MTL - Decadent Beauty, Rely on Gou Became Popular-Chapter 77 I saved my life today (editing)

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Six in the afternoon.

The four of the red team found nothing in the hotel room and could only re-discuss a new battle plan.

"Actually, you can give us the third tip now."

Xiao Mengfei spread her hands.

The rest of the RED team nodded.

Qu Jien was helpless and agreed with this statement.

Red Team PD's scalp is numb, "Teachers, I think you can work harder."

【Yes, try to escape. 】

[emmm, work hard... or you will be wiped out by the soft cubs, red team. 】

[Use the third kit at this time, which may be accelerated death. PD is not allowed to use it, that's right. 】

[Once you open the door now, you will be finished. 】

The red team does not know their situation yet, and it has been exposed.

It doesn't matter much anymore.

The camera turned, the bag was soft, and she was studying the red carpet at the door of the room.

The door of each hotel room is covered with a carpet.

If there are shoes on it, the collapse direction of the carpet hair is different from the one that has just been cleaned.

The room on the fourth floor where they stayed.

There are 16 rooms in total.

Then reset.

I took another look at the blankets in front of the other rooms.

【Look at it with a magnifying glass! 】

The barrage was about to discuss her actions.

Bao Ruanruan had already walked back to the room and spoke to the three teammates who were puzzled.

"The blanket at our door has traces of rolling wheels."

Qu Feifei was stunned, "Car?"

"Yes, we didn't have it when we went out before dinner, but now we have it on the blanket."

The package is soft and soft.

"It should be a tool cart for hotel cleaning or food delivery."

[! 】


The photographer who heard this sentence immediately carried the camera and took a picture of the carpet in front of the door.

Sure enough, there are several clear roller tracks on the red soft wool carpet with the word Saturday.

These are not mere footprints.

The photographer turned back to the room and photographed the serious little face with a soft and serious analysis.

"I think we should ask room service."

"Have they come in to clean and what is the cleaning time of our room."

These words hit the nail on the head.

Lu Wenxi felt that something was wrong.

"Ordinary room cleaning should not be done at this time of night."

Many guests have returned to their rooms by this time.

Cleaning again will interfere with everyone's rest.

In addition, the hotel check-out time is generally from 12:00 to 2:00 pm.

Before new guests check in, they will be cleaned first.

Like them, just checked in today, and the room service came to clean after 5 o'clock in the evening, which is really unreasonable.

If it wasn't for the arrangement of the show team, then there would be a real ghost.

Qu Feifei immediately paid attention.

"Then I'll ask, you wait."

Bao nodded softly, "You can call someone else."

Don't let your guard down.

What if there are bad guys?

Qu Feifei simply asked Zhen Xuan to join her.

Zhen Xuan is also a sweet-natured person. If she encounters room service as an aunt, she will definitely like him.

The photographer on the spot went with them.

Only the bag was left standing with the PD.

The photographer only left halfway when he heard a soft voice behind him.

"So, I guessed it?"

"Live footage, also think that cleaning the workplace is the key message? We are in the room, but it's useless?"

Photographer: "!"

Liu Qiu: "!"

[…hehehe. 】

【The soft and soft routine is deep. 】

【Soft: Why are you so unscrupulous? 】

【Soft cub: I just tried you out lightly. 】

Qu Feifei listened, and went to the tool room to find someone faster.

Run with Zhen Xuanfei.

The attackers and defenders who grabbed the props and got the bonus were changed again without knowing it!

"Oh, we went to your room to clean, but we didn't touch your things. It was a few teachers who came to study."

Auntie Cleaning was blank in front of the camera.

"Aren't you together?"

She looked at Qu Feifei and Zhen Xuan.

Handsome guys and beauties are all artists.

To my aunt, it is a group.

"Didn't you record a show? But you have two rooms at the front desk, it seems that they are all together."

Zhen Xuan instantly shouted, "Is there four people on the other side!"

