MTL - Dragon Ball Z: Attack of Raditz-Chapter 51 Beyond!

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Six times the king of the boxing!

The red arsenal on Latiz skyrocketed, and the speed accelerated again. The cold light and the red flaming flames alternated and flashed and leaped. At first he was reluctant to use more than five times the king of the world, because the other side still has too many unknowns, and it would be unfavorable to consume too much physical strength.

But Bondlers' energy is eternal, but his physical strength is constantly consumed. In this case, it is better to let go.

Latiz progressed at full speed, approaching Bondlers, and when he rushed to it, the red light flashed and turned around behind him! Bondlers suddenly stunned, once again horrified, a huge force has fallen heavily, kneeling on his back.

Suddenly subjected to a strong impact, Bondlers screamed on one knee and made a voice: "Your strength is once again improved. This is what you said, can't calculate?"


Latiz yells, don't waste time, put your feet together, step on it again! Stepping on its head, it stepped into the hard metal floor and knocked out a deep pit. Bondlers broke his nose, and his face was smeared with blood and numerous eyes.

The wolverine jumped up and pulled away from Latiz.

"Seven times!"

Latiz rushed away, punching and dancing, constantly changing the angle of attack, attacking the body of Bondlers, playing it, and finally falling.

"Call, call." He was not taken lightly, but he fell down with only one body. The body of Bondlers was still kept in a round container. The thief first smashed the king, and Latiz stared at the body.

He punched the ball in a round, but... the fallen human body stood up again and stopped in front of him. At the same time, another metal dragon protecting the body is drilled from the ground and wound around the body.

The body of Bondlers has been beaten and fleshy, blood flow is not limited, but it can still be active. After suffering a punch from Ratiz, it abruptly opened a blood hole in his abdomen, still resisting, and did not step back.

Sure enough, it was never easy to destroy it, and Latiz quickly withdrew and pulled away.

"No. 1 defeated, the experiment was successful!"

Success? What does it mean?

Latiz suddenly had an ominous premonition and his eyes were full of alert. I saw the tentacles around me once again, and stretched out from all directions. The flesh and blood of the No. 1 experimental body began to dissipate, and was re-covered by liquid metal, which turned into another form.

"This is your true face?"

"The flesh and blood is too weak, I don't need it anymore," Bondlers said. "Under the circumstances, I have found the most suitable experimental body."

The sound just fell, and countless tentacles came out together, like a snake flying, rushing to Latiz. At the same time, No. 1 Bondlers also rushed over, his arm pierced the machete, intended to raid.

"Drink!" Latiz opened his hands and screamed. The red light turned into a ball, and he vomited out, pulling out countless tentacles. The high temperature instantly burns it to ashes, and the afterglow of energy burns the panels on the iron wall a lot.

In the face of Bondlers' blade, Latiz slightly tilted half of his body, missed the front, and then opened his arm, one elbow on his face.

A powerful blow hits Bondlers back and his steps back and forth.

Immediately after a hand knife, Radis's red light was sharp and his body was cut! Therefore, it had to be turned into a pool of liquid, ready to reorganize.

"This is the same! You can't use the energy absorption shield when you are liquefied!"


Bondlers did not expect that this would be seen through, and turned into a liquid, he has no resistance at the moment! And Latiz has gathered a group of white light in hand, and it will be violently slammed down!

"啪", "啪", "啪"...

Just in the moment he shot, many of the copying people behind him swarmed and locked his joints and body.

They have been deliberately planning for a long time, and Latitude tried to make a sneak attack when it was about to succeed. They can't be directly detected without the breath, and they easily achieve their goals.

The regrouped Bondlers threw him down and turned it into a liquid sticking to him.

And other replicas unfold the energy absorption shield and begin to absorb his energy!

In a short while, Latiz dismissed the king of the king, and he managed to drop his hand...

"No. 0 experimental body is ready!"

The sound came to my mind, and Latiz suddenly understood. His number is zero, and the ranking is still in front of the No. 1 experimental body. Bondlers only used the No. 1 to test his ability, so the previous battle will be attributed to the word "experimental success".

The defeat on the 1st was a good news for Bondlers, because a more appropriate experimental body was born.

"The body transformation begins, the chip is implanted."

Hundreds of tentacles drove Ratiz to the air, and the liquid metal slowly climbed to the brain of Latiz. The small chips inside got into the ear, and a current spread throughout Latiz’s body. The consciousness is gradually blurred...

The chip abruptly invaded the consciousness of Latiz, and the moment to complete the transformation can be replaced.

"Wait, I allowed you to come in?" Suddenly, a voice rang in the consciousness of Latiz, interrupting the progress of the chip.

His soul is traversed, which is equivalent to the existence of the five elements beyond the three realms. Although the transformation technique of Bondlers is powerful, it can only transform the original consciousness of Latiz, and he can do nothing to him now!

"How are you still awake, I obviously have cleared everything..."

"Shut up! Get out of the way!" Latiz's mentality began to counter, overwhelmingly regain control of the body, rushing toward the chip.

The mighty spirit drowned the chip like the ocean, not only regained itself, but also began to invade the will of Bondlers!

Latiz's soul energy is extremely powerful, directly into the kernel, unimpeded.

"You have invaded my interior, impossible, my defense system is impeccable."

"Don't be stupid, I came in along with you, you invited me!" Latiz said, "I want to occupy someone else's body, I never thought that it would be occupied in reverse? And, I have found destruction. Your method!"

"No, no, no."

Bondlers has no panic, but it has revealed its fragile side. At the moment when he evolved his thoughts, it marked both progress and paved the way for him to perish.

Latiz sipped, and his mental power, like current, swam through the complex structure of the chip, and passed through countless pieces of information...

Externally, the circular building began to collapse, the copying person was completely turned into a liquid, and no longer had the ability to shape. The metal dragon broke into a slag, and the sphere where the body was located also disappeared. Numerous cables were exposed to the air. The spark of "Ziz".