MTL - Demon King’s Political Marriage-Chapter 103 get away

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Even in an instant, the night broken sky understood why the shaman described humans like that.


The smallness and powerlessness that is born to man is indeed the feeling of a cricket.

But at this time, countless sounds came from the head of the night broken sky, the red currents around his head, collided with each other, making a crackling sound.

There were four voices in that voice that were particularly clear, as if they were from the depths of their souls.

"Who is it? Who is it?"

"Is it a shaman?"

"No ... it's completely different from the shaman."

"Night broken?"

The night broken sky can clearly distinguish everyone's voice. With a single thought, he could understand what the four elders were thinking.

They didn't have any privacy at all in front of him, and even the elders could feel how they felt when they broke up.


The night is broken, and in front of them, there is no privacy at all.

In order to hide his thoughts quickly and deeper, Ye Shoukong quickly recalled all the knowledge of Sarnagar he had just acquired in the pillar of light.

This is a highly technologically advanced, art-loving, and highly self-respecting race.

They are linked together by spirit, communication, dialogue, and even ... sex.

They are confident that they are the most perfect and noble race in the universe, whether they are low-level soldiers or high-light elders, who have firm and pure faith.

Wherever they go, they will transform the local planet, and if the species on the local planet are useful, they will be domesticated into their own fighting tools.

If it doesn't work, it will go extinct.

Once a species with a certain mental power is found, they will completely deprive them of their spirit and thinking, and after cleaning, they will add what they think is the remaining pure substance to his machinery.

Sarnagar has countless perfect high-tech intelligent machines, all of which are driven by the spirit of lower life, are fearless, have no selfishness, and only obey the orders of the elder light.

The night sky is very clear, what will happen to humans after Sarnagar's invasion.

Low energy, disability, and mental retardation in humans are bound to be killed.

And the wise man among human beings cannot satisfy Sarnagar's pursuit of extreme spirit.

They will, as usual, strip the minds and bodies of these people, cleanse their minds, and then assemble them to their own machines to have more intelligent machines.

This is a human catastrophe. It was even more terrible than the Europeans landing in the Americas and killing the indigenous people.

Because, this is Salnagar, who considers himself God, the only attitude towards ants.

It is impossible to be peaceful, and it is impossible to talk. This is something that penetrates into their history, soul, and even belief!

They have been living such a life, and everyone knows the thinking of others.

There will never be betrayal, and even if there is, it will be quickly removed.

Unless-cut off the spiritual link of the ego, and betray the entire Sarnagar.

Only once in the entire history of Sarnagar.

A small group of bright elders conflicted with another group of bright elders, and could not be reconciled or shared.

That small group of bright elders, in the midst of an extreme, cut off their spiritual links and lost most of their abilities.

But in the long space voyage, they learned another ability-stealth.

They are always in the dark, have first-class assassination skills, but no bright elder can find them.

As a result, they were identified as betrayers and had a new name-Dark Temple Samurai.

Always in darkness, abandoned God, and always abandoned by God.

However, even if Ye Shuikong forcedly recalled the most shocking memories he felt, such memories would soon end, and over and over again, the initial shock would be less and less.

When this shock is getting smaller and smaller, another unstoppable, intense thought is entangled in the mind of the night broken sky-where is Wu Xingyun? And, how can I run out from here.

But the former problem is even more eager. The night broken sky can magnify it and suppress the other less urgent idea of ​​escape.

The voice of another elder soon sounded in his head: "It turns out that the way humans are combined is like this ..."

"Where is he ?!" Ye Suikong asked.

No one answered him.

However, in fact, no one needed to answer, he already knew.

There were more than a dozen Tudor fighters who had already reported to him when he asked this question.

"Elder Ye, he is in Bright Prison."

At the same time, there were hundreds, thousands of Tudor fighters sending warning signals towards the night shattered sky: "There is a dark palace warrior invading! He is here!"

"Here! He's killing us!"

"We can't see him!"

"I can't see him!"

