MTL - Dragon Ball Z: Attack of Raditz-v2 Chapter 83 Mimic super game, one VS two

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The gas bombs pressed Fliesa and it fell rapidly.

Vegeta, who just stood up from Dandy’s side, looked at the gas bomb and looked like something stuck in his throat.

Vegeta, who was resurrected from the edge of death, greatly increased his strength, thanks to the meticulous Dandy and Calk who had the healing power, thanks to the powerful enemy of Fliesa.

In the past, they also experienced the crisis of sudden death, which can be promoted very little. The reason is that the enemy is not strong enough to inspire the instinct of the Saiyan people to exceed the limit.

This time they surpassed the limit, but this power is still too weak for Fliesa. At the moment of seeing the bomb, Vegeta tightly punches and finds that he can't help! Die again? Not at all. Sudden death in a short period of time will only cause physical exhaustion and little improvement.

Not far away, Bick also accepted the request of Neru, completed the assimilation, the combat power reached nearly two million, and the wowed Gohan followed him.

"A big one." Gohan exclaimed.

"What is that move? Why have I never seen it?" Vegeta asked.

Bick is honest: "The king of the king's trick, the vitality bomb. But only Sun Wukong and Latiz will."

"Damn, these two guys!"

Vegeta suddenly had a kind of resentment that he couldn’t catch a horse. He felt that he had fallen behind too much, biting his teeth and burning in his eyes.

The people of Meike also saw the energy group that swallowed the earth, and kept screaming.

The meta-air bomb image is that the small sun generally slammed Fliesa into the sea, and the entire sea area was swept out of a huge mouth. The sea tide that was stirred out instantly drowned the low land around it.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh As if foreseeing destruction and death!

For the first time, Fliesa felt scared.

But he could not escape, only resisted while being hit into the sea. The miserable screams pass through the sky, and the dazzling white light covers the space. In the universe, the surface of the planet can be seen with a bright glare.

The light faded and the whole space was silent.

In addition to the endless waves of sea water patted the dry shore, there is no sound. Between heaven and earth, suddenly depressed.

"Hey!" Suddenly, a man got out of the water and climbed to the shore. His iconic crab head was still wet by the water. In his hand, Latiz has already Unable to stumble and was dragged to the shore.

Latiz is already very tired and gasping.

Bick, the island where they were in the sun, sank in the aftermath of the huge explosion of the bomb, so they also flew over, Gohan hugged Wukong, tears in his eyes. The Meikes only had five or six survivors, including two children. They hid behind Bick and used Bic as the last Meek warrior.

"Dandy, Kalk, he will give Latiz a cure." After the assimilation of Neru, Bick actually met the tribe directly.

Assimilation does not affect personality. In fact, the current number of Bic has changed.

Dandy and Kalk were young, but they were very sensible. They immediately ran to Latiz and their hands flashed.

"Thank you, but please hurry, Fliesa is still not dead." Latiz said weakly and pale.

"Well, okay." The two Meike children smiled sweetly.

They also know that this is a good person to save the Meike, and they are extremely friendly.

However, the evil spirit suddenly hit!


Two unexpected green rays came straight, and they quickly hit the body of Dandy and Kalk. The two children were unresisting and instantly exploded. The two smiling faces are still hanging on the black lacquered face...

Latiz's scorpion trembled, the corner of his mouth was splashed with a warm liquid, and the heart stagnated for a moment.

In the ear, there was a strange scream from Slag: "Ha ha ha, the therapeutic type of Meike, will not let you succeed! Then you will be nothing! Hahahaha!"

After being slammed by Fliesa, he deliberately waited until everyone relaxed. At this moment, he believed that he had the strongest fighting power, shouted arrogantly, and his fingers spurred qigong waves continuously, sweeping the rest.

In the midst of the bombardment, the remaining Meeks people died two more, and those who survived were also seriously injured and fell to the ground. Latiz was also blown up and rolled over the ground for several rounds, scarred.

Sun Wukong violently rushed to Slag, but the gap in combat power was too great. After a few seconds of confrontation, he was knocked over to the ground. In order to enhance the power of the gas bomb, he also added his own qi in it, and now he seems to be unable to do so.

And Dandy and Kalk fell straight like a carbon rod, "snap", the limbs shattered, and turned into a coke in the bombing. Life is so fragile, the corpse of carbon black ignites the anger of Latiz!

