MTL - Devouring Myriad Ghosts System-v2 Chapter 828 Phantom Assassin

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If it wasn't for Feng, who would stand up to the 80% attack of the water monkey army, this wave of people would go to the resurrection together.

The number of water monkeys is close to 10,000. The most characteristic of this kind of ghost is that they are not afraid of death.

Once you look at the target like a bee, you will kill you if you don't care.

The monks have a heavy casualty here, and the water monkeys are no better.

In addition to his own strength, Feng Buji is also very strong in commanding ability, under his command and dispatch.

The combat power of twenty-seven monks was brought to the maximum.

But even so, fifteen people went to the resurrection point under the long battle.

The remaining 12 people are struggling to support.

The water monkeys suffered more serious casualties, and at least two or three thousand water monkeys were killed.

However, no matter how many companions die, the offensive of these ghosts is not weakened.

One by one, with the innocent steel shackles, going forward and coming to the monks.

Feng does not care that his face is dignified. He knows that if he goes on like this, he will be killed sooner or later.

The strength of the water monkey has been strengthened in the Jiu Xuan gods, especially the defense is at least two or three times stronger than the water monkey in the real world.

Feng is not a fan of Yunyao, and he has a very high talent in refining vestments.

The vestment is a magic weapon, but it is more special. The vestment is a passive magic weapon.

It is a special magic weapon to play its own role.

However, in addition to refining the vestment, Feng Wuji also has a talent for cultivation.

The bone age is only twenty-seven, and it has already been cultivated in the late stage of refining, and the battle force is directly chasing the old demon in the late stage.

Feng does not avoid the magic weapon of this life is a battlefield of 鲲鹏, the magic weapon of the immortal grade.

The Peng Peng battle suit was made by Feng Bu Ji and Yun Yao Ling Zun. It took three years.

This suit is a bit like the armored suit used by the refining monks, which is not the same as the usual vestments.

It looks more like a battle armor worn on the body. When it is completely opened, it will be completely wrapped in Feng.

If Li Daochong saw it, he would scream and lie down in a slot. This is not the Iron Man in the realm of comprehension.

The 鲲peng suit is full of green, hidden behind the back, arms, legs and waist and ankle.

At the same time, two magnetic small cannons can be extended on both sides of the shoulder, and there are three launching points of the magnetic submachine gun on the back of the hand.

In terms of firepower alone, Feng is not afraid of being one of the most fierce young monks in the entire human domain.

Feng Buji's real killer is the two long blades that are attached to the back of the Peng Peng suit. It is like a knife and a knife. It is like a sword and not a long cone.

The overall appearance is the long edge of the two metal slightly curved, wide but three fingers, the length of more than two meters, the handle and the blade body is a whole.

These two long-blade swords come from a lot of origins. It is said that it was a magic weapon of the sacred level that was left behind by the spirit.

A blade of wind, another blade of water.

Feng does not care that at this moment, Peng Peng’s shirt is blessed in the body, only revealing a face. The small magnetic cannon on the shoulder constantly bombards the water monkey group that has been attacked. The two-handed fists change direction in a high speed, and there are no dead angles of 360 degrees. A magnetic bomb.

If Feng does not have such a firepower suppression, a group of them have long been drowned by the Water Monkey Legion.

Others cooperated with Feng Wuji's firepower to suppress and use magical powers.

It’s just that there are too many water monkeys, and there are always a few that break through the firepower network and get close to them.

Once they are close, the fighting power of the water monkeys is extremely terrifying. They are born with the power of the gods. If you go down with a paw, you can easily crush the head of the **** monk.

Feng did not feel a sense of weakness, and suddenly lost his power, and the firepower weakened.

However, a one-second delay, dozens of water monkeys rushed through the firepower network.


A scream, a young monk was separated by several water monkeys, disappeared and disappeared to the resurrection point.

When you die, you can taste the corpse of the five horses. Although it is not really dead, it will leave an indelible shadow in your heart.


