MTL - Dark Civilization-v14 Chapter 242 Divine Seal!

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The magnificent black mist emerges from the restricted area, rolling and slowly condensing into an indomitable body in the air, slender and majestic, covered with a set of exquisite black scale armor, engraving various strange monsters, the scales of each monster Or the feathers are engraved with precise runes.

On his head, he wore a horned iron helmet, cast like a deep-sea reef. Under the iron helmet were two scorching eyes, emitting a cold light, overlooking the heavens and the earth, and a fluttering horse behind him. The black cape was flying upwind. .

Dark god!

This is the archaic period, when the sun and the moon are immortal, and the heavens and the earth are immortal, the only dark **** who survived that catastrophe!

What kind of catastrophe did it take for such a powerful character to fall?

Ye Chen stared at the dark god, and said indifferently, "You are not my opponent, why should you stop it?"

The huge body of the dark **** is like an idol. The stars are as fine as sand in front of him. Ye Chen ’s body is in front of him, so small that he can hardly see, but he answers his words. In World War I, I was seriously injured and almost meteorite. When the wounded escaped, the oblique moon god, one of the thirteen gods who were seated by the ancient god, would seal. Thanks to the oblique moon god, he was also seriously injured, and the seal was not strong. I cracked it, and I rewarded them with Chaos. Naturally, you won't let you kill them. "His body is huge, but his voice is just like ordinary people, just like talking in front of Ye Chen, not It was thunderous.

Ye Chen sneered, "So, are you doing this for your favor? I never imagined that. You who had killed the eight heavenly gods at the beginning also knew about it?"

The dark gods stared at him quietly, "They were not betrayed by me. They were the news released by ancient warlords. When the ancient avenue of mounts returned in the ancient realm, they suffered time and space reversals, were seriously injured, and reached us. The realm of the gods only needs to get the essence of the avenue to completely break through the **** of the gods, move to a higher realm, and enter the legendary ancient realm! "

"You know. The charm of the ancient world, no one has always been able to resist."

Ye Chen did not deny this. The ancient world is in the hearts of all the highest practitioners, just like the end of the other side of the world. It is the end of the legend, the beginning of all things. Anyone wants to go in and see what kind of world is, and what is in it. Why is it easy to give birth to the anti-strength strong, and even the world supreme?

Most importantly, it is said that ancient gods came from the ancient world.

The power of ancient gods, from ancient times to the present. No one dared to question where he was born. What exactly will it be?

"There is nothing wrong with hunting the avenue, except that when the avenue was seriously injured, your nine heavenly gods would work together and have 80% certainty that you could kill it. At this time, the ancient warlords planned to take advantage of the other ancient god. Unexpectedly, your motives in the battle , Not to get the avenue, but to take the opportunity to devour the remaining eight gods, **** their seals, and become supreme gods. Such strength is comparable to ancient warlords and ancient gods. "Ye Chen stared at him coldly.

"You know that the ancient gods sat down. There are thirteen gods, and the strength of each **** is almost close to the power of your gods, and the avenue is even more terrifying. The power is far more than gods. Although seriously injured, you nine The combination of great gods and gods is still extremely thrilling. Coupled with the thirteen gods, I am afraid that you will not be sure of success, so at the beginning, your ambitions were not put on it. "

The dark gods are silent.

After a long time, he slowly said, "You know a lot."

Ye Chen said, "Yes."

"You should understand that it is not good for a person to know too much."

Ye Chen said: "Yes."

He sighed again and again, "Sometimes I don't want to know too much."

"Oh?" Dark God looked at him.

"Unfortunately, when the ancient **** shattered me, there happened to be a shard flying over your battlefield, and a ray of my residual soul saw your behavior, so I only knew it." Ye Chen slowly said.

The Dark God was silent for a moment before he said, "So it is."

"I don't know how many **** marks you got during that battle. You should know my strength and dare to stop it. Should you be sure?" Ye Chen stared at him indifferently.

"There are things in this world that you need to do if you are not sure, and you must do them." The dark **** looked up at him and smiled, "But in the face of you, I have no absolute confidence, I really do not want to face, your emperor The power of the sword is already close to the legendary [invincible] realm, and it is not fun to get close to it. "

"That's it." Ye Chen smiled slightly, grasping his hands tightly, and the black flame shrank sharply into his body, followed by a sharp blade of breath, emerging from him, and the whole body seemed to be shrouded in a faint blade of vision. in.