"That's right," there was a trolley in the tool room of the room service, "Our manager said that the four stars of them want to come to learn how to clean the guest room, so they will use the room opened by your program team. I did a demo."

"They tried too."

A room opened by the same program group…

Four stars.

"It really is the red team!"

Qu Feifei had an epiphany.

"Where are they now?"

Zhen Xuan smiled like a flower, "Auntie, do you know their room? We lost contact with them because the phone was taken away by the show team."

This...of course.

Which rooms have stars, the hotel staff knows.

But they also have regulations, not to disclose guest information, nor to go onlookers to disturb guests' rest.

However, since it is the same program, you can say it?

Auntie hesitated and glanced at the photographer behind them who even wore the same clothes.

"Their room is across from you."

Qu Feifei&Zhen Xuan: "!"

[…The third tip, did the red team have no chance to open it? 】

【Booming fire~】

"Thank you Auntie!"

They ran out of the tool room in a second and rushed back to the 4th floor.


Qu Feifei lowered his voice and gave Bao Ruanruan a gesture with Lu Wenxi.

Pointed to the room opposite Snow White's room.

The four red team members are discussing what to do next.

"There is a fireworks show in the park at 9:30 pm. There should be a lot of people watching."

Qu Jien is browsing the park project.

Lanzhi nodded.

Read it once and agree.

"The fireworks show is today's last chance."

Cheng Yao raised his hand, "I just saw the Minions taking pictures with tourists, can we ask the garden to borrow doll costumes."

Lanzhi's eyes lit up, "Yes."

Qu Jien also nodded, "Find someone to wear a doll suit, and the rest of us still do as usual. This will attract some attention."

This is a great idea.

The red team is full of confidence.

They are so smart, even if they fail two consecutive tips, it does not dampen their enthusiasm.

Also came up with this wonderful strategy.

Don't panic!

The red team is smug and proud.

In this intellectual competition, they finally gained some confidence.

An ellipsis floated across the barrage.

[Silly child. 】

【Let you be happy for one more second, no more. 】

[Treasure the smile on my brother's face now. 】

[After this blow, I think Brother Cheng's next song is probably the height of "Stupid Child" 23333]

【Hahahahaha! I can't wait to see how you guys will change face! 】

Happiness is to build on the pain of others!

That's right.

The audience is full of devils, making devilish laughter.

In such a lively, New Year's Eve expectation, in the live broadcast, the rhythm of the red team's small meeting was suddenly interrupted.

The doorbell rang.


Cheng Yao was stunned, and reasoned with his sensible and clever head.

"Is it a new mission card?"

Qu Jien nodded, "We failed to use the kit twice, our team is in a weak position, the program team may want to give us some compensation."

[Push. 】

[The King of Hell is coming. 】

Lanzhi stood up immediately.

Qu Jien smiled and went to open the door.

"We'll buy some small gifts for tourists later, and the money will let the show team come out~"

Xiao Mengfei followed and nodded happily.

It seems to have taken advantage.

Qu Jien opened the door and turned to look at Xiao Mengfei, wanting her to talk to the show crew.

But she saw a panicked expression of consternation, panic, and a smile frozen on her face.

Almost instantly, Qu Jien reacted!

Watch out the door.

But it's too late!

Lu Wenxi, Zhen Xuan, and Qu Feifei, who knew his brother's weakness, rushed in and pressed him tightly against the wall!

"Get the rope, get the rope!"

"Tie my brother up!"

Qu Feifei shouted.

Qu Jien: "...!"

This is definitely not his sister.

It must have been the wrong one.

But soon he looked at the blue team three who had tied his hands in surprise, and then looked out the door.

I saw a soft bag with a pair of clear eyes that seemed to be visiting the room, and walked slowly and unhurriedly into the entrance of the room.

Looking at Zhen Xuan who was 'kidnapping bandits', she nodded her face.

Then the leader, in the same way, raised his slender right hand towards Chengyao and the three.

A friendly smile was squeezed out of the harmless little face of humans and animals.


"Comrades have worked hard."

