MTL - Dark Moon Era-Chapter 678 Reptiles and Nobles

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  Chapter 679 Reptiles and Nobles

  What is the goal of a general on the battlefield? But he definitely can't have only one preparation and leave nothing behind.

  The gray dwarf cares very much about his identity as a general, and a safe and thorough view of the situation is its most basic tactical thinking.

  So, how can it have only one preparation, and no other back-hands to stay on the battlefield?

  Well, it only takes 30 seconds for the main energy to be destroyed by the Jinshi clan, even if the kid in front of him has any way to delay it, it doesn’t matter.

Because the other team of arms is very close to that secondary energy source, in child-level chess, although the chess player can only use one army at a time, if the main energy source encounters obstacles, then that team with long-range attack capability will be Will begin to attack secondary energy sources regardless of cost.

  In addition, the gray dwarves will also order the rest of the units to attack freely. This is the authority of the chess player, because they do not need to specifically command them, and it is not regarded as using command power. Of course, the units can be allowed to move freely.

  Those units that have lost their command will be stupid and have no tactics, but they have an instinct, that is, they will attack and kill when they encounter an enemy. This is to reduce Lancaster’s units from the side.

  Three-pronged approach, how exactly will Lancaster break?

  The gray dwarf is constantly calculating in his mind, no matter how it is calculated, there is no possibility of losing!

  The gray dwarf is moving, and Lancaster is also moving.

  His actions seem so puzzling, leaving behind him is a very weak, explosive low-level soldier whose strength is like a chicken rib.

  The kind of explosive eggs they produce looks like a joke to the gray dwarf, the damage is limited, and the preparation time is long. In fact, isn't this kind of unit a waste on the battlefield?

  At this time, these explosive eggs low-level soldiers have already prepared the explosive eggs, which were prepared before the gray dwarves suspended the battlefield.

  The gray dwarves did not pay attention to these, because they are definitely not the ones who can complete the rescue.

   However, Lancaster released the precious command power on these low-level bombers, and they were enveloped by the command aperture.

   Although the gray dwarf doesn’t understand it, he stares at these explosive low-level soldiers. How can this human kid come back?

   But what the next low-ranking bombshell soldiers did made the gray dwarf almost laugh.

  They threw out the explosive eggs in their hands, not toward the enemy, nor were they going to attack any energy source, in fact, they couldn't attack either!

  The explosive eggs they throw are towards a place with no strategic purpose at all, at least the gray dwarf sees it this way.

  These explosive eggs gathered together, still have a certain degree of power, the explosion set off waves of air, and then?

  The gray dwarf grinned, barely making an ugly smile! Yeah, then what are you going to do?

  But soon, his smile was condensed on his face, because the air waves caused by these explosions affected the human boy as a chess player, and this human boy was actually set off by the air wave!

  There is no way. Although commanding the battlefield is a serious matter, a more obvious smile appeared on the face of the gray dwarf again!

  Is there anything more funny than this? Is this how this human kid said he wanted to reverse the battlefield and said he wanted to win? Had he been panicking, even making a mistake in his command, so that the explosive eggs of the low-level soldiers of the explosive eggs were still in the wrong direction?

  Hahaha, it's so funny.

But perhaps he shouldn’t mock this human kid in this way, because in the previous game, he was also very calm, the water came to cover the earth, the soldiers came to block, although passive, the scheduling was still in order, and he did not commit any crimes. What a strategic mistake!

  So, his current behavior is suicide? A way to die without wanting to admit defeat?

  The gray dwarf can only think so, even though this thing is so funny.

  But in less than two seconds, the gray dwarf could no longer laugh, because it found that Lancaster was lifted by the air wave, and it flew in its own direction.

  The gray dwarf’s eyes changed immediately. As a general who was proud of his wisdom, he suddenly thought of a possibility.

  When this might appear in his mind, the gray dwarf glanced at the battlefield subconsciously. The situation on this battlefield was actually clear enough. Looking at it again, it was nothing more than deepening despair.

  There is no way! No solution!

  When these two words appeared in the gray dwarf's mind, Lancaster had fallen in front of the gray dwarf.

  He didn’t care about erasing the damage caused by the explosion, but drew out the strangely shaped weapon on his waist

  The gray dwarf yelled, and immediately got up from the command chair to run.

  But its proportions are so weird, short hands and feet, and it is destined to not run too much.

