MTL - Congratulations, Empress-~ Endings 5

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Ending 5

"Sinner?!" Flowers stared at him and looked at him coldly.

The old man snorted and the person who turned to see one side had already caught up. Yin said with a smile: "You don't have to say more, today you are going to die here!"

The horror looked around the black man and said: "With this person, I want to kill me?"

At the same time, the three old men were at the same time, and the red gas was released from the body. The situation was compelling, and the black people around the party dispersed, surrounded them, and at the same time opened the battle and watched with vigilance. Splendid.

The black hair, which is like a splash of ink, flutters under the scroll of the three air currents, entangled in the face of ghosts and gods, and stunned!

The horror of the palm of the hand sent Yan Xiaojian to fly out, firmly nailed to the big tree, and then only one foot retreat, stabilize the body and also release the internal strength of the roaring body in the body!

The wind walls of the three old men have already formed a trend, forming three huge balls, and quickly smashed into the horror!

Then Wen Ruyu and Sang Bugui, who came to see him, couldn’t help but see their eyes. How could this situation be avoided? !

The horror saw the three wind walls coming in from the ground, and the whole person rose into the air. At the same time, the red wind wall of the whole body was more powerful!

The three old men went into the air, and the wind wall collided with the wind wall. The sharp sounds were so sharp that the black people around him were back.

"Stabilize the inner interest!" Sang did not return to drink, with the help of Cheng Hao, to exercise the power to adjust to resist the trauma caused by this voice!

The wind wall saw the gap, even though the four people intersected each other, it was also seen that the stunned red wind wall began to crack, and Sang did not help but pinch a cold sweat, with her own power against the three Buddhas. Master, too reluctant!


The four people fell heavily on the ground, and the land under their feet split open. The crack line like a spider web stretched out around, and the four figures shook like it, as if they were going to tear the earth away from it, and it was shocking!


The red wind wall cracked and the sang didn't return to the heart, but the three old men were beaming. The horror of the three men stopped him for a long time. If they didn't accompany them this time. I am afraid that the disciples sent out will kill her hand!

The three men chased after the victory, and shouted and slammed the people in the middle!


"The doorkeeper!"

Wen Ruyu and Penglai Island people all exclaimed, but before their voices fell, a strong airflow emerged from the middle, like a wave of ripples rushing toward them!

Everyone was pushed a step further, but the eyes did not dare to leave the four dead in the center!

Suddenly, a red airflow is like a black wind, and the wind is big, and the wind is high enough to make people look up!

Wen Ruyu is stunned, they are not far from the horror of the distance, only the airflow that comes from the face is only a precursor, this is like a giant snake like a gas wall is her true strength!

The horror of the right foot retreats back to the body, arms wide open, the airflow behind it is like a waterfall, and there is no slowing up!

The three old men are close to each other, and their heads almost all fall to the back. When this powerful wall suddenly struck up against their wind wall, it is like a thousand powers slamming on their chests. The shock created by the internal force collision is far greater than they think!

The three exchanged their eyes and decided to avoid her edge.

The three men retired, and this retreat just happened to see the full picture of the gas wall behind the horror: snake!

Like the huge **** head of the head, she was trapped in it, and the giant scorpion yelled at the sky, and then bowed her head. The two red lights in the airflow seemed to be especially bright, and the giant mouth was a piece of air. For a moment, it was mixed with its huge humming sound!

"Hello -!"

This is called sound, which is like the sound of internal force humming, it is like the sound of a landslide, the foot is called the human eardrum rupture, pain does not want to live!

The three old men face such a hegemonic internal strength and still have to stabilize their internal interests, let alone other people!

As far as the vision is concerned, many of the disciples of the Sixth State have already vomited blood, and only a few deep-rooted people are barely standing!

The people of Penglai Island couldn't support it. It was just that Wen Ruyu let them evacuate from the horror in advance, and the shock was much smaller.

Wen Ruyu's five internal organs seemed to be shattered by the general pain. He wiped the blood from his lips and looked at the flowers and laughed: "Sure! Really!"

As Wei said, the destiny is like the heavens, the heavens are like the ones, the hands of the Qiankun, the world will also be reversed!

The ink dances, a pair of **** like a giant python behind her, the killing is like seeping into the wind, with the smell of a giant snake, forcing the internal organs to hurt!

"The Sixth Country?" Flowers stunned and laughed at the sky. "Several people who dare to kill me in the district, today, I will kill you in the sixth country. On the other day, I will also ruin your sixth nation. Chicken dogs don't stay!"

The people of the sixth country were so angry that several people had already rushed to the flowers and horrified, but they were swept away by the horror of the stunned three-footer, and they flew out and were caught by other people. However, Zhangkou only spit out a blood to kill the five organs!

Everyone in the sixth country was irritated, and the three old men were red eyes.