Qu Jien: "!"

The three of Cheng Yao: "!"

【Hahahaha! 】

【Not hard, serve the people~】

[23333, Feifei killed his relatives righteously, Brother Qu is too miserable. 】

[Soft: Hi, I have been working hard for a long time. You said it earlier, I will send you the U disk, where is the need for such trouble~ We are all a family, and the bonus will be divided equally. 】

Bao Ruanruan strolled in the middle of the room.

Cheng Yao back, back, back again.

Xiao Mengfei was about to cry and grabbed Sister Lan Zhi's hand, "Baobao, I didn't do it on purpose.

【Hahahaha! 】

"It is lenient to confess, but strict to resist."

Zhen Xuan, the blue team captain speaking.

Cheng Yao raised his hand, "We surrendered."

Qu Jien: “…”

What is dignity?

Can I eat it?


The red team was caught and didn't even want to struggle.

Cheng Yao looked at the camera, "So, people must not have evil thoughts. Audience friends, children, you have seen our end today."

What an educational program.

Bao Ruanruan couldn't agree more, and chanted again, "Skynet is extensive, sparse but not leaking."

[Bao Qingtian is mighty. 】

Red team blue team, hand in hand.

Instant restoration of peace.

Except for Qu Jien, who was bound, who was injured, and everyone else was fine.


He really saw it, this show is bullying the guests.

Half an hour later, Zhen Xuan laughed when he heard the red team's previous plans and actions.

"Do you still want to attack us during the fireworks?"

"It's yours!"

Laugh out loud.

"But it's a good idea, we're fine now, why don't we buy some gifts and give them to the tourists who enter the park today, and invite them to the night fireworks show celebration."

Red and blue teamwork.

There are no permanent enemies.

The captains of the two sides decided to join forces as soon as they discussed and gave the tourists an unforgettable fireworks time.

But while all the audience, sprinkle flowers and toast to friendship, the red and blue teams are free to move separately in front of the camera.

Every red team member received the PD's task card again.

"Remember our third kit?"

[! 】

The red team was shocked.

"Is it over yet?"

"We all lost."

"Captains are caught."

Lan Zhi, Xiao Mengfei and Cheng Yao wanted to paddle.

Even Qu Jien didn't want to continue.

But the PD smiled mysteriously, "You guys open the kit first, and then make a decision."

Lan Zhi took it suspiciously.

Open the black envelope.

I took out the card and was stunned.

Others came over to take a look and were stunned.

See the big characters above—death and then life.

Tips 3: Damage Rebound.

[? 】

[What? 】

【Are they hurt? 】

The audience did not react until the camera turned to Qu Jien who raised his eyebrows.

The only victim—Qu Jien himself thought of it.

"I just got tied up, can I bounce back to the blue team?"

[! 】

[! ! 】

PD smiled, "Yes. You can choose a member of the blue team and restrict his movements."

This is gross.

Qu Jien is embarrassed.

The other three of the red team also thought, how can this be?

No martial arts.

"Bag is my best friend and I can't do anything to her."

"Mr. Bao is my bosom friend, and I can't attack her."

"What should I do? To limit, it must be limited to small packages."


[…Hey, PD didn’t say that soft cubs must be restricted, you really have a tacit understanding 2333]

[No way, Xiaobao is the central figure of the blue team. 】

[I turned out to be a prophet, I said in the afternoon, this is the only way for the red team to win! 】

The three of the red team looked at Qu Jien silently.

Half pay, Qu Jien said hoarsely, "But she has a director's life-saving card in her hand. Even if it is restricted, it is useless, right?"

PD also froze for a while, "That at least consumes her advantage."

The four members of the red team all looked at the talking PD.

Listen, is this human?

They were busy for a long time, and they used up 3 kits at night, just consuming her advantage?

Just balance the game?

Is this not a one-sided crush?

"PD, I seriously suspect that in this link, the director wants to use us to consume Bao Bao's life-saving card for him."

Xiao Mengfei made a serious summary.

