MTL - Demon Slayer: The Beginning of the Game Opens the Way of Reward for Diligence-Chapter 66

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Earth dragons are not particularly powerful beasts. If they are alone, even the guards outside can solve it by fighting hard together.

"Sir! It's a group of earth dragons!"

However, the sound from outside made the faces of the old man and Shyvana turn pale instantly.

They quickly got off the carriage and saw that there were no less than six earth dragons in front of the road, gnawing at tree roots and other things. It was winter, and they couldn't find anything to eat. These guys were hungry one by one. The breath is very dangerous, and I immediately noticed the crowd here.

They are like hills, all covered in rock-hard armor.

A single earth dragon is nothing to worry about. After all, the attack method is single, as long as you attack your belly, you can take it down quickly, but a group of earth dragons like this...unless it is an army of more than 100 people, or has mastered special A person with ability, in this case, can only...

"Fin... scatter and escape!"

The old man just waved an order.


The ground trembled, and the guards and Sylvanas widened their eyes one by one, as if they were frightened and dumbfounded. The old man opened his eyes and looked in their direction, also frightened dumbfounded.

Chapter 129 Cooperation reached

I saw that Mr. Dior came out of the carriage at an unknown time, and no one saw how he appeared in front of the dragon group.

But the moment he saw him, he smirked and fell from the air, pinched the neck of an earth dragon with his own hands and smashed it to the ground.

That piece of earth was cracked in an instant, sinking deeply into it.

The sound of an explosion sounded, and the earth trembled!

The earth dragon's eyes turned white in an instant, and the huge mountain-like body only fluttered a few times with its legs.

The man raised his head, his eyes more fierce than the beast.


A roar resounded like a volcanic eruption.

The leaves of the entire forest were shaking one after another, the birds and beasts fluttered and flew away, and the remaining earth dragons were frightened and fled in an instant, leaving behind all the way of excrement, urine and feces.

Inside the carriage, Shyvana and her daughter sat upright as if they were candidates.

"Okay, okay, okay, it's okay, it's okay."

The trembling voice of the guards came from outside, and the group of guys were comforting the frightened horse they had finally found, but it sounded like they needed treatment more.

Lin Yu frowned.

He was also reflecting on whether he was too excited when he noticed the giant species, and almost turned into a ghost for a while.

I didn't expect that the earth dragon here is so weak, and in terms of strength, it is infinitely close to the level of the last string. At that time, I was very angry with him, so I wanted to scold him for being a jerk, to make him excited for nothing, but I didn't think so. The power is not well controlled, and it seems to have gone too far.

It seems that it is very difficult for him to get along with ordinary people no matter which world he is in.

"You don't have to be so afraid. I don't seem to have heard the topic just now. Let's continue. It seems that this lady has any questions about me. You can talk about it."


Shyvana's body trembled, and her lovely face was full of dull expressions, holding a broad axe like a little duck.

This woman looks like a hero, but I didn't expect it to be troublesome. If you have something to say, he is not an unreasonable person.

Lin Yu said impatiently: "It's not that I don't remember, didn't you have any dissatisfaction when you were arguing just now? I was paying attention to the giant species outside, it was called the earth dragon or something, I didn't hear it clearly, please repeat it again. Well, my thoughts, what's the problem?"



"No problem! No problem at all!"

Shyvana raised her head, as if swearing.

The old man wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "Mr. Dior, your power is really amazing. I'd take the liberty to ask, does your power come from Teigu? Could it be that you are also an emperor?"

"I'm not an imperial envoy."


"There is nothing in this world that only takes advantage and does not take risks. If you are unwilling to cooperate, I can get off the bus and go directly to the capital. If you think I have any collusion with the minister or the revolutionary army, then it is unnecessary. , I think in their eyes, you don't have that kind of value, and it's worth dispatching an imperial envoy to lurk beside you."

Lin Yu closed his eyes tiredly.

It's not that he doesn't understand those devious things, but thinking too much is actually useless in the end. Why do you want to gain strength, isn't it just to prevent yourself from appearing pale in the face of conspiracy and tricks? Ingenuity always exists to fill the lack of strength.