  And the weapon in Lancaster's hand that looked like a stick, a sword, and a pike was suddenly extended, and the gray dwarf was swept to the ground by Lancaster with a stick.

   Then the front part of the weapon split, and the tip of the sword in front of the weapon immediately popped out, and Lancaster's swift action picked up the entire gray dwarf.

   "I actually use many kinds of weapons, all of which are still good." While Lancaster spoke, his movements didn't stop, and the whole person jumped up, approaching the gray dwarf floating in the void.

The weapon shortened and folded again, forming a T-shaped stick. Lancaster squeezed the stick tightly. The stick stuck to Lancaster's arm, and Lancaster's arm slammed into the gray. Dwarf's head.

With a bang, the gray dwarf's head was visibly sunken.

"Because I came from a nobleman, or the kind of top nobleman. I don't care about the glory that the family imposes on me, because the glory belongs to the family, not mine. But I care how to maintain the glory of the family." Lancaster let go. , Holding one end of the T-shaped stick, with a light flick, the stick became straight, but folded again, a long blade popped from one end of the stick, turning into a Tang-like weapon.

  The tip of the knife hit the gray dwarf’s neck.

"So, I learn everything, just wrap the use of various weapons. And I have to learn well! Then, I have such a peculiar weapon. No one else has seen it, because there is no need to reveal too much." At the same time, Lancaster's knife was swung, and a deep mouth of blood appeared on the gray dwarf's neck.

  Red blood spewed out, but the gray dwarf hadn't died yet. It was breathing hard, but the backflow of blood immediately blocked its throat, only a continuous coughing in exchange.

"You are the first person to see my weapon, because I haven't fought happily yet. It's a pity that I'm going to fight, but you're bullying a person who is completely incompetent." Lancaster lay his hand down On the back of the knife, with a sound of'咵', the blade of the Tang sword was broken off, and another blade was ejected from the stick, and then spread out, enclosing the blade of the Tang sword, and the slender Tang sword became a thick one. Thick back knife.

   "The time is almost here, I will kill you neatly."

"I can tell you a word, from the beginning, I have decided my tactics from your reaction to the backlash! My goal is you from beginning to end." During the speech, Lancaster's The thick back knife has fallen heavily.

  The head of the gray dwarf flew up, and at that moment all the energy that was attacking him, the enemy of the unit immediately stopped moving and disappeared into the void.

  Universal children's general chess-Lancaster wins.

  After finishing all this, Lancaster exhaled heavily. He did not show a happy expression on his face, but a calm expression on his face.

  He put away his peculiar weapon and hung it around his waist again, but he said in his mouth: "If it were him, would it be faster to win?"

  Lancaster said he was undoubtedly Tang Ling!

  At the beginning of the duel, Lancaster observed the opponent's arms and was a little desperate for a while.

  In the back and forth scheduling, Lancaster can actually do better, but what about better? Under deduction, the probability of losing is too great.

  And at this time, Lancaster didn’t know why? I just thought of Tang Ling! In his eyes, Tang Ling was not a myth, but even so, as proud as Lancaster also admitted that Tang Ling is at least better than him in wisdom.

As Lancaster himself said, he is a person who is not hesitating to study. He consulted all the materials of Tang Ling, summarized all Tang Ling's victories, and put aside many appearances, he found that Tang Ling was an extremely detail-oriented person. , And people who will use the details.

  When thinking of this, Lancaster finally saw the dawn of victory.

  Since the giant tower of Nirvana is to sharpen a person, it will never use desperate conditions to sharpen it. Wouldn't that mean killing a person? What's the point?

  There must be an opportunity for victory hidden in the details. Lancaster began to observe, and then discovered that the gray dwarf on the opposite side was weak and pitiful, and what the opportunity for his victory was, as smart as Lancaster, he immediately understood.

  So, he chose to go back and forth in a proper way in the battle to cover up his strategic purpose.

  In addition, because the sacrifice of arms will cause backlash, and backlash is a force that will act on oneself, then it will definitely produce a reaction.

   Lancaster’s arms are many and weak. Every time Lancaster is backlashed, Lancaster will deliberately pretend to be unstable, retreat, roll over, and approach the opponent in the most natural way.

  Of course, when a certain warning line is reached, the other party will be vigilant.