[Pfft, that makes sense. 】

"But at least the blue team is scattered now. Except for Teacher Bao, everyone else is relaxed and their vigilance is low."

PD smiled wryly.

"Even if you limit her movement for five minutes, that's your chance."

"We can give you the location of the other party."

[Red Team + Director Team VS Blue Team. 】

[Good guy, from the very beginning, the entire program team was fighting against Xiaobao~]

【Sorry, the game of cat and mouse has just begun! 】

At five o'clock in the afternoon, the amusement park is gradually sunset, and the amusement facilities are covered with a layer of sunset.

The blue team Zhen Xuan four people and acted separately.

They each brought a photographer, distributed small gifts in the amusement park, and invited each other to watch the fireworks at 9:30.

When they met passers-by who asked to take pictures and sign, they also readily agreed, enjoying themselves in front of the camera.

Completely unaware, the night is dangerous and will come together.

Carrying a backpack, taking a photographer and exclusive PD Liu Qiu's soft bag, and walking happily in the amusement park.

She distributed all the gifts and invited more than 20 tourists.

Now happily entering the rest phase.

However, when approaching the fountain maze, two men in black suddenly came out of the corner.

Bao Ruan's footsteps stopped for a moment.

【Ouch, what did I do wrong. 】

【soft cub, 5555】

The barrage burst into tears.

But soon in the live broadcast room, there was a sound that made the audience laugh again.

Just listen, Bao Ruan softly shouted kindly.

"Big brother, second brother."

"You are the photographers of the red team, the two who followed Sister Lan Zhi and Xiao Xiao?"

[! 】

The man in black with sunglasses stepped back half a step.

The body froze.

Bao Ruanruan looked back at his photographer's simple dress, "Look at this suit, you are not here to reminisce."

The man in black coughed twice.

The two looked at each other and took off their sunglasses helplessly.

Stop pretending.

The end of the pretense is to be dismantled.

But unfortunately, when they took off the sunglasses, their faces were not deterrent at all. The unpretentious faces of the two male uncles were quite kind.

It is to the extent that the audience does not recognize it if they look carefully.

[I didn't recognize it at all. 】

[The bag is too good to recognize people. 】

[The director probably wanted to do this for a long time. 】

"Mr. Bao, I hope you don't make us embarrassed, this is the rule of the game."

The two men in black first showed her the tip - damage rebound.

Then took out the rope they tied Qu Jien just now.

"Rest assured, we won't hurt you."

In order to show sincerity, the two men in black are very friendly and have no intention of being rough.

To tie up a weak and weak girl in her twenties, they can't do it.

It's utterly disgusting.


The man in black asked Bao to stretch out his hands softly.

Just like what they did to Qu Jien just now, they just want to restrict her hands so that she can't call and communicate with the rest of the blue team.

"How long are you going to bind me?"

"Half an hour, it's seven forty, ten to eight, we'll come to untie you."

The Fountain Labyrinth happens to have a rockery where she can temporarily squat.

Software always abides by the rules of the game.

This is the most memorable point in her gaming career.

Anyone who disobeys will be erased as a game bug.

She is obedient.

Brother in black, let her sit down and put her hands behind her back.

She did the same.

The more you struggle, the more damage you will cause to your body.

Two eldest brothers helped her wrist with rope and tied a dead knot.

It can only be cut with scissors later.

Bao Ruanruan was at their mercy, this resigned and obedient appearance made the two eldest brothers deeply tortured by their conscience.

When tying the knot, I didn't tighten it too hard.

There is also a distance of about five centimeters between the two wrists, which can make her more comfortable.

"It's okay, don't worry about your conscience, big brother and second brother."

The package was soft and soft and comforted them.

"Games, I understand."

"Go and get busy."

Bao sat softly on the ground, with both knees bent, leaning against his chest.

Two hands behind your back.

Because the ligaments are loose, this movement is effortless.

But the little face is pitiful.

The man in black fell fiercely.

"Mr. Bao, we will be your fans from now on!"