Such as the sound of watermelon cracking, another young woman repaired, was crushed by a huge water monkey, followed by the resurrection point.

In the blink of an eye, twelve people became ten, and the firepower became weaker.

When Feng refused to return to God and regained his firepower, the dozens of close-knit water monkeys had no choice.

The spread of the firepower network was based on the indiscriminate attack. After the close, the companions and the water monkeys were mixed together. Feng could not attack the close-up water monkey.

These water ghost monkeys naturally do not threaten Feng Xiaoji. If they attack Feng, they will only be themselves.

Once the squadron of the squadron is directly subjected to physical attacks, a terrorist thunder will erupt, and all objects close to it will be reduced to nothingness.

But this is not a stupid water monkey, they do not turn a blind eye to Feng.

Feng is not afraid to watch the companions being strangled one by one. He can't stop the firepower net. Once stopped, thousands of water monkeys on the outside will be swarmed up. Everyone will be drowned in an instant. At that time, except for Feng Boji, one is left. No less.

A monk was torn by a water monkey into pieces to go to the resurrection point.

There are still nine people left.

"Damn." Feng did not gnash his teeth and cursed.

The roar was not lost and another monk was killed, leaving eight people.

The surviving entrants were pale, breathless, tired and lacking in power.

Half of the battle, the fate of the resurrection point is only a foregone conclusion, and their ranking will drop sharply.

Just when everyone felt that it was almost white, the eight of them suddenly shot a figure and turned it into a lightning bolt.

Puff puff……

In a blink of an eye, more than a dozen water monkeys were separated and the beast nucleus was crushed.

The remaining seven people looked at the female repair, including Feng.

This female trainer joined the team when she met Han Biao and others yesterday, and then followed the group.

If the woman does not need to say a word on the way, it is relatively weak among the people.

It has almost been forgotten before, because she is too humble and can easily be ignored.

Instantly kill fifteen water monkeys, this melee ability is enough to override most refining monks.

This woman does not have to shoot, the shot is fatal, the start is extremely embarrassing, the water monkeys have no time to react and have been killed.

Other water monkeys suddenly went crazy and rushed toward the woman. The more the companions died, the more crazy the remaining water monkeys were.

"Be careful Feng does not drink a light reminder.

The woman repaired the pink tongue and rubbed her lips, her eyes flashed coldly, and she whispered in her mouth.

"The "Nine Cracks" is a star."


A round of dazzling knives flashed past, and numerous stars flashed out of the void.

Under each starlight is a smashed water monkey.

Dozens of water monkeys who had survived the firepower network were only a few seconds away, and they were killed by the woman, and none of them remained.

Feng Buji took a deep look at the female repair, and his eyes were a hint of jealousy.

The tricks that this woman has made have never been seen before, but the power is so amazing.

This woman is not someone else, it is Li Daochong’s apprentice Xiaoying.

Originally she was on the 8th Emperor, but shortly after the contest, she began to travel long distances, hunting all the way to the third emperor.

However, her hunting objects have never been Jiu Xuan, but the contestants.

Since the start of the game, Xiaoying has killed a small number of nine Xuan dynasty, and the number of water monkeys killed at the moment is more than the sum of the nine Xuan dynasties that she had nearly nine months before.

Xiaoying only sneaked into the contestants because of the many battles and easy to deal with.

Xiaoying came to Emperor No. 3 more than two months ago. There are many contestants here, the area is vast, and the hunting range is large.

So Xiaoying will use this as his ultimate hunting ground, and he will continue to kill the first round of testing here.

Unexpectedly, more than a month ago, all the contestants began to attack the contestants of the Nankun Empire, which made her sneak attack more and more difficult, because almost all the contestants took the group action, the singles were extremely less.

The group is still not holding two or three, and one is seven or eight.

This greatly increases the risk of Xiao Ying’s attack, and more importantly, exposes himself.

No one knows so far that she is the rumored phantom assassin.