MTL - Do You Remember My Name?-Chapter 73

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In the next few days, Feng Fei stayed at the Haixiu home at night.

Of course, only two people knew that Jiang Yuman had only returned once in the middle of the day, but he did not find any trace of another person in his family.

The so-called trace of another person is nothing more than a pair of toothbrushes in the washroom, a razor in the bathroom, a watch unintentionally dropped by the sea show bed, and more in the sea show wardrobe. A few pieces of strange men's clothes.

If Jiang Yuman is not so busy recently, she is likely to find something. This is not clear, but she knows that he has not wiped out these traces.

Feng Fei does not mind giving Jiang Yuman some hints before coming out of the cabinet.

The most important point is that the animal nature in the bones is at work, and the peaks are very enjoyable to leave their own traces in Haixiu's home. If Jiang Yuman also lives in this house, he can do more.

"You don't..." Haixiu pushes the peak, whispered, "You have to leave after a while, you have written three articles..."

In the morning, Fengfei and Haixiu took an hour to learn early, and Haixiu made a small peak of non-verbal writing. One hour soon passed, and Haixi’s title was almost done. The mission of Fengfei was not completed yet. Did not finish, Hai Xiu asked him to write faster, but he pressed people on the sofa, moving hands and feet.

"Why don't you say that Laozi wrote more articles last night?" Feng non-kiss Haixiu's lips, smiled. "I didn't kiss you on this sofa, make a mark..."

Haixiu gas knot, last night, for the same reason, he kissed him in front of the floor-to-ceiling window of the living room for a long time!

The curtains were not pulled, although the glass in the living room could not be seen from the outside, but it was very tense. Haixiu was helpless: "You are simply...that is..."

"It's a male dog." The peak is not skinless, "Did you know it early?"

Hai Xiu will not say this to the peak, he screamed: "Don't get it... you wrote two less, and you have to make up for it during the class."

"Take up and make up." Feng is not listening to Haixiu. He is on the forehead of Haixiu. "Come up and pack, will this go?"

Haixiu nodded, and Feng Fei kissed him on his lips again. He got up and packed his clothes. Haixiu saw that he had put the clothes brought in the previous two days into the bag. He suspected: "You don't come at night... Yet?"

The peak is not a smile: "What's wrong? Reluctant?"

Haixiu helpless: "Ask you about something right..."

"Little fool, my mom will leave tomorrow." Feng Fei took a hand on Hai Xiutou. "I will not come tonight, I will pick you up tomorrow."

Haixiu blinked: "I thought your mother would accompany you to the college entrance examination... I will be there soon."

"Where there is so much free time, this is still the light that touches my nephew, otherwise she will come back." Feng Fei did not care about himself. "Not better, stay here is also worried about worry, what is there? use."

Haixiu thinks too, he is afraid that Feng is not only strong in his mouth, comforting: "My mother has not had much time to accompany me, I have long been used to it, very good."

"It's very good. If your mother is at home, can you still bring your boyfriend back with such blatantness?" Feng Fei said two sentences and was not serious. "A little age, I will bring me back for the night, you talk. You see..."

Hai Xiu lived in the mouth of Feng Fei, dragging the peak and not going downstairs.

Close to the college entrance examination, the intensity of school supervision has not been relaxed, still not allowed to leave early, no accidents, no more leave, try to keep candidates in a stable state, class after class, running and doing exercises, everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

During the big class, Auntie sent today's meal - a box of strawberries.

Strawberry is the milk strawberry that Haixiu likes. The peak is not eaten, and the one is handed to Haixiu.

Haixiu did not quit, but he took it directly, and then he rushed to the peak to do the problem and fed the strawberries one by one.

Feng Fei is focusing on the last big problem of analysing and is not willing to interrupt the idea. He smiles and threatens while doing the question: "Give me another try?"

Haixiu is not afraid of his fright, picking the biggest and the most red, and handing it to the peak.

The peak did not care for him. When he couldn’t see it, he turned his head and let his eyes shut. He continued the engineering process. When he was in the air, Haixiu said: “Come on, this is the biggest one. I can't bear to eat..."

The peak was not raised at the corner of his mouth. His eyes were still on the test paper, but he still bowed his head and put the strawberry in Haixiu's hand into his mouth.

The sweet fragrant strawberry fragrance spreads out between the peaks and non-lip teeth, and the peak is not a little smiley.

Haixiu was a bit happy, and picked one, and fed it to Fengfei, urging: "Now this is the biggest... eat fast."

Feng couldn't help but laugh, and couldn't bear to take advantage of Haixiu's kindness and bow down one by one.

After a big problem, the whole paper seems to be sweet.

The peak is not finished, the strawberry is finished, Haixiu wipes his hands cleanly, takes the paper and carefully watches it again, points out a few innocuous problems, saying: "Nothing else is nothing... just don't always Jump steps, if this year's question is easy, the mark will be stricter, and sometimes it may be deducted."

Haixiu has been pressed for several months, and such a deductible score has been deducted a lot. The only advantage is that he can solve the problem more rigorously, and he will not give the examiner a chance to deduct points.