【Soft: Nothing, don’t be sad, sign the life-saving letter before leaving. 】

[Xiaobao: Fair enough, I'm fine, I can finally rest now! Thank you so much for finally letting me not have to take the Belt and Three! Tie me up for a while, how can half an hour be enough? 】

The men in black are condemned by conscience.

But everything has been done. In order to make Bao Ruanruan not suffer this pain in vain, it is natural to abide by the rules of the game.

They soon reached the entrance of the maze and stood guard.

As soon as the BLU members get close, they will transfer the bag softly.

But there are many amusement facilities in the amusement park, and this probability is too small.

"They shouldn't come here, they won't find out that I've been arrested."

The bag in the rockery is soft and soft, and I am also analyzing it for PD Liu Qiu.

Liu Qiu nodded and sat with her in the rockery.

This is all she can do as a PD.

"Mr. Bao, you can use the life-saving letter signed by the director. I can call Director Zheng for you."

So she can get out of trouble.

The bag nodded softly.

But why would she do it?

"Without you, everyone else would be looted by the red team."

Liu Qiu was surprised.

[The soft cub just wants to lie down, don't shout. 】

[It's time for this group of bronzes to grow up - a soft heart. 】

Liu Qiu couldn't hold back at this time.

"It doesn't matter if I tell you now, the red team gets one of your clothes, and you need to give the red team one hundred thousand."

"One backpack, three hundred thousand."

"A U..."

Her voice stopped abruptly before she finished revealing.

At first the camera was still focused on the faces of the two of them talking.

They sat on the floor, sitting at about the same height, with their shoulders almost together.

But gradually, in the camera picture, Bao Ruanruan's small shoulders wearing Pengmai's jacket slowly lowered.

[? 】

【Lie down, my bag~】

Liu Qiu noticed that the soft bag gradually slipped to the ground, and her voice stopped.

Turn around to look.

Watch for three or four seconds.

I found that the bag is soft not only the shoulders are lowered, but also the two legs that are bent in front of the chest are gradually straightened.

Liu Qiu: "...Mr. Bao, what are you doing?"

As she spoke, her legs were stretched softly and together, when everyone thought she was going to lie down—

Her abdomen was attached to her thighs and knees, her feet were on the ground, and her hips were lifted easily.

Liu Qiu: "...!"

Bao softly bends his legs, one left and one right, passing between the bound hands.

In a second, the hands that were tied behind her and could not move, instantly returned to her!

She got up and stood.

He raised his hands and glanced at him, "Ordinary dead knot, eh."

Then bent over, moved both hands together, and took out the phone from his pants pocket.

The emergency call key was pressed.

"Captain, I was caught by the red team. Come to the maze to save me."

Liu Qiu: "!"

[! ! 】

Can people who are caught still call for help in a leisurely way?


Just move the hand tied behind you to the front.

Be flexible and you can do it.

After making the call, Bao Ruanruan breathed a sigh of relief, "Scared the baby to death."


Wait for the four of the red team to run towards the three of the blue team's 'relaxed vigilance', only to see first-level alert eyes.

"Brother Cheng, you just surrendered!"

"Want to steal my clothes? Stop dreaming! I can't take it off."

"Brother, I won't give you my bag."

"Sister Xiao Xiao, I gave you roast duck last time. I didn't expect you to want to grab my key."

Red Team: "???"

How do you know? !

"Nonsense, of course Sister Ruan Ruan told us."

Red Team: "…!"

"Sorry, teachers," the red team PD said sadly, "We only control Teacher Bao...for ten seconds."


【Hahahaha! 】

【Liar paper, you just said you can control her for at least five minutes! 】


Bao Ruan Ruan once again took the blue team and won easily.

The number of assets remains the same.

Also caught the red team four and escorted them to the security uncle of the amusement park.

Bag Ruan Ruan finally appeared on the lens.

"Don't panic when you encounter bad guys."

“If you find an opportunity, please call 110, or the park helpline 400…”

The program team also interviewed Uncle Security.