If you have strength, you have to go everywhere to cater to serviles. This is not called cleverness, it is called unclear self-recognition. If you get along for a long time, you will be exposed sooner or later. This is especially true for the strong. Strength is like a woman's pregnancy, it is hidden. Can't stop.

"That's right..."

A difficult smile appeared on the old man's face.

Now in the whole country, when it comes to killing someone, it only takes a word from the minister, and these people of the clean-minded faction are going to the gallows every day.

The ministers don't care what they are thinking at all, as long as they don't conspire with him, they will die. It's as simple as that, dispatch the emperor's envoy to kill them and say, surveillance? Not to mention that there is no such value, which emperor is not arrogant, how can he do such a lowly spy job.

"Mr. Dior, I am offended. I won't have such a stupid idea in the future. I think our deal is established. In the future, our family will be responsible for Mr. Dior's daily life in the capital. If possible..."

"I don't contact guys other than you, it's too troublesome, and it's not good to make it seem like I'm pressing people to prove something, just remember my goals clearly, and search for me well. News from the Emperor."

Lin Yu smiled slightly.

Joining a faction to kill a part first, and then killing the rest, seems to be much less risky than his initial idea of ​​becoming an enemy of the whole people, and the feasibility is also very high.

In the end, it should be... the emperor's emperor, the protector of the country, the supreme throne, a toy controlled by a child, and a king without ministers can only stay on the throne and wait to die.


The old man nodded again and again.

He needs to use this power of Lin Yu to fight against the power of the emperor's envoy mastered by the minister, and the snow queen Esdes, who is still on the frontier and has not returned. No matter how powerful Lin Yu can be, at least they are Those who, sooner or later, will go to the gallows or become victims of political struggles also have a dagger to resist.

It doesn't really matter whether Lin Yu wants to fight with the emperor's envoy whether it's true or not. Anyway, he will definitely take action at that time, and that's enough.

The interests of both parties are the same.

Not long after, the carriage started its journey back to the capital again.

The old man introduced the situation of the capital to Lin Yu again, roughly meaning that he wanted Lin Yu to take up a position in the Imperial Guard Corps, which is equivalent to placing chess pieces or the like.

Lin Yu didn't speak.

Because this old man seems to have misunderstood him, perhaps it is because of his fear of the emperor's envoy that makes him appear so timid. The Imperial Guard Corps is clearly an institution under the hands of his nemesis, the minister.

That is to say, on the surface, he said that he wanted to challenge the minister, but in reality, it was just a joke, and he did not dare to organize any actual forces.

Originally, they could organize an organization based on what they had at the time. Although it was weaker than the Imperial Guard Corps, it was like an ant, but it was the result of the concerted efforts of so many officials of the country.

Chapter 130 The Three Beasts

If the name is there, it's not hard to see where to go, isn't it?

If there was an imperial envoy, then I would be able to stand up straight and shout at the minister, but unfortunately not, this old man is not sure how far Lin Yu's strength can compete with the imperial envoy, so he made this choice , let Lin Yu go to the Imperial Guard Corps to take an idle job, and then it is estimated that he will be arranged to fight against the kingdom's resistance organization night attack, and attack the emperor's envoy there to prove his worth.

After all, it is still the arrangement of cannon fodder.

In fact, Lin Yu doesn't know it himself. After all, the world's force value is indeed much more than Ghost Slayer, and Emperor's abilities are also varied, but he should be immortal. If he doesn't die, there is no problem. What does his system do? Can't get stronger? If you can't beat it and become stronger, then kill it again.

Lin Yu also knew that this was the best arrangement this old thing could do. After all, the power of the honest faction is really weak now.

It's just that what makes Lin Yu unhappy is that these old wall lamps are more leak-proof than each other. A good person seems to have a hundred hearts on his body. No wonder he can live as a clear stream in this decadent country.

"That... Mr. Dior, what's the problem?"

