MTL - Close Combat Mage-Chapter 410 Wide Disciple

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Looking at the oncoming children who passed the primaries, Soga has been very strict in selecting, but the attributes and talents of these children are too arrogant. Soga is not willing to give up any one. Now, only It can be screened by the degree of development of the brain. After all ... if you collect too much, you can't teach it at all.

The next moment, Soga connected the nine young minds. This child was all a girl, and her heart was pure and clean, like white snow in the early winter, without any trace of impurities.

At this moment, the nine beautiful little girls, looking at Soga with their curious and longing eyes, hoped that they could be selected, and they did not know how to choose, so they could only pray in secret.

With the connection of the spiritual chain, the mental development of the nine children in the first row is clear at a glance. In terms of attributes, everyone is almost the same. There are only two particularly prominent. It can be said that they are the most outstanding of their generation. They are ranked lower.

Opening his eyes slightly, Soga quickly said, "13478, these leave, and 2569 stay." Upon hearing Soga's words, several soldiers quickly moved, and each of them directed the children in the first row toward Chaoso. Add the designated place to go.

With the end of the first row, the children in the second row automatically step forward. At the same time, Soga's soul quickly connects their young minds, and then ... Soga quickly expresses her choice.

The same process, repeated over time, hundreds of soldiers were busy, and then had to mobilize another two hundred soldiers, everyone just relaxed.

However, others can be relaxed, but Soga cannot be relaxed. He constantly releases the soul chain, and uses the spirit to detect the degree of brain development of these children. Although there is no mental problem, there is no cure for psychological fatigue. Medical.

With the passage of time, one by one, talented and intelligent children were selected. As for the rest, Soga could not bear but could only give up. In this world, there are too many excellent people and it is impossible They are all collected.

Finally, Soga was specially marked, and one of the two talented children, one of them, finally appeared in front of Soga, nervously took a spit, and Soga became nervous for the first time.

The talent is basically useless after reaching the level of the sub-god. Just like the current Soga, once the spirit is condensed, the talent is infinite, supreme, and the physical **** can no longer restrain Soga. developed.

However, before the sub-god stage, the role of talent was too great. He determined the speed of one's cultivation, the power of magic, and the extreme height that could be reached!

Like Soga, a person with low talents must work extremely hard and must cooperate with a variety of adventures and coincidences to reluctantly enter the sub-god level. With Solomon's talent, no adventures are needed, as long as Give him enough time to cultivate, and that is the character of the sub-god.

The soul chain was released in an instant, and the next moment ... Soga entered the hearts of this group of nine children, and the spiritual flow quickly spread upward, invading their minds in the absence of the nine children.

"Tough!" When Soga touched the mind of the child who paid special attention, the next moment ... Soga was taken aback by the expanded and developed brain domain, so many have been selected Among children, this is still the biggest! Its high intelligence makes Suga dare not imagine.

Without directly ordering the soldier to lead the person, Soga opened her eyes excitedly and looked away. It was a girl in a snow-white aristocratic skirt with long silver-white hair. At this moment ... she was looking forward with anticipation. Soga.

Taking a deep breath, Soga beckoned to the girl: "Child, yes ... that's you, the one in the white skirt, come here ..."

Hearing Soga's words, the girl flinched first, apparently a little scared, but soon, the girl gathered courage, stood out from the crowd, and came to Soga in a good manner.

Unable to resist her inner joy, Soga freely released her mental strength and scanned the girl's entire body. Eunen ... the highest qualifications, the highest talents, the highest intelligences, God ... Whose child is this? How did father and mother give birth and raise them? How could such a person exist!

Taking a deep breath, Soga whispered, "Child, tell me your name?"

Swallowing gently, the girl said with a little dread: "My name is Ace, my parents call me love ..."

"Love?" Subconsciously said a sentence, Soga eagerly said to the girl: "Well ... nice name, I want to accept you as an apprentice, would you?"

"Well ... I'm willing!" Upon hearing Soga's question, the girl apparently had been instructed by her parents before she came, and immediately nodded happily, but as soon as she agreed, the girl said with a doubt: "If I became your apprentice, would I really be the greatest hero?"

"Sweat ..." After wiping the sweat on his forehead, Soga promised: "Of course, as long as you are willing to learn and work hard, you will become the greatest hero."

"Eun ..." Nodded again and again, the girl said firmly: "Ai Ai will work hard, must ..."