The expression of the dark **** was gradually dignified. He slowly raised his hands, and the huge black body shrank by billions of times instantaneously to a height of only about ten feet. The void between the two hands was broken and disillusioned, and four light flashes slowly emerged from it. Mysterious runes.

The structure of these four runes is not cumbersome and complicated, but it seems to have a natural feeling, like a simple and easy stroke, but with a perfect mood, unable to copy, cannot imitate, unique!

The four runes are red, cyan, white, and gold.

The red runes are as glamorous as the fire lotus, the blue runes are as clear as the dragon, the white runes are as white as ice and snow, and the golden runes are as dazzling as the sun, exuding a sharp and sharp edge.

"Flame god, **** wood god, holy water god, platinum god." Ye Chen glanced at four wonderful runes, a slight glance in his eyes, "You killed all four of them, if I don't remember Wrong. At first, the nine of you were still your classmates. "

The dark **** sighed softly, "Weak meat and strong food, feelings are just things that make people weak."


Ye Chen didn't say any more, with a little finger, a ray of almost knife-like qi, like a white galaxy light of practice, tore the void, and shot straight towards the dark god.

This ray of knife is not a phantom, but a genuine knife!

If Shura Supreme and others see it, they will be stunned. If they have such a matchless sword, if they touch a little bit, they will lose their souls, not to mention confrontation.

Yan Luo Supreme, who was beheaded by Ye Chen at the time, can only be killed by a phantom of a blade of sword, let alone the body of the sword?

The dark **** took a glance, and the palm of his hand was slightly stroked. The surrounding heaven and earth became dark as ink, and the strong and corrosive power was like devouring all the primitives, wrapped with sharp swords and madly canceled, and finally disappeared.

"Fighting with your true body, you can't hurt me with the little knife you split." Dark God said calmly, "Although I was seriously injured during the battle in the Archean period, I have already recovered and my strength is better than that year. , Far too strong, plus the four major imprints in my hand, I'm close to the [invincible] realm, you do n’t have a sword spirit in your body, and your strength is greatly reduced, it is not my opponent at all! ”

"A few words want to shock me? I'll teach you what kind of power the five seals of God will bring together." Ye Chen Yangtian screamed, turning like a hurricane, and it turned into an instant A huge sword!

This is a sword with a length of three feet. The whole body is as white as silver, and the blade is as smooth as a mirror, reflecting all the scenes of the entire world. The void beside the blade automatically splits, as if it was cut apart.

Seeing Ye Chen's true body, the dark God of God frowned, he did not dare to hold it up, grabbed the palm of his hand, squeezed the four major seals in front of his palm, and the strong four-colored rays were like needles between the fingers of his palm. Squeeze out, then slowly sink into his palms, completely disappeared.

He opened his eyes, and his pupils radiated a strong light. A breath of solitude in the world swept away like a sea wave, covering the entire dark world. All the creatures felt a vast sky of power for a moment, as if it were The sky above him suddenly collapsed, and this irresistible force caused a fear to all beings.

Ye Chen immediately felt that the breath on his body was covered by the dark god, and his brow frowned slightly, but he did not recede. He rushed straight towards the dark god, and the sharp blade swept across. sky--


The whole world is divided in two.

Heaven and earth seemed to be split by a knife, a translucent blade of light cut across the world, and a sharp blade of gas rushed to the dark god. This emperor-like blade of sword cut into him with immense honor and arrogance. In the body.

Although his breath is stronger than that of Ye Chen, he is still injured in the face of Ye Chen's attack. His palm holding the blade was cut open by a huge blood hole, and he almost cut the entire palm in half. .

However, the blade held by him was also reversed by a huge force, a breath mixed with five pure forces, quickly invaded Ye Chen's body along the blade, destroying the internal structure of the blade organization.

Ye Chen frowned, and snorted coldly, a shocking breath came from her body, and the five breaths that had invaded the blade quickly resolved like snow.

If there is anything in the world that is the strongest, then it is definitely Ye Chen's body.

No matter what kind of energy, such as Jin Mu Shui Huo Tu, can't destroy his body.

After his body was broken once in that year, he is now born again. His body is stronger than before, and it is difficult to destroy the ancient **** in time, let alone the dark god.

"The Emperor's Knife!" Ye Chen's heart was cold and roaring, and he was swept across the void ability, the sword light fluttered and swept across the dark **** like a hurricane.

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