivable..."

   "Qin An, to my palace, you are not only a servant, but also a relative of this palace. You were also confused for a while. I don't blame you." Empress Geng said sincerely.

  Eunuch Qin burst into tears with a smile: "But I have no face to face you... You are a good master. If there is an afterlife, Qin An will repay you again!"

   After saying that, he pulled out the hairpin on top of his head and stabbed himself in the heart.

  Empress Geng cried out in pain: "Qin An—"

   On the seat, many soft-hearted female relatives shed sad tears.

  Although Qin An was pitiful, he paid the price for his stupidity. Empress Geng hugged his corpse silently, without tears or howls, but that kind of silent pain made her feel even more desolate.

  Nanjiang King patted her shoulder lightly: "Queen, my condolences."

   "As expected of Empress Geng, even I, who have lived two lifetimes, feel inferior to this method." Ning Yue sighed inwardly.

  Obviously driven into a desperate situation, but survived from a desperate situation, this is the real master.

However, today's matter is not fruitless. At least, through some observations just now, she has been able to confirm that Empress Geng still wears a mask on her face. In other words, Empress Geng guessed that they would try to verify it. Did she wear a mask, so she wore two of her own in a row, the bottom one with the rash, and the top one that was flawless. In this way, even if a sheet is torn off, you can still lie that you did it for fear of damaging your appearance.

  This woman's scheming is so deep that it is immeasurable.

  Of course at least, she was sure of one thing, that is, under the current mask of Empress Geng, there must be that face that cannot be uncovered, her face.

   They all have the same moles as hers, so they will naturally wear them on her face.

  Empress Geng really made up her mind to replace her and become Xuanyin's bedside person.

  Aside from age, after all, the two are quite a good match in appearance, but in terms of seniority, Xuan Yin is her step-grandson, she is really... well-versed.

  Perhaps, Empress Geng succeeded in the last life, but in this life, she will not give up Xuanyin, even if she dies.

  Every time something happens at a banquet, everyone is not surprised, but today... They were really shocked. Leaving aside the remarks about defilement or not, it was all framed by Eunuch Qin, so I will not mention it here. But Prince Yinjun of Xiliang became their eldest grandson, and the empress was gone, enough for them to talk for a long time before tea and after dinner.

  Xuan Yin and Ning Yue lay down on the beach,

  There was a bright moon in the sky, shining brightly on the sea water, and the sound of waves hit the beach, kissing Ning Yue's little feet.

  Ning Yue looked at the sky and remained silent for a long time.

  Xuan Yin picked up her hair, sniffed it lightly: "What are you thinking about?"

   "I think you have changed a lot."

   "Really? What changed?"

"Everything has changed. When you were still in Xiliang, your father scolded you a few times, and you would run away from home in anger and never return during the New Year. Xuanyu can't scold you anymore. Whoever wronged you, You will turn your face immediately, do you still remember the incident of breaking Xuanzhao's ribs? Today's incident would have been two years ago, and you must have punched Queen Geng with a fist. To be honest, Queen Geng was seated At that time, I was so skeptical. But you didn't do it, you endured it. And your Majesty, I thought you would never recognize him in your life." Ning Yue said, holding his hand ,"You've grown up."

   Xuan Yin lowered the curvature of his lips: "Was I so unbearable before? Are you hurting me or praising me? Couldn't it be that today's show is not good?"

   "It's beautiful." Ning Yue turned her head, and her bright eyes looked into his deep eyes, "This play is very good, really. It's getting late, I'll go back first, you remember to go to the emperor's side, please be safe."

Xuanyin grabbed her hand: "I'm telling you the truth because I don't want to deceive you. When I found that place, I guessed it. Do you know how angry I was? I want to kill! Kill Just everyone who touched you! But I dare not tell you, I am afraid that the angrier I am, the more you think I care. But how can I not mind? You are my wife, Ma Ningyue! I can't protect you Alright, let you be surrounded by a group of beasts..."

  He said this, holding back, his eyes were red, "I hate! But I can't show this kind of hatred! I don't want you to be sad!"

  Ning Yue clenched her lips.

  Xuanyin sat up and hugged her tightly: "No matter what happened to you, I don't blame you, nor will I dislike you, I just feel uncomfortable...I am sorry that you have endured so much."


  Ning Yue returned to the courtyard, Xuanyin went to greet the king of Nanjiang, and went to scout the enemy's situation to see if there was anything that could be missed, and never let go of any opportunity to attack Queen Geng.

  After taking a bath, Ning Yue couldn't sleep. As soon as she closed her eyes, the scene in the cave would appear, and her whole back felt a dull pain. She dressed neatly, went out of the yard, and took a walk while waiting for Xuanyin.

  Dongmei took a cloak: "Miss, it's windy at night, why don't you go back to the house?"

   "No, I'll wait here."

   "Grandpa will be back, can't you sleep alone? Will my servant read to you?" She can already read a lot of words now.

  Ning Yue shook her head: "I want to wait for Xuanyin."

  Dongmei said: "My uncle didn't come back so soon, the king of Nanjiang has something to say."

