MTL - Devil King From The Otherworldly Dimension-Chapter 685 Congratulations

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Another month has passed. The martial arts in the eyes of Agria and Lilith have finally changed a little. This change is...

Wu Lingfeng disappeared into the space for a moment, but the black space turbulence did not disappear.

"What happened?" Agriana frowned and said, disappeared? Where did you go?

"Oh, it may be dead, it must be exhausted by energy." The flower greened the assertion.

Agriana shook her head and said, "I am afraid that you are disappointed. He is not dead. I have a contract with the soul. I am the same contract. If he is dead, I will perceive it." Unfortunately, no."

Lilith squatted and sat on the pillar of the demon god, saying nothing, if Wu Lingfeng did not die, then there are several possibilities:

First, escaped with space spells; Second, hidden into the turbulent space; Third, entered the world of the Dimension.

The first one may be ruled out, because today's space is still turbulent, it means that he has not disappeared, the second possibility is too reluctant, and there is a lot of danger in the turbulent flow. If you go in, you will not die. Knowing how to die, unless the brain is in the water, it is clear that Wu Lingfeng still has normal thinking, which is unlikely.

If it is the third possibility, then it can explain the situation of spatial turbulence. The dimension world has an interface with the main world. After entering it, there will be a part connected to the main world. Through this connected part, Complete the shuttle between the main world and the world of the dimension.

But if Wu Lingfeng really created the Dimension World, how would she choose? Continue to fight against it? Obviously, with the world of the dimension, Wu Ling can't beat it, and can completely enter the world of the dimension to avoid it. Basically, it is already in a state of ignorance, and after the creation of the Dimension World, the various comprehension of the rules will be instantaneously integrated, and the power will be greatly improved. He is only the energy. The future has suddenly become a breakthrough, as long as it slowly accumulates, it can become the supreme god!

at this time……

The black space turbulence has changed, Wu Lingfeng has come out of it, and now his body's breath has completely converged. In the view of Agria and Lilith, Wu Lingfeng is an ordinary person. I can't feel the energy spilling out of his body, and I have reached a stage of returning to the truth. The grasp of energy and rules has reached the stage of entering the room.

"Haha... haha... haha..."

When Wu Lingfeng emerged from the turbulent flow of black space, suddenly the whole world screamed and laughed loudly. It was a laugh from the time and space outside the domain. The laughter arrived here from outside the time and space.

"Congratulations... Congratulations... Congratulations..."

Then a voice of congratulations spread out. The clouds in the sky have become a smile, and there are men and women, young and old, and at first glance, there are more than a dozen.

And this smiley look has turned to Wu Lingfeng.

"Really fascinating!"

"Intermediate god! Haha, fun, fun!!"

"We are convinced, fourth-order dimensional space!!"

"It must be a big weapon.

"The last man of the world who cursed the world was born!"

"Haha, admire!"

"Yes, the fourth stage of the Dimension World has been completed, only the last fifth stage! Great!"

"This is a enchanting, we are not alone!"


A loud voice resounded throughout the space, all of which were triggered by the super power of extraterrestrial space and time.

Agriana and Lilith suddenly felt the great pressure, and hundreds of thousands of miles away, the will of the great-powered people could make them irresistible, and estimated that they really came to them. After that, they must be soft on the ground. Can't get up.

These ancient and powerful congratulations also represent the creative success of Wu Lingfeng's sub-world. Even Agria and Lilith are even stupid and understand that Wu Lingfeng has succeeded, and see the dialogue between the powers, Wu Lingfeng's world level. It is the fourth stage, and the world has progressed to the fourth stage. It’s really terrifying. It’s no exaggeration to describe the fascinating enchanting.

Wu Lingfeng looked at the faces of these clouds in the sky. It was also extremely shocking. The power could reach the main world and make the heavens and the earth discolored. It was really quite powerful. Are these faces a great man of great age?


Dragon Palace.

Jessica, who is studying magic books (the mysterious girl who once appeared in the Well of Devil), looked at the sky and suddenly raised her head and waved at the face of an old man in the sky. "Grandpa, how are you?" Are you?"

