MTL - Dawn of the Grey Tower-Chapter 24 knight

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Many times, the winning balance will be tilted for unexpected reasons, as it is now. The guards and cheese in the camp were already overwhelmed by the huge number of cavemen, but because of the emergence of this unexpected team, the morale on the battlefield instantly changed. For experienced fighters, this time is often the beginning of a change in the battle. The gradually high morale was directly reflected in the soldiers' combat capabilities. The passive situation began to change. The battle on the camp wall quickly calmed down. All the people on the battlefield turned their attention to the sudden soldiers.

"A big guy was killed! It only took a sword! It was a knight!" Jack shouted loudly. He saw with his own eyes that the pioneer of the team cut off a big head of a caveman with just one sword. Although this is because of the inertia of horsepower, but in the melee fight to kill the opponent's leader, this requires the shooter to have a good grasp of all aspects of speed, strength and angle of shot, there is no doubt that it can be done easily Only specially trained knights.

As we all know, knights and cavalry are different, or they are similar in that they only have mounts. A knight must not only train swordsmanship, but also learn how to control his mount skillfully. Although other arms often laugh at the knight who has lost his horse, he is only an infantry who can play a little, but as long as the knight is on horseback, Their superb fighting skills are enough for them to play several times the value of other arms. Combined with different weapons equipped according to the needs of the battle situation, they have a terrible impact that ordinary cavalry can't match.

However, compared to cavalry or other arms, true knight training is very long and arduous, and this is also accompanied by high expenditures, whether it is the breeding of war horses, special knight armor, or special guns, knight swords, etc. The combat strength of a knight is directly proportional to the difficulty of training. Therefore, even in an entire Cangshi Kingdom, the number of knights with the title of knight that can be supported will not exceed 300. They often appear on the battlefield as the vanguard of the war group or the blade to reverse the defeat, playing a finalizing effect. As such an ace arm, it is difficult to imagine it will appear in the caves of the Longji Mountains.

"Sword and hammer symbol, is the hammer hammer knight!"

As the ranks of knights gradually approached, the symbols on their battle flags could also be recognized. The knight swords and warhammers crossed on the **** red background told their identities. This is the owner of the Lord Duke of the Hammer, and the Cangshi Kingdom is the most The knights of Duke Hammer, one of the people close to the center of power. Although the territory is not bordered, this does not prevent the Frost Guards from recognizing their emblems. After all, as the second largest knight in the kingdom, the Hammer Knights are second only to the Kingdom Knights in the Cangshi Kingdom.

This is the first time the cheese has seen a knight in the secular world. Although he has seen the word knight in various documents or materials and even novel stories, the master today is the only one who has truly seen the greatest order in this era. The look of a longing warrior. A whole body of knight armor painted with bright red oil paint, and even the war horses under their crotch are covered with a layer of light armor. These warriors resembling iron cans are like killing machines. With only 30 people, they have been rushed away like a bamboo. The number of enemies is far greater than that of their own enemies. For cavemen who lack shaped weapons like spears, the defense of these knights is simply desperate. Due to the distance between the opponents, these knights did not use the signature lance, but used one-handed broad swords to fight. Although the one-handed swords lacked strength compared to the two-handed swords, the horsepower of the knights was well compensated In addition to the insufficient weight of the weapons, not to mention, these cavemen are basically naked, fighting the sword with their flesh and blood, the consequences can be imagined.

"Oh my god, I'm right! The gods are on top. Isn't that the one that rushed to the front is Lord Heather?" The exclamation of "Monkey" attracted the attention of others, if the presence of the Hammer Knights Bring hope to people, then the female knight who rushed to the forefront feels shocking.

Sword like the running water is simple and deadly. The move and the move are suffocating. The long sword in the hand of the knight is like a poisonous snake in the desert, vomiting death and eager for blood. And her tacit cooperation with the war horse also made it difficult for the enemy's attack to touch its clothing corner. The knight decorated with a tuft of red mane on the top of the helmet was like a Valkyrie, arbitrarily harvesting life in the enemy formation, where the war horse arrived Where, splashes of red blood mist. The cheese never considered killing, especially the killing with a sword. In the eyes of the mage, the most effective and deadly attack should be the pursuit of cold weapons, but watching the battle of female knights, the cheese felt for the first time. Waving the sword will also produce beauty. The arcs crossed by the sword light can also jump like the rhythm in the music. Every time you hack, the stab is like a kind of ritual dance, even if the person is on horseback, but she However, his movements are unconstrained, which is a manifestation of equestrianism and swordsmanship reaching a certain extremely high level.

"Roar Karma!" The appearance of the Knights also naturally attracted the cavemen's attention. Although the opponent was overwhelmed by the opponent and killed a leader, the other two big cavemen also reacted at this time, they gave a deafening roar There is a layer of gray light gleaming faintly on the body surface.

"It's stone skin! Those big hairs are angry!" Hahn looked at the source of the roar and said aloud.

The so-called stone skin is a physical talent of the caveman. When these guys enter an angry state, their skin will instinctively tighten and harden, and their hardness will become comparable to the original stone ~ ~ It is difficult to damage them with iron weapons, which is the real reason why these big men can become the leaders of the cave people. Generally, when the Frost Guardian encounters this situation, he will temporarily give up, and plan to siege as a unit. Three or four groups of soldiers cooperate with each other to disperse the attention of the big man, let it look ahead and wait until the big man is exhausted. They swarmed to kill them. When these cavemen are exhausted, it is difficult for them to maintain this stone skin form, and soldiers can approach them and try to kill them.

However, the knights who had rushed under the camp wall did not seem to think so. I do n’t know whether these knights did not understand the horror of the stone skin or the blades of their opponents were confident. The camp wall charged forward in the direction of the bulk, and it looked like it was preparing to meet the two angry troglodytes.

"Crazy, all crazy, they want to solve those two big guys head-on!" Jack said.

He wanted to remind him of the danger of stone skin. But the female knight at the top of the team has raised her hand to raise the knight sword in her hand. As she suddenly pointed the sword at the two burrowing cavemen, the entire knight team launched a second charge! Those ordinary cavemen had been slain by these red gods of death, they pushed each other to give way to a passage.

So a dramatic scene happened, backed against the wooden wall of the camp, the knights charged at the two roaring monsters under the watch of the enemy and comrades. The result of their collision is not only related to their own lives, but also to the lives of all the residents of the entire Sweetwater Town in the camp. At this moment, neither the guards of Sweetwater Town, the soldiers from Frost, nor the mages in gray robes Holding his breath consciously, waiting for the moment when the two meet.