   "I know." But now, what else can she do besides waiting for him? Ning Yue looked at the moon in the sky, "Go to sleep? I won't go far."

  Dongmei didn't leave, but Sikong Shuo came.

  Dongmei subconsciously blocked Ning Yue behind her: "I... my uncle and miss finally reconciled, so you should stop meddling..."

  Sikong Shuo had a half-smile but not a smile: "Oh, I heard that you scolded the queen at the banquet, but I still don't believe it. Now that I see you, I realize that your courage is really as high as heaven."

   Dongmei scratched her head.

  Ning Yue said to Dongmei: "You wait for me over there."

"Oh, okay." Dongmei reluctantly retreated three feet away, but her eyes were fixed on Sikong Shuo for a moment. If Sikong Shuo dared to behave unruly to her lady, she would call someone immediately. !

  Sikong Shuo said amusedly: "Where did you pick up such a treasure? One person is worth hundreds of people."

  Look, the two brothers asked the same thing.

  Ning Yue said: "Is your injury not serious?"

   "That kid, you can't attack lightly." Sikong Shuo touched the mask on his face, "But it's covered anyway."

  Ning Yue said embarrassingly: "I'm sorry, it's all because of me that you were angered."

   "I haven't seen you for a day, have you? Are you being so polite? Anxious to draw a line with me? Ma Ningyue, do you think it's clear?" Sikong Shuo said casually.

  Ning Yue was very calm, and said with a smile: "You are my elder brother and Xuan Yin's, so of course you don't need to distinguish too clearly."

   "There is no need to emphasize this point, I don't care about morals." Sikong Shuo said, without knowing what came to mind, he added, "Anyway, there are more perverted ones."

  Ning Yue smiled lightly: "Are you talking about Empress Geng?"

Sikong Shuo's thin lips curled into a slight arc: "I am recuperating elsewhere. I heard that today's dinner was very exciting. Xuanyin's Hai Dongqing put on a good show. If I had known, I would have to climb even if I climbed." I used to join in the fun."

  Ning Yue said irrefutably: "It's quite lively, it's a pity you missed it."

   "Is the queen beautiful?" Sikong Shuo asked meaningfully.

  Ning Yue thought for a while: "Are you talking about her body, or the golden butterfly on her back? If it's the body, I'll give it full marks; if it's the golden butterfly, unfortunately, I didn't see her back."

   "Where's your face?" Sikong Shuo asked again.

"She lost a human skin mask, but there is another one on it, which is also her own, but it has some rashes. The reason is very far-fetched. She said that she only uses a human skin mask because she is afraid of being unattractive. But it is ridiculous that everyone Believe it."

"She loves beauty, and everyone knows it. She once ate Zihe Che for beauty, not to mention wearing a perfect mask. No wonder everyone doesn't doubt it." Sikong Shuo said again: "But are you sure about the second one?" Is Zhang also a fake face?"

"I'm sure." The human skin mask is a good thing. It can change into various appearances, but it has many disadvantages. One, it is easy to fall off; , we can still see some clues.

  Sikong Shuo looked at her and said, "Do you think that under the second mask is her own face, or yours?"

  Ning Yue said lightly: "It's definitely not her own. If it was her own, she wouldn't need to wear so many masks. But it's not mine, I don't have any proof yet."

   "It sounds like you've confirmed it's your face."

"She has a mole on her stomach that is exactly the same as mine. Can you still say that she wants to be me?" When she asked this question, she no longer had the original anger, but a deep sense of helplessness. , she just wants to finish this life with Xuanyin in peace, why is there always someone who can't see her having a good time? "Tell me, what is she planning? Even if Xuanyin inherits the throne in the future, she will be honored as the empress dowager as the middle palace. What is there to be dissatisfied with?"

   "Are you reconciled?" Sikong Shuo suddenly changed the topic.

  Ning Yue was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Well, we're reconciled, and I've told him about the Golden Butterfly. Thank you for taking care of me these few days."

   "He doesn't mind what happened in the cave?" Sikong Shuo asked.

"do not mind."

  Sikong Shuo sighed: "Oh, what should I do? I don't have a chance to perform again."

  Ning Yue was amused by him: "Sikong Shuo, you are fine, it's just me..."

   "Don't send me a good person card." Sikong Shuo interrupted her without thinking, his tone was very arrogant, after a long while, he sighed again: "I want to go back."

   "Going back to Xiliang?" Ning Yue asked.

   "Back to your life with this seat, this seat will definitely hold you firmly and prevent him from taking advantage of it." He said half with emotion and half jokingly.

  Ning Yue was speechless.

  She actually didn't understand what happened in that life. Sikong Shuo had to treat her like that, but if he missed it, he missed it. All her feelings were wiped away during her ten years in prison.

  The atmosphere became more and more embarrassing, Ning Yue changed the topic: "Xuanyin and the king of Nanjiang have met."

   "I know." Sikong Shuo's tone was not very good.

   "Why don't you recognize the king of Nanjiang? You are also his grandson." Even, you are the real eldest grandson.

  Sikong Shuo sneered coldly: "Who would like a violent crystallization?"

