MTL - Dimensional Restaurant in Marvel-Chapter 460 Conversation with Bai Yasha

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The road leading to ThousandEyes branch is called Perry Bed Avenue. The road is paved with neat flagstones, and the street trees planted on both sides are floating with pink petals.

Walking to the entrance of ThousandEyes branch, because there was the snake **** Snow White in the team, she was not blocked by the salesperson. Therefore, Mu Qiu did not see the classic picture of Shizuo Yejiao kimono loli, and was a little disappointed.

Inside the shop, you can see the courtyard of the room. On one side sits a white yasha wearing a black background and blue border and a kimono decorated with pure white lace. On one side sits more than 20 people such as Mu Qiu. There are three floors inside and outside. Many people looked particularly oppressive.

"Uh, Black Rabbit, why... why did you bring so many people here?" Bai Yasha looked at the group of crooked guys and felt a vicious aura, like a gangster group.

As for where such a bunch of people popped up, there should be three companions summoned by the Black Rabbit, right?

What's the matter with the rest?

Bai Yacha gently tapped his palm with a folding fan, and looked at Mu Qiu and others with a suspicious look. At the same time, Mu Qiu also looked at Bai Yacha with a curious look.

"Uh, this...that..." The black rabbit didn't know how to explain it for a while, playing with index fingers, "They are also companions who have joined the community."

"All right." Bai Yacha sighed. Since it was the black rabbit's decision, she didn't ask too much, "You brought them here to identify the gifts?"

"Yeah." The black rabbit nodded frequently.

"Identification of the gift, there is no problem." Bai Yasha's sharp gaze stared at a certain Xue Ji who was kneeling down on the edge of the room near the edge, "What's the matter with you?"

"I was defeated." Bai Xueji replied in a low mood, thinking that her five-figure **** was actually shocked by the aura of a hand knife. It was really embarrassing.

"Oh~~~" Sixteen nights leaned forward, dragging his tone, "Do you know her?"

"Why don't you know me? I was the one who bestowed her godhood hundreds of years ago." Bai Yasha raised his flat chest and laughed boldly.

"Wow, then you must be better than that snake!" Shikuye's eyes flashed with troublesome brilliance.

"Hmph, of course! I'm the ‘class dominator’ on the east side. I am the strongest organizer in a guild below four digits on the east side.”

As soon as the five characters for "the strongest sponsor" came out, the eyes of Asuka and Kasugabe also lit up. They looked good, but they were actually problem children who were keen to make trouble.

", if we beat you in the game, our guild will be the strongest guild on the east side?"

"Yes, exactly."

"Okay! That's great! Save trouble!" The three of them suddenly got up and approached Baiyasha with war-like gazes.

"It's really a group of unintelligible children, it just happens that I'm bored too..." From the bottom of the kimono skirt, Bai Yasha took out a card printed with ‘Thousand Eyes’—the twin goddesses looking at each other.

No, where do you get your stuff!

Mu Qiu stared at the card in Bai Yacha's hand silently, Bai Yacha didn't care about Mu Qiu's gaze, flipped the card, and stared.

"What do you expect is the'challenge trial'-or the'equal duel'!"

Countless scenes passed before everyone's eyes, the hills overlooking the white horizon, the grassland shining with golden wheat waves, the lush virgin forests, the pure and flawless lakes...

The final freeze-frame picture is pure white snowfields and frozen lakeshores, and the distant, shining sky is the horizontally moving sun.

The shocking emotion made the three of Sixteen Nights unable to express in words, and the whole person was stunned.

Limlu and others have experienced many worlds with Mu Qiu, and they are considered to be well-informed. Although they are also very surprised, they have performed much better than the Jiuyuan Asuka.

Mu Qiu was not surprised at all, didn't he just use the small world as the game field! He can do it too.

"Question." Mu Qiu raised his hand.

"Please speak." Bai Yacha waved his folding fan.

"Why are we being teleported here together?" Mu Qiu's expression was quite speechless.

"Emmmm... smoothly?" Bai Yasha tilted his head.

"Don't ask in a rhetorical tone." Mu Qiu ignored Bai Yacha's cuteness.

"Well! Companions must have difficulties and enjoy the same, and play together." Bai Yasha folds the fan to block his face.

"The last four words are the key point, right." Mu Qiu continued to be speechless, "And are you sure you want to play with me? If we play together, your little world is... nothing!"

"Well, that is indeed a problem!" Bai Yacha didn't doubt the truth or falsehood of Mu Qiu's words. He could feel Mu Qiu's weird breath.

It feels like two digits and three digits. Is it in the middle of the card?

"Mosimosi, the protagonist of the game is us, don't leave the protagonist aside, just go chat on your own!"

Slowing the sixteen nights of God, he said silently with his hips akimbo.

"Oh! Yes, I almost forgot you." When Bai Yasha heard Ikuya's words, he looked back at the three people of Asuka Jiuyuan, "What is your choice? Is it a ‘trial’ or a ‘duel’?"

"Of course..." Kasuga Beyo and the three raised their heads, "Trial."

"Trial!" Bai Yacha waved his folding fan in distress, asking Mu Qiu's opinion, "What kind of trial do you think I should design?"

"Don't ask me!" Mu Qiu rolled her eyes, "I hate using my brain."

"Then..." Bai Yasha didn't bother to think, and said casually, "Choose one of the trial of the Griffin or the trial of the watermelon."

"Qiaodou sack." Jiuyuan Asuka raised his right hand, "Is it strange that these two trials are put together? What the **** is the watermelon trial?"

"The sky will drop watermelons, you have to catch them without falling..."

Before they finished speaking, they were interrupted by the three Kasuga Beyao directly, "The Trial of the Griffon."

"Ah? It's a pity, the watermelon trial is quite fun." Bai Yasha was disappointed.

Yeah! Who wants to play that kind of boring game!

"So...the trial is going..." Bai Yasha snapped his fingers, and the Griffin flew from the sky.

The three discussed, Kasugabe Yao participated in the trial, and the other two were responsible for shouting for cheer.

After the trial began, Mu Qiu walked to the side of Bai Yacha and sat cross-legged on the ground.

"Now, Bai Yasha, I have something to ask you."

Bai Yasha covered his face with a folding fan, and glanced at Mu Qiu from the corner of his eyes, "What's the matter? I won't answer if it's too troublesome."