MTL - Cultivating to Become a Great Celestial-Chapter 18 : Liu Feizhou

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Song Guan gave her Yufengjue and Wuliangzong's ancestral history and rules.

This method will allow her to fly at a low altitude and increase her running speed. But if she wants to fly at a high altitude for a long time, she needs a flying instrument, otherwise she will conquer a flying spirit beast. Wuliangzong is one of the seven top schools in the Xuanyuan Realm. The so-called top schools are the elders with a robbery period in the door, and the Haoyuemen, the first of the seven schools, has been a flying fairy.

Haoyuemen wasn't called this name before, but after the immortal soared, he said that the sky and the stars should compete with Haoyue. As a result, the gate was renamed Haoyuemen, and the previous name was forgotten by the world. At present, Wuliangzong is the highest master of spiritual realism, Master Taifeng Elder Gu Fengyang. He is a strong man who has survived the robbery period. He is one of the most influential figures in Wuliangzong. It's just that he rarely shows up and basically doesn't interfere in any of Zongmen's affairs.

The rule of Wuliang sect is also simple. It is not allowed to collude with Modao to practice the magic path, or pass it on to others. Zongmen disciples are prohibited from killing each other. There is no other thing, but this is only the Wuliang sect. According to the rules, Wuliangzong itself is a three-character mountain in the shape of a character. The middle is Wuliangshan where the head is located. On the left is Tian Cefeng, where the elder of Taishang lives, which is also where Su Tingyun is now. On the right is Tianying Peak, which is divided into six halls, each of which has a Yuanying period elder.

Although the Lingwu real person is only the Golden Dan period, there are people on his head who actually account for nearly half of the entire Wuliang Mountain resources. It is exactly the same that attracted the master Dan Fengyang. You know, that Dan Fengyang is a powerful infant, capable of refining the powerful existence of high-grade edible herbs.

Dan Fengyang has a strong temper, but he is not a villain, but his disciples are a bit arrogant. Similarly, as long as the monks in the canyon complete the task on time, the life is good, otherwise there will not be so many people sharpened their heads to drill here, but the premise of a good life is to complete the task. The punishment is also terrible. If they catch up with Master Dan, who happens to need a medicine, they will be miserable.

Generally speaking, as long as they do not encounter extremely special conditions, most people can complete the task on time. This time, the golden aunt should be a very rare unexpected accident. Su Tingyun sorted out the information she got. All in all, Tianxuan Pavilion is not a very bad place. As long as she can complete the task, her life safety can be guaranteed!

Thinking of this, Su Tingyun was more at ease. She could discover what fourth-order golden bugs, which proved that she was talented in farming, and it should not be difficult to complete the task.

After reading the message, she began to practice Yufengjue. After all, it is the most basic formula. It is not difficult to display it. However, Su Tingyun mastered it seven or seven in half an hour. Her aura gathered on the soles of her feet, and she slowly lifted herself off the ground, one inch two inches, one foot two feet, and in the end she could also slowly fly in the air, but this royal wind trick was to consume her aura. She stayed in mid-air for a dozen Min feels that the aura in her body is drained, and her subsequent strength falls down. Fortunately, she didn't fly high enough to not fall.

If you want to fly longer, you must increase your aura capacity, which is the advanced level of practice.

It ’s not good if you do n’t practice! This world has great strength, and you will be bullied if you are backward, and your aura is closely related to your daily life. She ca n’t be lazy. Thinking of this, Su Tingyun reduced the sleep time by half and saved the time for meditation practice, but she I feel that I am working very hard, but I have made little progress.

Two months passed by, Su Zingyun sat beside Tian Kan and looked at the white clouds floating in the blue sky above his head, feeling astonished.

Yukan did not say that the gas refining period is an entry period, and the speed of advancement is very fast, especially in the first and second floors. As long as you are diligent, can the average person break from the first level to the second level in one month?

She has been practicing for two months. But having said that, time flies very fast. She used to think that life was difficult, but she did n’t expect to stop when she practiced. No wonder the practice was without sun and moon. Those people were retreating for decades. Cultivation is gone for a few hours ...

Su Tingyun remembered meeting Chu Ling them at the beginning. They said that her qualifications were very poor. It seems that what they said was true. Obviously, her cultivation qualifications were below the average people, and she struggled on the poverty line ...

Fortunately, her farming is a good hand, and she successfully completed the task this month.

Looking at the luxuriant herb Lingshe grass in the field, Su Tingyun breathed a long sigh of relief. It was just that this breath was not over, and someone came hurriedly. The leader was Song Guan. Although he was walking in front, he nodded his head side by side and looked at the man behind him with a flat look, and said, "Master Liu is here."