Ning Yue choked, and wanted to say that such a loving person as the king of Nanjiang would not mind these things, but she lost her confidence as soon as the words reached her lips. Lan Zhen is the biological mother, and she could have crippled Sikong Shuo's body. As a grandfather, King Jiang does not necessarily cherish Sikong Shuo more than Lan Zhen.

  Sikong Shuo glanced at her and said, "Why are you upset again? After pregnancy, you seem to have become sentimental. I'm not here to earn your sympathy."

  He flipped his hands over and took out a bottle of medicine, "Here, apply it before going to bed, at least seven days, at most one month, your mask can be scratched off, let Xuanyin wipe it for you."

  Ning Yue glanced at his hands buried in the wide sleeves. The medicine is corrosive to a certain extent, and may have hurt his fingers: "Is the injury serious?"

   "Skin trauma, no problem."

   "Are you here to deliver my medicine?"

"Of course not." Sikong Shuo looked at her, "Delivering the medicine is just for the sake of it. I'm here to remind you that you made Empress Geng so ugly, she's probably going to make a big move." Staring at her for a moment, he said. : "She's a bit evil, don't let Xuan Yin be alone with her."


  In the courtyard of King Nanjiang, Empress Geng knelt on the ground, holding a phoenix seal in her hand.

   Hai Dongqing stood in the cage next to the King of Southern Border, staring at it.

  The king of Nanjiang loved Haidongqing to the extreme. Even if it committed such an unforgivable felony, the king of Nanjiang didn't really do anything to it, but ordered it to be locked up and starved for three days.

   Hai Dongqing looked at the woman who caused him to be imprisoned in disgust.

   "What is the queen doing?" Nanjiang King frowned.

  Empress Geng said with a sad face: "The concubine is disrespectful in front of the imperial court, and has lost the face of the royal family in front of so many people. The concubine is not worthy of being a queen. I implore Your take back the concubine's phoenix seal!"

"Sigh." The king of Nanjiang had a headache, and the queen was so disheveled, he was really ashamed. He didn't want to see her, but she took the initiative to hand over the phoenix seal, which made him a little embarrassed, "You said you were too, Why did you rush over suddenly? Don't you know that little evil is very fierce?"

   "The concubine was too worried about Qin An, so she made a reckless mistake. This matter cannot be blamed on Haidongqing. It is also a heart to protect the Lord. It is all the concubine's fault. The concubine begs His Majesty to punish him."

  The more she pleaded guilty, the harder it would be for the king of Nanjiang to convict her.

In the final analysis, the queen is a victim today, shame is shame, but she did not offend Gong Gui. If she insists that she did something wrong, it is that she did not restrain Eunuch Qin and wantonly spread rumors among the dignitaries, almost wronging Yue'er .

The King of Nanjiang sighed helplessly: "You have a relationship with my husband and wife, and I don't want to punish you, but after all... you will not punish me lightly, and I am afraid that Yue'er will complain that I don't love her. You should understand, I owe you a lot. There are too many Xiao Yins, we can't let them suffer any more."

   "The concubine understands that what happened to Eunuch Qin is because the concubine did not restrain him well, and the concubine is willing to be punished."

  She spoke so sincerely that the king of Nanjiang felt a little soft-hearted: "You hand in the Phoenix seal now, I won't be able to find someone to take care of trivial matters for a while, first..."

   "Your Majesty, the grandson is here!" Xiao Dezi reported outside the door.

  Empress Geng frowned.

   It's not that she really wants to hand over the Phoenix seal, but she's just putting on a show, retreating as an advance, and breaking the Nanjiang king's mind to punish her. Who would have thought that Xuanyin would come at this juncture?

  Empress Geng squeezed the phoenix seal tightly.

Xuanyin lifted the curtain to enter, and caught a glimpse of Empress Geng kneeling on the ground, his eyes turned cold, but the corners of his lips slightly raised: "The Empress is here too? Are you here to pay respects to Grandpa Huang? How can you do such a grand ceremony? "

  Southern Xinjiang Dynasty Xuanyin beckoned, and said with a pleasant face: "Xiaoyin, you came just in time, help the queen up."

   Xuanyin paused, stretched out his hand, and helped Empress Geng up.

   Empress Geng exudes a strange fragrance, which was far away in the past, but the smell is not very real, but now—

  Xuan Yin frowned, quickly let go of her, sat down beside King Nanjiang, and said with a smile, "Grandfather, I'm here to greet you!"

The King of Nanjiang patted his hand and said: "Say you came early, otherwise it was a coincidence. Queen, I am discussing the Phoenix Seal with me. She is not feeling well recently and needs to recuperate calmly. She wants to hand over the Phoenix Seal." , After thinking about it, I couldn't find a suitable candidate..."

  Your Majesty said it nicely, it was the empress who was unwell that handed over the phoenix seal, but how could he fail to see that the empress was holding the phoenix seal firmly in her hand in order to retreat? It really was a coincidence that I made this trip!

   "Yue'er is too busy, let her try it!" Xuan Yin said, taking the Phoenix Seal from Empress Geng!

  (end of this chapter)