MTL - Comprehensive Manga: a Journey Through the Supreme Being-Chapter 60

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In the eyes of the storm, Xixiang stood quietly, behind him, Aurora tugged at the black robe covering her body, ready to obey Xixiang's order to freeze the earth at any time.


"It really is the black sword of the seventh beast, Yema."

In that huge deep pit, the ninth prince of the Extinction Dynasty, Iblisber Yagis, crawled out of the soil with effort. He vomited blood and murmured.

Black smoke was coming out of the prince's body, and one arm had gone missing and was seriously injured.

The magic of the Black Sword of Yama raged on him, continuing to destroy his body.

Fortunately, he summoned his own beast at a critical moment, and ran fast enough to get out of the core area, which made him able to move even though he broke an arm.

"I remember that the sixth and seventh beasts are both in the chaotic realm. They are together. Since they have seen 'Ming Ji's Rainbow Flame', they should see 'Yemo's Black Sword'."

Ibrisbel Agiz was very fortunate at this time. Fortunately, he reacted quickly enough, otherwise he would be as miserable as his sister now.

The ninth prince looked at the center of the hole with complex eyes.

The second princess Mai Weiya was no longer in human form at this time, her body was completely twisted, her brown skin was charred black, and a large part of her body was missing, just like a scorched ball of meat.

But even so, the first-generation vampire still did not die completely. The 'meat ball' opened his mouth hard, and a black smoke came out of his mouth, struggling to call for help:

"...Save me...Iblisbel...Save me, brother!"

At this moment, she even shouted out a word her brother had never used in her life, with a sad voice.

For a young vampire, she was still afraid of death, and the fear in those golden pupils made her look extremely pitiful.

The ninth prince looked away, no longer looking at his sister.

Not to mention that this sister wanted to kill him before, it was impossible for him to save him.

Even if he wanted to save him, the ninth prince at this time was too busy to take care of himself, so there was no room for that.

"Cab Shanaf!"

Ibrisbel Agiz raised his remaining hand and summoned a beast from his blood.

It was a golden saker falcon with a size of fourteen or five meters. As soon as the falcon appeared, it chirped and flapped its wings to block in front of its host.

The other beast that the ninth prince could summon has been wiped out by the black sword of Yama, and it is impossible to resurrect it again in a short period of time.

But even after summoning the falcon, he didn't dare to attack, just stared at Xixiang with vigilant eyes.

Ibris Bell Yagiz knew that if he took the initiative to attack, it would be an act of courting death.

'I actually used two Beasts in a row to initiate such a natural disaster, but it still looks like it's easy to do, is this guy really Ye Guang Ye Bo? ’

Iblisbel Agiz looked at the expressionless Saigo, thinking in his heart, a little desperate.

"As expected of a vampire of the first generation, he was able to survive the blow of the Black Sword of Yema."

Xixiang spoke at this time, and he looked at the two princesses and the prince with interest.

"Uncle Yanguang Ye, you are causing damage to the capital of the extinct dynasty, aren't you afraid of the Second Primogenitor's anger?"

Ibris Bell Yagiz didn't know Xixiang's name, so he could only call him by this title.

He said with a sullen face, hoping to use the name of the Second Primogenitor Hu Jia Hu Wei, this is his only chance to survive.

"Second Primogenitor? Ha, you see this city has been destroyed so badly, did he come out?"

"...Actually, I really hope he can come out, so that some things can be solved in advance."

Xixiang sneered, completely ignoring the threat of the prince.

Anyway, the war between him and the Sanctuary Treaty Country is inevitable. If the Second Primogenitor really appears, then Xixiang will be even more happy.

He can totally fight the Second Primogenitor here and give him a 'destined death'.

In this way, the enemy can also be defeated individually, without facing the siege in the future.

But unfortunately, the three true ancestors are all mysterious, and even Jiada does not know where the first and second true ancestors are usually.

Saigo will destroy the city with the black sword of Yema, and it is not without the intention of drawing out the true ancestor.

But it seems that the true ancestor doesn't care about the city, at least he cares more about the holding of the feast of flames than the city.

Ibrisbel Agiz's expression sank. The other party destroyed the capital like this, but the True Ancestor still did not appear.