Lovingly put out his hand, and gently touched the well-behaved An An's head, Soga kindly said, "Well, stand by my side." After hearing Soga's words, the girl said nothing, well Stood beside Soga without saying a word.

Subsequently, the selection continued, with Ryan's stimulus, although these primary-selected children had their own characteristics, but ... in the contrast of love and love, it is difficult to make Sorga tempted.

Time slowly passed, and at half-afternoon, finally ... Soga's spirit was once again invigorated. The second child marked by Soga with exceptional talent and attributes appeared in front of Soga. .

Because Soga is water-based, the selected apprentices are also water-based. As we all know, water-based and wind-based properties are dominated by girls, and land-based and fire-based properties are the world of men.

Therefore, in the early days, there were still some boys in the crowd, but after the primary election, they were all the same, all girls, and half of the boys could not be found. This is not Soga's prejudice. It is really a girl who has an incomparable advantage in terms of water properties.

Therefore, the second person who was paid attention to by Soga could only be a girl. Looking around, this girl is about ten years old, with a light, blue hair that is almost transparent, and blows under the breeze. The hair is as if a spring is flowing, floating like a fairy.

Obviously, before coming here, the girl's parents must have carefully dressed her, a loose waist-length hair, tied gently with a silk skein, soft and elegant, a satin With a small face and a very light blue dress, the girl looks like a fairy who is out of the water.

Soga's heart leaped again unstoppably. In terms of talents and qualifications, that's perfectly fine. In fact, when it comes to talents and qualifications, picking a child here is no worse than Aimi and Aila. As for the girl in front of her, and Ryan, it was even beyond the reach of Ai Mi and Aila.

If Ai Mi and Ai Lai can become top students in every school, then these two girls can already go to college when they are nine, and they can become doctors when they are eleven or twelve. After all ... this is from Of the nearly four billion people selected, only two were forty-one. Their talents are so high that you don't need to doubt it.

Taking a slight breath, Soga released the chain of the mind in an instant, and the spiritual force quickly lingered past the chain of the spirit, flowing along the girl's mind toward her unknown brain domain.

"His ..." As soon as he entered the girl's brain, Soga involuntarily took a breath, genius, and another genius! This is really an exaggeration. What a good thing, I have rushed to these two girls!

On the appearance, due to the attributes, the beauty of the two girls is the most outstanding of all girls. On talent and qualifications, they are also the highest among all girls. Now when it comes to intelligence, the two also swept everything. Nothing. By comparison, this is too exaggerated!

"The Goddess of Heaven!" Looking at the girl in front of him, and then looking at Ryan next to him, Soga shook her head and sighed. Really, people have to die than others. Talent, how can there be so much hardship, as early as N years ago has been a sub-god order.

"I ... am I disqualified!" Soga shook her head and sighed, a weak voice trembling.

Turning his head in doubt, I saw the girl looking at herself with tears in her eyes, her petite body trembling gently, her face full of grievances, and the crystal tears seemed to slip down at any time.

She shook her head with a smile, and Soga poked out her hand, and gently touched the little girl's tender and smooth face. Suddenly ... a moist and smooth touch made Soga couldn't help it.

However, in the presence of so many people, such an action is obviously not suitable for doing too much, reluctantly withdrawing his big hand, Soga gently said: "Tell your uncle first, what's your name?"

Upon hearing Soga's words, the girl said nicely: "My name is Ryan, and my parents call me An An."

"Oh!" Nodded, Soga gently said, "Are you Ryan? Nice name, now I ask you, would you like to be my apprentice?"

"Ennen ... I do, I do!" When Soga said, the girl couldn't help jumping, the expression of aggrieved expression on the face was swept away.

Looking at the girl's expression of joy, Suga couldn't help wondering, did she really understand why she should be happy? Between thoughts, through the spiritual chain, Soga's spirit quietly explored the past.

After a look, Soga finally understood the reason. Before this girl came, mom and dad told her that they must strive to be selected. In this way, they can get a lot of money, and most importantly, the girl In my life, there will be a way out.

She shook her head with a bitter smile, too high intelligence, sometimes it may not be a good thing. Although the girl's heart is still pure, but ... many things that should not be known to the child, should not be understood, but she already knew in advance. How similar is Soga.

While thinking, Soga said to Ai Si: "Okay, you are my second apprentice, now ... you stand on my right hand first."