Peak nodded: "Listen to you, what else?"

"No, you are so powerful, this question is quite complicated." Haixiu really said, "Progress is great."

"I don't see who I was taught." The peak was not proud. He glanced at the two empty strawberry boxes. "Do you feed me?"

Haixiu shook his head: "I also ate."

But the sweetest and the biggest, I fed it myself.

Feng did not get up, while moving his neck to the back door of the classroom, he went out from the back door, took the door, went to the front door of the classroom, confirmed that there was no space in front of the corridor, entered the classroom from the front door, locked the door, and walked to the seat, one Pulled over the sea show, bowed his head and kissed Hai Xiu's mouth with horror.

Haixiu’s boss, who was scared by his eyes, was a little trembling. The peak did not deliberately make it bad, and kissed him deeply.

The classmates who are going to do the classwork are coming back soon. Feng Fei does not want to take risks. He quickly let go of Haixiu and open the front and rear doors.

When I came back, Hai Xiu’s face was still red.

“Sweet and not sweet?” Feng did not clean up the table and licked his lips. “Are you not the most like to eat this strawberry?”

Haixiu is like a ripe strawberry, shyly buried his head in the textbook.

Peak is not pinching his ears: "Oh, don't relish Haixiu nodded, trying not to think about the matter just now, reading the book seriously.

The closer to the exam, the more self-study classes, the next lesson is still self-study, the physics teacher asked Haixiu to go to the blackboard to write the final problem of the last big problem to the students to see - the reference answer only The final answer, no detailed steps.

Haixiu took the paper of Fengfei directly and copied it. The physics teacher looked behind the classroom and waited for Haixiu to finish his nod. “Yes, students can look at Haixiu’s problem-solving steps. The idea is very clear and detailed. Not cumbersome, perfect."

Haixiu returned to his seat and whispered softly: "Teacher... I didn't do this question, copying it is Fengfei."

Everyone laughed, the physics teacher sneered and laughed: "Not bad."

Feng did not laugh, continue to do the problem.

In the evening, Fengfei and the sea show the classroom. Feng Fei walked and said: "Go home and go to bed early, take time to pack things up at night, move back tomorrow, yes, last time you lost the umbrella, your home Is there a suitable umbrella?"

Haixiu is not sure: "Yes... what happened?"

"That's it, I am going to buy two of the same ones today." Feng Fei explained, "Listen to the teachers that the college entrance examinations have rained for a few days."

Haixiu feels very good: "It's raining cool."

"It's also true." Feng did not nod. "Go back to the collapse and waste time to find it. I will buy it later, go, let's go."

Feng Fei stopped the car for Hai Xiu, and waited in his ear before he stopped. "I left my shirt, just under your pillow. If you want to wear it at night, take it yourself."

Haixiu blushed and nodded to the car.

Feng Fei looked at Haixiu’s car and went home.

Feng non-home, Lu Xiaoli has prepared a table of dishes, Feng Fei heard a scent when he entered the door. He changed shoes and changed clothes, and exclaimed: "It's good, pregnant women."

Lv Xiaoli smiled and said: "Cash your hands quickly."

Lv Xiaoli will leave tomorrow. As usual, she said, "pay attention to work, don't be nervous, pay attention to diet", and say that the college entrance examination for a few days to find the driver to pick up the peak, the peak is not busy: "You don't want to toss, let me brother Just send me."

Lv Xiaoli smiled and said: "I still have trouble with your brother?"

The peak is not happy in an instant: "What happened to him?"

Lv Xiaoli was busy glaring at him: "I have trouble, I must let him personally send you."

Feng is not satisfied with his heart. He and Hai Xiu have a test center, so that Feng Xuan is the most suitable for them.

"There is one more thing..." Lu Yuli gave the peak a non-cold dish and smiled. "I was a little bit slanted in the last two days. Your father later called me a few more calls. Your older brother and your nephew also advised me to let me. I care less, I thought about it later."

Lv Xiaoli sighed and smiled: "Your object, mom no matter, you feel good... In fact, your grandparents didn't like your father at the time. They think their family is a big family. The relationship is complicated and there are many things, but now Look... Compared to your aunts, my relationship with your father is the best."

Lv Xiaoli completely relieved: "Your father is right, the person you pick is not too bad, don't blame me for too much control... You are alone here, I don't worry, I am afraid that you will be bad. It is."

Peak did not ask: "Do you not take it bad?"

Lv Xiaoli nodded and smiled: "Well, no bad."

Feng Fei gave Lu Xiaoli a dish: "You can rest assured, wait until this is over, I will bring him to see you."

Lv Xiaoli thought that Feng Fei had to bring a girl with an explosive head and exaggerated makeup to wear a tattooed hand to see her. The head was still a little painful. Her heart kept comforting herself. Maybe the girl's heart is good? That's it.

In order not to be too irritated in the future, her current requirements are already very low.

Peak non-smile guarantee: "Definitely stronger than you think."