"Give me anger!" Latiz hoarse throat, half screaming and screaming.

The therapeutic type of the Meikesman has died, and the remaining fairy beans are in the hands of Kling, but Klin is looking for Dragon Ball in this area. The only remaining forces are Goku, Bick and Vegeta. They all have millions of strengths, but dealing with Slag is undoubtedly a fantasy.

But is it useful to pass the gas to Latiz? Vegeta can't help but hesitate.

Bick was very decisive to pass the gas to Latiz. The next second, the giant hand hit, straight to Bick! The vigilant Bick found it bad, but he couldn’t escape and was caught by Slager!

"Uncle Bick!" Gohan yelled.

"Hey, it doesn't matter how it is called!" Slager's toy was usually broken by a left hand of Bick. "There is the ability to save him! Otherwise, I will assimilate him together!"

Bick screamed in pain, his face twitching. Sun Wukong rose again and was once again suppressed by Slag.

The angry Gohan could no longer be tolerated, and the anger broke out. It rushed up and blew up against Schlage. The continuous qigong wave slammed on Slag's head and the air rang.

After the smoke subsided, Slager was unscathed, looking up and looking at the rice, and two electric lights were shot in his eyes, and he slammed the Gob. At the same time, his arm suddenly stretched, and he took up Wukong and squatted on the ground.

"This kid is looking for death!" Vegeta cold sweat, biting his teeth.

He saw the appearance of a guy who died, clenched his fists and looked at Latiz again.

The inner struggling Vegeta heard the screams of Bick, saw that Slag was ready to assimilate again, finally released his teeth, opened his hand to Latiz, and rolled away. "This time! Kill him. !"


Latiz got the breath of Vegeta, his eyes suddenly changed. With this body, he wanted to fight for a higher number of kings!

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah..."

Howling is power! The eruption to the extreme Latiz ventured to release all the energy in the body, and the rushing waters of the dykes rushed, and the dark clouds of the sky gathered, and the thunder and lightning flashed into the sky. The rumble of the rumble continued.

The earth was dull and turbulent, and numerous gravel clods were breathed into the air and suspended around Latiz. The cracks swayed and trembled from the earth to the sea.

Schlager was shocked. In front of Latiz is different from the past, wrapped in a golden arrogance, the long hair rushed to the sky, killing!

This is... Latiz himself is also surprised, not a higher multiple of the king of the boxing, but the mimic super Saiyan!

Latiz was ecstatic, feeling the power of the body, and a foot, directly rushed to the Slag, the high-speed impact of a punch hit the side of the Slag, huge power, repelled Step, the corner of the mouth flows out of blood.

Taking this opportunity, Latiz regained Bick and threw him to the land.

Just then, the sea surface raised the tornado and Fliesa debuted again. The sudden emergence of the cosmic emperor flew a leg, pulled Latiz far, and stopped in front of Slag.

Flissa was hit by a gas bomb. forehead and arms were injured, and the fingers were broken. He never showed his tiredness, and his breathing was a little short. The anger that can't be contained inside can increase his energy to 70%.

"Abominable Saiyan! You dare to hurt me..." Fliesa looked up and saw the appearance of Latiz, his eyes smashed. "You changed! Could it be..." His voice suddenly rose, " Could it be... you become... Super Saiyan?! No... it’s just a legend, it’s impossible! You’re just a wild monkey!”

Schlager also felt the super strength of Latiz, wiped the blood of his mouth back and turned to the other side, and the three formed a full potential.

"Call... Hey, Fliesa, do we want to unite to deal with him, and we all hate the Saiyan people!"

"One pair two, I am a bit disadvantaged." Latiz looked at the two, killing the air and piercing the void, colliding with their war.

Fliesa didn't speak, but his eyes showed everything.

The three men were stunned for a long time, and the thunder burst into flames.

The battle seemed to be silent, but it suddenly began.

Almost at the same time, the three men broke into terrible anger and rushed to each other.

Schlag's fist attacked Latiz, and Latiz's leg attacked Slag, and the two took the lead! But there is also a Fliesa, his strong blow, squatting, "砰-"

Huge force vented out and hit Slag!

Slager flew out, the huge body fell into the sea, and Latiz hurriedly retreated.

In the air, Fliesa was full of anger, writhing every joint, creaking, and the scary devil's reflection in the scarlet scorpion, the energy continued to rise: "We are all one-on-two..."