Upon hearing Soga's words, the girl nodded nicely and stood on Soga's right-hand side, as Soga said.

He looked at the left and right sides with satisfaction, with Ace standing on the left and Ryan standing on the side. He was the same tall, the same rich and beautiful, the same beautiful, the same moving, the same ...

For a time, Soga couldn't help but be proud, for nothing else, just to be able to be a master of such two good apprentices, Soga was almost certain that after a few years, the names of Ace and Ryan would certainly shock the world!

"Wait ... Ace! Ryan?" Murmured a few words, Soga said suddenly: "Fuck! How can I say so smoothly? ... In ancient Chinese, Ace means ice, and Ryan is rain. Meaning, isn't this a combination of ice and rain? "

He opened his mouth wide with admiration, Soga cheered up, continued to select until the night fell, and the check was finally completed. In the whole process, only two super girls, Ace and Ryan, were found. As for the other , Can no longer excite Soga.

After primaries and re-elections, Soga elected a total of more than 3,800 girls, less than four thousand, but it is enough. Only talent and qualifications are not enough, and extraordinary wisdom is required to be eligible to become So Disciple of Canada.

Seeing that it was getting late, Soga speeded up his movements, divided 3,600 children into one group, and let the soldiers arrange for them to rest. As for the other 200 children, they were unified into another group. In the future, they They will be assigned to the Alchemy Lab to learn about Titan with those researchers.

After everything was settled, Soga took Ace and Ryan and rushed towards his seat. Although there was a palace to live below, Soga's airship was definitely more comfortable than the so-called palace below.

As everyone hadn't eaten yet, Soga was in a hurry and took the two novice disciples directly to the barracks gate, but the more anxious, the more things got delayed.

Just after walking out, when there was a distance of about 100 meters from the gate of the barracks, a violent running sound came from behind. Hearing the sound, Suga turned his head in confusion, and saw that a thin figure The boy was rushing towards him at full speed. Behind him, several soldiers snarled and chased.

"Oh!" As he watched, a **** at the boy's feet suddenly fell to the ground. After several rolls, the boy quickly got up and continued to run, but unfortunately ... only this delay, in the back The soldiers had chased him up, digging his hands, grabbed the child's arm directly, flipped it, and pressed the boy to the ground.

Seeing the ending of the show, Soga shook her head with a smile and turned to leave. At this moment, the boy screamed: "Don't pull me, I must ask the examiner to ask me clearly, why? Denying me by virtue of qualification alone, is qualification everything? "

"Eh?" Suga stopped suddenly when he heard the boy's shout. When he turned around, the boy was still struggling, but he was still a child, his arms were caught by two soldiers, and he volleyed. I lifted it back and let his feet go wild, he couldn't break free.

After a little thought, Suga said: "These few, bring that child over, I'd like to hear what he is going to say!" After hearing Suga's words, several soldiers didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly held him. The child came to Soga.

From a close look, the boy had long, sky-blue hair, hair color similar to that of Soga, and a slender figure, but his face was unusually stubborn and strong.

Slightly released his mental strength, Su Jia quickly scanned it, then shook his head disappointedly: "Child, I am not willing to accept you. Although your qualifications are good, in boys, they are considered outstanding, but they are better than others. Those girls are still worse. "

Hearing Soga's words, the boy stubbornly raised his head and looked at Soga: "I don't agree with this. Isn't it good, can a talented person become a master? Although I am not as good as them, I also have my characteristics. I believe I will never be worse than anyone! "

When hearing the words of the boy, Soga could not help brightening his eyes, looking at the child about eight or nine years old in front of him, Soga could not help thinking of himself, how the two were in a similar situation, their attributes were not good , Poor talent, not to be optimistic, but Suo Jia relied on his stubborn character, he just climbed to the realm of today!

Between thoughts, Soga, holding the temptation, scanned the boy's brain domain, for nothing else, just because he looked like himself when he was a kid, Soga intends to help him, as long as he has an extraordinary person What's the degree of intellectual development, Soga would accept him as an apprentice?

Between thoughts, Soga's mental power spread out instantly and penetrated into the boy's body. The next moment ... Soga suddenly opened her mouth and looked at the boy in front of him, not to say that his brain How good the domain development is, in fact, the opposite is true. The development level of his brain domain is not even as good as those girls who have been eliminated. Such a child with no qualifications, talents, attributes, or intelligence can not be accepted as an apprentice. !!