MTL - Dark Moon Era-Chapter 696 Wheel of the times

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  Chapter 697 Wheels of the Times

  Outside the dream area.

  No one knows, bypassing the most central area of ​​this dead fog area, there is a very weird-looking island behind it.

  How weird is it? Because this entire island is actually supported by a stone pillar, suspended above the sea, looking like an umbrella from a distance.

  Because the stone pillars are so tall, it is hard to see what is on this weird ‘umbrella island’ on the sea surface?

But from a distance, you can see a ship moored beside the huge stone pillar, and if this ship has a young man sailing in this resource season, you can recognize it at a glance. This is not what Tang Ling was driving when he came back. Is that warship that looks a little strange?

  At this time, the warship was tied to the stone pillar, and it undulated slightly with the undulations of the sea. The ship was quiet, like a ghost ship with no one.

  About ten seconds later, there was a slightly exaggerated exclamation from the boat.

   Who else can there be? This ship Tang Ling gave Cai Wuzhu to Cai Wuzhu. Naturally, the people on this ship can only be Cai Wuzhu.

   Ye Weiyang.

  Under the sky full of stars, in the waves of the waves, Cai Wuzhu half-prone on the deck, her expression is no different from that of the black snake bead who just woke up.

  She actually fell into a dream? Moreover, it is the messenger in the dream, and has repeatedly solemnly declared that it belongs to all mankind, and the dream of opening a new world.

  Is the mermaid also a member of human beings? Cai Wuzhu thought about this, her eyes flickered, and she was stunned for several seconds.

  At this moment, a small mutant marine fish jumped up on the quiet sea, drawn an elegant arc under the night sky, and landed in the sea with a ‘thump’.

  This voice alarmed Cai Wuzhu, she stood up with a ‘wow’, and couldn’t help but whispered, ‘Did he dream? ’

  She came here for two things, one is to gather something that the merman must have, and this thing is on this weird island.

  The second nature is to find the snakehead pearl, although it is not completely clear what exactly the snakehead pearl is going to do? But just stop him, lest he do anything irreversible.

   quickly walked to the edge of the deck, Cai Wuzhu made a weird gesture with both hands, then closed her eyes and began to listen quietly

  If it is a human being, on this quiet sea, besides the sound of wind and waves, what else can you hear?

  But Cai Wuzhu heard it. She heard the ‘boiling’ from the deep sea, and her face suddenly became extremely ugly, as if to be sure of something? She seemed to be unbelievable again, Cai Wuzhu changed a gesture, her pretty nose moved slightly, the sea breeze seemed to have a different breath, Cai Wuzhu's expression completely changed, she looked up at the top of the stone pillar.

  Sparsely grow a lavender red, with a thin mist of fungus above the stone pillars.

  This is what Caiwuzhu needs to collect this time, but now

That's too late! Cai Wuzhu's cheeks were bulging, and she looked angry and didn't know what to say. Then she took a deep breath and jumped into the sea.


   "Tang Ling!"

  "Tang Ling came out!"

As soon as he walked out of the door of the mystery store, Tang Ling's eyes trembled for a moment, and he appeared on the previous halo. Before he could react, he heard the teenagers on the halo shouting cheers like mountains and tsunami. , Still calling his name.

   "What happened? Did I become an idol?" Tang Ling's face showed a slightly shy expression, but in the bottom of his heart he didn't mind the ardent pursuit.

  Young people, who doesn’t want to be the center of the world and be worshipped? Even if you don't know the situation, it won't hinder the enjoyment.

   Just when Tang Ling was considering whether to wave his hand and respond to everyone's enthusiasm, several figures rushed over.

   Who else can there be? Isn’t it the partner on the Harvest?

  Han Xing punched Tang Ling on the shoulder, his face flushed, so excited, I don’t know what to say? Compared with Han Xing, Dongyang has to look a lot more stable, but he can hardly hide pride and excitement in his eyes. Although Tang Ling obtains the glory, Tang Ling is their partner, and he can still be born and die together. It is also a person whose destiny is destined to follow. , Can you not be proud? Can you not be proud?

  The other three had the same idea, but Xifeng was more direct, and he simply put his arms around Tang Ling's neck, yelling and jumping again, his eyes flushed with excitement.

