MTL - Doomsday Begins with a Nightmare-Chapter 50 Linmer's analysis

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In the house now, apart from a few secret agents of the Security Bureau, it was Lin Mo and the other three comatose police officers.

Lin Mo already knew that one of the four police officers had died.

The police officer who died was Wang Chao.

This result was consistent with Lin Mo's previous judgment. The voice Jiang Ming heard was indeed from a 'ghost', and the purpose was to lure them into that room.

Obviously, there are still unknown secrets hidden in the notebook.

Right now, Jiang Ming and the others are still in the nightmare world, and Lin Mo is not there. No one can say how long they can last.

Lin Mo has always been able to do great things.

If he doesn't have the ability to save people, he will definitely not take the risk to save people knowing that he will die; but the reverse is also true, if he has the ability and can help, he will definitely help.

The secret service has been trying to wake Jiang Ming and the others, but the three police officers did not respond at all to the sounds and stimuli of the outside world.

According to the secret service personnel, Lin Mo was also drowsy before, but then suddenly woke up.

The reason is unknown.

But about this, Lin Mo has a guess.

This time the pollutants, Zhao Xin must have done tricks on it, that is, the people who are dragged into the nightmare world by this pollutant, if they do not meet certain conditions, they cannot be awakened in the outside world.

Now it seems that this condition is in all likelihood a membership of the 'Evolution Forum'.

Furthermore, it is the curse on the ghost ring.

There is a curse attached to Zhao Xin's pollutants, which can forcibly hypnotize people and cannot be awakened by the outside world. And the curse on the forum ghost ring suppresses the curse on pollutants.

Therefore, after Lin Mo obtained membership, the curse of being unable to be awakened was broken.

In the same way, as long as Jiang Ming also obtains membership, he can escape from this nightmare world.

Lin Mo couldn't wait any longer.

He called Mao Mao first and told her that he might not be going back tonight.

The cat was visibly startled.

"Lin Shen, Master, what will I do if you don't come back?" The voice on Mao Mao's phone was trembling.

"You don't have to sleep, but I suggest you sleep as you should. You know a lot about the nightmare world, as well as bone masks and curtain ghosts. You can be considered a person who can control nightmares. Besides, the eighth floor is very safe. If you really run into trouble, go to room 809 next door to find the little red dress and say it's my friend."

When the cat heard this, she shivered.

To room 809?

Forget it, Maomao doesn't think other dangers can be compared to room 809.

Room 809 is more dangerous than anywhere in the cat's eyes.

"Okay, I really have something important here. I have a few lives waiting for me to save, so hang up first." Lin Mo hung up the phone.

For the cat, Lin Mo is still very relieved.

For the cat, the broken bone mask can give her a huge physical blessing, and can keep her awake for at least ten minutes.

This is an ability that even Lin Mo envies.

Just this one item, the survivability of the cat has been greatly improved, unless it encounters a nightmare of the level of the crack head, the other, can't beat it, and escape is no problem.

Besides, there are curtain ghosts, and in room 810, there are pale ghosts.

With the cat's temperament, she should not run out by herself, and ordinary nightmares would never dare to go up to the eighth floor.

So, she is safe.

Putting down the phone, Lin Mo secretly said, Maomao sometimes just can't let go of her hands and feet, so she should exercise so that she can be recommended as an alternate expert.

Then they can go to the Security Bureau's training camp together.

At this time, the phone received an unread text message.

Lin Mo opened it and took a look.

It was from Xiaoyu's father.

Only two words.


Lin Mo understood that the other party saw the letter.

And Lin Mo can be sure that Xiaoyu is hiding a gift for her parents in a secret compartment in her house, but there was an accident at the time, and she didn't have time to send it out.

Now, at least this letter, a late gift, can make up for the regret of the old couple.

Lin Mo felt that he had done the right thing.

And this matter is very meaningful. It brings hope to the living, and fulfills the wishes of the dead. In addition, it can also bring happiness to myself.

"Helping others is the foundation of happiness."

Lin Mo murmured and instructed the secret service personnel of the Security Bureau to wake him up in two hours, and then lie down on the chair.

Re-enter the nightmare world.

Lin Mo opened his eyes and took a look. He was still in that room, and the page on the computer screen had not changed.

That is to say, during the time when he woke up, no one had entered here.

Lin Mo controlled the mouse, exited the netherworld forum, and closed the notebook.

This thing will be his from now on.

When he woke up just now, Lin Mo heard Team Leader Liu talk about the 'evolution website', and the other party also said that the recent deceased had records of visiting this website.

And Zhou Li, who has been executed, was also a frequent visitor to this site.

Lin Mo wasn't surprised about Zhou Li. After all, he had seen each other's ID in the forum.

However, several victims killed by the mysterious video actually have access records, which makes Lin Mo a little strange.

"Could it be that the mysterious video was downloaded from that website by the victims themselves?"

What can be confirmed at the moment is that The 'evolution website' in the real world and the website in the nightmare world are completely two versions. Only the underworld version in the nightmare world is a forum with real valuable information. .

A real-world website might just be a 'trap'.

This matter was not clear for a while, and there were too few clues in hand. The top priority is to get Jiang Ming to register as a member, and then take him out.

Can save one is one.

Going out with the laptop, Lin Mo was stunned.

The hallway is empty.

Jiang Ming and the others are gone.

Walking to the seat where they rested before, Lin Mo found nothing unusual. There was no blood on the seat, and there were no signs of fighting or being dragged.

Jiang Ming and the others left by themselves.

At this time, Lin Mo felt something different under his feet, and found that there were water marks on the ground.

This made his heart skip a beat. Taking a closer look, Lin Mo was dumbfounded.

I don't know when, there was already a layer of water on the floor. Maybe the water came out of the bathroom and slowly gathered, just because it was dark around, I didn't notice it right away.

Because of the light, these waters are like mirrors, reflecting reflections.

This thing is not just like a mirror.

Lin Mo suddenly understood.

Under normal circumstances, Jiang Ming and the others would never go near the bathroom, because there is a mirror inside.

But they didn't expect that the water gradually flowing out of the bathroom would converge on the ground and become like the mirror surface. In this way, they were exposed to the mirror without realizing it.

What happens next is easy to guess.

At the next moment, a hand suddenly stretched out from the calm water, grabbed Lin Mo's ankle and pulled him off.