  So, Lancaster’s final hole card is the low-level pawn

  Everything is so seamless, everything is just as arranged. When you find the right way, you will find that in all the arrangements that Nirvana Pagoda gives you, there is already an answer.

  Of course this was Lancaster’s own wisdom, but he still felt that Tang Ling seemed to be leading him faintly.

  But it doesn’t matter. Through learning, wouldn’t it be a good thing to turn what Tang Ling knows into what he knows?

   Lancaster's mouth raised a slight smile, and the whole person disappeared into the void.

  Nirvana Tower Hell-level difficulty seventh level-Lancaster clearance.


  The flames in the hands of the silver-winged nobles in front of them are like beautiful notes, one after another being bounced out.

   Just like once a piece of music is played, within a certain range, it always surrounds you, and the flame in front of you is the same, no matter how Tang Ling dodges, it always surrounds Tang Ling.

  These flames are completely different from the so-called tracking flames made by the silver-winged races before. They seem to have a certain spirituality and can be dodged, but what about dodge? They can continue to track Tang Ling without being manipulated.

  They are real notes. They always exist before the music is finished. You cannot shield them unless you leave this space or block your ears.

  Can this space be left? Obviously not!

  In the ice blue, this strange place under the moonlight with the hot temperature like the sun is shrouded by the music of flame death.

  Obviously, this piece of music cannot really block the ears to avoid it. For this death note, the only way to block the ears is to collide it with flames to make it disappear.

  Is this difficult for Tang Ling, who has already begun to understand flames? On the surface, it is definitely not difficult, because in the first level, Tang Ling had already chosen this approach and collided with the Akaka Fire Arrow.

   But what about reality? This is difficult!

The previous battles between Tang Ling and the Silver Wings were all in the cave. The strange silver liquid in the cave gave birth to flames. The mysterious power of the flame filled the cave. Tang Ling was affected by the rich flame power. Pushing, to the present day-seven and a half floors of Nirvana Tower, hell-level difficulty.

   But now, there are no caves, and no silver liquid.

  Everything was as Tang Ling had guessed before. When he met the senior sergeant, the cave had begun to get closer to the ground. When he faced the nobleman, he was already above the ground.

  What kind of place is this? It's hard to describe.

  Everything has a somber atmosphere, withered yellow grass with fishnet-like leaves, pale yellow, with a tree trunk like a rock, but a strange tree with red flowers growing on the branches.

  In addition to this, there are stones floating in the sky, of various sizes, like patches of shadows.

  All of these contained no flame power, they just formed a picture that made Tang Ling completely unfamiliar under the icy blue moonlight.

  Thinking that Tang Ling’s cleverness, of course, knew that no matter what the environment, or even the world, everything could not be ‘rootless’, just like a place where there is no flame power at all, no flame can be produced.

  So here, the source of all flames should come from the hot moon in the sky, if it can also be called the moon.

   But what is the use of all this? When he first touched the flame, Tang Ling's own flame power was very weak.

   Although it has become stronger through battles, but it is also limited in its strength, which can only support Tang Ling to send out five fireballs.

  Yes, five times stronger, isn’t it five fireballs? Tang Ling needs supplements from the outside world, but the supplements from the outside world are simply anyway, Tang Ling doesn't know how to resonate with the fire energy of the moon!

  After discovering this, Tang Ling could only dodge and dodge all the time, because theoretically speaking, he only had a maximum of nine chances to attack! This is the five times you count yourself, and you can also activate the technique and absorb it from the outside world.

  Yes, even activating the tactics has become difficult. This ubiquitous, endless stream of death music makes Tang Ling's time to squeeze very limited.

  So where are Tang Ling's enemies?

  It is actually on a boulder floating in the sky. It looks so elegant, wearing a dress similar to the planet, with long white cuffs, like a blooming flower.

  Compared with the silver-winged races before, its appearance is absolutely beautiful. Yes, it is beautiful in perfect proportion, which is even more pleasing to the eye.

  The most special thing is his wings, which are no longer insect-like wings, but a pair of wings similar to bird wings, but not as elegant as the angel wings in human legends.

  The feathers of this wing are black, and there are still silver runes on them, which are also more complicated than the silver runes on the silver-winged clan wings that Tang Ling had encountered before.

  It never looked at Tang Ling straight from beginning to end. The moment Tang Ling entered here, it just sat on the huge rock stool and gracefully played a piano-like instrument in front of him.

