MTL - Close to You-Chapter 29

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Luo Lin knew that Luo Ting wanted to beat him, and it was for his own good, but he couldn't accept it in this way. He remained silent, crawling out from under the desk on his hands and feet.

There is no more humiliating time than today, his eighteenth birthday.

Seeing Luo Linyuan like this, Luo Ting sighed and said nothing, just took out a velvet box from the drawer and handed it to him.

Lorraine took it from afar, looking at the box, he thought it was a watch, but when he opened it, it turned out to be a car key.

Luo Linyuan looked at Luo Ting in surprise, Luo Ting smiled gently: "It's a big boy, he should have his own car."

Even if there were a lot of dissatisfaction just now, Luo Lin Yuan is speechless in surprise. There is no boy who doesn't like cars, and the same is true for Luo Lin Yuan.

But he is eighteen years old, and he can't make a move to jump on his father when he is happy. Therefore, holding the car key, his face flushed with excitement, and in the end he only said thank you Dad.

Luo Ting also teased him: "When I was a child, I thanked my father for kissing, but now I refuse?"

Lorraine Yuan made a face: "You are so old, you still kiss, I don't."

He happily held up the box and rushed out of the study, planning to see his new car.

How could he know that in the corridor outside the study, he bumped into Yu Han who he thought had left long ago. Not only Yu Han, but also Lin Shu. Lin Shu folded his arms and faced Yu Han with a bad face.

Lorraine rushed out and successfully drew the attention of the two people in the corridor to him. He held the box and froze on the spot, staring blankly at the two of them.

Yu Han saw him, glanced at the study door he came out from, raised his eyebrows, thoughtful.

Lin Shu said coldly, "What does it look like to be reckless!"

Lorraine smiled and stepped forward honestly: "Mom, what are you doing here?"

Lin Shu stared at Yu Han, while Yu Han lowered his eyes humbly and said nothing.

Lin Shu said: "I wonder why an outsider can come to the second floor, who brought such a person who doesn't understand the rules!"

Lorraine Yuan said anxiously: "Dad called him, not his fault."

Lin Shu ignored Lorraine Yuan, but listened: "Why don't you go to work sooner?"

Lorraine Yuan helped him refute again: "Dad just let him go home."

In a few words, Luo Linyuan completely took away the old man who was in the study just now, but he couldn't care about it. He couldn't let Lin Shu become Yu Han, he Just watch it by your side.

Lin Shu has never been refuted by Luo Linyuan like this: "Are you his spokesperson, he can't speak himself?"

At this time, Yu Han said: "Although I am sorry, but I already explained when you asked me, madam, why I am here."

Lin Shu then remembered that the young man had indeed told her when she first started questioning. But she didn't quite believe it, and thought it was a suspicious and sneaky person.

She looked at her son again with a look of eagerness and blame, and became even more angry.

Lin Shu said hard: "Since you are invited, there is no reason to leave halfway, and it is not fair to others."

Lorraine doesn't know why Lin Shu just wants to get along with Yu Han: "Mom!"

Yu Han was very indifferent. He was not happy when Luo Ting asked him to leave, and Lin Shu did not complain when he asked him to stay.

In fact, he should have stayed to help. At first, he didn't understand why Luo Ting asked him to come up and let him go back halfway. Now I see Luo Linyuan coming out of that study, and I think of Luo Ting's words, my son sees that you are going to make trouble, what else is there to understand.

Yu Han nodded to Lin Shu: "Good lady."

After saying that, Yu Han went down the stairs, with a straight back and a calm pace, leaving the mother and son who were emotional because of him behind.

Lin Shu looked at him coldly: "You know him?"

Lorraine Yuan was still a little angry and didn't speak. He felt that his parents were against him today, and they were not happy for him one by one.

Lin Shu also said: "You see that you are angry for him, and he may not pay attention to you."

These words were so heartbreaking that Luo Linyuan bit her lip, and took a long time to look at Lin Shu: "I know, just like you. No matter how much I please you, you Don't want to ignore me either."

These words made Lin Shu look stunned. Before she had time to speak, Luo Lin Yuan brushed past her and ran downstairs, her footsteps hurried, and she disappeared. Lin Shu was left alone at the entrance of the stairs, his expression unclear.

Lorraine Yuan ran downstairs gloomily, full of discomfort. The main thing is that things happened one after another, otherwise he wouldn't talk to Lin Shu like this, and what he said was what he had hidden for a long time.

The sun is just right, the sun is shining all over the ground, Yu Han is standing in the light, obviously waiting for him. Hearing the movement on this side of the stairs, he turned his face slightly and suddenly smiled at Lorraine Yuan.

Lorraine is far from knowing why this man suddenly smiled at him, he unconsciously took several steps forward as if fascinated, until he got very close to Yu Han, This stopped.

Yu Han looked down at him, smiling the same: "Happy birthday, classmate Luo."

Lorraine Yuan's heart is hot, and he just got a handful of ice in Lin Shuna, and now it's all melted, and the warm water is pouring on his heart, not only the heart is soft, but also the person is soft .

Luo Linyuan blushed: "I thought you were gone."

Yu Han hummed suspiciously, and Luo Linyuan said again: "Are you angry?"

Listening to him, Yu Han whispered, "Why should I be angry?"

Being asked such a rhetorical question, Luo Linyuan didn't know what to say, should he say that he thought too much or Yu Han thought too little?

He pursed his lips: "I don't want your birthday present."

Not waiting for Yu Han to reply, he said again: "As long as you don't be unhappy today, it's them who are wrong, I'll apologize for them."

Yu Han looked at the man in front of him, at Lorraine Yuan's obviously uneasy face, and at the cheeks that were so illuminated that the fluff could be seen. It's blushing now, kind of like a peach.

This peach fluttered her eyelashes without knowing it, carefully peeked at him, and her eyes dropped quickly to meet him.

Inexplicably, Yu Han felt a little itchy in his heart and had the urge to deliberately bully others. He said, "Isn't it my decision to give you a birthday present?"

Lorraine was stunned for a while, obviously getting angry at the bullying.

Yu Han couldn't help laughing: "Just kidding, I'm not angry, I'd better cook you a bowl of noodles as a gift." As soon as he finished speaking, he felt that today's banquet was so big, There are countless delicacies, if he really abducted the little princess to his house to eat noodles, it seems quite shabby.

Unexpectedly, his words made the angry Lorraine light up again, looking at him expectantly: "Okay!"