MTL - Dragon Ball Z: Attack of Raditz-v2 Chapter 94 Special **** was established

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Under the qigong wave of Latiz, Bartol broke the bones, and the huge impact smashed the overlapping buildings and rocks into slag. The light rubbed across the surface and rushed into the universe.

The blazing light draws the attention of everyone, who can think of the incomparable Barthol being wiped out easily.

The rebel army of Prison Star was stunned.

The Latin style in their eyes is handsome, tall and straight, and a long hair seems to represent the infinite power. He flew to the command of the highest position, a black windbreaker screaming in the air, splashing a high dust when landing, the air wave rolling almost to open the roof of the command.

Latiz is on the verge of overlooking the earth. It seems that he has mastered the planet. People inside and outside the command are afraid to move. They are afraid that their movements will be stagnant! In the face of a strong person like Latiz, no one dares to let go!

In the meantime, there was a cloud over the prisoner’s star, and the rainstorm suddenly came.

The slaps of rain and the burning fires are in harmony with each other, and they are mutually reinforcing, and they are coated with a layer of wet waves on the cold bones. The long windbreaker of Latiz was wet by the rain, and his look did not change, and the collar was erected casually.

The staunch command staff thought that Latiz wanted to start and nervously closed his eyes. They couldn’t see the movement for a long time, and they just cautiously peeked at them. They saw that Latiz turned and didn’t mean to kill them.

They still can't enter the eyes of Latiz!

"Drink!" Suddenly, Latiz broke out of arrogance, the fighting power soared, all the detectors on the planet exploded, and even the large detectors in the command room burned.

Detecting a machine with a limit of one million can't withstand the power of Latiz.

Just like this, the prisoner’s star fell into silence, and the storm washed away everything and washed away everyone’s hopes. More than one million, strong pressure like Tianyu dumped...

Suddenly, the officers and staff of the headquarters were soft and squatting. The people underneath looked at Latiz as if they were looking at the gods.

The prisoner’s star announced his surrender.

The first battle ended almost perfectly, and although the number of injured was half, only five people were sacrificed. Originally, Latiz was enough to conquer this planet, but he not only wanted the people of Pyongxing to see his strength, but also let the people who had returned to his universe to see his strength and to sharpen the combat capabilities of the soldiers. And unity.

After this battle, Prison Lung Star officially entered the jurisdiction of Latiz, and even the surrounding stars also said that they would drop.

In just over a month, Latiz has initially established his own sphere of influence.

So he urged the Tumat Stars to build a gravity training room and let Geith and Bart re-establish a special **** led by them!

The escorts selected the elites of each planet to form the strongest lineup, and then Latiz personally trained to enhance their strength.

At the same time, I wanted to organize a team similar to the team of the Quinn, and they were the leaders. Gies and Bart were very excited. They didn’t rest for a day, and they thought about making a list.

The initial screening was completed the next day and Latiz was rushed to review.

Above the tower of M187, Latiz just confirmed the star map, and Gis and Bart came in to report.

"The King of Latiz!"

"Wait, don't call me the king in the future, it sounds like the monster in Journey to the West."

"Yes." Gies and Bart had not changed their mouths for a while. After all, King Fliesa called for so many years, they paused a little, and said: "Ladiz adults! We have initially selected candidates, and I have designed a new model for the newly formed special team. I want to ask you to look at it."

"Well... I am not very good at this kind of thing, it’s up to you..."

Latiz had an ominous premonition in his heart and was preparing to refuse. Gis and Barth had already begun.

They both left and right, with their feet on their toes, and their arms were straight to the side forty-five degrees. Then the two men approached each other with crab steps, and the hands waved from top to bottom and waved upwards. Line: "Since you have asked sincerely and sincerely, we will tell you with great compassion that we are the Justice League that shuttles through the Milky Way -", here, Gies speeds up, steps into a lunge, and fists in both hands. Only inserted in the waist to support the brain, to make a deep thought.

The voice continued to sound, "excellent warrior against crime!" Bart yelled, standing behind Gies, carrying half his body and showing his biceps. After both of them stood up, they made a chorus: "Gite Guard!"

Latiz: "..."

"How?" The two showed their hopes and waited for Latiz’s answer.


"Is it not good? We will show you after the revision. Oh, it’s hard to design a movement without the team captain." The two were disappointed and prepared to carefully plan a battle posture.

Latizi jumped out of the seat: "Good! No need to change. This set of actions is not only in place, but also very creative, incorporating your understanding of strength and beauty. Really, I still have justice in my ears. Resounding. And the expressiveness and rhythm are impeccable, and the cooperation between you is very tacit, the proficiency and the clothing are very compatible with the atmosphere, it is perfect!"

Finally, the search of the intestines thought of some of the common use of the draft contest, as a comment to say out. Although it is very against the heart, Latiz decisively chooses the former compared to watching their performance again.

Gis and Barth were moved, and this was rejoicing.

When they left, Ankira also came to report to He has taken over all the scientific achievements of the Fritza Remnant Party, and transformed the internal monitoring equipment and the logo of Flissa, and replaced it with The Saiyan logo designed by Tiz.

After the report ended, Ankira did not leave, and smiled and said: "Ladiz, I have also designed a set of appearances, you see..."

Not waiting for Latiz to stop, Ankira said while doing, let Latiz feel again that there is no love.

The only thing left is the powerless spit.

Latiz helped the amount and cried with a cry: "Ankira, I didn't expect you to be such a person..."

"Thank you, Latiz, I will continue to work hard."

At this time, Gis and Bart rushed in from the outside and pointed to Ankira yelling: "Ankira, mean! We said why you didn't join our group style, you designed your own set!"

"No, no, your actions are too old-fashioned..."


The three people actually quarreled for the battle styling, but also mixed with the discussion of aesthetics. Klatiz felt that this is a bunch of neuropathy. Helpless, Latiz stood up and there was a white arrogance on his body.

"Hey!" Three consecutive sounds, the new type of detectors explode in succession, but it can detect the new 500,000 combat power! Gies, Bart and Angira suddenly turned their voices back and looked like three milk cats.

"Who will discuss this topic in the future, come and do my sparring. Do you understand?"

Latiz's sparring? Isn't that a life?

"Understand!" The three men sang in unison and quickly retreated.

Latiz breathed a sigh of relief and watched them leave, but he felt helpless: Fliesa was also a hard-working emperor...