What is the significance of Tang Ling’s reputation this time? Maybe the teenagers didn't think too much, but can they also get a general sense of what this means in the future?

  Compared to other partners, the fat man who was supported by Luo Li looked a bit ‘special’. He had a soft leg. If he hadn’t been supported by Luo Li, he would fall to the ground.

   And his expression was also very strange, looking at Tang Ling pitifully, not crying.

  Under his gaze, Tang Ling got goose bumps inexplicably, and immediately tore off Xifeng who was hanging on his neck.

   "Ah, Xifeng. Would you like to consider comforting the fat man." Tang Ling thinks the fat man is jealous?

   "Why should I comfort him? Does he need to comfort him?" Xifeng blinked a few times.

   "His clearance results may be average, you have to encourage it." Tang Ling said solemnly.

   "He is average? He has passed the eighth floor, and the evaluation is still S? It is better than my old lady. I want to beat him when I look at him." Xifeng gritted his teeth and said.

   "Huh?" Tang Ling was a little shocked, what's going on Fatty?

  And here Tang Ling just wants to ask Fatty, Fatty has already pounced on Tang Ling with tears: "Brother Tang Ling, help! I'm going to become a monster."

  Tang Ling felt dizzy, and Dongyang's expression became serious. He patted Tang Ling's shoulder and said, "Tang Ling, I have something important to tell you later."

  Tang Ling pulled away the fat man who threw himself at him, while preparing to answer Dongyang something. At this moment, a cough from the sky interrupted everything.

   "The final test is over, and the dream will also end." At the same time, a voice came from above.

  Hearing these words, everyone stopped cheering and discussing with excitement. They all looked towards the sky, and their expressions became solemn.

The Nirvana Tower did give the teenagers a different shock, and a lot of inexplicable thoughts and emotions, but as the voice said, the dream is about to end, everything will eventually return to reality, and if you return to reality, first One thing that cannot be ignored is the resources needed to promote the Purple Moon Warrior! After all, this is the purpose of this voyage.

  And isn’t the achievement of Nirvana Pagoda closely related to the allocation of resources?

In silence, Liuhe's figure appeared in the sky. At this time, the sky was like an invisible staircase. Liuhe stepped down step by step until he was 20 meters away from the teenagers. Liuhe finally stopped. Stepped down.

  His expression is serious at this time, without the smile that has remained unchanged for thousands of years, after taking a deep look at the teenagers on the halo, he suddenly said something inexplicable.

   "Everything is changing. No one predicts when the change will happen? Then the only way we can do is to prepare as much as we can before the big change comes."

  Hearing these words, most of the teenagers frowned involuntarily, feeling that their hearts suddenly became a little heavier.

"Now that the change has taken place, you need to remember today. If nothing happens, after today, you will become the purple moon fighters, and you will also become the group of people who are at the forefront of the times, the more outstanding people. Destined to take on more responsibilities." While talking, Liuheyi waved his sleeves.

Suddenly a sea area appeared in the sky. On the sea area floated one after another exactly the same boat. In addition, this sea area also had a reef circle formed by two circles of rocks. A discerning person would know at a glance that this phantom-like sea area is In the sea under the huge tower imitating Nirvana.

  Liuhe has produced this 3D projection, which should be meaningful, but I don’t know why? The teenagers always feel that Liuhe's specious words hide some heavy facts, so no one has paid attention to the 3D projection of that sea area for the time being, but is thinking about other issues.

  In the silence, some teenagers finally couldn’t help but speak: “Please tell us, what are the responsibilities to bear?”

"Yeah, what is the meaning of existence in this era? We don't understand. We have only seen the complete collapse of the pre-civilization order. The weak and the strong are the final rule. Under chaos, survival is the meaning. In such an era, we need What is the responsibility? Will order be restored?"

  The teenagers present are all geniuses. Many of them come from good backgrounds and know a lot. Therefore, even teenagers, the questions raised are quite meaningful.

  Faced with the questions raised by the teenagers, Liuhe put his hands in his sleeves and listened calmly. It was not until the slightly agitated teenagers calmed down that he slowly said, “Of course it’s necessary to rebuild order.”

