MTL - Conan’s Corpse Picker-Chapter 1462 1462【Akai, are you still alive】

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  Chapter 1462 1462 [Akai, are you still alive]

  When Jiang Xia asked Yoko Kinoshita to inquire about the situation, Conan leaned close to him with his ears up, eavesdropping on first-hand information.

  Hearing this, he couldn't help interjecting and asked: "Did it fall? How did it fall? Was it pushed, or did he not stand firmly?"

  Yoko Kinoshita raised her hand to curl the broken hair around her ears, feeling a little embarrassed: "The construction site is right next to the vending machine. After pushing to that position, I won't be able to see their movements."

  The little policeman also didn’t see the scene, but he seems to have been taught by his predecessors, and has some understanding and speculation about the current situation:

"The shoulder bag they were fighting for, the strap broke. Based on the situation at the time, it should be that one person was holding the bag, and the other was grabbing the strap. When they pulled hard, the strap suddenly broke. Open. The deceased lost his support, lost his balance, and fell against the screen behind him—and just fell to his death."


  Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.

  Mumu Police Department sat at the desk and stretched.

  He looked out of the window and couldn't help feeling a little emotional: "It rained heavily. Fortunately, nothing happened today. Otherwise, going to the scene in this weather will not only work hard for us, but also easily wash away the clues."

  He stood up and was about to make a cup of steaming coffee and enjoy the rain scene.

   Before picking up the cup, Miwako Sato suddenly rushed in: "Police!"


  Mu Mu's police department froze, and suddenly had a bad feeling, "What, what's wrong?"

  Officer Sato sighed: "There was an accident at the airport. Someone fell from the construction site on the fourth floor, fell to the lobby, and died on the spot."

  Mu Mu Police Department was stunned for a moment: "Fall from the construction site to death... This kind of accident, just let the nearby police station deal with it."

   Miwako Sato shook her head, hesitated to speak: "Jiang Xia happened to be at the scene."

  Meguru Police Department: "..."

  Miwako Sato: "And he didn't say it was an accident. I heard from the police over there that after Jiang Xia inquired about the situation at the scene, she kept looking thoughtful. There may be something else hidden about this matter."



  Silence spread in the harmonious and quiet office.

   After a minute, the sad sigh of Mumu Police Department finally came from the room: "Go, go and have a look. Anyway, sooner or later..."


   Not long after, the police officers of the first search section rushed to the airport and found Jiang Xia at the scene of the crime.

  Mu Mu police department was worried, and suddenly realized something belatedly.

  He looked at Jiang Xia: "Are you going on a long trip?"

  Jiang Xia nodded.

  Mu Mu Police Department patted him on the shoulder, and said sincerely: "Young people should go out into the world, and always stay in a city. What does it look like? Play for a while, don't be in a hurry to come back."

  ...He has slowly come to his senses recently.

  Although Jiang Xia solved the case quickly, but when Jiang Xia was in Tokyo, there seemed to be a lot of cases.

   Calculated in this way, the workload does not seem to be much less, but there is a lot more performance. However, as people get older, they are prone to fatigue after all. The Mumu Police Department feels that performance is not important at all, and the safety of citizens and their own health are the most important treasures.

  So it's best to combine work and rest, and let Jiang Xia play outside for a while. Although as a mature police department, he shouldn't believe in metaphysics...

  Jiang Xia turned his head to look at the Mumu police department suspiciously, vaguely feeling that the police department was thinking of something strange.

  Jiang Xia: "..." But it's not a big problem. No matter what Mumu Police Department thinks, as long as there is a murder, he still has to bring the police over to deal with it. That's enough.


  With the presence of the police, the collection of all clues has become quicker.

  Besides, the deceased was haunted at the airport, and he must have his ID on him. Soon, the police found out his identity.

  Officer Takagi flipped through his notebook, and came to Jiang Xia to report skillfully: "The name of the deceased was Keisuke Furuta, 42 years old, a salesman for a company, and he often traveled around on business.

   "The cause of death was a severe head injury caused by falling from the fourth floor, which resulted in a fractured skull—it was Mr. Sugimoto Hideki who had a conflict with him at the time."

  He raised his hand to gesture to the man in a gray suit.

  Hideki Sugimoto didn't expect to kill someone, he lowered his head, looking undecided in shock.

  The Mumu Police Department has also recovered by this time.

  He looked at the growing crowd of onlookers, adjusted the brim of his hat, and said seriously to the police officers in the nearby police station: "There are too many people here. Protect the scene, and let's talk about the rest in the lounge."


  When the police and detectives, and the man in the gray suit headed to the break room.

  In the distance, the lounge on the first floor.

   A pair of eyes watched this scene quietly. After a while, the man raised his hand and pushed his glasses.

   Then push an empty.


  Okiya Subaru rubbed the empty bridge of his nose, and silently put down his hand: He is actually not very short-sighted. Although he often wears glasses, they are just a pair of blue-light-proof flat glasses.

   And this time, he took off his glasses for camouflage. After all, according to his observation, glasses actually have a great influence on a person's appearance.

  Okiya Subaru: "..." I don't know if these disguises are useful. I hope Uzo doesn't recognize him, and I hope that the accident of falling from a building that almost hit me just now was really just an accident...

   At this time, although Okiya Subaru saw the scene on the fourth floor, he did not bravely jump out to eat melons. He just watched the video taken by the troublemaker through the screen of his mobile phone.

  What others saw was Jiang Xia in the picture, and the policemen who searched the first section.

  But what Okiya Subaru is watching is the crowd of onlookers in the picture.

  He scanned every inch of the corner, trying to find a curly man dressed in black, and then confirm where the center of danger was.

   However, it never came true—Uzo didn't appear in the camera at all.

  Okiya Subaru: "..." Well, think about it too. With Wu Zuo's vigilance and sense of mystery, how could he be photographed so easily by passers-by.

  Even if a passer-by happened to take a picture of it, that person might not have a chance to pass the video out alive.

   While thinking, he turned off the video.

  Then switched to the mailbox interface and refreshed crazily.

  —Just now when I opened the door, I met Uzo, passed by Uzo, and was almost smashed into meatloaf by the person who fell from the building... Such a terrible thing, of course, Okiya Subaru did not dare to stand alone.

Therefore, he summed up the situation at the first time and sent it to the seemingly reliable FBI ace, and continued to add the latest information he got, asking Akai Shuichi to help analyze whether this was a chance encounter, or whether they had already been arrested. Uzo... No, it was a chance encounter, it must be!

  However, no matter what it is, in fact, after sending the message, Akai Shuichi never replied.

  (end of this chapter)