MTL - Decadent Beauty, Rely on Gou Became Popular-Chapter 80 I saved my life today (first update)

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"Dream as a Horse" is a slow variety show that revolves around dreams. From the beginning, I experienced rural life, released the pressure of life, and pursued my own dreams. Slowly to today, it has changed its form many times.

But few viewers questioned that it was off topic.

Because there is nothing wrong.

The guests have indeed been on the road of pursuing their dreams.

In the first few issues, they just used their ability to open the first step of the tourism industry in Hengshan Village.

Give away a free tour experience to the audience.

And today, Bao Ruanruan is in front of the camera again, and he really begins to pursue his dream!

Old viewers who watched more than ten episodes were all eye-opening.

[Bao Qingtian, so you are an onion. Peel off layer by layer and surprise us again. 】

[You never want to define a soft cub. 】

[Beautiful! This kind of female artist that I can't guess, there are really not many domestic entertainment! 】

Everyone thought she was going to be lazy and lay flat, but she started working hard.

As soon as she entered the camera today, she was holding the script wrapped in the book jacket and studying it all the time.

She didn't participate much in the discussions and jokes of the three of the blue team.

It was not until Zhen Xuan asked her for her opinion that she left the state of reading the script.

With this serious appearance, even many viewers of variety shows who thought she was a happy comedian expressed surprise.

【If I study so seriously, I think Tsinghua University will have me an admission book next year! 】

【Ho, if I had an idol like Bao Qingtian back then, I would have been an outstanding graduate of Peking University. 】

[Beijing University is nothing, I guess it is an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences! 】

Many passers-by viewers almost forgot that Bao Ruanruan was an actor in the first issue of "Yi Meng".

Even, she was given many code names-safety committee, synonymous with the top of the food chain.

But they are just fans of variety shows, laughing and laughing, never thought of going to see her dramas again.

Bao Ruan Ruan variety show is good-looking, but the performance is just a younger brother.

There are not many excellent film and television works.

But today, when she took the blue team three and set off towards Hengcheng - at that moment, her slight radiance as an actor radiated from the inside out.

On the way to Hengcheng, Bao Ruanruan's personal Weibo silently gained five or six thousand fans.

Many people also left a message, going to watch her drama.

They felt she was a serious actress!

Xue Jing, who was following her own little artist during a break between work, looked at the data and raised her eyebrows.

Chen Feng leaned over to take a look and took a breath.


Small buns, every day.


Xue Jing glanced at him and pushed him away in disgust.

Open Dream Live.

On the screen, there is a small pink face clenched and shivering in the Hengcheng Film and Television Base.

Bao Ruanruan was about to cry.

"I play."

Two little hands are tangled together.

Xue Jing's blood coagulated for a second.

In the shot, the little brother in front of her, who was still an acquaintance, was the staff member of the crew of "Kunning" last time.

Kunning's assistant director Li Dong, this time as the main director, is shooting a war scene of a big heroine costume drama.

He brought some old Kunning staff.

Originally, Deputy Director Li Dong had a good impression of Bao Ruan Ruan.

He remembers the first time he cooperated with her, she listened to him humbly.

I cherished the costumes and prepared for the next day's fall into the lake in advance.

"Mr. Bao, the director agrees to let you bring three people to do our group show together."

"I can give you a line."

The field staff were all smiling.

Bao soft but white face, waved his hand weakly.

They are all fallen soldiers.

It's all the same.

Who cares if there are any lines before death?

She already felt that she was having difficulty breathing, and she felt unwell in advance when she touched her chest.

"It doesn't matter if the lines are not used."

She gasped three times after saying a word.

There was a faint sweat on her forehead.

"Leave it to other group performances, I'm just here to learn from the teachers. I can't take their jobs for the group performances that are scheduled."

Bao Ruanruan reluctantly finished speaking a long sentence, and leaned against the railing, which was a little labored.

The field service was instantly happy.

Indeed, for the roles with lines, they have already set up group performances.

If she came to play, they would have to change people, and the plan would be disrupted.

He also has to say hello to the replaced group.

But now, she doesn't need lines, that's convenient, no one will affect her.

In a large war scene, it is absolutely no problem to put four people in it.

The crew is afraid that there are not enough people, and the effect of the big scene is not good.

The field service is happy, and I am a little grateful to Bao Ruanruan.

It's really not easy to take care of the group performance when you become famous.

But as soon as he lowered his head, he found that Bao Ruan was covering his chest, his face was a little wrong, and he was panting a little too hard.

"Mr. Bao, are you alright? Do you want me to let the crew doctor come to see you?"

The field manager was taken aback.

Bao waved his hand softly, his waist bent down, and he seemed unable to stand.

"It's fine."

"I'm just ahead of time...Imagine the feeling of a rib falling from a horse and poking into a lobe of the lung."

Field Service: "?"

Are you so imaginative?

This is so lifelike.

The field staff felt that his lungs were a little sore now!

"Are you guys like this?"