The security guard of the amusement park said earnestly, "Every day in our park, there are 3-5 incidents of forgotten property and stolen property of tourists, please be sure to take good care of yourself when queuing, playing and dining, etc. personal important items.”

The police uncle also appeared at the end.

"If you encounter a special environment where it is inconvenient to make calls, you can send a text message to 12110. Edit the valid content, including your location, distress events, etc."

The bag nodded earnestly.

Stand on the C position of the red and blue team, reminding the camera kindly.

"The processing time of SMS alarm is slow. In order not to occupy social alarm resources, please don't try it at will, only use it when needed."

"Also, remember to put your phone on silent before sending a text."

This week's "Dream" ended, and the exciting red and blue confrontation was carried out with the approval of the amusement park security personnel and the police uncle.

"In addition, the 2,000 lucky tourists should also take good care of their belongings during the trip~ See you next week!"

Xiao Mengfei also stood up with a smile,

"Please don't imitate us on the public screen."

[No imitation! 】

[It's time to lose weight...otherwise I think I'll be stuck. 】

【Move up~】

[Take good care of your belongings when you travel~~~ Wow, it's great, the program group is high! 】

The variety show ended, and two safety topics rushed to the hot search.

Passers-by poked in curiously, and they all laughed too hard.

Bao Ruanruan's Weibo followers increased by 80,000 that day, reaching the 8 million mark.

Saturday evening, many large variety shows were recorded.

With the acceleration of the social rhythm, the audience's requirements for the authenticity of variety shows are also increasing day by day, and their tolerance for random editing by scissors is getting lower and lower.

Many variety shows are now slowly enabling live broadcasts.

Tang Yuxin occasionally appeared in the crew, only to realize that the variety shows were not the same as the ones she participated in two or three years ago.

"Mr. Tang, I will try to run slower when I chase you later. Be careful, don't get hurt."

Tang Yuxin smiled, "It's okay."

Her support rate strategy has been very bad recently.

In order to stabilize her appearance, she must develop new strategy characters and attract new fans.

However, for the filming work, the female lead often takes more than 120 days, which is not only time-consuming, but also takes at least half a year to make the film from completion to release.

The shooting cycle of TV dramas is slightly shorter, but it is also time-consuming, and some dramas have to wait at least a year and a half for broadcast.

She can't afford it now.

You can only come to the variety show to quickly meet a group of new people and gain new fans.

Tang Yuxin is not aimless.

She chose the old-fashioned program "Chong Ah, My Youth", which is an outdoor reality show.

There are many hilarious games, catch-up confrontations, etc. in each issue.

As soon as the broadcast started, the number of live broadcasts reached 50 million.

She also announced on Weibo that she would participate in this week's show, and many fans continued to join the live broadcast room.

Banana Taiwan also took good care of her.

The chasing game did not let the male guests do their best to her.

Tang Yuxin survived for 30 minutes and kept her brand name.

Become the only 'surviving' female guest.

The program team and Banana Channel immediately bought the first hot search at 9 o'clock in the evening.

#After the movie, your dodge is so strong#

This interesting topic immediately aroused the interest of passersby.

Click in and take a look, it's even more exciting.

[I haven't been on variety shows for a long time, I'm interested, look! 】

Powdered sugar even wrote a rainbow fart.

My sister has not been on variety shows for many years, but once she did, she became a game expert.

Nine artists, six men and three women.

Their sister is still alive to the end... This is indeed their idol.

【Yu Xin, yyds】

Lots of praise, inflated on Weibo.

[Your fan approval rate increased by 0.85%. 】

[Add a big fan. 】

[Add a big fan. 】

Tang Yuxin laughed in the corner after finishing the live broadcast of the variety show.

Sure enough, doing variety shows is a quick success.

I don't have to worry about the beauty of falling.

According to the speed of gaining two big fans in one hour, after 24 hours, she will definitely be able to make up for the lost appearance!

