MTL - Dragon Ball Z: Attack of Raditz-v2 Chapter 77 Eventually transformed

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Crazy bombing is usually the least harmful attack, but Latiz didn't want to hurt Fliesa through continuous qigong. He just wanted to block Flissa's sight with the large amount of smoke generated by the explosion.

After all, the other party will not perceive the gas, and only rely on the eyes to judge the position, how much will be confused.

At the same time, Wukong and the regaining consciousness of Bick quickly withdrew from Gohan and a group of Meikes, and Tumat was mixed in the crowd and flew away in a hurry.

Latiz is still trying to delay the time, and under his qigong wave, the island has fallen into the sea half.

Suddenly, the sharp voice cut through the sky, making Latiz stunned.


A purple-red light whip opened the island, splitting it into two, and even cutting the sea into two pieces. The endless sea water rushed into the gap, and once again filled the gap and gathered. The extra force spread to the distance beyond the eye, as if to open the entire planet - only Fliesa can do this.

Latiz stopped his hand for a moment, and he knew he couldn't stop it because Fliesa had succeeded.

At the time of the bombing of the energy wave, Fliesa silently accepted it and launched the final transformation! At this moment, he has become a complete form and has become the ultimate form...

However, Fliesa also felt very hard. When he thought that Latiz could have the power to surpass the third form, he was hit with a punch. It’s a shameful shame. Under the anger, he decided to end the battle directly and transform into the final form.

Just posing, followed by a mad bombing, Fliesa can only be transformed by the side of the gun, finally completed the final step.

His complete form is smooth and simple, with no whistling horns and thorns, but the strength is the strongest. Not only powerful, but also fast enough to imagine...

In the blink of an eye, it has already appeared in front of Sun Wukong.

"See you again, where are you going?" Fliesa squinted and smiled, and his mouth was almost horrible.

No one dared to speak, everyone was cold and sweaty, Wukong gnashed his teeth and flew away, and Fliesa was squatting and slamming back!

The huge force lingered in the chest of Wukong, and Wukong flew out like a cannonball. Bick wanted to pick it up, but it was unimaginable that he was too big to imagine. He was also smashed together, and they both fell together and fell into the distance. In the mountains.

"Ah..." The rest of the people have no fighting ability, and they are all scared.

At this time, Fliesa smiled even more terrible, his fingers flicked, and the purple-red slender beam shot through the elder's head! The blood was splashed, the water and organs exploded, and the nearby Meikesman was splashed. They have never seen the death of their compatriots so close together, and they screamed in horror at a time, and their minds rushed into the heat, and they shuddered.

And Fliesa seems to have seen the most fun game, continue to shoot, and once again runs through the body of another person.

"Who is the next one?" As if to enjoy the expression of the horror and fear of the Meeks, Fliesa's fingers constantly move between them, picking the target.

The wind seems to be getting colder, the chill is swept over, and the endless killings are coming down in the sky.

"This child seems to be from the earth... It seems to be the son of Caracar, Saiyan?!" Flissa saw the fainting Gohan, the scarlet eyes flashed and became more godly. The brutality of the whole body rises to the sky, "The next one is you!"

"Fulissa, give me a hand!" Latiz rushed from the other side, attacking with all his strength, and the red light of the whole body, like the scorching sun, slammed to Fliesa.

With a high-speed collision, Fliesa did not dare to greet it easily. He had just turned around and his strength had not yet fully played out. Moreover, he did not need to change this body for a long time. It still takes time to become familiar with the body.

At present, Latiz may have a combat power of three to five million, and he is almost at this level.

Thus, Fliesa chose to retreat and let Latiz's crazy impact. He flew to the side, off the track of the Latiz impact, and Klatitz flexibly mobilized his body and chased it again.

One escaped and chased, the distance between the two was getting closer and closer, Fliesa couldn't avoid it, but turned and welcomed.

"Don't think I'm afraid of you!" Fliesa was furious and frustrated with both hands and punches!

In Latiz's cognition, Fliesa used this new star strike at 100% energy, and it can be a strong attack with the Turtles qigong of the super race.

Although he does not want to face him directly, the arrow has been issued and cannot be turned back.

Latiz can only do his best, roaring and colliding with Fliesa.

The two groups of light **** contain huge energy to bite together, the surrounding clouds are annihilated, the sea water is scattered to all sides, and the islands are falling apart, as if the world has ushered in the end, and it has been turned upside down. The air swirls through the numerous small storms under the pressure, and the thunder that connects the world is a thunder!


The energy group rushed into the The large land was knocked out of a deep pit, and a large area of ​​land was directly annihilated, and numerous dusts fluttered and filled the air.

The one who stood up finally was Fliesa.

Latiz has faded the state of the king of the boxing, soft to the ground, the mouth is full of blood, and even the blood in the throat. He can use the high-border Wang Quan to barely fight against Fliesa, but it is just "stubborn".

Millions of combat power, really nothing in front of the cosmic emperor...

Fliesa looked at Latiz with his eyes open and showed a smile of appreciation.

This kind of smile, even if he faced the team captain, he only showed a little for a second or two, but now he smiled and reached out. "Lattiz, have to say, I admit that you are really strong, even far beyond the base. New Zealand. Your power can be said to be second only to ours in the universe. We want to fight against us, but it is not enough..." He paused and continued to use his feet on Latiz. "So, I will give you another chance, be my man, I will spare you a life. This is the strength of my love that you use to gain strength."

Actually, once again, Fliesa really appreciates talent. Latiz smiled in his heart. With the character of Flissa, sooner or later, it is a dead end. Moreover, every cell in the body of this Saiyan is saying "no".

Latiz gently shook his head and sent a fairy bean into his mouth. In this critical moment, he improved himself through the Saiyan instinct, and maybe there is still a fight!

The hanging fairy beans are in hand and you can fight again!

Less than two seconds after swallowing the fairy beans, Latiz's body recovered completely, and the constant power came to his heart, and there was no pain. Fliesa was shocked, and there was a huge force coming from his feet, pulling him down!

"Sorry, Fliesa, I am Saiyan!"