The old man's hair went numb when he was stared at by Lin Yu who was sitting opposite him, and he only felt that his little guts seemed to be seen through by others.

Lin Yu snorted coldly and didn't intend to go around with this old wall lamp. Anyway, if he entered the Imperial Guard Corps, he could get the information and specific location of the Emperor's Envoy. If he could find one, he would count as one, and it didn't matter to him who he fought. Just hit some.

"No problem, I just see that your daughter is young, so petite and cute, holding such a heavy weapon, it's a bit strange."

ah? Is he calling me cute?

Shyvana's face turned red all of a sudden.

"It's okay. I have been training in the army since I was a child, and I am also very strong in combat."

"Are you good at fighting?"


"That's fine, then try to save your life as much as possible."

"Liwa, I said Liwa..."

A pseudo-mother boy in a black military uniform complained all over his face.

In his spare time, he grabbed a rabbit for an autopsy by the roadside, and there was blood and cut fur on the ground.

"Is the information wrong? Why do we have to wait here for so long?"

"Don't talk nonsense, Niu, this is General Esdes' intelligence, how could it be wrong?"

The man named Liwa was a silver-haired man with bangs slanted to the right, also in a black military uniform.

In addition, there is a big man with an axe in both hands, and his face is about to wither. His name is Daidas.

The three of them are the three beasts under the Imperial General Ice Queen Esdes.

This time, it was a minister of the Incorrupt faction who was ordered to attack the empire, so as to put the blame on the head of the night attack. In General Esders' view, it doesn't matter how many people of the Incorruptible faction die, the most important thing is to be able to As a general guarding the frontier, Esdes detested the number of rebel organizations in the kingdom that colluded with foreign nations, but he hated those foreign nations and the traitors who colluded with them.

"General Esders also said that he was going to have a relationship when he came back this time. The queen in love is also prone to misjudgment."

Daidas waved the double axe in his hand and said speechlessly.

"Hey, I really don't know what kind of partner our Lady Queen is looking for? If we use the animal analogy, is it a rabbit or a wolf?"

Niu held the flute in both hands, closed his eyes and twitched his lips in a very cute gesture.

"It's really hard to imagine that the Snow Queen would actually say that she wants to fall in love.

Imagining that Her Lady Queen was wearing a black military uniform, with white boots on her slender thighs, and a shy expression appeared on her face that looked like an iceberg and snow lotus all year round.

That...people, people want to fall in love...who will the object be? Strong monster like a mountain? After all, our Lady Queen has enough docile dogs, isn't it? hey-hey…"


Niwu's head soon bulged a big bag, and tears of grievance quickly appeared in his eyes.


Daidas gave a hearty smile.

Liwa withdrew his hand expressionlessly.

"This topic is over, and it's not allowed to say anything like that anymore."

Among the three beastmen, he had the strongest loyalty to the general Esdes, and as long as the queen ordered him to give up his life, he would not hesitate to give up his life.


The three beastmen looked stunned, and instantly entered a state of battle. Don't look at their usual sloppy appearance, when it came to work, they were the most capable officers under Esdes.

The carriage came slowly from the other side of the snow.

Liva frowned slightly.

He observed it very keenly, and asked the newspaper to show that the minister seemed to have just returned to the capital from another place. The security was not very good along the way, so he brought a lot of guards.

But at the moment there is only a carriage in front of them, and there are no casual horse guards. Where have they all gone?

The snow-covered forest was extremely desolate, and the sound of the bells on the carriage could be heard quietly, ticking and approaching constantly.

Niwuyin, one of the three beastmen, pulled out a dagger from his waist with a smile. He just used this dagger to dismember a rabbit. It was no fun at all.

I heard that the minister seems to have a daughter who is a soldier. If he can cut off that elder sister's face, it must be fun.

"Niu! Back off!"

Liwa's expression froze, and he was just about to remind Niu, who was constantly approaching the carriage with a dagger.

However, it was already too late.

The door of the carriage was pushed open in an instant, and a group of things that even Liwa could not see the speed rushed towards Niu.