MTL - Demon Slayer: The Beginning of the Game Opens the Way of Reward for Diligence-Chapter 13

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The staff of the Hidden Ministry all have their own responsibilities. During the assessment period, they are also responsible for the guarding work around Fuji Xishan. However, if there is a Zhu-level present, there is no master's handwriting. In special circumstances, the command should still be handed over. column-level hands.

The hidden person hiding in the grass said: "Lord Yanzhu, one of our team members has not returned from the beginning, but this is not an important matter. We have already sent someone to look for it."

Beimingyu Xingming frowned slightly.

The Hidden Ministry staff have always performed their duties diligently, and this should not have happened.

After a while, two members of the Hidden Ministry rushed over from the other end of the hillside, and one of them was holding a man whose body was stripped bare except for his briefs.

"True me!"

The man who was stripped was the missing Shingo, who was now in a coma.

Beimingyu Xingming slapped the past in desperation, but it had no effect.

"He must have taken some kind of forced hypnosis drug."

Butterfly Chanahui opened Zhenwu's eyelids. His breathing was very even, but his pupils were very dilated, just like a person who had just died. This was obviously drug poisoning.

The spread out Shingo team members were all stripped of their clothes, the uniforms, the matching Japanese swords, none of them could be seen, only a pair of pants.

"Lord Yanzhu, when we found the Shingo team member, he became like this."

Beimingyu Xingming frowned and asked, "Where's the crow?"

"it's here."

The team members spread out their palms, and on it lay a black crow that had been stabbed in the abdomen by a dart, and had been dead for a long time.

The crows are a communication tool for each member of the Ghost Slayer team. They generally do not participate in the battle at the beginning of the battle, but hide in the dark to record the situation.

Chapter 24 Examination Site

"Where did you find him?"

"The rattan attacked the east side of the mountain, and he was hanged from a tree."

The members of the dark army trembled, and the crow in their hands had been dead for a long time.

Obviously, the area they were guarding had been invaded before they knew it, and this guy knew the structure of the ghost killing team very well, and he was able to kill the eyes of the ghost killing team members hidden in the dark at the first time. .

As soon as the team member's voice fell, Xingming of Beimingyu disappeared into the jungle under the moonlight.

"The rest of the people are all on standby and can no longer act privately."

Butterfly Chanahui did not follow, frowned, and directed the scene.

Surrounding the entire Vujian Mountain for a week, there are personnel from the Anbu guarding the vicinity of the assessment area. Through the crows, the news of the intruders quickly spread to all corners. The members of the Anbu Army who were originally only invigilators were one by one. Immediately, he had a spirit of 120,000 points, even going to the toilet was done on the spot, and he never left his post.

"Our enemies should only be ghosts, but what's happening now doesn't seem to be done by ghosts. Master Lamentation must think so..."

Butterfly Chana Hui's heart sank suddenly.

Abandoning his favorite human body, instead he took the clothes and the sun blade, the perpetrator must not be a ghost.


What is his purpose?


Beimingyu Xingming dashed in the dark night, and the gray-colored woods appeared and disappeared again and again in front of the eyes like a piece of plucked photos.

He listened to the sound of the wind, and could hear a figure fleeing fast not far away, his speed was very fast.

Breath of Rock!

Before he could think about it, Beimingyu Xingming gritted his teeth, his whole body seemed to be on fire, the muscles that were as strong as rocks were plump up one by one, and his body was bulging. At the same time, his speed was also fast. Lifted, steaming as if it had evaporated.

From a distance, it is a mass of flying meteorites passing through the jungle, which is very terrifying.

"That direction..."

Beimingyu Xingming can construct the surrounding situation in his brain, and he can judge.

About 500 meters away from him, there was a figure in front of him, desperately running towards the direction that exudes the fragrance of wisteria flowers.

There is the direction of Fuji Kayama!

What does this guy want to do to the kids who are taking the test!

"How could it be possible for you to succeed!"

Beimingyu Xingming roared and took off the rosary on his neck and threw it out.

Boom boom boom!

The sound of the air bursting sounded, and the string of rosary beads of special material spun continuously under the waves of Beimingyu Island. When it touched the surrounding trees, the bark would be rubbed off, or the whole tree would be broken. , sharper than an axe in a hunter's hand, and, shockingly, contains nothing but simple brute force.

After the rosary dragged down a forest, it quickly caught up with the figure in front.


Beimingyu Xingming was shocked!

As expected, the sound of hitting the bones did not sound, but the clanging sound was the sound of the sun blade.

With the fluctuation of the wind, Xingming of Beimingyu seemed to be able to see such a scene.

Somewhere in the mid-air where the trees could not hide, the agile figure pulled out the sun-knife at his waist in the process of speeding, swung the knife down, a wheel-like rotation, and cut through the speed of a bullet. Rosary.


Be caught off guard.

A few hidden weapons were shot directly in the darkness, and Xingming of Beimingyu braked in advance in time, and subconsciously paused to escape.

Normally, he would not be afraid of such hidden weapons.

But in the high-speed running, his own speed is fast enough, and the hidden weapon shot by the opponent is also very fast.

Driving in the opposite direction means that he not only has to exceed his own speed with the breathing method turned on, but also go a step further on this basis to avoid the hidden weapons that are speeding.

This kind of outrageous operation can't be done even at the column level.