Ye broken air ignored these calls for help and warning, and ran quickly towards the place where Wu Xingyun was imprisoned.

Wu Xingyun has been locked in this transparent place for a long time. He doesn't know what it is. There is a jellyfish-like thing hanging from the top. Can also be seen clearly.

Wu Xingyun walked around and hit the transparent walls around, but those walls were extremely tough and could not be destroyed at all.

He tried to catch the junk jellyfish floating overhead in the air, but between him and that thing, there was a wall made of transparent material, he couldn't catch the wandering one Transparent jellyfish.

"Where is this?" Wu Xingyun asked.

But no one around him answered him.

"Where is the night? When will he be back?"

Still no one answered him. To be precise, the dagger swordsmen guarding him around did not know what the dark temple warrior was talking about.

They were just gazing at the transparent jellyfish that the observers hovered above the prison, a smart detector specially made by elders to deal with the Dark Temple warriors.

This is their first detector. The detection range is only two kilometers, and it can detect any invisible creature within two kilometers, but it does not have any protection capabilities and is very vulnerable.

The most important task of these Tudor fighters is to guard the detector.

And the place where the detector is located is called-Bright Prison. All the dark temple warriors held here will manifest.

Wu Xingyun looked around, but felt that the surroundings were quiet, and it had been like this for a long time.

He instinctively felt that the jellyfish-like thing above his head was strange, so bored, he looked up at that thing.

Suddenly, he saw a weird twist in the air in the distance.

That's-only when you or the ghost lockers pass by, there will be twisted air.

It is absolutely impossible for the Confederate Ghost Locker to appear here, so ... what is it?

In just a blink of an eye, the object showed its own shape under the light of the detector. It was a man with red skin and a golden cloak.

The man's eyes glowed with a royal blue light. Without hands, in the position of both hands, what he grew out was a sharp blade with red light.

The man came very quickly, just a blink of an eye, and came to him.

Other Tudor fighters discovered the man at the same time, and they were not as calm as when Wu Xingyun saw this guy.

They immediately issued an alert to everyone: "Alarm, alert! There was a Dark Temple warrior invasion! In the Light Prison, it was the true Dark Temple warrior! He ... ah!"

A scream sounded, and then the life of the Tudor sword fighter disappeared.

Wu Xingyun opened her eyes and looked at the scene in front of her. The jellyfish suspended in the air was halted by a person with red light blades in both hands.

When that thing broke, the man in front of him could no longer see the shadow.

Wu Xingyun bowed her head and saw her body disappear.

He, like that man, was hidden in darkness and shadows.

No one could see them, and those dagger sword fighters vainly rushed to the place where they thought the enemy was, but they were cut in half, and blue blood flowed out of their bodies.

One, two! Three!

Soon, all Tudor fighters guarding outside Guangming Prison were killed.

The red light blade appeared in the air again from the air, emitting a dazzling light. The light blade cut through the walls of Wu Xingyun's cell, and Wu Xingyun shrank in the corner alertly without moving.

"Who are you?" The Dark Temple warrior asked into the air, "Why can't I feel your presence? Are you my clan?"

Wu Xingyun couldn't understand his problem, and the two sides couldn't speak the language, but he instinctively felt the danger signal from this person.

"If it is my clan, you should come back with me!" The Dark Temple warrior began to try to find Wu Xingyun, but he stopped shortly.

He turned his head and looked at the other side. A bright elder in a black trench coat appeared on his side.

The light blade in the Dark Temple warrior rose again, and flew towards the breaking night.

At the same time, Wu Xingyun also flew towards the night broken sky.


With a soft whistle, Ye Shoukong's arm made a mouthful of invisible things. This is his rare stabbing in the past two thousand years.

"Be careful!" Wu Xingyun's voice appeared in his ear, only for a moment, Wu Xingyun's hand tightly grasped Ye Shoukong's hand.

The two disappeared together and no one could see them.

Ye Brokong reached out and hugged Wu Xingyun, rising into the air, but in midair, he did not want to leave.

