MTL - Douluo: Wuhun is Actually Bibi Dong-Chapter 16 Three years later

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  Chapter 16 Three Years Later

Three years later.

  In the back hill of Notting College, a black-haired boy was meditating quietly.


  Suddenly, a wave of soul power surged out from the boy's body, and the boy immediately opened those bright black eyes.

   "Level 10, three years, finally reached level 10!"

  Su Mo, who opened his eyes, looked excited.

  Through three years of hard work, Su Mo has finally improved from the original level 2 soul power to the current level 10 soul power.

  Thinking of how he got here in the past three years, Su Mo sighed for a while.

   Even though it took him three years to raise his spirit power to level 8, he was very powerful, even almost catching up with Tang San and Xiao Wu's improvement speed, but only Su Mo knew the hardships inside.

  Su Mo is almost either practicing or on the way of cultivation.

  In three years, he has been promoted to level 8. Su Mo does not improve so fast every year, but gradually.

  Because Su Mo's self-created new cultivation technique is becoming more and more mature, and Su Mo exercises every day, and the improvement of physical fitness has also strengthened Su Mo's new cultivation technique.

  In the past three years, Su Mo rarely even went to the classroom.

  Su Mo taught himself through the library!

   Spending an hour a day studying knowledge in the library is considered a relaxing time for Su Mo.

  Thinking that it took him several times the time to barely catch up with the ascension speed of a genius like Tang San Xiaowu, Su Mo felt sad for a while.

   This means that he has created a new type of cultivation technique himself, and other students with ordinary talents like him have no way to chase after him.

   What Su Mo caught up with was only Tang San's improvement speed.

  Three years have passed, Su Mo has only broken through level 10, but Tang San has become a great soul master of level 21.

  The levels of Su Mo and Tang San not only did not get closer, but were pulled apart.

  However, after so many years, Su Mo has long been accustomed to the inequality brought about by different talents.

  Because Su Mo believes that man will conquer nature.

  Since he was able to create a new type of cultivation technique, he must be able to catch up in the future.

   "Tomorrow, I should go hunting for my first soul ring!"

  Su Mo smiled, and then returned to the academy to get a good sleep.


   On the second day, Su Mo did not go directly to the nearest hunting forest in Notting City, but first came to the blacksmith shop in the city.

   "Boss, is everything I ordered ready?"

  After Su Mo entered the blacksmith shop, he asked the boss who was forging inside.

   "It's you, what you ordered is ready, I'll take it to you right away!"

  The boss looked up and saw that it was Su Mo, and immediately laughed happily.

   A few days ago, Su Mo ordered some things with him, and he was afraid that Su Mo would not come. Now that he saw Su Mo, he finally felt relieved.

  Afterwards, the boss took out a bag of things and put it in front of Su Mo: "This is something custom-made according to your requirements, please open it and have a look!"

  Su Mo opened it and checked it, and found that the boss had built everything he wanted, and nodded in satisfaction.

   "Where is my weapon?"

  Su Mo continued.

   "Already built!"

   "Here's your bow and gun!"

  Hearing what Su Mo said, the boss quickly took out two things under the counter.

   are a bow and a spear respectively.

  The bow is forged according to Su Mo's requirements. It is a compound bow with pulleys installed at both ends. It looks very different from traditional bows, and looks weird!

  The gun is made according to Su Mo's Soul Hunting Gun, which is exactly the same as Su Mo's Wuhun Soul Hunting Gun.

  Su Mo was very satisfied after fiddling with it.

  So Su Mo finished paying the mantissa, and the boss also readily gave Su Mo a barrel of arrows.

   Then he rented a carriage with his things, and set off for the Hunting Forest four hundred miles away.

   As for the Wuhundian certificate required to enter the Hunting Soul Forest, Su Mo has already gone through it.

   Hunting for spirit rings is such a hassle.

  Especially hunting low-level soul beasts, because the low-level soul beast forests are all kept in captivity by the Wuhun Temple, which is relatively safe, and there will not be too high-level soul beasts in it.

  Of course, soul masters can also go to those wild soul beast forests by themselves, and safety cannot be guaranteed.

  Su Mo is only level 10, and he doesn't even have soul skills, so of course he dare not go to the wild soul beast forest.

  Su Mo is not afraid of a ten-year-old soul beast, but Su Mo dare not guarantee his own safety when encountering a soul beast with a cultivation level of more than a thousand years.

  Yes, Su Mo, the hundred-year-old soul beast, is not afraid either.

  Because Su Mo came here for the century-old quality soul beast this time.

   For this reason, Su Mo is also fully prepared.

  Su Mo has mastered all kinds of soul beast knowledge below a thousand years of cultivation level, so that he can make targeted moves.

  The pulley compound bow and spear are also one of Su Mo's preparations.

  Use a bow for a long distance, and a gun for a short distance!

   Logically speaking, Su Mo's own martial soul is already a spear, so there is no need to forge another one by himself.

  But Su Mo doesn't think so, because the strength of his soul hunting gun is not as strong as that built in reality.

  When watching anime in his previous life, Su Mo didn’t understand why agile soul masters like the Minzhi Clan, who had a speed advantage, didn’t know how to use weapons to turn their speed advantage into attack power.

   In that case, even if you only hold a small knife, as long as the speed is fast enough, it will have a terrifying lethality.

   Now that Su Mo has been reborn in Douluo Dalu for so many years, he finally understands.

  This is because soul masters who possess soul power and can use martial souls extremely despise the use of weapons.

  Almost all soul masters believe that weapons are only used by ordinary people and soldiers who cannot summon martial souls.

   That is, the hidden weapon that Tang San took out later, let them see a weapon that is different from ordinary weapons, and feel that it is not used by ordinary people, and it is taller, so they started to pay attention.

  Su Mo disagrees on this point. The reason why people are stronger than beasts is that they have learned to use tools. When the martial soul is not lethal enough in the early stage, it is not shameful to use weapons.

   Except for the prohibition of using all foreign objects in the soul master competition, it is not prohibited at any other time, so why not use it?

  Yu Xiaogang is quite wise in this regard.

  The first soul beast Mandala snake that Tang San hunted and killed was stabbed to death with the short sword Yu Xiaogang gave him.

As a level 29 great soul master, Yu Xiaogang has no way to deal with the mandala snake with his soul skills. He can kill it with a short sword. It can be seen that the weapons used by people in this world are not weak. of.

   At least it is very helpful for weak soul masters.

   "With this bow and gun, I don't believe that I can't kill a hundred-year-old soul beast!"

  Looking at the bow and gun he had prepared, Su Mo was full of confidence.

  Of course, self-confidence does not mean that Su Mo will be reckless. After arriving at the Hunting Soul Forest, Su Mo will definitely find weaker soul beasts to practice first.


  (end of this chapter)