   "But who can prove that the strong eating of the weak may not be the most suitable moment?"

What does this sentence mean? The teenagers only need to think about it for a moment, and then they will react. Liuhe said that this world of the weak and the strong should be? Is appropriate?

  Hearing this answer, if you are an adult, you will feel safe. After all, reality is like this. Since you cannot resist, then accept it, because in reality, there are too many things that are more important than ideals and unwillingness.

  But the teenagers have an unspeakable anger in their hearts, like an old saying, ‘when the world becomes real in your eyes, then your youthful time is over’.

The   Six merger was not impressed by the anger of the teenagers, because these proud sons of the emperor have experienced too little, been protected, and piled up by resources, which is actually out of touch with this era.

  This is not the moment when the doomsday has just come. Regardless of whether the era is weak or not, but at least the efforts of the previous generation have made the next generation not exposed to so much cruelty.

  But what they don’t know is that this era is destined not to move towards beauty, and temporary tranquility is also an illusion

  A new world is here, but this is a new world that is ringing the death knell!

Since the huge tower of Nirvana is already open, this group of teenagers who are destined to stand on top in the future should also be sober.

Therefore, Liuhe relentlessly added another sentence: "Have you ever thought that the weak eating the strong eating is a kind of screening? Isn't the evolutionary rule like this? If a race wants to move forward, it always has to abandon the weak and cannot adapt to the environment. ! Otherwise, it is this ethnic group that will be eliminated."

"So, what's your responsibility? Isn't it about the burden of the ethnic group? When standing in this position, do you think that you should be the one who treats the weak and the strong? Does it think that even the sacrifice is respected, and the painful being abandoned, You have to endure your sorrow and move forward coldly?" At this point, Liuhe smiled again, his smile is still so kind, but I don't know why it looks like a cold cruelty in the eyes of the teenagers.

  The teenagers of this era are not considered naive. Compared with the pre-civilized teenagers, they are too precocious, but they are not necessarily able to accept such naked words.

  Tang Ling stood in the middle of the teenagers, holding Luo Li's shoulders, expressionless, he grew up from the settlement, accepting all this without any obstacles, but Tang Ling sighed in his heart.

   suddenly turned his head and looked at Dongyang: "What do you want, tell me now."

  Dongyang was taken aback, don’t you listen to such important words? However, Tang Ling's eyes were firm, and Dongyang subconsciously obeyed, and whispered in Tang Ling's ear the deepest secrets of their four sons in the south, east, north and west.

  Tang Ling's small movements were all seen by Liuhe, and he would naturally not stop it. This young man who had been gambled with all hope by Kun, might understand everything, understand everything.

   Only hope, he will not let Kun lose his hope.

  Thinking of this, Liuhe was a little bit disappointed, and I didn’t want to say any more. Today, all the seeds have been planted, and the leading heroes that should appear have also dazzlingly launched them in a special way. Everything will be different because of today.

  The key is that the new world has arrived, and all the truths hidden under the water are about to emerge, and these young people will eventually understand everything in front of them.

   "I just said that the change has already happened. Therefore, we also have a lot of things to deal with. The dream is about to end, and the last thing will be done in a simple and fair way."

   "This matter is about your promotion resources."

  Finally, it’s the question. Although the teenagers are inexplicably heavy and uneasy, the reality in front of them is the most important thing. What is a simple and fair way? Doesn't everything that the mysterious voice said before forget it?

  Liuhe no longer spoke too much at this time. Instead, he waved his hand and assigned a standard number to each ship on that illusory sea.

  “The rules are the same as before, but don’t waste your time doing it yourself. These boats represent your ships, and your achievements in the Nirvana Tower will still be converted into tidal power.”

  "These boats will automatically simulate the final result according to the tidal force you have obtained. Of course, where these boats will eventually stay, where will the boats below you stay, out of danger."

  "And what is the result of the simulation? You will also get the corresponding resources. This saves time, so I don’t accept objections." Liuhe said with a smile. In fact, what's the objection to this? The rules have not changed, and everything is open and transparent.

  After Liuhe announced all this, an assistant appeared and began to announce the corresponding group and the corresponding boat for each teenager.

  When the assistant announced, a huge list also appeared in the sky, with the achievements of every teenager clearly written on it.