He wanted to see what kind of ability a bright elder had.

At first Wu Xingyun didn't pay attention to the wound that was broken in the night, but when he found that the wound on the opponent's arm was still bleeding, he felt a little bad.

Wu Xingyun tore off his placket, and bandaged Ye Yekuo's wounds.

And the night broken sky, at this moment, passed the news of the dark temple warrior here to the rest of the elders.

The elders arrived quickly, and Ye broken the sky and dropped Wu Xingyun's hand, his figure appeared in the air, and he and several other elders quickly communicated.

"What to do? He is invisible, we can't see it." Ye Suikong asked.

The answer he received shocked him.

The other four elders ordered without exception to gather all the priest sword fighters in this space.

Although the Dark Temple warrior can be invisible, he cannot hide the traces of the death of the Tudor Sword Warrior, nor can they hide the blood flowing from them.

As long as that warrior wants to escape, he must kill the Tudor fighters. If the Tudor fighters reach a certain level and are impenetrable, he must kill a blood path.

The Elder Light can rely on this blood path to determine the specific location of the dark warrior.

This is more than a sea of ​​tactics, it is simply a meat grinder tactic.

There was a ridiculous feeling in Ye Shuikong's heart, and he slowly stepped back unconsciously, tightening Wu Xingyun's hand, and the figure of the two was hidden in the darkness silently.

All the Light Elders are focusing on the Dark Temple warriors who came over to attack, this is the best chance for Ye Shoukong and Wu Xingyun to escape.

But the night shattered, but he had an indescribable feeling. He wanted to see if the priest sword fighters were so pure in their beliefs. ?

He does not doubt this, and once he understands the history of Sarnagar, he will no longer doubt it.

However, he wanted to see it with his own eyes.

When the night broke in the air and fled with Wu Xingyun, he couldn't help turning back and watching the scene of the elders encircling the dark temple warriors in the distance.

Countless Tudor fighters crowded up and filled the entire space, but they kept the blue blood, and the elders of light rose into the air, sending out electromagnetic wave attacks again and again.

The wounded Duodao warrior was quickly killed by the Elder Light's electromagnetic attack because he lost his protection ability.

And the samurai in the dark palace is still there, still trying to kill a **** road.

Soon, it was spread by blue blood, and the entire river of the earth was dyed blue.

Ye Shuikong turned his head and whispered to Wu Xingyun aside, "Take me along this river, keep walking!"

In the process of escape, he kept talking to the elders. He didn't dare to think about his personal affairs, for fear of being noticed by the elders, he had to give Wu Xingyun the heavy responsibility of escape. He believed that when Wu Xingyun saw the spaceships, he would know what to do.

"Ye broken sky, where are you?" An elder took a step back and found that the position of Ye broken sky seemed to be far from the battlefield.

This answer is very difficult. You must first deceive yourself and make yourself truly believe it.

Ye Shoukong tried several times and couldn't do it.

Thinking and speaking are completely different concepts. He can lie and lie, but he cannot think of lie.

He can only keep asking questions to confuse each other.

"Did you kill that invading samurai? Did they kill them?" Ye Suikong asked.

"Hurry up! Come here, our energy is almost exhausted. Come on, release the gamma rays, and he will die!" Said an elder.

But at this moment, another elder exclaimed, "Night is broken! What do you want to do? You ..."

The other elders also found out that they quickly glanced at all the information in Ye Shoukong's mind, no matter how the Ye Shoukong disguised it was useless.

"You want to run away !?"

"You want to kill us?"

"Are you ready to cut off the spiritual link?"

"You traitor! Sarnagar, who betrayed God, will be punished most severely!"

There is no need for any other elders to send any signals. Ye Suikong has already seen the Tudor Warrior who came to intercept himself.

They were dense, like locusts, divided into two parts.

Part of it was destroying the spaceship that was trying to escape.

The other part is to prepare for the besieged night broken sky, and Wu Xingyun they can't see and don't know.