MTL - Darkness is Coming-Chapter 57 flying head

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   five days ago.

   "What should we do if a particularly powerful or particularly intelligent mutant escaped the control and came close to us?" Yang Xiaoqian asked, blowing the fishy sea breeze on the shore of Paradise Island.

   "It doesn't matter." Yu Qian, who was wearing a metal protective vest, didn't care, "I can fly now." After speaking, Yu Qian showed the graceful style of walking on a sword. In the past few days, under the influence of various sci-fi, magic and fantasy movies and the constant inspiration of Yang Xiaoqian, Yu Qian has developed many new applications for his own abilities.

   "Then what should I do?" Yang Xiaoqian gave Yu Qian only a zero for his own behavior.

   "Aren't you able to fly too?" Yu Qian meant that Yang Xiaoqian could let the Black Phantom hold him up.

Yang Xiaoqian raised his index finger and shook it from side to side, saying, "First of all, the black ghost is only three meters tall, and with both hands raised on tiptoe, it can only lift me about five meters. Second, if you want to keep supporting me, how can the black ghost fight? "

   Couldn't think of a reason to refute, and couldn't think of a solution, Yu Qian lost his patience, frowned and said, "Why do you think so much? It's only been so long, how could there be such a strong mutant?"

"People without thought, he must worry about."

   "Then what do you say?"

  Yang Xiaoqian pondered for a while, looked at the silver ring on Yu Qian's wrist, and looked at the flying sword at Yu Qian's feet, he had an idea.

   "If that happens, I have several plans to deal with..."


   Just before the attack succeeded, Li Jinkui was surprised to find that the disguised panic on the food's face was swept away, and he showed a smile. What are you laughing at? Why would a dying person laugh?

   The long black windbreaker fell to the ground, and Li Jinkui's sharp eyes, comparable to a falcon, instantly saw a row of grenades hanging on the inside of the windbreaker, and the pull tab had fallen.

   "Want to die with me?" Li Jinkui suddenly stopped and wanted to step back. For ordinary people, the instant acceleration that could shatter his internal organs and cause death was just a tickling.

   Yang Xiaoqian's smile was more obvious, which made Li Jinkui extremely annoyed, because this "victory smile" was still hanging on his face a second ago. How can a dead person laugh so happily?

   Li Jinkui couldn't figure it out, but the next moment facts gave him the answer.

  Yang Xiaoqian rose into the air, ten meters off the ground, while Li Jinkui was pressed to the ground by the huge force from the back of his head, covering his windbreaker.

  Only Yang Xiaoqian and Yu Qian knew that Yang Xiaoqian was wearing a metal vest under his coat, and a row of grenades hung under his windbreaker. These two things reflect Yang Xiaoqian's absolute trust in Qian: if Yu Qian wants to murder the plot, Yang Xiaoqian will surely die. But even knowing this, Yang Xiaoqian still wore them because Yang Xiaoqian was willing to choose to trust Yu Qian, and because they were a life-saving trump card at a critical moment.

   It can be seen from the battle just now that the power of the Black Phantom cannot stop Li Jinkui, and relying on the Black Phantom to defend himself can only slightly delay the death time by half a second or a second.

   Therefore, Yang Xiaoqian did not let the black ghost stand in front of him, but let the black ghost jump high.

   When Li Jinkui rushed towards Yang Xiaoqian, Yu Qian had already given up control of the flying sword and hidden weapon, and untied the grenade's grip.

   When Li Jinkui was about to succeed, Yu Qian raised his hand and used a metal vest to send Yang Xiaoqian, who had taken off his windbreaker, into the air, while the black ghost, who had already leaped high, fell from the air and stepped on Li Jinkui's head and shoulders.

  The black ghost is composed of invisible matter, has its own mass and is affected by gravity, which Yang Xiaoqian has experimented countless times.

   With the power of the Black Phantom itself, Li Jinkui could not be suppressed, but with the addition of the Black Phantom's own weight and the acceleration of gravity, Li Jinkui was trampled to the ground with one foot, and even the asphalt road had deep cracks.

   The explosion sounded again.

  Li Jinkui's body was lifted up by the orange-red firelight and then stepped on by the black ghost again. All the broken shrapnel plunged into his body, causing no innocent casualties.

  The corpse rope wrapped around Li Jinkui's legs again, even though he was motionless like a corpse.

   "Are you dead?" Wang Hai asked nervously.

   Yu Qian hesitated for a moment, then shook his head and said, "It shouldn't be there yet. Let's smash the brain first and take out the brain nucleus. No matter what kind of mutant it is, without the brain nucleus, it will definitely die."

   After finishing speaking, Yu Qian controlled the flying sword to stab Li Jinkui's head.

  The black ghost pressed his upper body, tied the corpse rope to bind his legs, and pointed the flying sword directly at his eyes. No one thought there would be an accident this time, but it happened again.

  Li Jinkui's neck swelled suddenly, then shrank suddenly, bursting with a "pop", and his head was instantly blasted dozens of meters away like a cannonball in the blood mist that burst from the neck.