  In the domain of dreams, of course there will be no mistakes or omissions in all this, but when this achievement appears naked in front of everyone, everyone’s feelings are still very complicated.

  However, the children of pre-civilization have to face all this early, whether it is a spur or a suppression is a matter of the benevolent and the wise.

  With the announcement of the groupings, the results on this list have also changed to correspond to the force of the tide, falling on each ship.

  "Are there any mistakes or omissions?" Liuhe asked at this moment.

  The teenagers all shook their heads, naturally there were no errors or omissions, no grouping, and no grades.

   "Then these ships will begin to move forward." Liuhe said lightly, this time the final result of the storm sailing ended with such an unexpected simulation, right?


  Dark seabed.

At this time, it has become a terrifying hell, countless huge ocean beasts suppressing a terrifying restless madness, swimming back and forth in the deep sea, pairs of scarlet eyes, looking like boiling magma, swimming. Here, it feels like standing on the edge of a volcano that is about to erupt.

   "Black snakehead pearl, are you crazy?" Cai Wuzhu passed through the dense ocean beasts, and stood opposite the black snakehead pearl. The distance between the two was only about 20 meters.

At this time, the face of the snakehead pearl has become pale, and although the chest with a blood hole no longer overflows the blood that made the ocean beast crazy, the slightly pale wound edge shows that the snakehead pearl is already in an extremely weak state. .

  "You can stop me." Looking at Cai Wuzhu, Wuzhuzhu smiled miserably, and then said: "The premise is that you dare to pay the same price as me."

   Surprisingly, Cai Wuzhu was not angry when faced with the words like this, she showed a sad expression instead.

  Tears gradually moved into the distance between her eyes, like a faint mist over her bright eyes.

  "Are you sorry for me?" Wu Chanzhu was a little tired, and sat on the huge rock.

  "You will die." Cai Wuzhu's voice choked a little.

  But Wu Chanzhu didn't care at all. He looked at Cai Wuzhu, his voice was very soft: "Am I going to be a sinner of the mermaid tribe?"

"Do you still care about this now?" Cai Wuzhu shook her head sadly, then swam forward, and grabbed Wu Chanzhu's wrist: "Go, come back with me. Going back now, the result will not be too bad. , You can make up some of your losses and let your life go"

  "Can't go back!" Wu Chanzhu broke free from Cai Wuzhu's hand, then raised his head and said: "Our mermaid has a long life, but my love is a human being. She doesn't have that long life."

   "So, I am willing to do this. Without her, what would I do for such a long life?"

   "Why are you so confused! Can you live like this for ten years? You can't even survive your so-called lover!!" Cai Wuzhu cried out with a little collapse.

"And, why do you want to do such a thing for her?! Is there a mermaid in your eyes? Have you forgotten your hope and responsibility? I really don't think she is sincere to you." Cai Wuzhu As he spoke, a tear fell, and he pulled the snakehead's wrist and said: "I don't care, I will take you away forcibly."

   "Cai Wuzhu, don't force me. Otherwise, as I said before, unless you are willing to pay the same price, nothing can stop me." Wu Chanzhu's eyes were firm.

   "Are you going to let these fierce beasts attack me?" Cai Wuzhu couldn't believe it: "Are you really completely crazy?"

Wuzhuzhu shook his head and said, "Of course I don't want to be like this. Cai Wuzhu, you have to believe that when I chose Sama, I also chose a concept. No matter whether the mermaid people agree with it or not, but when I choose, I'm already determined and don't plan to look back.

  "What is that?" Cai Wuzhu asked sadly.

   "Destroy mankind, weaken mankind! Destroy their genius, maybe after 20 or 30 years, the mermaid will not need it." There was a longing smile on the pale face of the black snakehead pearl.

"You can't destroy, humans are the most tenacious! If you do this, you will only completely push the mermaid to the opposite of humans! The path we have to choose should be integration! Integration!" Cai Wuzhu's heart surged. With a deep sense of powerlessness, she couldn't help but shook her head, almost speaking to the black snakehead in a roaring voice.

   "Let's go, I won't look back. There is no reason." Wu Chanzhu's hand stroked her wound, and there was also sadness in her eyes.