But angry and angry, but no one lost his senses, one of them shouted: "The sixth country, retreat!"

"Guyang Elder!"


"Want to run?!" Sixth country disciples ran away, frightened and moved, as if they were from the string of arrows, quickly grabbed one of the necks, grabbed it and threw it away!

The old man named Gu Yang quickly caught the man, and the other two old men were blocked in front of the flowers!

The flowers are stunned and lifted, and they look over the woods in the distance, and they use their internal strength to expand their voices. "Not yet, what are you waiting for?!"

Everyone was shocked. Even though the three old men of Guyang were no exception, they went back and saw that there was a slight incitement in the woods. After a moment, a huge white beast jumped out of it and carried a man on his back!

Into the white beast, is a woman dressed in white, covering the face of the first fight, a black suit is particularly conspicuous.

Dai Dou’s black woman raised her hand, and the women behind her dispersed and blocked the people of the sixth country!

"You are...!" Gu Yang only felt that this person was familiar and stared at her veil.

Mrs. Leng Mei, who was embroidered in the skirt, came forward and stunned the flowers and shook hands: "Snow Moon, this is the door of our mother-in-law."

I was shocked to see the woman in black, and she said: "When I waited for so long, I finally got it?"

This black woman is the Penglai messenger: Yan Yan!

Xiuyan Chaohua stunned and stunned, said: "It is really not as good as people. If it is not the martial arts of the door, the three buddha masters, the mother-in-law is just a knife."

She said that she slowly took down the fight, and under the fight, it was a face with a knife-and-staggered face.

The horror did not say much, if she changed her, she would do the same.

"Hey," Yan Yuyan came down from the back of the glass and looked at her from a distance: "The Tianling 驭 orc has entered the hunting mountain, and now it is confronted with each other by Tianshuiguo."

I nodded in amazement and said to Yan Yan Road: "Would you like to return to Penglai?"

When Yan Yan’s light was moving, he bent his knees and said: “I am willing to listen to the door!”

"I will give you protection," said the flower. "If you die, keep him!"

In the heart of Xiuyan, the girl is slightly trembled. The girl in front of her eyes is strikingly similar to the eyebrow cream of 16 years ago. The eyebrows and creams are forbearing in the overall situation, and her resolute decision is with implied insight and determination!

"Yes, the doorkeeper!" This voicekeeper, she will have no regrets!

Stunned and nodded, the glass was brought to the side, staring at the three old men around me.

The three people in Guyang knew that they were invincible, and they wanted to use their strength to drag the flowers and others to escape. However, the horror did not give them this opportunity, the **** clothes squirmed, and the Yan Xiaojian did not know when it was in her hands, only to see the shadows, Gu Yang's arm has been cut one!

The disciples of the sixth country saw that Gu Yang’s arm was disabled and they returned. They are going to die with the three of them!

The killings were carried out in silence, and there was no tea time. The people of the sixth country had all become corpses.

The wind is silent, the huge glass body is stunned by the flowers, and her nose is licking her arm.

The flower stunned and raised the hand full of blood, patted its head gently, and smiled: "obedient."

The glass snorted and squinted.

The flower stunned and jumped over its back, and the people of Penglai Island gathered together: "The two beasts are sealed with a pair of ancient beasts, but when the seal is not long, they will be broken. You will quickly enter the city of Jiuhe and Suhuan. Nie Xiaoyang converged, let Xia Houjin mobilize all the archers in Jiuhe City at the gate to prevent the attack of the beast."

"Hey!" See her to go, screaming at Yan’s mouth.

"I won't have anything to do." The flower stunned him to raise his lips.

Nowadays, Yan Yuyan knows that no one can stop her. A thousand words are finally turned into one sentence: "Be careful."

"The doorkeeper, I will send a few Brahma masters to go with you all the way." Yan Yandao.

The flowers were shocked, and Yan Yan quickly arranged for Mrs. Leng Mei and other five people to follow her on the road.

Going to the Double Beast Mountain, the two halves of the Double Beast Mountain have been occupied by wild beasts. The Tianling, the Orc, the Tangmen, the Yitu, the Lunbu, the Serpent, the Giant, and the Great Eagle.

When I first entered the range of the Double Beast Mountain, I was able to hear the sound of the beast of the mountain under the horror. Her heart sank and she wanted to speed up the movement!

The glass floated in the narrow sky, and the flowers and horror led Mrs. Leng Mei and five others stood on the glass back.

She looked around at both sides and said: "There will be another fragrant time. The ancient beasts of the two sides of the dangerous world will break out of the mountains, and those who want to live will leave!"

Her voice was enough to be heard by all the people in the Double Beast Mountain, but this was not enough to convince everyone.

The horror of the original did not explain the point where they were convinced. If they had already said this, the letter would be embarrassing, and it would be unbelievable.