The field manager stayed with his friends.

The three of the blue team were also stunned.

They have seen Bao Ruanruan playing games, but this is the first time they have seen her acting ability live.

This... shouldn't I get a prize?

This face is all white.

But Bao Ruan Ruan didn't feel that he was very powerful at all, just felt very sad.

The road of being an actor is really difficult.

So many sad characters.

She covered her chest and was there.

Any little soldier character, pain overwhelms her.

She admires the actor teachers who have been in the crew all the year round, how tough they are to endure.

"Mr. Bao, you really are this."

The field manager raised his thumb.

To be honest, he has seen a lot of big actors, but they are not as soft as Bao.

I have never seen her enter the play so quickly, and she is so serious about playing a role in a small group.

The heroine of this big heroine, Qin Xing was compared in a second.

"Mr. Qin many war scenes do you have to shoot?"

Bao Ruanruan asked with a pale face curiously.

The field manager said generously, "There are at least eight or nine wars in this drama."

It's no secret.

The positioning announced by the crew is big production.

As soon as he finished speaking, Bao Ruanuan's whole little face looked up.

"Mr. Qin Xing is too good."

Field Service: "?"

A war drama, scheduling, designing, and shooting, often takes more than three or four days, not just ten minutes in the feature film.

For a group performance like her that went offline early, it may only take a day and a half to shoot.

But the heroine is not.

How many times has Mr. Qin Xing endured the pain of passing by death?

Bao Ruan Ruan Xingyan, "She can endure too much hardship."

She mainly came to the crew today to learn from the teachers and ask for advice.

The acting teacher that Xue Jing invited to her said that the theory of acting optics is useless, she still has to follow the group more, watch more and learn more to make progress faster.

"If it were me, I probably wouldn't be able to stand up after a play."

Bao said softly, his slender shoulders trembled.

Now she is a little scared when she thinks of falling off the horse later.

Holding on the railing, leaned slowly.

"When will we shoot? I'll make mental preparations."

Field Service: "…"

Mr. Bao, you are really into the drama!

So humble!

"Nothing, just learn from Teacher Qin Xing."

The heroine Qin Xing happened to hear that there was a variety show coming, and she was a new and popular traffic artist, so she wanted to come over to say hello.

Standing at the door, I was stunned.

The live version of the rainbow fart was too late.

"Wind and rain, experienced desperate psychological torture time and time again, smashed myself and then stuck together... day by day... She is too difficult."


Bao Ruan Ruan lacks such courage.

If it wasn't for the pressure of the house this time, she would be able to leave now.

Qin Xing only felt that his chest was soft.

The steps to say hello stopped.

The package is soft, understand her.

She is an experiential actress.

Every time the scene of great sadness and joy, she has to immerse herself in the characters for a period of time, and she can't come out for at least two or three hours after filming.

Actually, many directors don't like to use her very much.

Because she is slow to enter the drama and slow to come out.

It's a bad actor.

But today, I met someone who understood her.

Qin Xing left silently, and the anxiety of continuous shooting was much more relaxed at this moment.

The corners of her mouth rose.

Unexpectedly, there are people, although they have never met each other before, but the first meeting seems to have known each other for a long time.

It's just like what Teacher Yu Xin said.

【The new character Qin Xing you want to attack: S-class female starring echelon Xiaohua. 】

[The strategy failed. 】

Tang Yuxin: "???"

Two days ago, she used her identity as a senior in the same company to find Qin Xing for dinner.

Today, nothing.

[The other party met the confidant in her heart. 】

[Cannot be attacked temporarily. 】

Tang Yuxin: "…"

When she was eating, she just asked Qin Xing to find a confidant... After the meal was finished, she made a wedding dress for others?

Isn’t it hard to find a good confidant? !

Bao Ruan Ruan didn't know this, she was still chatting with the field staff in the corridor in front of the dressing room.

"Brother, what kind of soldiers are the four of us, and what did they do before enlisting?"

This is the life of the character.

Generally, before an actor plays a role, they will get the role outline given by the crew.

But in group performances, the small soldier cannon fodder who will end as soon as they show up... There is really no such thing!

The field manager thought for a while, "Maybe, um, it's ordinary people."

Bao nodded softly and recorded it in his small notebook.

The other three members of the blue team had never acted, they were all outsiders. When the only actor who heard Bao Ruanruan asked about the set, they immediately corrected their attitude and gathered around them seriously.

But as soon as he got up, especially Lu Wenxi, taking advantage of his height, he peeked at the soft notes... His expression froze.

[? 】

【What's up? 】

【I want to see, I want to see, photographer brother, hurry up~】

The barrage is full of trouble.

But the camera was a bit slower, and the bag was soft and asked.

"Did the four of them commit adultery? Are they filial to their parents, brothers and sisters, respect the old and love the young, whether..."

She had a serious expression on her fair little face, holding a book in her hand.

Keep asking.

Let's make everyone feel as if they were at the scene of a question from Sir.