This means that the Second True Ancestor is happy to see his success, and it is impossible for him to appear again, which makes the Ninth Prince even more desperate.

"You are here."

090 Saigo looked to the side, only to see two girls wearing similar combat uniforms, with expressionless faces, who looked exactly like Aurora.

They have rainbow-colored hair and flaming eyes. After they came together, they all lowered their beautiful heads towards Xixiang and respectfully said, "...Sir Yuanchu!"

The twelve bodies of Yanguang Yebo can share their memories, so when the ninth and eleventh beasts appeared, they had already shared the memories of Aurora and others.

The expressions of the two bodies changed slightly, and emotional imprints appeared on the beautiful faces without many expressions.

"Very good, now that you have been found, this farce can also end."

Xixiang raised his right hand to one of the two bodies, "... Come quickly, the deep red of the two horns!"

As Xixiang Yanling fell, one of the two bodies that came, burst out with terrifying magic power, and her body turned into a two-horned black horse with dark red temples, shaking everything around her.


The pitch-black horse chirped, and she ran in a circle in mid-air. As she raised her horns, a high-frequency shock wave swept across everything!

"Kab Shanaf, protect me!!"

The ninth prince hissed and shouted loudly, his eyes were about to split, and he let the falcon block in front of him and send out countless wind blades, colliding with the shock wave that was invisible to the naked eye!

There was no sound of earth-shattering explosions, and in the cutting-like silence, all matter turned into particles in the shock wave, and the earth turned into tiny crystals.

And after activating the ability of Shuangjiao Zhishenfei, Xixiang turned around and left, not caring what kind of damage he caused, leaving only the back of a natural disaster demon.

Chapter 93 The 'Wear' of the Longevity

"What is this... It's too cruel and ruthless."

On the brutal land that was ravaged by the 'Double Horns Deep Scarlet', in the fine sand full of smashed material particles, no inorganic or organic matter could be found.

The ninth prince of the extinct dynasty managed to climb out of the deep gravel.

Now he is just like his sister before, his body is broken, almost two-thirds of his body is lost, and he barely survives by relying on the powerful vitality of the first-generation vampires.

Xixiang's indiscriminate, casually said two words were followed by brutal killing and sabotage, which made the ninth prince feel deep fear.

It's not scary for a person to have a strong power. If the other party is a good talker, or even a "law-abiding" person, then people will definitely think about how to use him.

But in the face of such an unreasonable monster that Xixiang did not give any reason and did his own way, just to destroy and kill, such an unreasonable monster will only make people feel fear from the deepest part of their hearts.

The only good news is that although he was seriously injured, he managed to escape from the siege net left by his sister.

And within a ten-kilometer radius, apart from his prince, whether it was his snake-hearted sister or other living creatures, all of them were dead.

Xixiang's performance explained to him what a natural disaster is and what a real 'Yebo of Flame Light' is!

"King, why do you condone such monsters, completely ignoring any order, and only know chaos monsters!"

The ninth prince lay in the ruins, looking up at the sky in despair and murmuring.

Although he knew that his thoughts were disrespectful, he instinctively felt that the monster that could use the power of Flame Light Yebo at will, his goal was definitely not only to complete the 'Flame Light Banquet'.


"Ha, it's boring, the Second Primogenitor is really tolerant. These long-lived people who are severely 'worn', their way of thinking really can't be thought and rationalized by normal people."

At the airport of the capital of the extinct dynasty, Xixiang sat in the VIP lounge and waited quietly.

His plane can take off at any time. Before coming here, he has obtained all the official documents of the extinction dynasty, and can ignore the aviation control rules here.

The reason why Xixiang didn't go directly was because he was looking forward to the arrival of the Second Primogenitor.

But depending on the situation, the True Ancestor really doesn't plan to show his face. I am afraid that even if he is raging in this country at will, the True Ancestor will not show his face.

From a normal person's point of view, Xixiang's behavior is a complete slap in the face. As there are only three true ancestors in this world, he should not be allowed to mess around.

But the reality is that this second primogenitor really doesn't care about being slapped in the face, as if he has no dignity at all.

