MTL - Dimensional Restaurant in Marvel-Chapter 370 Local rat

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The kings were in a panic, and the people fled outside the city collectively.

The members of the Puppet Knights were divided into two, and the weak ones commanded the people to take refuge, while the strong ones formed an array and rushed to the arrival of the Black Dragon.

However, the Knights just ran directly below the Black Dragon Swarm, only to find that the Black Dragon Swarm stopped landing and vibrated their wings and flew to the King City.

One after another landed on the King City, crushing luxurious buildings, making a deafening roar, all the buildings in front of the roar were destroyed and burst into full debris.

Looking at the roar, he destroyed most of the black dragon group with the roar. The members of the Knights, look at me, I look at you, all eyes are blank.

We killed the Negro, but the enemy ran away.

The enemies who ran away stole our base camp by the way.

In addition, more importantly ...

"The wise men will be those horrible old men ... alive?"

The King City has been destroyed for more than half, and the old men who trembled walking ...


A voice full of affirmation sounded, the panic of the knights was instantly calmed, because the source of the sound was the deputy head of the Knights of the Kingdom Guards. S.

"The people of the Sage Society should be in the room where the Long Lishi is stored, and the temple where the Long Lishi is stored is not collapsed."

With a glance from Rius, everyone saw the luxurious building stepped under the claws by a black dragon, and was relieved.

Immediately afterwards, Rius continued: "Our task now is to rescue the wise men, to expel the black dragons, and to bring the kings back to peace, the knights ..."

He pulled out his sword and held it up.

"... attack !!!!!!"


骑士 All the knights pulled out their swords and shouted toward the city.


At King City, the dragon's claws held the black dragon's back on the roof of the temple where Long Lishi was located. Mu Qiu sat cross-legged on the wide back of the black dragon.

He looked at the Knights who were full of morale towards him, Mu Qi raised his eyebrows, got up and jumped forward slightly.

A black dragon followed to catch Mu Qiu, the dark feathers flapped, and the intense wind pressure was generated. When the buildings were blown down, the huge body of the black dragon was pushed forward, jumping out of the royal city and falling to the Knights. The middle of the road turns into a roadblocker!


The deafening roar rang through the clouds.

The trumpet-shaped ripples visible to the naked eye swept around, instantly destroying the buildings on both sides of the street, shattering the stone floor and taking it off, turning it into crushed stone rain and hitting the Knights.

"Ah ~" "Ah ~" "Ah ~" ............

All of a sudden, the screams in the array kept coming and going, and the urgent march was stopped.

After the sound of waves, the gravel rain stopped. Although the Knights looked miserable, no one was seriously injured.

Yu Zhi and other high-level knights of the Knights pointed.


The miserable Knights immediately regrouped, forming a neat queue and rushing to the black dragon blocking the road.

"Play with them."

Upon receiving Mu Qiu's order, the black dragon slowly raised his thick and sloppy right claw, swiping from right to left.

The dragon's claws waved, and a fierce wind followed.

Howling wind drove the sand, and the rolling dust appeared in the eyes of everyone

The knights obeyed the body's instincts and narrowed their eyes to prevent them from getting into the sand.

With dusty scenes and squints, the human vision instantly becomes very poor.

差 When the field of vision is poor, the speed of human walking will naturally slow down.

As far as the dragon is concerned, the sand and dust can't obstruct the view at all.

Seeing that a group of ants' movement speed slowed down, the black dragon opened its huge mouth and raised its right paw to play the game of hamster.

Huh! Huh! Huh! …………

Tapping his fingers gently, one by one humans were knocked into the land.

Because Mu Qiu's order was to play, the black dragon didn't exert much force. Those humans were just stuffed into the land without any injuries.

"Spread, spread around ..."

Seeing the knights being photographed one by one into the ground, Rius quickly stopped ordinary knights from sending their heads and greeted them to disperse to the surroundings. He led the high-level knights to charge.

"Rainbow sword!"

里 As soon as Rius shot, he used his own sword to wink.

The knight's sword flickered with the brilliance of a rainbow, and its dazzling glory was eye-catching.

At the same time, all kinds of magic are used, and the physical ability of Rius is greatly improved.

Right holding a sword, Rius rushed towards the black dragon at high speed.

高层 The other senior members of the Knights also exerted their housekeeping skills and went all out to kill the Black Dragon.

Suddenly, Rius rushed to the Black Dragon without any hesitation.

I jumped, and a sword waved down.

The black dragon eyes stared at Yurius, no dodge and no defense, let the blade cut on himself.

Soon after, the attacks of the remaining knights also fell on the whole body of the Black Dragon.

The sound of violent continuous collision sounded one after another.

After the howling sound, the expressions of the knights became abnormally bad.

Because they found that their sword was chopped on the black dragon without causing a trace of damage.

Don't tear the dragon's body, they can't even break the dragon's scales, just make a trace of scratches.

how is this possible!

Everyone was stunned, unable to accept the reality that they couldn't break a monster scale armor with one full blow.

"It really is not an ordinary dragon monster."

Yurius pulled back, looking up at the Black Dragon while retreating, and the Black Dragon just looked down at Yurius.

In the previous attack of a group of ants, as long as the ants' attack in front of them felt a little bit, it was as if they were bitten by a mosquito ~ ~ The rest of Rao's attacks were completely unfeeling.

The only ant that made him feel pain, the Black Dragon naturally paid more attention.

He noticed the action of the black dragon, and Mu Qiu followed the eyes of the black dragon.

"A little familiar purple hair."

Wu Muqiu felt that the person in front of him was familiar, but did not have more impressions.

"It should be a supporting role."

Wu Muqiu summed it up like this, then looked away and turned to the sky.

I never went to see a group of ants besieging the dragon, anyway, no matter how they fight, the black dragon cannot be traced.

After all, the black dragon is made with the dragon king Akuno Nokia as a template. If you come casually, how many people can get there?

"Polkenny, why haven't they appeared yet!"

Looking at the sky, white clouds, blue sky, no shadow of the dragon.

真的 Did he really want to make trouble and destroy the capital of the king himself, when the people of the capital were desperate, Polkenny would come, in order to obtain the most sincere faith?

Why do a dragon gather faith? Fengshen?

What words can seal God from the zero world?

When Wu Muqiu was thinking wildly, Rius's attack did not stop, but the black dragon was ignored and left to fight, they could not be prevented anyway.

Playing with his own self, chasing some ordinary knights, playing a game of moles.

The cricket hit a local rat in the ground.