The field staff in the shot were all questioned.

What is Minion Cannon Fodder?

—There are no names on the script.

—just to highlight the needs of the grand scene, the atmosphere of the scene and the plot need tools.

The field manager coughed twice, "Uh... Teacher Bao, are these questions important?"


The bag nodded softly.

This determines whether the soldier will go to heaven, the pure land of bliss in the West, to obtain boundless happiness, or enter **** to be scattered.

The soul is gone, and it is gone.

She paled at the thought of her small face.

But if you didn't do bad things during your lifetime, and you sacrificed to protect your family and the country, and accumulated merit... After death, you can enter reincarnation and become a human again. eternal life.

For example, the voice story Xue Jing told her recently - Fengshen Bang.

Although it may be low, it is still hopeful.

When she thought about it this way, she felt a bit of strength in her heart. It seemed that the soldier who played the lunch box was not so scary anymore.

"They should be... good people."

"Huh, then I have no other problems."

Bao soft pale face, flashing a hint of blush.

nice details! 】

Bao Ruan Ruan not only shocked the barrage, but also opened the eyes of the three of Lu Wenxi.

Lu Wenxi once again felt that he was just a younger brother.

No wonder the family always thought he was not good.

Look at Bao Ruanruan, he didn't even do 1% of her homework, right?

Lu Wenxi, Zhen Xuan, and Qu Feifei all seemed to see a professional door in their own world, which opened a little more.

Wave them to keep going.

The blue team listened to the field affairs and action guidance, learned and memorized the key points of the shooting later, and then went to change clothes.

In the props and clothing room, the ground and hangers are full of armor and commoners.

Many can't see the original color.

The group of soldiers will not be clean.

This is quite reasonable.

It's just, the package is soft...the little face is in a hurry.


[Soft Cub: Bacteria (with a woodchuck scream inside). 】

【Poor cub, why do you suffer like this? 】

But after wiping for a while, I found that the stains on the metal copper sheet were gone!

She opened her mouth.

I dare not move.

[It's really dirty. 】

【Scared the soft cub. 】

[Prop master? Fuhua Dao teacher? Come and save the child. 】

The package is soft and bitter.

Qu Feifei felt so pitiful seeing her like this.

"I'll wipe it for you."

She has no habit of cleanliness, but she is not particular.

But looking at Bao Ruanruan's small devotion to art, I couldn't bear it.

She doesn't know yet, this is already a fan's mentality.

I also scrubbed the children's clothes, which obviously reached the super high level of real mother fans.

But Bao Ruanruan struggled to stop it.

"Everyone is very dark, I wiped it, is it the brightest one?"

That's true, among thousands of people, the enemy will take my head.

It's not a sacrifice for the country, it's a fool to die.

Not the first to be shot to death by a bow and arrow, I think this plot is unreasonable.

Bao Ruan Ruan was busy to stop Qu Feifei.

"I will bear it, it's fine~"

The tail has a tilde.

The syllables are trembling, like a parabola.

【This sentence makes my tailbone numb, am I alone? 】

[Raise your hand. 】

【Ah, me too! Without watching the drama, I believe that Bao Ruan Ruan is a good actor. Just this sentence, I can hear her superb lines skills. 】

God, I know that Bao Ruanruan's acting skills are good, but he is so strong? Yaofei, I already think she is doing well, but I didn't expect that this is not her limit! 】

[Yes, she speaks and the live broadcast can be heard clearly without subtitles. And his tone of voice made my heart tremble. 】

[The most terrifying thing is that she is still studying. 】

[Hi, the future great devil, I have always liked to be a career fan. 】

Bao Ruanruan has not yet started acting, and the audience has already placed high hopes on her.

A group of business fans have entered the pit again.

She not only has potential, but also is afraid of dirty but can endure for the sake of acting.

With this kind of spirit, are you afraid that you will not be able to sharpen it in five years or ten years?

Career fans, stand up completely.

Mom fans, faintly about to lose.

Director with a dream in the car, director Zheng Mingchang showed a hint of surprise.

The package is soft and versatile.

With her aptitude, her value will skyrocket in the second season, and she can't afford to invite her with a dream, right?

Director Zheng looked at the screen with a worried expression.

"Tell the blue team photographer, is Liu Jun leading the team? Let him discuss with the crew and try to film the whole process of Bao Ruanruan's group performance."

"Blue team main camera, put on her."

Among the four, only she is a professional actress.

It is the most reliable rating guarantee, she has never let him down.

Director Zheng told him for a while, and the assistant laughed.

"Relax, Lao Liu has experience, they know!"

Who doesn't know that Bao Ruan Ruan is the treasure of the blue team?

Digging and digging, you can always open new gems.


Zheng Mingchang leaned back and relaxed.

I picked up the teapot leisurely.

But half an hour later, the live broadcast moved to the red team, which was one step behind and was still screening the list of 1,000 tourist audiences, and took a picture of their busy figures. Found something big-

The package is gone!