After thinking about it, Xixiang could only think that the Second Primogenitor had a problem with the spirit caused by "wear and tear".

This made Xixiang a little worried. He has only lived for more than fifty years, and he doesn't have to care about the pain that the immortal will experience for a long time.

But when he has lived for tens of thousands of years, will he be able to withstand the erosion of that long river?

"Forget it, you don't have to think about this issue. It will be thousands of years later. Thinking about it now will only make you feel bad." "

Xixiang shook his head. He was holding a glass of bright red wine. On the sofa next to him, there were five girls with the same length.

Except for Aurora, who is more excited and has more expressions, the other four bodies are all expressionless.

But Xixiang, who devoured the original, knew that they actually had their own emotions, but they were just not good at expressing them, or they didn't want to express them.

"Xiao Nayue is going to have a headache again, and there are a few more mouths at home... But this is not the most headache. When there are twelve more mouths, she will complain too."

"...Oh, it's a little tricky to handle. I can understand triplets or even quintuplets, but if you say twelfths are born, even I don't believe it."

"Especially Xiao Nayue's body shape, it doesn't look like she can give birth to twelve twins."

Xixiang rubbed his chin, thinking about Nangong's expression when he saw so many Yanguang Yebo bodies that month, he couldn't help laughing out loud.

The closest thing to him in this world is naturally Nangong Nayue, who signed a contract with him to help him locate the world, so that Xixiang could grab the nutrition of the world and grow up.

Now, probably adding the body of these Flame Light Yebos, swallowing up the original soul, Xixiang, who is connected with these body souls, has regarded them as part of his body.

"Let's go, Aurora and you, it's time to go to the realm of the King of War!"

Xixiang, who had been sitting for a long time, stood up, and he greeted him. The bodies of the five Yanguang Yebos followed closely behind him. Aurora trotted to Xixiang and pursed her moist cherry lips:

"...Master Yuan Chu, it won't take long for us to gather together and complete the 'Flame Feast'."

Although Aurora seemed to be narrating something, a hint of hesitation and worry flashed across her beautiful and delicate face.

"Why, isn't this your mission? Aurora, are you unhappy?"

Xixiang looked at Aurora, who was following him. Her rainbow-colored hair was like a magnificent gem in the sun, and her flawless face was like a beautiful sculpture.

Especially her skin, the skin on her slender figure had a moist luster, so Xixiang couldn't help rubbing the delicate skin of the girl with the back of his hand.

Aurora didn't care about Saigo's behavior, she shook her head vigorously and said: "'... Of course not, completing the banquet of flames is my greatest mission, my pride and glory!"


Only after a long time, Aurora's voice gradually became quieter.

Xixiang laughed, scratched her smooth hair and said, "...I know what you're worried about, Aurora!"

"...But don't worry, trust me, you'll get what you want, and I'll give you a new life!"

Aurora leaned tightly beside Xixiang, she didn't make a sound, and got on the plane with him.

Soon, this private plane took off after taxiing, and went from the extinct dynasty to the realm of the king of war.


The Kingdom of War is located in the Nordic region, and is adjacent to the Kingdom of Ardikia, the North Sea Empire and the Tsarist Kingdom.

If it weren't for the prestige of the First True Ancestor and the military strength of the Battle King's Domain, this geographical environment would simply be a powder keg.

But even so, these four countries have been fighting each other in history.

Especially in the field of King of War, because it is connected with the Three Kingdoms and is the night empire of vampires, it has conflicts with other countries.

Before the signing of the Sanctuary Treaty, the war in the Warlord's Domain never stopped.

Therefore, the vampires in the Battle King Domain are also the most fighters and the most powerful group. They are all baptized in the iron and blood of war.

Xixiang's plane flew from the Extermination Dynasty to the War King's Domain. Just as it was passing over the high seas of the Baltic Sea, the plane suddenly sounded an alarm.



A screeching alarm blared inside the plane, distraught.

The crew members rushed to Xixiang's lounge and shouted in panic, "...Sir, we were locked by an anti-aircraft missile!"

Above the sky, a missile flew towards Xixiang's car. After a loud bang, the surface-to-air missile completely blew up the plane! .