MTL - Collector of Online Games-Chapter 1793 Luke breaks through, sanctuary of birth

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The battle of the Silent City is being filled by the efforts of the player army.

After dancing at the Prom of Light, the dangerous premonition in his heart grew stronger.

Later, in the regular copy of Silent City, Qin Yan confronted the super-sized combat robot created by the person in charge of Silent City.

In the final copy of Wang's library, Kurtulo Manus gave Qin Yan an educational lesson to avoid mechanical hammers with his huge body.

Its grade comes to the extreme An Thun!

When the war finally fell, it was also announced that the final battle of Silent City was finally about to begin.

Kurturo Manus finally broke out an epic gear for Qin Yan.

It's a ninety-class epic earring.

Qin Yan is already an epic earring, so even if he can be replaced as a captain, Qin Yan has not participated in the distribution.

After making the partners happy and greatly enhanced, following the Antuen attack, the second attack also came.

The reason is simple.

Because of Qin Yan, they destroyed the proud work in charge of Silent City.

It's angry! !! !!

After the second awakening, Luke's siege battle, which had completely increased its intensity, was opened!

Exciting announcements sounded throughout the region, announcing the start of Luke's offensive to players in the region.

The one who controls the Silent City is actually Luke.

Like the planet from the big Turtle of Antun, the planet Hebron from the maker Luke is also a mysterious planet outside the space and time of this abyss world.

Most players don't have to worry about these aliens. It is a mysterious setting that adds to the abyss game.

An Thun's offensive battle was the beginning of the frequent appearance of that An Thun grade.

This Luke battle was probably the beginning of Luke's ranks.

Players, when they are happy and have to work hard with a huge reward, must also clearly understand that Luke's attack on the battle is definitely more difficult to conquer the leap than Antuen's attack on the battle.

In Silent City, a hidden Luke Lab area is opened.

There, Luke, the Hebron monarch in the name of the maker, produced a large number of mechanical products.

At this time, Qin Yan suddenly found out that in the face of the terrible manufacturing talent, the Carrett organization was completely exploded.

However, if the results are successful, no matter how weak and weak the Callet organization and the maker Luke, it will be Qin Yan's clean up.

Hehe hehe!

Luke's offensive began, and a completely different team mode from Antuen's offensive came.

Eight people!

Two teams!

Compared to Antuen's offensive battle, which requires a full 20 people and divided into four teams, Luke's offensive battle is to cut the number.

Just eight!

After experiencing a wave of world matches, many teams have actually formed seven professional teams.

At this time, the sudden attack of Luke, an eight-member team, was a major piece of good news.

Players no longer need to worry too much about team formation.

There are two teams of eight people, and any team formed by seven people only needs to call in a priest.

Qin Yan can naturally be so comfortable.

Called Huya directly and split it into two teams, but in fact they were fighting together, it was perfect!

Huya is very glad that she can continue to follow Qin Yan in their next attack.

She thought that this time it was going to start with the hired teams, but these eight people took care of her again.

The priest strongman Hu Ya created by Su Yimo can continue to play a role in the main team.

Standing on the top of the world, the main team of smashing heavenly machines, now joined the priest Huya to join in, forming a team of eight and starting their Luke battle.

Ding ... In the first 24 hours of the birth of the Sanctuary of Birth, the sound of beating and pulling metal sounded like the wailing of machinery, but this sound was the sound of creation.

After the mechanical creations have completed all the processes, their forms will become strange and equipped with creepy weapons.

These powerful machines are under the authority of the maker Luke. They do not have any signs of life. In short, they are just toys made by Luke.

Only when Luke absorbs the power of light and injects the black nightmare into the interior of the machine can these creations really start.

For these mechanical creations, Luke is the true creator, the true father!

Brave adventurer, please go to the sanctuary of birth immediately to carry out the battle!

Here comes the first test!

After receiving the system prompts, Qin Yan set off and came to the first copy of the attack. They also knew that some mechanical monster bosses had been encountered in the previous copy of Silent City, and they had a more advanced existence in Luke's laboratory.

The conclusion is that it is because Qin Yan encountered an upgraded version of the full metal mech in the first level, the full metal mech fighting god!

During Luke's battle, Qin Yan was surprised to find that there were no more mobs here.

The first level of all-metal mech fighting gods encountered in the first level is the super-ranking grade!

Although compared to the final level of the Silent City copy, the all-metal mech fighting **** is lower grade than the lower-level version of the all-metal mech, but we must know that this is Luke's battle.

Among the copies of Silent City, the mechanical monster that dominates the king, the upgraded version can only be the younger brother who opens the door to accept the guests. The gap in it can be seen casually.

The all-metal mech fighting **** not only strengthened his own strength, but even the mechanics carried in its space played a trick with Qin Yan.

Seeing a battle space full of sense of science and technology, Qin Yan can only help his head and then join the battle.

For a period of time without being tortured by the mechanism, the nightmare of the continuous mechanism operation of the energy interception battle at the time of Antuen's offensive battle seemed to be coming back!

Just entered the combat space ~ ~ Qin Yan first performed a round of output on the all-metal mech fighting **** surrounded by a blue aperture.

After that, without lethality, the mechanism came.

The mechanism of the all-metal mech fighting **** is that on a charged floor full of various institutions, the eight-person attack team must start from the first position, that is, the captain, to run on the ground full of various dangers to pick up Suspended red and blue cards.

If you are not careful, you will be shocked or bounced back. Anyway, the result will be that you will not be allowed to approach the broken machine on the other end of the space.

From the perspective of limitation alone, this Nima is a bit like the mechanism of Atoll that was crushed in the battle of Antuen.

The seven partners could only watch Qin Yan trying to pick up the card in various dangers, and then approach the machine.

Anxious to Qin Yan, Qin Yan will release some somersault clouds after picking up two cards, and come directly to a wave of rush!

Rush to death!