  "Black Chanel, you follow me" Cai Wuzhu's voice choked again.

"Cai Wuzhu, the luckiest thing about the merman tribe is that besides me, there is a better you. If I am wrong, you must carry the merman tribe on your back. Of course you can’t pay the same price as me. Stop this, the mermaid clan can’t lose you.” Wu Chanzhu couldn’t help stroking Cai Wuzhu’s hair as he spoke: “My sister, don’t force a person who has come to a dead end to turn his head and prove everything. The choices are all wrong, isn't it more cruel than killing him?"

  "Black Channa Pearl" Cai Wuzhu leaned against the black Chanzhu’s legs, and finally couldn't help but start crying.

   "Let's go, do what you should do. That was the last warmth just now. If you don't leave next, I will force you to go." Wu Chanzhu urged.

  Cai Wuzhu raised her eyes full of tears: "You are so clear"

   "Go!" Wu Yinzhu frowned: "There is a force blocking me and protecting the ships in the core area. But this force will disappear, and then you will be unable to do anything."

  Cai Wuzhu wiped away her tears, and stood up while swimming, looking at the black snakehead.

  The black snakehead drooped her head, looking at the rock under her feet, wondering what she was thinking about?

Cai Wuzhu opened her mouth, what else did she want to say? But in the end he didn't say anything, just gritted his teeth, then turned and headed toward the sea.

Can    stop it? Can everything be saved? You have to try everything, the black snakehead pearl can't die!

  Cai Wuzhu saw the figure of a young man—Tang Ling, yes, can Tang Ling stop all of this?


  "Can you move faster?" Sama looked at herself in the mirror, frowning impatiently, and beside her, two special talents from the Star Council were busy.

  Is there any power stronger than the Star Council? Is there anyone greater than the most mysterious leader of the Star Council?

  Can drag people out of the dream forcibly, and then have the clearest judgment of the situation, and always make the most correct choice at the most critical time.

  Sama can't help but sigh when she thinks of it!

  Just like now, she was forcibly dragged out of her dream, and then she boarded a ship waiting outside the island where she was.

After she got on the ship, the ship moved at full speed toward the death fog area. The other two special talents from the Star Council began to make up for her, to be real, so that people could not see the flaws and let her show serious injuries. status.

  In the meantime, Sama received a mission from the mysterious leader of the Star Council. There is only one key to this mission. In any case, it is necessary to stimulate the black snakehead to complete that great mission and kill the geniuses in the cradle.

  All! It's not just Tang Ling!

"This will be the most sincere past, and the most precious gift that we can offer when our time comes in the future." The leader said at the end before he hung up the call, but asked Sa Ma was so excited!

  Others can’t understand a sentence, but Sama understands what it means? Hidden behind this is the deepest concept of the Star Council!

  The era will prove that the Star Council is right, and for her, choosing the Star Council is also the most correct decision.

Thinking about what happened this time, Sama's heart was full of awe. For example, she had heard a lot of things about dream seeds, like what dreams refract reality. When dream seeds are injured and died, reality will have the same result. .

  But she was dragged out but she was unharmed.

  Besides the Star Council, is there any force that can do it?

  Sama in the mirror gradually showed various natural bruises on her face, redness and swelling, but she usually cares about her appearance but she is very happy at this time.

  The last scene, what the **** did the poor, crazy boy, Wu Chanzhu do? Let the leader care so much, and even give her personal orders.

   But no matter what he did? All proved one thing, this kid is really an innocent lover, isn't he?

  Sama had no expression on her face, picked up the lipstick from the front of the cabinet, produced from the former civilization, preserved in a special way, and guaranteed no deterioration at all, painted her lips, and after admiring it for a few seconds, she wiped it off.

  The most sincere and the most precious.

  I'm afraid I really did a great job this time, right?

The wheels of the times, under the impetus of these core figures, are moving forward quickly, but everyone at this time does not know that before the arrival of the new world, the most exciting drama will be under their performance. Wonderful staged.

    I vowed to start writing at 10 o'clock. Up to now, I have produced a 7000-word chapter, which is considered to be the completion of what I said yesterday. I don’t have time to update today. I’m going to make an outline and let everyone know in advance.



  (End of this chapter)