She flew to the position where Tangmen was, and there was no painful land of Tang Yuan, who was rolling around and went straight to Tang Jihe. He said: "You and the giant eagle family are going down the mountain quickly, no matter what the situation, Also keep the city of Jiuhe."

If Jiuhe City is stepped by a beast, the world is in chaos!

Tang Jihe did not believe her words, but the opposite side has been occupied by the people of the Tianling and the Orcs. How can they live?

Splendid to see his doubts, the spine flew over, grabbed one of the beastmasters and mentioned the back of the glass, Yang said: "Tianling, the orc, open the road, put the people in the Tangmen Down the mountain, the new people of Lunbu and the hatred of your family will never intervene!"

Jiang cited both eyes and eyes, immediately loudly: "Tianling 驭 驭 倾 倾 倾 倾 倾 倾 倾 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

The flowers were stunned with one hand and one lifted, and a slap in the air swept the past, and the river hit the river and slammed into the ground.

"I want to kill you easily, and let me shut up when I am interested!" The flowers were horrified and cold, and he turned to the spirits and the orcs. "On the day of hunting the mountains, the six beasts of your family were also killed by me. Today, I am not enemies with you, but if I want to stop me, I will never be merciful!"

She said that with one hand, the person in the hand was lifted up in the air, and at the foot was the abyss.

Finally, some people stood out from the flocks of the beasts and waved to her: "In the green, the day around the mountain, we do not know the Loulan emperor trapped on it, thank you Xueyue Gongzi shot to avoid the crime of my family! ”

"I hope that Xueyuezi will sit down."

When he finished, he let the tribes control the spirit beasts to exit a path for the people of Tangmen to pass.

Some people in the new Lunbu people wanted to get in and out, but they were beaten out by Mrs. Lengzhu. Later, the people of Tangmen passed through the narrow dangerous bridge.

The flower horror will return the beastmaster to the celestial orc, and to the green road: "You should know my beast."

Not to mention her, Fu Green also recognizes that the beast is absolutely extraordinary, but does not want to enter the legendary beast.

"Dangerous heaven is the place to seal the beasts. Now the seal will be broken, and the two mountains will cease to exist. If you believe me, let your people leave your family with your beasts." The last words of the horror have been Blessed, turned and went to the opposite side.

Playing the arms of Tang Yuan's three men, pointing out a thin blade, all the way past, cut the palms of the three of them, and she went through the past, the instinct that they can not digest in the body.

When Tang Yuan three people returned to normal, they took the horror to turn to the three brothers and sisters of the Serpent family. She pointed to Lei Yandao: "You stay, other people also cross the bridge."

"Why?" Thunder frowned.

"Don't worry," the flower stunned. "Leave her to prevent the pursuit of the beast."

She said to turn to Lei Yan, "Leave the best tracking snake in your family."

Lei Yan nodded and said to the Thunder: "Big brother, let's go first."

Nowadays, the Thunder has to go, not to mention the beast, even the opposite gods and the beasts can't cope with it. If it is rashly confronted, there is a high probability of annihilation!

The Thunder looked at the horror and finally shook her hand and said deeply: "Please be sure to let your family back safely!"

When he said that he turned and left, Tang Yuan and his party also followed up.

"Grandpa, let's go!" The rabbit pulled the sleeve of the old man of Hongyan.

The old man of Hongyan was horrified at the **** red eyes, but he hurriedly left at a glance. He arched his hand and went to the suspension bridge.

Nowadays, only the Lumbun new family is left, and the horror opens his mouth and says: "Give me a good look at Jiang Yin, don't let him run."

"Yes!" replied Mrs. Leng Mei.

Strong enemies are in front, and there is overwhelming power. Jiang cited is also incomprehensible.

The flower stunned and flew to the glass, and made a move, but the green suddenly said: "Dare to ask the snowy son, how to deal with the beast?"

"Kill." Thrilled and threw a word.

Fu Green is impressed by her momentum, but she also knows that it is easier to do this.

"What if the beasts are violently wounded and wounded?" asked Green.

The flowers stunned for a moment, and looked up again: "How do you say?"

"If the snowy son has the ability to drive the beast, the next step can lead the snowy man, leading the beast to the sparsely populated place."

The flower smiled and laughed. "You will believe me."

"I don't know if Xueyue Gongzi would not believe it. The beasts of the beasts are also very conspicuous. When they first enter the Shouwushan, they will notice their uneasiness, but they don't know what the reason is."

"That's good!" The horror took him and Lei Yan to the back of the glass, and it was under threat.

The tribes of the Tianling and Orc families also began to evacuate the Double Beasts after cutting off the suspension bridge.

The sound of the wind blew from the ear, and the horror looked at the rain and fog, and the sound in the ear became clearer and clearer...!