  The sound of this instrument is very strange, like a human bottom sound, and the music played is not good, at least it should not be appreciated by people in Tang Ling's world, like a long cry, one after another.

  But these are not the main points. The main point is that as soon as the music is played, flame flowers appear one after another around Tang Ling, and then begin to surround Tang Ling endlessly.

'Bang', Tang Ling hit the weird tree trunk heavily, the energy consumed by the subtle body technique is huge, and the subtle body technique is also passive in the face of this kind of spiritual flame, because the source is endless, so After a successful dodge, immediately followed by another need to dodge.

What can Tang Ling do? After two minutes, he will also become embarrassed.

  The opportunity to attack has been wasted once, and the result of the experiment is that the flames will cancel each other out, just like covering your ears.

  It’s a pity that the opponent’s flames came along with the music, so wouldn’t he only have eight offensive opportunities left? How to match it?

   Tang Ling thought about this, people had already avoided this place far away with the help of the reaction force of the strange tree.

  As soon as Tang Ling left, a burst of flames slammed on the strange tree, leaving a black scorch mark, and then whistling again, following Tang Ling.

  Unleash the type of war? Forced to kill? !

  Tang Ling's breathing started to be a little unsteady. Such a thought came into his mind, but he quickly denied it.

  It makes no sense! And returning to the level of **** difficulty is very costly. The number of Dream Coins is not fixed and will be deducted proportionally.

  The key is, if you choose the easy way, how can you sharpen yourself?

  In two minutes, Tang Ling was already completely familiar with the terrain here, and he also had a general understanding of the enemy's attack methods.

  But the environment is not helpful to me, the Nirvana Tower is very ruthless, and it directly takes away the factors that are beneficial to me.

  And the answers contained therein can be used by oneself-such as that mysterious moon, at least not in the current level.

  So, what can help yourself?

   Tang Ling dodged and thought.

  At this moment, the silver-winged nobleman who had been playing music in the sky finally looked at Tang Ling and gave a strange ‘Huh’.

   "Reptile, are you still alive so strong?" Its voice is very cold. It seems that calling Tang Ling a reptile is not that it intentionally insulted Tang Ling, but it really feels that Tang Ling is a reptile.

  "Why can't I live?" Tang Ling looked at the silver-winged nobleman, but in fact he was staring at the strange musical instrument of the silver-winged nobleman.

  What is the answer? This was the first time Tang Ling saw the silver-winged clan using a so-called weapon. Was the answer in the weapon?

Tang Ling’s precision instincts can see through energy fluctuations, but the energy fluctuations that envelope the silver-winged nobleman’s weapons did not make Tang Ling see anything special. It is surrounded by only the flame power fluctuations belonging to the silver-winged nobleman .

Is there a problem? Tang Ling dodges those flame attacks again, it is difficult to draw any conclusions easily.

  But at this time, the silver-winged nobleman seemed to be impatient and said, "I have wasted two minutes on a reptile. The game should be over."

As it spoke, its hands fell heavily on the keyboard of the weapon, and the cry-like music suddenly became intense, like a continuous cry with sadness and irritability. It became a howl after another.

  Tang Ling was very irritable, but it was the flames that had been entwining him and couldn’t be extinguished.

  As soon as these flames approached Tang Ling, they began to explode! Make the difficulty of dodge more complicated.

  In addition to this every time the flame bursts, two new ones will appear. Continue to follow Tang Ling.

   "Would you like to play so desperately?" Tang Ling was a little depressed, is that the difficulty of the **** level of the Nirvana Tower? Suppressing what you have just been familiar with is like squeezing out the hope you have just raised, and then leaving you unprepared to face a more difficult challenge that you are still completely unfamiliar with.

  What is the opportunity? What is the correct answer? It must be there, but what is it?

Tang Ling would never give up. He stared at the weapon that the silver-winged nobleman played and belonged to it. Since he didn't dare to easily deny whether the weapon was an opportunity, he would observe it again. .

  More and more flames began to envelop Tang Ling. Even with a meticulous body technique, it is impossible to avoid the wall of flames that are almost connected together, not to mention that these flames will explode!

  Tang Ling started to suffer unavoidable injuries and terrible burns, but at this time, Tang Ling finally found a very subtle and subtle difference in his weapon!

    The 6000 words in this chapter are to make up for yesterday, and there are still updates today



  (End of this chapter)