When the spherical head bounced on the ground, two small feet protruded from the section of the head and neck to speed up the flight, and the two ears on the head turned into a pair of fleshy wings. Accelerate, flap, flap, flap.

Seeing Li Jinkui's head flying away like a fat bird, Wang Hai swallowed his saliva, turned to look at the people who were stunned by this change, and asked, "Am I blinded, or did his head really grow legs? Got wings?"

   "Captain, you are not dazzled." A crossbow team member beside him widened his eyes, his whole body trembling, "What kind of monster is that?"

  Yang Xiaoqian fell slowly from midair, and when his feet stepped on the ground again, there was an abnormal feeling of weakness and softness. After getting used to it, Yang Xiaoqian asked the same question: "What is that?"

   "I don't know." The shock and amazement on Yu Qian's face was no less than that of the others, "Chase or not? It doesn't fly away too fast."

"Stop chasing, be careful if there is another accident. We consume a lot, and we won't be able to support it for long." Yang Xiaoqian remained cautious, shook his head and refused, his slightly trembling icy hands reached out towards the air on the upper body, patted again, and then remembered his own The windbreaker had already been taken off, and the cigarette in the windbreaker pocket had disappeared in a violent explosion.

   "Come here with a pack of cigarettes!" Yang Xiaoqian waved at the van, and someone immediately ran over to bring a pack of Hongjiang brand cigarettes that had just been opened, and then respectfully raised the lighter in his hand to light it.

   "Give me one." Unexpectedly, Yu Qian asked for a cigarette.

  Yang Xiaoqian winked, and the guy with the lighter beside him smartly ran to give Yu Qian a cigarette.

   Seeing Yu Qian clumsily learning his posture and breathing smoke, Yang Xiaoqian couldn't help laughing and said, "I ruined you again."


"Yeah, again." Yang Xiaoqian did not continue to explain, but turned back to the previous topic, "Unlike the masked loli we met before, that mutant is very special. Whether it is the tone of voice or subconscious The movements are all too human, and even in battle, they are used to using their limbs instead of their teeth. Why?"

   "I don't know." Yu Qian touched the pocket watch in his hand, where the information he needed was recorded, but the living corpse crisis broke out during the Ming Shenzong period. After four hundred years of war, there was very little information left.

"In the end, he even shot his head as a cannonball. What is this?" Yang Xiaoqian recalled the extremely disgusting scene, his mouth twitched, "Did it evolve long ago, similar to the survival mechanism of a gecko's tail? Or? Temporary mutation?"

   "I don't know, is there a difference?" Yu Qian narrowed his eyes, remembering the bitterness in his mouth when he first smoked. At that time, he never thought that his body would adapt to the smell of burning tobacco so quickly.

"Of course there is a difference. If it is the former, then he is just a very strange mutant, and the next time I encounter it, it will be its death." With the accumulation of experience in this battle, Yang Xiaoqian is confident that he will be able to finish the next time. To abuse the same enemy, "But if it's the latter, it means that he is likely to have the ability to evolve and mutate autonomously, just like a skill tree, and he needs something... If that's the case, then he's really a nightmare."

   "Hmph, our strength will continue to increase, so don't be afraid of him. Don't grow up with others' ambition to destroy your own prestige." Yu Qian felt that he seemed to be despised.

   "I hope so." Yang Xiaoqian greeted the people in the convoy, "Don't sleep, get ready to go."

   "Let's go now? I haven't rested for a long time." Wang Hai worried that tiredness would bring danger.

   "God knows how long it will take for the mutant to fully recover, and I don't know if he has any companions or if there are other mutants nearby." Yang Xiaoqian insisted on his opinion and said to Qian, "Please, let's take a look at the route."

   These days, the convoy did not encounter a large group of corpses. It was all due to Yu Qian taking the telescope Yujian into the sky and making a temporary cameo as a reconnaissance plane.

"I'm very tired." Yu Qian beckoned to take back a lot of equipment, and said, "Let me take a break and talk about it." Yu Jian's lift into the sky is not easy, and it is not easy for Qian, otherwise they don't need to borrow a helicopter. Just rely on Yu Qian to lift off and drop the flyers.

   Yang Xiaoqian was trying to persuade him to leave as soon as possible, when a strong light hit his face from a distance.

   "I'm Geng Zhiping from the former Armed Police Detachment!"

   "Put down your weapon and put your head in your hands!"

   "Put down your weapon and put your head in your hands!"

   "Everyone immediately put down their weapons and knelt down with their hands on their heads and knees. This is the last warning!"

   A rough male voice came out from the loudspeaker and shouted three warnings at a fast pace.

The distance between the    high beams and the convoy quickly shrank, and several armored vehicles and a tank broke through the light curtain to reveal their figures.

The roaring sound of the helicopter's wings gradually became clearer from top to bottom. A combat helicopter hovered over the road, with a few claw marks left on the protective armor that could withstand 12.7mm bullets. The 23mm single-barreled cannon and weapon hangers on the front of the aircraft. Rack-mounted quadruple missiles warn the target not to act rashly.