However, the situation did not allow him to use the breathing method. In desperation, Beimingyuxing meditated on a compromise solution. He stayed away from the ground and used the branches of the trees here. Slow down or increase speed and use the surrounding trees as your shield.

However, when Beimingyu Xingming jumped onto the tree trunk, he jumped forward like a ninja.



The figure in front also seemed to have changed the way of running. He climbed the tree, slashing every time he jumped, and then his feet stared at the trunk of the tree and moved forward.

The coefficients of those branches that can be settled are cut off before the landing point of Beimingyu Xingming. As soon as they fall to the ground, poisoned darts will fly, making Beimingyu Xingming unable to use the breathing method to continue chasing.

When chasing in front of an area surrounded by a sea of ​​wisteria flowers, Xingming of Beimingyu stopped.

Going forward, it is completely within the scope of the assessment area. Not to mention that he is a column rank, entering the examination area is equivalent to disrupting the important team selection ceremony. Furthermore, he is not wearing a ghost-killing weapon now. He is a pillar, and without weapons, it is impossible to chase people with peace of mind in an area where ghosts may come out everywhere.

"Damn, what is the purpose of that guy!"

"The infiltration plan is complete."

Lin Yu walked through the road paved by the sea of ​​wisteria flowers, wearing a disaster-relief mask given by Rintaaki Sakonji on his face.

Based on this alone, without Haori, it would be difficult for people to be sure that he is a disciple of Breath of Water, not to mention that this mask has only been seen by Mako so far, and the others who have seen it... are no longer in this world.

He threw away a dozen bottles of poison in the package he was carrying with him. The area he was going to enter next, these things were useless and only affected the speed. The only thing left was a Ghost Killer uniform and a few bottles of wisteria The solution of flower grinding, and the rest of things like hook and lock rope hidden weapons are used up when performing the sneak operation.


"A stench!"

"Never mind, just eat first!"

After walking through the sea of ​​wisteria flowers, Lin Yu smelled a scent and frowned slightly.

It was like the smell of feces soaked in the swamp for two months, sending a wild and dangerous signal.

In the shadow of the dark jungle, there was a movement, and soon after, two figures appeared in Lin Yu's sight.

They were all wearing shabby clothes and looked like human teenagers, but their faces were ferocious, their pupils were fierce, and they seemed to have lost their minds. One of them stuck out like a snake letter.

Sure enough, it was the expected 'flowers blooming, rich, and cute'.

This was the first time Lin Yu had seen an evil ghost, and only then did he realize that it was not luck when he was sleeping in the wild with Mako before.

Chapter 25

His wisteria physique is actually very useful, and he occasionally wonders why there is such a stench in the air, and then drifts away, and all the ghosts who try to get close to him and the wild wild wild beetle are all swept away by the smell of him. already?

But this physique doesn't seem to work here. The ghosts here don't have enough opportunities to eat people. Just look at the drooling looks of these guys. As long as you see it, don't care about eating or not eating bad stomachs, they will eat.

"This is what I found first!"

One of the two evil ghosts jumped up and was about to attack Lin Yu. A funny scene happened. The other one jumped up and broke his arm directly, and even slapped him in the face with a grim smile. He rushed towards Lin Yu's side.

Their speed is indeed much faster than ordinary humans, and those gangsters didn't even have a chance to raise their hands in front of Lin Yu.

However, it is still too weak.

Lin Yu swung his knife, and the cold light of the knife swept across the neck of the evil ghost like the moonlight, and it separated its head in the air.

Seeing this, the remaining evil ghost suddenly widened his eyes, not knowing that he had hit the muzzle of the gun, turned around and wanted to escape.

A strong arm grabbed its neck directly.


The ghost turned his head in disbelief, only to see a picture of a fiery fox in the corner of his eye, and the meridians on the hand that grabbed his neck were bursting out of the skin at a speed visible to the naked eye, like earthworms all over the wrist. on the muscles.

After becoming an evil spirit, for the first time in his life, he subverted his own cognition, that is, a human actually grabbed him with his bare hands.

What a joke!

He was furious and was about to struggle.

A suffocating force came from his neck, and the sound of Ka Ka Ka sounded, he could feel that his neck was being squeezed constantly, shrinking a whole circle, and his body was actually unable to make Kai... That hand grabbed his neck like a pair of iron pliers.


"What kind of monster are you?"

The evil ghost's eyeballs were bloodshot, and he turned his head in disbelief.

He didn't dare to move anymore, because the cold sun blade was already on his neck.

"Answer my question and I can let you go."

"You say, as long as I know, I will tell you."

The devil was stunned for a moment, then said in a hoarse voice.

"Do you have a big ghost here..."

The evil ghost asked uncertainly: "Giant ghost... Do you mean the guy with a lot of hands on his body?"


Lin Yu nodded.

The evil spirit swallowed his throat and opened his serrated mouth as he asked uncertainly.

"I told you, will you really let me go?"

Lin Yu took off his mask.

At that moment, the evil ghost was also stunned. It was unimaginable that under this mask and strong body was a harmless young man's face, and he even showed a very innocent smile.

"Of course, I did what I said."

The devil nodded.

"It's in the woods 500 meters ahead, I just came out from there, that guy has always been domineering because of his strength, and he has eaten a lot of people. If you want to trouble him, I advise You'd better save it."

As soon as the words fell, the evil ghost felt his neck loosen, and even showed an expression like a new life.

However, in the next second, the neck was cold, and the body had not yet landed, and the head fell first.
