MTL - Douluo: Star Officials Challenge, Everyone is Better Than Tang San-Chapter 612

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Looking behind him with a complicated expression.

seven elders.

Make eye contact.

Make a final decision.

Look at Xue Beng and Dai Tianxing.

He bowed his hands apologetically and said:

"Your Majesty!"

"All the disciples of the Haotian School!"

"I also choose to withdraw from this battle!"


Tang Xiao finished speaking.

Regardless of the cry of the avalanche.

With seven elders.

Came to the position of the disciples of Haotianzong.

Ning Sheng announced:

"All disciples of Haotian School obey the order!"

"Follow me immediately!"


All the disciples of Haotian School.

All are stunned.

They all do well and.

The army soul master of the Wuhun Temple.

Prepare for a fight to the death.

Unexpectedly, the suzerain Tang Xiao would be here at this time.

issue such an order.

together with.

Soldiers around.

They all changed their faces.

They are just ordinary people.

Join the army for training.

Not a soul master at all.


What is shown in the Wuhun Palace.

The background of the terrifying soul master.

It's like a big mountain.

Everyone can't breathe.

But at such a juncture.

Titled Douluo Dugu Bo left.

All the disciples of Haotian School.

Also prepare to evacuate.

Such news.

It was like a bolt from the blue.

Destroyed the psychological defense of all soldiers.

Completely broke down.

The news spread quickly.

Make those that are rushing.

Soldiers going to the front line.

Subconsciously stopped.

Paled face.

He looked terrified.

Desperate, restless.

If not as a soldier.

Faith and will are supporting.

They have long since lost their armor.

Run away in embarrassment.

As long as there is still a trace of it.

The hope of defeating Wuhundian.

They definitely will for the Empire.

Throw your head and sprinkle your blood.

Give your life.

But if you know that you have no chance of winning.

There is no doubt that he must die.

Lost life in vain.

They can also be timid.

I also want to live.

They are also just one by one.

Ordinary flesh and blood.

Something like this happens.

leading to two empires.

Army morale.

Totally collapsed.

1.8 million soldiers.

The surviving soul master.

It's all here and now.

Recover calm.

I see clearly.

The frontlines are slaughtering the Imperial Vanguard.

Wuhundian soul master legion.

How terrifying is it.

Crazy, relentlessly harvesting lives.

The pile of corpses grew higher and higher.

Like a mountain.

Surrounded by monstrous death.

Scarlet blood.

Like a majestic endless sea.

Penetrates into the earth.

The entire plain immediately turned blood-colored.

Endless fear.

Soldiers in the armies of two empires.

The soul master passed it on in his heart.

They finally realized.

The strength and background of Wuhundian.

How terrible it is.

The so-called two empires.

All soul masters and sects.

It's just a joke.

They have completely calmed down.

Not like before.

Being killed, the blood went to the head.

Every Imperial soldier.

soul master.

Watching keep dying.

Companions who have died.

Subconsciously thought of it in my mind.

Relatives and friends who are still alive.

A stream from the bottom of my heart.

Survival instinct derived.

making them one after the other.

Follow your heart.

Put down the weapons in your hands.

Give up resisting the soul master army in Wuhundian.

Fleeing away in all directions.

They don't want to be anymore now.

The victim of imperial power struggle.

They just want to be for themselves.

For relatives and friends.


The morale of the two empires.

here we go.