"She planted the purple wood incense and spirit snake grass the last few times!" Song Guanshi pointed at Su Dingyun, who was lying on the straw mat beside Tian Kan. "Mr. Wei, noble, here, Don't get up and **** to welcome! "

Nima, she's a 70-year-old lady, and she still wants to give a gimmick? At this time, Su Tingyun seemed to have forgotten her young girl's heart. After she got up and turned her head, she saw that the person behind Song Guanshi was wearing a white robe and a long sword around his waist. Cheap Xianggong is amazing, but it also makes people's eyelids jump and their hearts tremble.

Unfortunately, the skin is born well, but the character is not so good. The young man frowned, "Is this old lady?" He said he stretched out his hand and grabbed it in the void, before Su Tingyun had not responded, the whole person had been mentioned in midair by a powerful force. The weight of forty pounds is the same as that of a cat being held in his hands by that person.

"Old lady, come with me." Saying, without waiting for anyone to answer, the young man in white directly rose into the air, flew out like a white crane spreading his wings, Su Zunyun's throat was stuck in his clothes, almost He strangled to death, but fortunately, he moved quickly, flew into the formation in an instant, and then loosened his hands, throwing Su Zingyun from a height of 100 meters.

If she hadn't learned Royal Wind, she would have been dead and disabled at this moment.

Damn, there is really nothing good about the strong in the realm of cultivation.

After landing, Liu Feizhou opened the door to see the mountain tunnel, "I need you to help me grow some herbs."

It was also by chance that he discovered that the herb cultivated by the old lady was extraordinarily abundant. Using her herbs, the alchemy rate of his alchemy has improved. He is only an apprentice of alchemy. He has just learned from Master for two years. The rate is only 20%. However, a few days ago, the low-level Reiki Dan was refined with purple wood incense and spirit snake grass. He found that his percentage of Chengdan had grown to 40%!

Although these are low-level elixir medicines, for a beginner of elixir medicine, such a rate of elixir is extremely amazing, because even if you let Master practice it, his elixir rate is only 80%. When refining his high-grade elixir of the same rank, the success rate is only 20% to 30%.

High-end elixir is expensive and unavailable, which is why the elixir master has a very high status and is supported by the ancestors.

Recently, their four disciples will hold a contest. Only the one who wins can become the master's close disciple. He started late, even if he is very talented. This time, he is not a big winner. Now, this old lady is his hope Is the key to his victory.

"What kind of herb?" Su Tingyun used Yufengju to land, but her height of 100 meters made her fussy. When she landed, she fell a bit. Although not heavy, she also sat on the ground with her buttocks. Sitting up on the ground, his tone was a little impatient, and naturally there was nothing respectful to the alchemist.

"Unrooted water, long cricket, iron heart orchid ..."

One product of two products and two products of three products must be planted at least in the middle stage of meditation. Su Tingyun waved his hand and said, "I only have one layer of gas refining, and the second-grade herbs cannot be planted, let alone the third-grade."

"You don't need to worry about it." Liu Feizhou took out a jade bottle. "Here is a bottle of Lingqiao Dan, which is enough to let you break through to the period of meditation." Lingqiao Dan is only a second-grade elixir. For ordinary monks, this It is also a very precious thing. With the old lady's own qualifications, there is no possibility of breakthrough. He is willing to take out this great benefit. The old lady should be grateful to Dade. Liu Feizhou waited for the old lady to scratch her head, thanking Yan. She did not expect her face to be so happy after taking the bottle, but frowned and asked, "Are there any side effects?"

It ’s a medicine with three points of poison. This medicine in the realm of cultivation is a sanwu product. Although Su Zingyun does n’t know much about the world, he also knows that advanced medicine may cause instability. When he climbed the ladder, If not, just tell them that one step at a time, don't you take shortcuts?

"Dog bile! Do you still suspect that I can't give you counterfeit medicine!" Liu Feizhou was furious, but kicked him directly, kicking Su Tingyun aside, and he was so relieved that he just wanted to stop and see the old things on the eyelids I almost spit in foam, so I snorted coldly: "This magic trick I made is very condensed. Master has praised me. If I did n’t need you to grow herbs, I would put such precious things Give you?"

After speaking, Liu Feizhou gave a cold glance at Su Tingyun on the ground. "You are very poorly qualified. If you do n’t have medicine to help you, you wo n’t be able to break through the period of meditation. Although it ’s difficult for you to progress in the future, you may stop there. Indulge, but what's the matter? Remember, I didn't hurt you, but I sent you a good fortune. "After all, he took a breath and said:" I can't be more than 70 years old, it's like this. It's a waste. . "