MTL - Co-renting Immortal Doctor-Chapter 7327 To live!

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Tang Yu shivered constantly.

At this moment, Tang Yu's head went blank.

He has been thinking of ways to save people, delaying as much as possible and waiting for the opportunity.

However, he was not dead yet, but the people around him died directly!

An unwilling cry.

Tang Yu roared, as if crazy.

He kept struggling, and the energy in his body exploded out of life, trying to break free from the pressure of this extreme thought power.

"Huh? Poisoned?"

The Void God was slightly surprised: "This woman is really strong, it's unbelievable.

Tang Yu, you are really good at choosing women. At the very least, one by one is very spineless.

But don’t struggle, you can’t get rid of it. Unless there is anyone who can help you now, or your strength is instantly increased tenfold, otherwise, just watch it here.

Time is fast too. Within a few minutes, the world in your body will be stripped out by me. There is a little bit of time left. Enjoy it. Well, I am a very kind person. First send your woman on the road, and then send a group of people in your world on the road, and then you will not be so lonely on the road.

Oh, yes, are your parents still alive? "

"God of nothingness, you*!"

Tang Yu roared.

At this moment, Tang Yu didn't want to worry about any plans or anything, he just wanted to break free, he wanted to kill, he wanted revenge!

His relatives are dead, but he is alive, what's the point?


When Nalanjing and the others saw this scene, the corners of their mouths were constantly trembling, shocked!

If Modeni is to save people, Qiangwei is willing to die!

Under the huge gap, it is impossible to find the slightest flaw in the **** of nothingness, and no one can do it!

Except for Nalanjing and others.

In the palace of Yin and Yang, the masters of the major planets or ordinary people are also short of breath at this time, an indescribable feeling spreading in their hearts.

They saw the killing in front of them.

Although temporarily irrelevant to them, but I don't know why, they are very blocked!

Even countless people felt a strong sense of crisis.

The women beside Tang Yu, so strong, are now being killed one by one.


Why do they think they can survive in the hands of the Void God?

They don’t want to care about things that don’t concern them.

But now, everyone is not sure, this matter really does not involve them!

The **** of emptiness smiled, his eyes gleaming with surprise: "If this is the case, then I will kill the chickens and monkeys first, and let you have a heartbreak.

To save you, in your internal world, some people were inspired by your woman and made unwise choices. "

In other words, the Void God directly connected all the planets in Tang Yu's body, and magnified the images again so that everyone could see clearly.

And at this moment, the image in everyone's field of vision was this low-level world of Xiaoyun Heaven Realm!

The Void God placed one hand on the gate of Tang Yu's Yin-Yang Palace, and the corner of his mouth rose slightly: "Let's kill a few million people casually. Death!"

Drink it.

In Tang Yu's body inside the world's countless planets in the horrified eyes of everyone.

But seeing a magnificent city in Xiaoyuntian, I don’t know what happened. There was a violent explosion in an instant. All the buildings were destroyed in an instant. In an instant, everything was completely destroyed and turned into rubble!

The endless screams sounded, stimulating everyone's nerves.

When everything dissipated, the sky was filled with dense blood mist.

A city completely disappeared.

Millions of them died!

"Dad, mom!"

Seeing this scene, Tang Yu's eyes were bleeding, his teeth were gritted, and he felt that the sky was falling, heart-piercing: "The God of Void, I want to kill you, I want to kill you!"

"Why, why is this?"

Nalanjing and the others were pale and trembling constantly, and their hearts were filled with despair for a while.

Xuanyuan Qingqing and others didn't come up even more, almost fainting!

Their relatives are also in the Xiaoyun Heaven Realm!

At this moment, countless people saw it and couldn't help but be shocked.

Only at this moment did they truly discover that compared to Tang Yu, this **** of nothingness is simply a lunatic!

The other party doesn't care about their life or death at all, as long as the other party wants to slaughter them clean!

Now, they became more and more convinced of the images that Nalanjing showed them.

Although they hadn't been in contact before, they sneered at everything Tang Yu did, thinking that they had nothing to do with them.

But now, they feel their stupidity.

The world they live in is very peaceful. This is not real peace, but someone is carrying the burden for them!

And Tang Yu is the **** who guards them!

"So heartbreaking."

The **** of emptiness was amazed: "It's just a bunch of ants, as for?

Don't worry, this is just the beginning. There are still a few minutes before I extract your Yin-Yang palace. Let's play slowly. I know where your women’s parents live, after all, I know you well. I will kill them one by one. After all, so many old father-in-laws and mother-in-laws are also very annoying, right? "

Tang Yu was like a mad beast. Seeing the **** of nothingness in front of him, he snapped a bite.


There was a muffled sound.

Tang Yu's jaw was dislocated with a punch.

"Don't be naughty, enjoy this last prosperity."

The Void God gave Tang Yu a punch and said with a smile.

The interior of Yin Yang Palace.

Nalanjing recovered in an instant.

She gritted her teeth and stood up, riveting her strength, and shouting towards the entire inner universe: "Everyone has seen it, now things have reached the point they are now.

We will die, and our family will die. Finally, if this world is really taken out of Tang Yu's body by that person, even the gods will be unable to return to heaven, and everyone will die. Even if you are not for us, not for Tang Yu, for yourselves, for your loved ones, do your best and contribute your faith?

Do you really accept your fate and really want to die? "

Nalanjing's words, like thunder, made everyone's hearts very excited.


Not for anyone, for themselves, do they want to die like this?

Can live, who wants to die?

Now, Tang Yu has been working hard here, are they going to give up?

"No, I don't want to die, I want to live, I haven't seen my born child, I can't die!"

"I don't want to. I'm about to enter the advanced level soon, and I will be able to enter the advanced academy soon. This is my lifelong dream!

"I don't want to die..."

"I don't want to die either!"


Countless people roared frantically, but their eyes were unprecedentedly firm.

They have only one belief, they want to live!

For a time, countless people looked at the sky.

In an instant, the power of faith radiated from everyone.

Although everyone's beliefs are not strong or strong, when 10,000 people, millions of people, and hundreds of millions of people all have a firm goal.

The power of faith of all people gathered together, and instantly turned into a shocking spiritual power, following the palace of Yin and Yang, rushing crazy into Tang Yu's body!

In just an instant, Tang Yu's broken body suddenly rushed into the endless power of faith, which shocked him!

"Master Tang Yu, please, you must win!"

"Brother Tang Yu, come on!"



The ultimate power of faith radiated a shocking light on Tang Yu, with a loud noise.

Tang Yu directly broke through the fetters of the nihilistic god, exuding rays of light like an angel, lighting up the whole world!