"You are... Jessica? Haha, I haven't seen it for a while, how do you grow up, what are you doing in the main world? Is it naughty?" The old man looked lovingly at Jessica.

"When a person grows up, you will be a snoring for more than ten years. Of course, people grow up. People play in this main world. There are a lot of ancient magic books that have been lost here. It is what our royal family does not have." ..." Jessica said, raising the magic book in his hand.

"Well, those things are derived from the foundation, just the path, you do not concentrate on cultivation, know how much more useless, Tianshen Xiangrui feel it? Now the world has a peerless enchanting, I see 20 Around the age of one, people have created the fourth stage of the world of the dimension, and all things in the world of the dimension have evolved. It is really a genius, much stronger than you..." the old man sighed and said.

"No? That guy is so powerful, the fourth-level world of the world, even the creation of everything? You are lying to me, at most the world of the first level, there is nothing in this main world, no one Teach him how he might have such a big skill to create the fourth-order dimension world?” Jessica was shocked. She guessed that Wu Lingfeng was the first-order dimension world, which already gave Wu Lingfeng’s speculation, but He actually created the fourth-order world of the dimension, which is simply a lie.

"Haha, grandfather, my eyes will still be wrong? How many other big-powered people will be wrong? You little guy, don't look too small, this world still has geniuses... Get up, listen to what you mean, do you know this enchanting?" asked the old man's face.

"Know, of course, I know, but people have helped him too, but that guy is not awkward, a pervert, a pretty woman too much!" Jessica said with a small mouth, Wu Lingfeng did not marry her. There is no shortage of beautiful girls around.

"Well, if this is the case, you are staying here for a while, and you can make a good deal with it. After a few days, I will let your older sister hope to be married with it..." The old man said thoughtfully.

"Big sister? No, the elder sister is so enchanting, will she be willing to marry? And there are two or three women around the big brother who are not in the big sister, very powerful, saying that the curse of the main world genius It’s really a lot, not as we know it.” Jessica was surprised, her big sister was a super-horror guy, and now it’s almost the strength of the Lord God?

"Well, I feel a few strong breaths, but these breaths have the power of the boy's contract. It seems to be the people who exist around the boy. If the world is born, then there will be a knight. Appear, let your older sister try it, she is not always able to find the person in the middle?" The old man nodded and said, and then gradually disappeared into the space.

Jessica looked at the old man whose face disappeared and shook his head. He was still ready to run. The big sister, the guy who saw her, had to teach her, and it was absolutely painful to take her to carry out various hellish cultivations.

"Jessica, what's wrong?" Alice said from the palace at this time.

"Nothing, but I may have to leave recently." Jessica said.

Alice suddenly stepped forward to seize Jessica's little hand and said, "Don't go, if someone meets someone who doesn't understand the magical knowledge, ask who? Stay here, don't you like to be with me?"

"No... Hey, don't use such a resentful look. Ok, I just left for a while, and by then we can carry out remote mirroring for the sound... The main thing is that people have to avoid one person, that guy is super scary. Can't stay there..." Jessica said helplessly.

Alice said helplessly: "Well, remember to come back, but people like you the most."

"I also like Alice, but I have to go, well, wait for the storm to pass, I will come back immediately, is this OK?" Jessica hugged Alice.

"Well, people are relieved..." Alice nodded and said.


After the sky's cloud face disappeared one by one, Wu Lingfeng looked at Lilith and said: "The first devil, I am coming to play with you, Agria, you have retired, I want to test my strength. What has been reached."

Agriana nodded and retreated to Wu Lingfeng. Now that Wu Lingfeng can't defeat Lilith, she will not fail. The world of the second dimension has been created. The strength cannot be judged in the usual way.

"Well, you are careful. As the first female demon born in the devil world, her strength is not so simple, and she also masters the power of the kingdom of God. Don't care," said Agriana.

"Well, I know, even if I am stupid, I understand that I can't beat her now. I feel that my eyes are greatly improved compared with before. Lilith's strength can be felt. It's powerful." Wu Lingfeng looked at Lilith seriously.