MTL - Dark Game, Draw the Talent of Almighty Power at the Beginning-Chapter 210 another ship on the ocean

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  Chapter 210 Another Ship on the Ocean

  The number of piranhas is incredible, and it is very difficult to deal with them.

  Of course Zhang Feng has mastered a lot of group damage spells, but they are basically fire and thunder attributes.

  In this ocean, the thunder attribute may still be able to play a little bit, and the fire attribute spells are thrown away, and they are directly suppressed and eliminated by the environment.

  The [Skyfire Arrival] that I just learned at the third turn can burn everything within a range of tens of miles with skyfire, but if it falls on the sea, the damage will be reduced to the limit.

   At most, the piranhas on the upper layer were burned to death, but under the ocean, there are layers of the same kind, desperately drilling upwards.

  Skyfire can dry up water layers tens of meters thick, but the lower layers are even more numerous!

  Although Skyfire Arrival is a three-turn spell, the [Flame Stone] required is very expensive, and one requires 1500 points to buy from the main city.

   After all, the power is too powerful, and the normal three-turn spell is simply not comparable.

   Relying on the current [Material Free Casting], it is impossible to free it, and can only consume spell materials to cast spells.

  Although Zhang Feng has a lot of points, and even though he bought a lot of magic materials, this kind of waste is not a good choice when the fire from the sky has no effect.

   In desperation, Zhang Feng could only choose to use his red-level equipment [Dark Seal, Heart of the Overseaser].

  Equipment special effects: The King of the Ocean activates!

  The effect is to summon all nearby sea creatures to fight for themselves!

  So the moment Zhang Feng used the dark seal, the piranhas around quickly changed their camps, no longer biting the Angel ship, but turned their fish mouths to bite other companions.

  After Zhang Feng's summoning, these piranhas not only changed their camps suddenly, but also gained the effect of strengthening darkness, and their attributes were greatly enhanced, directly biting their former companions with heavy casualties.

   "Really don't want to use this if possible."

   Seeing that the current situation was immediately reversed, Zhang Feng sighed with some regret.

  Because of the special effects of this piece of equipment, it cannot be used casually.

  At a time, the marine life within one kilometer nearby is compulsively summoned, and the marine life within three kilometers nearby is induced.

  The so-called inductive summoning is actually a chance summoning, not all marine life will obey his orders.

   The special effect of the king of the ocean can only be used once a day for two hours.

   Now that it is used, in case of any special situation, you can only watch helplessly.

  However, the effect of the King of the Ocean is really amazing. A group of piranhas immediately surrounded the Angel as guards, fighting with other piranhas that kept coming.

  The broken limbs and fish blood of all kinds of fish kept floating out of the surrounding sea, dyeing the sea red.

   It can be seen how many fish died to cause such a terrible scene.

  After seeing this, the other players trembled and didn't dare to say anything.

  Because they tried to pick up a piranha and found that the level of the fish was not low.

  Each of them can be considered as a level 80 ordinary monster. Although it is nothing to the weakest players, such a terrifying number is enough to make them change color.

  Zhang Feng is not afraid.

  His defense level is extremely high, soaking in the sea and being bitten by them can't break the skin, so there is no need to worry about this.

   But it would be too embarrassing to be dragged into the water by them.

  Just as Zhang Feng was about to say something, he suddenly heard someone shout: "Brother, there is a boat ahead!"

  But he found an archer player shouting at him.

   "Have a boat?"

  Zhang Feng was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that the archer had mastered the [Eagle Eye] skill, and could see extremely far in a wide space.

  He then got up and went straight into the sky. After standing high in the sky, he looked in the direction the archer said, and suddenly saw a three-masted sailing ship heading this way.

   This was the first ship he saw on this ocean.

   "I'll go and see, you wait here."

   Zhang Feng landed, floated in mid-air and said to the other players, then flapped his wings lightly, crossed a distance of hundreds of meters in an instant, and rushed forward rapidly.

   In just a few tens of seconds, it flew over a distance of more than a hundred kilometers, and did not stop until it was near the three-masted sailing ship.

  When approaching the sailing ship, Zhang Feng used the new skill [Camouflage] he had learned.

   Can make camouflage changes like a chameleon.

  Although it is not as good as invisibility, the level of this skill itself is low. The key is to make your summoned creatures camouflage with you, which is not a bad ability.

  At least the people on the sailboat in front did not see Zhang Feng coming, and gave him a lot of time to observe the sailboat.

   "This sailboat is quite big."

   Zhang Feng stood in the air not far away, and looked at the sailboat. It was almost a hundred meters long, and the mast was a bit high. There were two people watching it with binoculars.

   I don't know if they have seen the Angel, anyway, they are heading in the direction of the Angel.

  There are various signs of knives on the hull, and it seems that it has experienced many battles.

  There is a pattern of a black hat on the sail, which doesn't look like a good thing.

   Probably pirates.

   There were not many people on board, and they all seemed to be nestled in the cabin. There were only two people who looked like slaves, dragging heavy iron chains, and were struggling to wipe the deck.

   What made Zhang Feng most curious was that the ship was sailing on a sea of ​​sacrifices full of piranhas, but it didn't seem to be attacked by these fishes.

   Occasionally, a few piranhas swam past the sea, except for being hit by this ship and jumping out of the sea angrily, they basically turned a blind eye to it.

   "It seems that this group of pirates has a way to evade these piranhas."

  Zhang Feng muttered in his heart, without any further hesitation, he landed directly on the deck of the ship.

   As a result, as soon as he got down, a group of pirates swarmed out of the cabin. For a moment, Zhang Feng was taken aback, thinking that he had been discovered by these pirates.

  But soon he realized that these pirates didn't discover him at all, but had something to do.

   Almost a hundred pirates came to the deck led by a rather burly man, and began to mobilize before the battle.

   They found a large ship, ready to rob and make a fortune.

   As the target of robbery, Zhang Feng's Angel is the only one in the surrounding ocean.

   "This is really regrettable."

  Zhang Feng rubbed his chin, "I haven't prepared to do anything to you, but you are already thinking about robbing my ship."

  He chuckled, and with a wave of his hand, dozens of water elementals rose from the ocean beside them, spraying high-pressure water at the ship, sweeping most of the people on the deck directly into the seawater.

  The next moment, countless screams sounded, especially the burly man, who shouted the loudest.

  (end of this chapter)