I can also make Qu Feifei and Qu Jien, the super fans with social influence, like her more?

Tang Yuxin thought about it, and searched for the "Dream" variety show that their brother and sister participated in on Weibo.

#package soft call for help#

#Qu Jien brothers and sisters broke up because of the game#

Tang Yuxin didn't have time to read the details, but after reading this topic, she felt stable.

Bao Ruan Ruan, she has seen this girl, she is timid and fearful, and it is estimated that she has been exposed on the show.

This wave will not be a problem.

Tang Yuxin smiled and put away her phone, then bent down and entered the nanny car on the return journey.

But before I sat down, a series of system sounds came back like a bug.

[Your fan approval rate dropped by 1.1%]

[You lost a big fan. 】

[One of your big fans is shaken. 】

[Qu Feifei's support rate for you dropped by 1.2%]

[Qu Jien…down 1.3%]

【Lu Wenxi's approval rate for you is 2.3%】

Tang Yuxin: "?!"

With the passage of time, the hot search of #shadow queen you dodge is so strong# dropped to sixth place.

With #baoruanruancall for help# hot search seventh, side by side.

Passers-by turn over the order and leave messages one by one.

[The queen hahaha. 】

But five minutes later, click on the hot search for help.

I thought I would see a helpless girl in the game, but I saw a sassy operation where her hands were tied and she broke free!

Not only that, the hot search video also edited a handsome picture of her leading the three of the blue team into the red team's room and restraining Qu Jien's 1.9-meter man.

[Fuck! 】


【Hey Nima...this is the king. 】

No comparison, no harm.

As soon as there is a comparison, Tang Yuxin and Bao Ruanruan's two videos are watched together, which makes passersby come back to their senses.

【It seems that the male guest who is chasing Tang Yuxin is not using all his strength? 】

This rope is so dead! 】

【I'll go, this is the real dodge ability! 】

There are even more variety show masters, who turned out the edited video of Bao Ruan Ruan's escape.

In one fell swoop, Tang Yuxin, the actress, was running in front of the camera fakely... The photographer didn't shake the camera a few times, and the photographer didn't breathe!

One real gold and silver, one fake gold plated.

[I didn't say, this variety show after the movie is a script, right? Peekaboo is not serious either. 】

[After watching these two videos, I made another embarrassment for others. 】

[After the movie, you ran beautifully, but don't run next time. 】

Tang Yuxin who looked at the hot search real-time comments: "...!"

The powdered sugar was anxious and frightened, and there was nothing she could do.

As soon as she praised sister Yu Xin, passersby said that their fans closed their eyes and praised, and the filter was too thick.

They all want to cry.

Because her sister rarely appeared in variety shows and temporarily gave up "Yi Meng", Tang Qian also took a look at Pineapple TV.

But within an hour, her expression became complicated.

Exit Pineapple Channel and return to Jiangcheng Live APP.

It's not funny.

There is really no soft cub as interesting and real.

Tang Qian sighed.

A fan's heart is shaken.

On Sunday, the bag that finally returned to Beijiao No. 1, once again knocked on the door of the broker and landlord with a gift.

The two-day variety show shooting gave her new insights.

The hotel is really not safe.

The big bed is not as comfortable as the one in Beijiao One.

Besides, the lack of a reassuring voice to accompany her to sleep...

Xue Jing took off her glasses and opened the door.

I saw the little girl standing softly at the door, wearing pale green sweatpants and new sneakers with fluffy tongues.

The little face was like water, with a reddish tinge.

"The landlord is great."

She just raised the gift in her hand.

The pale green sleeves slipped off, revealing a lotus-white wrist.

Two lilac slender blood vessels appeared between the wrists, winding up to the delicate palm root of the little girl.

There is a bruise on the palm.

Xue Jing's eyes swept over.

Suddenly freezes.

“There is barley tea next to the amusement park that I heard is delicious…”

The bag is soft and flattering.

But when she was about to withdraw her little hand, the hot hand grabbed her slender forearm.

"How did it hurt?"